Author: jleroux
Date: Sat Jun 18 15:17:22 2011
New Revision: 1137201
A patch from Leon "Trivial patch to ModelViewEntity class to make view entity able to handle entity condition between field from one entity and another" view entity definition, we can use <condition-expr> to create a filter condition between field and some value using specific operator. It should be also possible to make condition between field and rel-field through some kind operator. Such as:
<view-entity entity-name="xxx" package-name="xxx">
<condition-expr entity-alias="A" field-name="a" operator="equals" rel-entity-alias="B" rel-field-name="b" />
But there's a trivial defect in current ModelViewEntity which prevent this case working.
} else if ( value == null && (operator.equals(EntityOperator.EQUALS) || operator.equals(EntityOperator.NOT_EQUAL))) {
return EntityCondition.makeCondition(lhs, UtilGenerics.<EntityComparisonOperator<?,?>>cast(operator), null);
} else {
In the above code extracted from ModelViewEntity, it does not consider the condition that the relField could be defined when value==null.
JLR:I checked that || should not be used in <<value == null && this.relFieldName>>, it was not obvious to me but is correct
Modified: ofbiz/trunk/framework/entity/src/org/ofbiz/entity/model/
--- ofbiz/trunk/framework/entity/src/org/ofbiz/entity/model/ (original)
+++ ofbiz/trunk/framework/entity/src/org/ofbiz/entity/model/ Sat Jun 18 15:17:22 2011
@@ -1300,7 +1300,7 @@ public class ModelViewEntity extends Mod
EntityCondition.makeCondition(lhs, EntityOperator.EQUALS, null));
- } else if ( value == null && (operator.equals(EntityOperator.EQUALS) || operator.equals(EntityOperator.NOT_EQUAL))) {
+ } else if ( value == null && this.relFieldName == null && (operator.equals(EntityOperator.EQUALS) || operator.equals(EntityOperator.NOT_EQUAL))) {
return EntityCondition.makeCondition(lhs, UtilGenerics.<EntityComparisonOperator<?,?>>cast(operator), null);
} else {
if (ignoreCase) {