if you get the first version of the current svn that is 3.2
http://svn.apache.org/viewvc/ofbiz/trunk/?pathrev=490457I also have a copy of the incubator
http://www.businessesnetwork.com/customerSupport/ofbiz/ofbiz_incubator_trunk.zipit is 45mb.
BJ Freeman
http://bjfreeman.elance.comStrategic Power Office with Supplier Automation <
Specialtymarket.com <
Systems Integrator-- Glad to Assist
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Christopher Snow sent the following on 3/23/2010 3:49 AM:
> Is it possible to get hold of older ofbiz versions (e.g. 3.2)?
> I know they wont be supported - I'm just interested to see how the
> architecture has changed.
> Many thanks,
> Chris