may be safe to delete them depending on what the job was, but you
might be better off forcing them to rerun by nulling the startDateTime
and runByInstanceId fields. Be careful how you structure the query
though, you don't want to requeue jobs that are already running (not
crashed but actually running at the time of the query).
HotWax Media
http://www.hotwaxmedia.comOn 1/12/2009, at 12:28 PM, Christopher Snow wrote:
> I have some custom jobs that were running at the time my ofbiz service
> was restarted.
> These jobs appear to be 'stuck' with a STATUS_ID of 'SERVICE_RUNNING'
> but don't actually appear to be running.
> Is it safe to delete these jobs from the OFBIZ.JOB_SANDBOX table?
> I.e.
> will doing "delete from ofbiz.job_sandbox where status_id =
> 'SERVICE_RUNNING'" cause any issues with the job engine?
> Many thanks in advance,
> Chris