no production is required.. Time Zone

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no production is required.. Time Zone

Miguel Castellanos

When i create a run production in the demo.ofbiz go well.

But in my server I got the common message "no production run is required for
product 1000 in date [xxx], please verify the validity dates of the bill of
materials and routing"


I get one conclusion,

In the fromDate of the productAssoc records in the Rounting, when you
associate one product insert a date by default.

That is the datetime of my machine. Example: [2009/12/29 - 10:00am] when in
the tine zone is [2009/12/29 - 09:00am].

This occur in the demo.ofbiz and go well when I create the run production.


But when I do this in my machine server- timezone and timemachine are the
same, and when I create the run production it appears de message that all we

I try to move the datetimes In the fromDate of the productAssoc, forward and
backward but it doesn't resolve the problem.


Any suggestion.



Miguel Castellanos

Consultor TI | Sinergium S.A.C | |
[hidden email]

RPC: 511-986627899