ofbiz MVC implementation

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ofbiz MVC implementation

Hello All,

After creating an item in ofbiz.  The browser address bar is left pointing to request that would end up showing an error/info message during a page reload or refresh.

I would like to know if this is an inherent nature of the ofbiz MVC implementation or is there already a solution to this observation?

As an example, after successfullly creating a new product. The browser address bar contains an URL that points to last request that was called as a result of saving the new product info.  http://demo-trunk.ofbiz.apache.org/catalog/control/createProduct . The issue is that if the the user reloads the same page, an error message is shown.

The Following Errors Occurred:
The following required parameter is missing: [IN] [createProduct.internalName]
The following required parameter is missing: [IN] [createProduct.productTypeId]

This is expected and can easily be rectified with the following change in controller.xml

    <request-map uri="createProduct">
        <security https="true" auth="true"/>
        <event type="service" path="" invoke="createProduct"/>
        <response name="success" type="view" value="EditProduct"/>
        <response name="error" type="view" value="EditProduct"/>
    <request-map uri="createProduct">
        <security https="true" auth="true"/>
        <event type="service" path="" invoke="createProduct"/>
        <response name="success" type="request-redirect" value="EditProduct">
            <redirect-parameter name="productId"/>
        <response name="error" type="view" value="EditProduct"/>

The only thing to note about this fix is the extra request/response cycle that results.

I think the bigger issue is with the form widget. <form name="formName" type="list"...> configure to show a submit or some other button (eg. delete button) with each entry listed.

Assuming a 'delete' button is configured beside each listing entry, clicking on the 'delete' button would cause the browser to send a http POST to ofbiz to call some delete function (eg. deleteAbc).  As a result, after the http POST is complete, the browser address bar is left pointing to http://demo-trunk.ofbiz.apache.org/somecomponent/deleteAbc.  Now if the user were to do a page reload or refresh the page, an error/info message would be shown.


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Re: ofbiz MVC implementation

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