I am planning on getting this moved to a new server, but we had to
get it off the old server because it was overburdened and things were
going down all the time. Unfortunately I wasn't able to finish that
before my trip to the UK. I'll be here for about 2 more weeks and
then hopefully I'll be able to get this up on a new server (that will
be less reliable, but still generally available, and with the memory
overuse on the other machine it may actually be better, but it will
just be a desktop running out of my office).
On Oct 7, 2006, at 8:02 PM, BJ Freeman wrote:
> is there a way to see these old issues, that are commented in code?
> Scott Gray sent the following on 10/7/2006 11:47 AM:
>> Hi BJ
>> I think the old jira server has been taken off line....
>> Regards
>> Scott
>> BJ Freeman wrote:
http://jira.undersunconsulting.com/browse/OFBIZ-662>>> is in inventoryservices.java
>>> I am getting a blank page at the site.
>>> wanted to read up before doing anything
>>> on checkInventoryAvailability