svn commit: r1787538 - in /ofbiz/ofbiz-plugins/trunk/scrum: README.txt data/hookscripts/

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svn commit: r1787538 - in /ofbiz/ofbiz-plugins/trunk/scrum: README.txt data/hookscripts/
Author: jleroux
Date: Sat Mar 18 09:29:31 2017
New Revision: 1787538

Completed: Removes the now useless hot-deploy directory

The hot-deploy removal was discussed at

Forgot this weird harcoded strings in scrum component, because
You can't see the svn changes under plugins from root


Modified: ofbiz/ofbiz-plugins/trunk/scrum/README.txt
--- ofbiz/ofbiz-plugins/trunk/scrum/README.txt (original)
+++ ofbiz/ofbiz-plugins/trunk/scrum/README.txt Sat Mar 18 09:29:31 2017
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ Installation (On server)
           Copy from "scrum/data/hookscripts/" to "/usr/share/subversion/hook-scripts/" and then edit file following :
             CONFIG_PATH = ""    // the path of the should begin from home directory.
-            Example : CONFIG_PATH = "/home/ofbiz/ofbiz/hot-deploy/scrum/config/"
+            Example : CONFIG_PATH = "/home/ofbiz/ofbiz/plugins/scrum/config/"
 3. Configure file setting : The original configure file is in scrum component (/scrum/config/ you can put it
           anywhere that you wish but should be set the path of the file in file ("CONFIG_PATH=").

Modified: ofbiz/ofbiz-plugins/trunk/scrum/data/hookscripts/
--- ofbiz/ofbiz-plugins/trunk/scrum/data/hookscripts/ (original)
+++ ofbiz/ofbiz-plugins/trunk/scrum/data/hookscripts/ Sat Mar 18 09:29:31 2017
@@ -1,261 +1,261 @@
-# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-# distributed with this work for additional information
-# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-# specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-from xml.dom.minidom import Document
-import httplib,sys,os,subprocess
-import ConfigParser
-##### Subversion configurations #####
-REPOS = sys.argv[1]
-REV = sys.argv[2]
-# if the repository and the version number of the repository not empty.
-if REPOS and REV:
-    # The path of
-    CONFIG_PATH = "/home/ofbiz/ofbiz/hot-deploy/scrum/config/"
-    openfile = open(CONFIG_PATH)
-    openfile.readline()
-    revision = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
-    revision.readfp(openfile)
-    REVISION_URL = revision.get("config", "revision.url")
-    HOSTNAME = revision.get("config", "")
-    HOSTPORT = revision.get("config", "host.port")
-    OFBIZ_WEBSERVICE_URL = revision.get("config", "ofbiz.webservice.url")
-    SVN_USER = revision.get("config", "svn.user")
-    SVN_PASSWORD = revision.get("config", "svn.password")
-    print "HOSTNAME  == >>>" + HOSTNAME
-    print "HOSTPORT  == >>>" + HOSTPORT
-    print "SVN_USER  == >>>" + SVN_USER
-    print "SVN_PASSWORD  == >>>" + SVN_PASSWORD
-    try:
-        REPOS_INPUT = REPOS[ 0 : REPOS.rfind("svn/")]
-        if len(REPOS_INPUT) > 15:
-            REPOSITORY_ROOT = REPOS[ REPOS.rfind("svn/") + 4 : len(REPOS)]
-            REPOS = REPOS
-        else:
-            REPOSITORY_ROOT = REPOS[ REPOS.rfind("svn/repositories/") + 17 : len(REPOS)]
-        SVN_INFO_URL = REPOSITORY_ROOT + "&revision=" + REV
-        print "REPOS  == >>>" + REPOS
-        print "SVN_INFO_URL  == >>>" + SVN_INFO_URL
-        ##### Web service configurations #####
-        #####################################
-        ###### Find Task and User ######
-        if SVN_USER and SVN_PASSWORD:
-            l = subprocess.Popen('svn log -r %s %s --username %s --password %s  \n\n' % (REV, REPOS, SVN_USER, SVN_PASSWORD), shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
-            l.stdin.write('no\n')
-            l.stdin.write('t\n')
-        else:
-            l = subprocess.Popen('svn log -r %s %s \n\n' % (REV, REPOS), shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
-        l.stdin.write('clear\n')
-        log = l.communicate()[0]
