problems with taxes and shipping and possible solutions which seemed complicated

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problems with taxes and shipping and possible solutions which seemed complicated

Si Chen-2
Hey everybody -

I'm having some problems with taxes and shipping and am coming up  
with solutions which seem very complicated to me, so I wanted to know  
if anybody has a better way to address these:

1.  I want to set pro-rate shipping to "N" and tax shipping to "Y",  
so we tax shipping.  It seems though that what happens is the  
shipping charge is charged on the first invoice of an order, but the  
tax is still pro-rated across the whole order.  For example, if the  
shipping is $10 and the tax is $1, and I ship half the order, then my  
first invoice will have $10 of shipping and $0.50 of tax, and the  
second invoice will have $0 of shipping but $0.50 of tax.

I think the problem is that the tax is not related to the shipping,  
so InvoiceServices does not know whether to pro-rate it or not.  It  
seems the only solution is to add a relationship from OrderAdjustment  
back to OrderAdjustment, so I can denote that a particular tax  
adjustment is for another Shipping adjustment.  This seems to be a  
bit complicated.  Does anybody know of a better solution?

2.  The bigger problem is this: suppose I want to add new shipping  
charges to my order as each shipment is shipped and have them  
invoiced.  Right now there does not seem to be a relationship which  
can tell me which OrderAdjustment has already been invoiced, so I can  
just invoice the new ones.  We can of course calculate all invoiced  
shipping charges and subtract it from the sum of all order shipping  
charges, but that doesn't actually tell us which particular line item  
of shipping charge to invoice--and hence we can't copy over the  
description field.  It seems that we would need an  
OrderAdjustmentBilling similar to OrderItemBilling.

3.  We want to invoice actual shipping charges.  Should we be using  
ShipmentRouteSegment's actualTransport?

Best Regards,

[hidden email]

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Re: problems with taxes and shipping and possible solutions which seemed complicated

BJ Freeman
We have Sales tax which is just on the product then in some cases
Shipping Tax.  The Sales tax rate can and is most cases different than
shipping tax.
I have not seen sales tax that includes shipping, unless it got slipped
in when I wasn't looking. lOL.

So the sales taxs should be Associated with the order. the Shipping tax
should be associated with the shipping charge. Then you get into a split
shippment where items have mulitple destinations so the shipping will
have different tax for each destination.

Si Chen sent the following on 10/19/2006 10:46 AM:

> Hey everybody -
> I'm having some problems with taxes and shipping and am coming up with
> solutions which seem very complicated to me, so I wanted to know if
> anybody has a better way to address these:
> 1.  I want to set pro-rate shipping to "N" and tax shipping to "Y", so
> we tax shipping.  It seems though that what happens is the shipping
> charge is charged on the first invoice of an order, but the tax is still
> pro-rated across the whole order.  For example, if the shipping is $10
> and the tax is $1, and I ship half the order, then my first invoice will
> have $10 of shipping and $0.50 of tax, and the second invoice will have
> $0 of shipping but $0.50 of tax.
> I think the problem is that the tax is not related to the shipping, so
> InvoiceServices does not know whether to pro-rate it or not.  It seems
> the only solution is to add a relationship from OrderAdjustment back to
> OrderAdjustment, so I can denote that a particular tax adjustment is for
> another Shipping adjustment.  This seems to be a bit complicated.  Does
> anybody know of a better solution?
> 2.  The bigger problem is this: suppose I want to add new shipping
> charges to my order as each shipment is shipped and have them invoiced.  
> Right now there does not seem to be a relationship which can tell me
> which OrderAdjustment has already been invoiced, so I can just invoice
> the new ones.  We can of course calculate all invoiced shipping charges
> and subtract it from the sum of all order shipping charges, but that
> doesn't actually tell us which particular line item of shipping charge
> to invoice--and hence we can't copy over the description field.  It
> seems that we would need an OrderAdjustmentBilling similar to
> OrderItemBilling.
> 3.  We want to invoice actual shipping charges.  Should we be using
> ShipmentRouteSegment's actualTransport?
> Best Regards,
> Si
> [hidden email]