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rendering german characters

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rendering german characters

130 posts

I'm working with a US company who has international customers. I am
importing some tens of thousands of contacts into postgresql. There are lots
of German customers and some of the company names use German characters and
in order for postgresql to accept the characters I need to set the character
set to Unicode.

My question is, will OFBiz be able to render these characters?
Or should I have these characters replaced, as best as possible?


Case Torres
[hidden email]

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Re: rendering german characters

Christian Geisert
250 posts
Case Torres schrieb:
> Hi,
> I'm working with a US company who has international customers. I am
> importing some tens of thousands of contacts into postgresql. There are lots
> of German customers and some of the company names use German characters and
> in order for postgresql to accept the characters I need to set the character
> set to Unicode.

As all German special characters (called Umlauts: äöüß) are part of
ISO-8559-1 (also known as ISO Latin1) or ISO-8559-15, which is a newer
version with the Euro (€) sign you wouldn't even need Unicode
(but I'd recommend Unicode in any case). All Browsers support this
encoding and even the PDFs will render fine.

> My question is, will OFBiz be able to render these characters?
> Or should I have these characters replaced, as best as possible?

No problem at all with OFbiz (but if you're using EDI you should check
this too - I've seen a lot of "legacy" system which caused problem when
using more than ASCII)