-        logListInput = log.split('\n');
-        if len(logListInput) > 7:
-            log = logListInput[17]
-        else:
-            logList = log.split('|');
-            log = logList[3]
-        ### check taskId ###
-        count = 0
-        taskId = ''
-        for index in range(len(log)):
-            letter = log[index]
-            if letter.isdigit():
-                count = count + 1
-            else:
-                count = 0
-            if count == 5:
-                taskId = log[(index - 4) : index + 1]
-                break
-        ### check hours ###
-        hours ='';
-        checkCond = False;
-        hourData = log.lower();
-        hourMes = hourData[ hourData.rfind("hrs:") + 4 : hourData.rfind("hrs:") + 8]
-        countHrs =  len(hourMes);
-        firstchar = hourMes[0];
-        for hrsIndex in xrange(countHrs,0,-1):
-            if firstchar.isdigit():
-                hrsLetter = hourMes[hrsIndex-1];
-                if hrsLetter.isdigit():
-                    checkCond = True;
-                else:
-                    checkCond = False;
-                if checkCond:
-                    hours = hourMes[0 : (hrsIndex)]
-                    break
-            else:
-                break
-        ### check Description ###
-        if len(logListInput) > 7:
-            userlog = logListInput[15]
-            userlogList = userlog.split('|');
-            user = userlogList[1]
-            logMes = logListInput[17]
-            if len(logMes) > 255:
-                logMes = logMes[0:255]
-            revisionDescription = logMes
-        else:
-            user = logList[1].strip()
-            removeIndex = log.find('----------')
-            if removeIndex != -1:
-                log = log[0 : removeIndex - 1]
-            if len(log) > 255:
-                log = log[0:255]
-            revisionDescription = log[9 : len(log) - 1]
-        print "user       == >>>" + user
-        print "taskId     == >>>" + taskId
-        print "hours      == >>>" + hours
-        print "revisionDescription  == >>>" + revisionDescription
-        ###### Create the minidom document ######
-        doc = Document()
-        soapenv = doc.createElement("soapenv:Envelope")
-        doc.appendChild(soapenv)
-        soapenv.setAttribute("xmlns:soapenv", "")
-        soapenv.setAttribute("xmlns:ser", OFBIZ_WEBSERVICE_URL)
-        header = doc.createElement("soapenv:Header")
-        soapenv.appendChild(header)
-        body = doc.createElement("soapenv:Body")
-        soapenv.appendChild(body)
-        updateScrumRevision = doc.createElement("ser:updateScrumRevision")
-        body.appendChild(updateScrumRevision)
-        mapMap = doc.createElement("map-Map")
-        updateScrumRevision.appendChild(mapMap)
-        mapEntry = doc.createElement("ser:map-Entry")
-        mapKey = doc.createElement("ser:map-Key")
-        stdString = doc.createElement("ser:std-String")
-        stdString.setAttribute("value", "revisionNumber")
-        mapKey.appendChild(stdString)
-        mapEntry.appendChild(mapKey)
-        mapValue = doc.createElement("ser:map-Value")
-        stdString = doc.createElement("ser:std-String")
-        stdString.setAttribute("value", REV)
-        mapValue.appendChild(stdString)
-        mapEntry.appendChild(mapValue)
-        mapMap.appendChild(mapEntry)
-        mapEntry = doc.createElement("ser:map-Entry")
-        mapKey = doc.createElement("ser:map-Key")
-        stdString = doc.createElement("ser:std-String")
-        stdString.setAttribute("value", "revisionLink")
-        mapKey.appendChild(stdString)
-        mapEntry.appendChild(mapKey)
-        mapValue = doc.createElement("ser:map-Value")
-        stdString = doc.createElement("ser:std-String")
-        stdString.setAttribute("value", SVN_INFO_URL)
-        mapValue.appendChild(stdString)
-        mapEntry.appendChild(mapValue)
-        mapMap.appendChild(mapEntry)
