maintaining session...

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maintaining session...

am using webservice to access the exposed methods of ofbiz from a layer of mine is it possible to access these webservices that requires authorization  without passing username and password each it possible to maintain session in ofbiz.

please help me am stuck on this for few days....
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Re: maintaining session...

BJ Freeman
Session is maintained in the context.
I would expect your layer would pass back the session from that.
it would be your layer that is the client and logs in to maintain the
session, I would expect.

Aravind_RP sent the following on 8/4/2008 5:19 AM:
> hi
> am using webservice to access the exposed methods of ofbiz from a layer of
> mine is it possible to access these webservices that requires authorization
> without passing username and password each it possible to maintain
> session in ofbiz.
> please help me am stuck on this for few days....