This is an automated email from the ASF dual-hosted git repository.
jleroux pushed a commit to branch release17.12
in repository following commit(s) were added to refs/heads/release17.12 by this push:
new d93f7ce Fixed: When creating blog or forums, it failed to save (OFBIZ-10426)
d93f7ce is described below
commit d93f7ce59015948b7fcd8e7975617ee97eb6c89b
Author: Jacques Le Roux <
[hidden email]>
AuthorDate: Tue Mar 2 19:49:04 2021 +0100
Fixed: When creating blog or forums, it failed to save (OFBIZ-10426)
Create a blog or forum and click save button, it will popup with error message.
The reason is because the mapKey passed from front end cannot be handled by the
service. The solution is not to pass the mapKey to the service.
1) navigate to content/control/blogContent?blogContentId=BLOGROOTBIGAL
2) create a new article content/control/EditBlogArticle?blogContentId=BLOGROOTBIGAL
Thanks: Jason Hao for report and Aman Mishra for the fix
applications/content/minilang/blog/BlogServices.xml | 1 -
1 file changed, 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/applications/content/minilang/blog/BlogServices.xml b/applications/content/minilang/blog/BlogServices.xml
index 3a23d72..63f7951 100644
--- a/applications/content/minilang/blog/BlogServices.xml
+++ b/applications/content/minilang/blog/BlogServices.xml
@@ -101,7 +101,6 @@
<if-not-empty field="parameters.summaryData">
<!-- create the summary data -->
<set field="createSummary.dataResourceTypeId" value="ELECTRONIC_TEXT"/>
- <set field="createSummary.contentPurposeTypeId" value="ARTICLE"/>
<set field="createSummary.dataTemplateTypeId" value="NONE"/>
<set field="createSummary.mapKey" value="SUMMARY"/>
<set field="createSummary.ownerContentId" from-field="ownerContentId"/>