-        mapEntry = doc.createElement("ser:map-Entry")
-        mapKey = doc.createElement("ser:map-Key")
-        stdString = doc.createElement("ser:std-String")
-        stdString.setAttribute("value", "revisionDescription")
-        mapKey.appendChild(stdString)
-        mapEntry.appendChild(mapKey)
-        mapValue = doc.createElement("ser:map-Value")
-        stdString = doc.createElement("ser:std-String")
-        stdString.setAttribute("value", revisionDescription)
-        mapValue.appendChild(stdString)
-        mapEntry.appendChild(mapValue)
-        mapMap.appendChild(mapEntry)
-        mapEntry = doc.createElement("ser:map-Entry")
-        mapKey = doc.createElement("ser:map-Key")
-        stdString = doc.createElement("ser:std-String")
-        stdString.setAttribute("value", "taskId")
-        mapKey.appendChild(stdString)
-        mapEntry.appendChild(mapKey)
-        mapValue = doc.createElement("ser:map-Value")
-        stdString = doc.createElement("ser:std-String")
-        stdString.setAttribute("value", taskId)
-        mapValue.appendChild(stdString)
-        mapEntry.appendChild(mapValue)
-        mapMap.appendChild(mapEntry)
-        mapEntry = doc.createElement("ser:map-Entry")
-        mapKey = doc.createElement("ser:map-Key")
-        stdString = doc.createElement("ser:std-String")
-        stdString.setAttribute("value", "hours")
-        mapKey.appendChild(stdString)
-        mapEntry.appendChild(mapKey)
-        mapValue = doc.createElement("ser:map-Value")
-        stdString = doc.createElement("ser:std-String")
-        stdString.setAttribute("value", hours)
-        mapValue.appendChild(stdString)
-        mapEntry.appendChild(mapValue)
-        mapMap.appendChild(mapEntry)
-        mapEntry = doc.createElement("ser:map-Entry")
-        mapKey = doc.createElement("ser:map-Key")
-        stdString = doc.createElement("ser:std-String")
-        stdString.setAttribute("value", "user")
-        mapKey.appendChild(stdString)
-        mapEntry.appendChild(mapKey)
-        mapValue = doc.createElement("ser:map-Value")
-        stdString = doc.createElement("ser:std-String")
-        stdString.setAttribute("value", user)
-        mapValue.appendChild(stdString)
-        mapEntry.appendChild(mapValue)
-        mapMap.appendChild(mapEntry)
-        soapMessage = doc.toprettyxml(indent="  ");
-        #######  Call Webservice #######
-        # Send request
-        webservice = httplib.HTTPConnection(HOSTNAME, HOSTPORT, timeout=10)
-        webservice.putrequest("POST", OFBIZ_WEBSERVICE_URL)
-        webservice.putheader("Host", HOSTNAME)
-        webservice.putheader("User-Agent", "Python post")
-        webservice.putheader("Content-type", "text/xml; charset=\"UTF-8\"")
-        webservice.putheader("Content-length", "%d" % len(soapMessage))
-        webservice.putheader("SOAPAction", "\"\"")
-        webservice.endheaders()
-        webservice.send(soapMessage)
-        # Get response
-        response = webservice.getresponse()
-        #print "reason: ", response.reason
-        webservice.close()
-    except Exception:
-        print >>sys.stderr, "File: {0}".format(sys.argv[0])
-        error_info = sys.exc_info()[1]
-        sys.stderr.write("Exception :%s" % error_info)
-        sys.exit(1)
-    print >>sys.stderr, "File: {0}".format(sys.argv[0])
-    sys.stderr.write("<<<:  Error: The repository and the version number of subversion can not be null  :>>\n")
-    sys.exit(1)
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+# distributed with this work for additional information
+# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+# specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+from xml.dom.minidom import Document
+import httplib,sys,os,subprocess
+import ConfigParser
+##### Subversion configurations #####
+REPOS = sys.argv[1]
+REV = sys.argv[2]
+# if the repository and the version number of the repository not empty.
