On Nov 23, 2010, at 9:17 AM, Adam Heath wrote:
> Let's say I have purchased 5 copies of a book, for a library. This
> library will then load the books out. There may be cost involved(or
> just a promise to return). There is also an estimated return date.
> I have been able to figure out how to configure the Product,
> FixedAsset(with productionCapacity set), and FixedAssetProduct. I can
> create the order, which goes into APPROVED state.
> However, I can't get the order to pack. The pick sheet pdf says that
> a stock move is needed.
This may simply means that the inventory item that has been reserved for the order is in a "bulk" location, and the system is asking you to perform a stock move from the bulk to a pick location; you may avoid this message if you receive the purchased goods directly into a pick location.
Kind regards,
> This kind of rental is not attempting to reserve a room, which is the
> only example I can see in ofbiz.
> I have tried this on demo-trunk.ofbiz.org. I have even checked out an
> old copy of ofbiz(circa 2006), and tried there, to no avail.
> The full workflow is a purchase of a product, then allow that product
> to be rented out. Inventory would need to be reduced, and a shipment
> would need to be created. Is this even possible?