Author: taher
Date: Fri Jul 22 17:42:28 2016
New Revision: 1753820
Make cleanAnt an automated task and apply minor changes - OFBIZ-7898
The cleanAnt (previously cleanAntBuild) gradle task is designed to get
rid of old artifacts generated by the previous system (Apache Ant). This
commit applies changes and improvements as follows:
- Shorten the description of the task to make the output
nicer in ./gradlew tasks
- rename the task from cleanAntBuild to cleanAnt because this
task not only gets rid of old build directories but also ofbiz.jar
(or any artifacts generated by ant which might be added)
- Move the task location above the cleanAll task. The location of
declaration is important because it means that it will automatically
run whenever the task cleanAll executes (dependency matched by regex)
Modified: ofbiz/trunk/build.gradle
--- ofbiz/trunk/build.gradle (original)
+++ ofbiz/trunk/build.gradle Fri Jul 22 17:42:28 2016
@@ -614,13 +614,9 @@ task cleanXtra(group: cleanupGroup, desc
task cleanGradle(group: cleanupGroup, description: 'clean generated files from Gradle') << {
delete file("${rootDir}/.gradle")
-def cleanTasks = getTasksMatchingRegex(/^clean.+/)
-task cleanAll(group: cleanupGroup, dependsOn: [cleanTasks, clean]) {
- description 'Execute all cleaning tasks.'
-task cleanAntBuild(group: cleanupGroup, type: Delete, description: "Short Term Task: clean old build dirs generated by Ant and the old ofbiz.jar in OFBiz root dir") {
+task cleanAnt(group: cleanupGroup, type: Delete, description: "clean old artifacts generated by Ant") {
+ /* TODO this task is temporary and should be deleted after some
+ * time when users have updated their trees. */
['framework', 'specialpurpose', 'applications'].each { componentGroup ->
file(componentGroup).eachDir { component ->
delete file(component.toString() + '/build')
@@ -629,6 +625,11 @@ task cleanAntBuild(group: cleanupGroup,
delete 'ofbiz.jar'
+def cleanTasks = getTasksMatchingRegex(/^clean.+/)
+task cleanAll(group: cleanupGroup, dependsOn: [cleanTasks, clean]) {
+ description 'Execute all cleaning tasks.'
// ========== Tasks for OFBiz committers ==========
def websiteDir = "${rootDir}/../site"
task copyDtds(group: committerGroup, description: 'Copy all DTDs from OFBiz instance to website') << {