+if REPOS and REV:
+    # The path of
+    CONFIG_PATH = "/home/ofbiz/ofbiz/plugins/scrum/config/"
+    openfile = open(CONFIG_PATH)
+    openfile.readline()
+    revision = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
+    revision.readfp(openfile)
+    REVISION_URL = revision.get("config", "revision.url")
+    HOSTNAME = revision.get("config", "")
+    HOSTPORT = revision.get("config", "host.port")
+    OFBIZ_WEBSERVICE_URL = revision.get("config", "ofbiz.webservice.url")
+    SVN_USER = revision.get("config", "svn.user")
+    SVN_PASSWORD = revision.get("config", "svn.password")
+    print "HOSTNAME  == >>>" + HOSTNAME
+    print "HOSTPORT  == >>>" + HOSTPORT
+    print "SVN_USER  == >>>" + SVN_USER
+    print "SVN_PASSWORD  == >>>" + SVN_PASSWORD
+    try:
+        REPOS_INPUT = REPOS[ 0 : REPOS.rfind("svn/")]
+        if len(REPOS_INPUT) > 15:
+            REPOSITORY_ROOT = REPOS[ REPOS.rfind("svn/") + 4 : len(REPOS)]
+            REPOS = REPOS
+        else:
+            REPOSITORY_ROOT = REPOS[ REPOS.rfind("svn/repositories/") + 17 : len(REPOS)]
+        SVN_INFO_URL = REPOSITORY_ROOT + "&revision=" + REV
+        print "REPOS  == >>>" + REPOS
+        print "SVN_INFO_URL  == >>>" + SVN_INFO_URL
+        ##### Web service configurations #####
+        #####################################
+        ###### Find Task and User ######
+        if SVN_USER and SVN_PASSWORD:
+            l = subprocess.Popen('svn log -r %s %s --username %s --password %s  \n\n' % (REV, REPOS, SVN_USER, SVN_PASSWORD), shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
+            l.stdin.write('no\n')
+            l.stdin.write('t\n')
+        else:
+            l = subprocess.Popen('svn log -r %s %s \n\n' % (REV, REPOS), shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
+        l.stdin.write('clear\n')
+        log = l.communicate()[0]
+        logListInput = log.split('\n');
+        if len(logListInput) > 7:
+            log = logListInput[17]
+        else:
+            logList = log.split('|');
+            log = logList[3]
+        ### check taskId ###
+        count = 0
+        taskId = ''
+        for index in range(len(log)):
+            letter = log[index]
+            if letter.isdigit():
+                count = count + 1
+            else:
+                count = 0
+            if count == 5:
+                taskId = log[(index - 4) : index + 1]
+                break
+        ### check hours ###
+        hours ='';
+        checkCond = False;
+        hourData = log.lower();
+        hourMes = hourData[ hourData.rfind("hrs:") + 4 : hourData.rfind("hrs:") + 8]
+        countHrs =  len(hourMes);
+        firstchar = hourMes[0];
+        for hrsIndex in xrange(countHrs,0,-1):
+            if firstchar.isdigit():
+                hrsLetter = hourMes[hrsIndex-1];
+                if hrsLetter.isdigit():
+                    checkCond = True;
+                else:
+                    checkCond = False;
+                if checkCond:
+                    hours = hourMes[0 : (hrsIndex)]
+                    break
+            else:
+                break
+        ### check Description ###
+        if len(logListInput) > 7:
+            userlog = logListInput[15]
+            userlogList = userlog.split('|');
+            user = userlogList[1]
+            logMes = logListInput[17]
+            if len(logMes) > 255:
+                logMes = logMes[0:255]
+            revisionDescription = logMes
+        else:
+            user = logList[1].strip()
+            removeIndex = log.find('----------')
+            if removeIndex != -1:
+                log = log[0 : removeIndex - 1]
+            if len(log) > 255:
+                log = log[0:255]
+            revisionDescription = log[9 : len(log) - 1]
+        print "user       == >>>" + user
+        print "taskId     == >>>" + taskId
+        print "hours      == >>>" + hours
+        print "revisionDescription  == >>>" + revisionDescription
+        ###### Create the minidom document ######
+        doc = Document()
+        soapenv = doc.createElement("soapenv:Envelope")
+        doc.appendChild(soapenv)
+        soapenv.setAttribute("xmlns:soapenv", "")
+        soapenv.setAttribute("xmlns:ser", OFBIZ_WEBSERVICE_URL)
+        header = doc.createElement("soapenv:Header")
+        soapenv.appendChild(header)
+        body = doc.createElement("soapenv:Body")
+        soapenv.appendChild(body)
+        updateScrumRevision = doc.createElement("ser:updateScrumRevision")
+        body.appendChild(updateScrumRevision)
+        mapMap = doc.createElement("map-Map")
+        updateScrumRevision.appendChild(mapMap)
