Nicolas Malin created OFBIZ-12261:
Summary: Keep paginate list query on dynamic refresh
Key: OFBIZ-12261
URL: Project: OFBiz
Issue Type: Sub-task
Components: framework/widget
Affects Versions: Trunk
Reporter: Nicolas Malin
Assignee: Nicolas Malin
At this time, when you display a list with search criteria, pagination information and/or sort paramerters, if you update an element of this list with a update area, you loose all of them.
<form name="ListProductMeters" type="list" list-name="productMeters" target="updateProductMeter" paginate-target="ListProductMeters">
<entity-condition entity-name="ProductMeter">...
<auto-fields-service service-name="updateProductMeter"/>
<field name="meterName"><text size="20"/></field>
<field name="updateButton"><submit/></field>
<on-event-update-area event-type="paginate"/>
<on-event-update-area event-type="sort-column"/>
<on-event-update-area event-type="submit"/>
Or this works well if you move an next page sort the list.
I propose to use the same idea for each event that realize a modification of an element in the list and after refresh it
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