I have a problem with modifying the showPortalPage in the myportal module:
When a client logs into the myportal module, particuarly the showPortalPage, the path of the web portal is
https://localhost:8443/myportal/control/showPortalPage?portalPageId=MYPORTAL_EMPLOYEE1&parentPortalPageId=MYPORTAL_EMPLOYEESo in order to remove one of the widgets from showing, I went to the MyPortalTypeData.xml and found the following code:
<PortalPagePortlet portalPageId="MYPORTAL_CUSTOMER1" portalPortletId="party" portletSeqId="00001" columnSeqId="00001" sequenceNum="6"/>
<PortalPagePortlet portalPageId="MYPORTAL_CUSTOMER1" portalPortletId="contact" portletSeqId="00001" columnSeqId="00001" sequenceNum="8"/>
<PortalPagePortlet portalPageId="MYPORTAL_CUSTOMER1" portalPortletId="PaymentMethods" portletSeqId="00001" columnSeqId="00001" sequenceNum="10"/>
<PortalPagePortlet portalPageId="MYPORTAL_CUSTOMER1" portalPortletId="UserLogin" portletSeqId="00001" columnSeqId="00002" sequenceNum="3"/>
<PortalPagePortlet portalPageId="MYPORTAL_CUSTOMER1" portalPortletId="Attributes"
So if for instance I want to remove the "PaymentMethods" portlet, I just thought of commenting:
<!--<PortalPagePortlet portalPageId="MYPORTAL_CUSTOMER1" portalPortletId="PaymentMethods" portletSeqId="00001" columnSeqId="00001" sequenceNum="10"/>-->
however, when I save the file and refresh the web browser, the same portlets are shown. Hence no update seems to be made.
Is there a different procedure to update the MyPortal module? Should I rebuild ofbi again?
Thanks in advance,
Steph M.