+        mapEntry = doc.createElement("ser:map-Entry")
+        mapKey = doc.createElement("ser:map-Key")
+        stdString = doc.createElement("ser:std-String")
+        stdString.setAttribute("value", "revisionNumber")
+        mapKey.appendChild(stdString)
+        mapEntry.appendChild(mapKey)
+        mapValue = doc.createElement("ser:map-Value")
+        stdString = doc.createElement("ser:std-String")
+        stdString.setAttribute("value", REV)
+        mapValue.appendChild(stdString)
+        mapEntry.appendChild(mapValue)
+        mapMap.appendChild(mapEntry)
+        mapEntry = doc.createElement("ser:map-Entry")
+        mapKey = doc.createElement("ser:map-Key")
+        stdString = doc.createElement("ser:std-String")
+        stdString.setAttribute("value", "revisionLink")
+        mapKey.appendChild(stdString)
+        mapEntry.appendChild(mapKey)
+        mapValue = doc.createElement("ser:map-Value")
+        stdString = doc.createElement("ser:std-String")
+        stdString.setAttribute("value", SVN_INFO_URL)
+        mapValue.appendChild(stdString)
+        mapEntry.appendChild(mapValue)
+        mapMap.appendChild(mapEntry)
+        mapEntry = doc.createElement("ser:map-Entry")
+        mapKey = doc.createElement("ser:map-Key")
+        stdString = doc.createElement("ser:std-String")
+        stdString.setAttribute("value", "revisionDescription")
+        mapKey.appendChild(stdString)
+        mapEntry.appendChild(mapKey)
+        mapValue = doc.createElement("ser:map-Value")
+        stdString = doc.createElement("ser:std-String")
+        stdString.setAttribute("value", revisionDescription)
+        mapValue.appendChild(stdString)
+        mapEntry.appendChild(mapValue)
+        mapMap.appendChild(mapEntry)
+        mapEntry = doc.createElement("ser:map-Entry")
+        mapKey = doc.createElement("ser:map-Key")
+        stdString = doc.createElement("ser:std-String")
+        stdString.setAttribute("value", "taskId")
+        mapKey.appendChild(stdString)
+        mapEntry.appendChild(mapKey)
+        mapValue = doc.createElement("ser:map-Value")
+        stdString = doc.createElement("ser:std-String")
+        stdString.setAttribute("value", taskId)
+        mapValue.appendChild(stdString)
+        mapEntry.appendChild(mapValue)
+        mapMap.appendChild(mapEntry)
+        mapEntry = doc.createElement("ser:map-Entry")
+        mapKey = doc.createElement("ser:map-Key")
+        stdString = doc.createElement("ser:std-String")
+        stdString.setAttribute("value", "hours")
+        mapKey.appendChild(stdString)
+        mapEntry.appendChild(mapKey)
+        mapValue = doc.createElement("ser:map-Value")
+        stdString = doc.createElement("ser:std-String")
+        stdString.setAttribute("value", hours)
+        mapValue.appendChild(stdString)
+        mapEntry.appendChild(mapValue)
+        mapMap.appendChild(mapEntry)
+        mapEntry = doc.createElement("ser:map-Entry")
+        mapKey = doc.createElement("ser:map-Key")
+        stdString = doc.createElement("ser:std-String")
+        stdString.setAttribute("value", "user")
+        mapKey.appendChild(stdString)
+        mapEntry.appendChild(mapKey)
+        mapValue = doc.createElement("ser:map-Value")
+        stdString = doc.createElement("ser:std-String")
+        stdString.setAttribute("value", user)
+        mapValue.appendChild(stdString)
+        mapEntry.appendChild(mapValue)
+        mapMap.appendChild(mapEntry)
+        soapMessage = doc.toprettyxml(indent="  ");
+        #######  Call Webservice #######
+        # Send request
+        webservice = httplib.HTTPConnection(HOSTNAME, HOSTPORT, timeout=10)
+        webservice.putrequest("POST", OFBIZ_WEBSERVICE_URL)
+        webservice.putheader("Host", HOSTNAME)
+        webservice.putheader("User-Agent", "Python post")
+        webservice.putheader("Content-type", "text/xml; charset=\"UTF-8\"")
+        webservice.putheader("Content-length", "%d" % len(soapMessage))
+        webservice.putheader("SOAPAction", "\"\"")
+        webservice.endheaders()
+        webservice.send(soapMessage)
+        # Get response
+        response = webservice.getresponse()
+        #print "reason: ", response.reason
+        webservice.close()
+    except Exception:
+        print >>sys.stderr, "File: {0}".format(sys.argv[0])
+        error_info = sys.exc_info()[1]
+        sys.stderr.write("Exception :%s" % error_info)
+        sys.exit(1)
+    print >>sys.stderr, "File: {0}".format(sys.argv[0])
+    sys.stderr.write("<<<:  Error: The repository and the version number of subversion can not be null  :>>\n")
+    sys.exit(1)