ofbiz multiple domain + multiple database

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ofbiz multiple domain + multiple database

Ted Vesel
I'm wandering if ofbiz can support multiple domains with multiple
database back ends, each domain would have a different set of configurations
such as different themes, different apps and so on. sites would be
independent of each other, or would I have to run multiple tomcat instances
to accomplish this.? Thanks
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Re: ofbiz multiple domain + multiple database

BJ Freeman
if by different apps you mean different components that is different
that modifying current apps differently.
and by configuration you mean properties instead of the entity
configurations that makes a difference.

However I believe the seperate instances of ofbiz is the way.
Now if you want to run these under tomcat without the embedded Tomcat,
then there is a different way to configure.

you can use virtualhost parameter that has been recently added by hans,
you can find a reference in the email archive, or you can use AJP

Ted Vesel sent the following on 8/5/2011 12:11 PM:
> I'm wandering if ofbiz can support multiple domains with multiple
> database back ends, each domain would have a different set of configurations
> such as different themes, different apps and so on. sites would be
> independent of each other, or would I have to run multiple tomcat instances
> to accomplish this.? Thanks