svn commit: r1788911 - in /ofbiz/ofbiz-plugins/trunk/birt/documents: Report master Report master

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svn commit: r1788911 - in /ofbiz/ofbiz-plugins/trunk/birt/documents: Report master Report master
Author: jleroux
Date: Mon Mar 27 11:57:07 2017
New Revision: 1788911

Documented: Complete Birt Flexible Reports documentation

This is the technical documentation about the Flexible Reports.
It's done with Markdown files with links to Confluence for images

Also the HTML version soon used in the wiki

    ofbiz/ofbiz-plugins/trunk/birt/documents/Report master   (with props)
    ofbiz/ofbiz-plugins/trunk/birt/documents/Report master   (with props)

Added: ofbiz/ofbiz-plugins/trunk/birt/documents/Report master
--- ofbiz/ofbiz-plugins/trunk/birt/documents/Report master (added)
+++ ofbiz/ofbiz-plugins/trunk/birt/documents/Report master Mon Mar 27 11:57:07 2017
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+# Report master creation #
+## Introduction ##
+A report master is an OFBiz content which allows a user to generate data reports. It defines data connexion, and a general filtering form for data. It can be based on an entity, a dedicated service, or in a wider sense on any shape a data connexion can take and return back a map.
+## Pre-requisite ##
+- OFBiz
+- Birt plugin
+## Report Master based on an entity/view ##
+1. Create or choice a database entity or view
+2. Create the general filtering form within the file plugins/birt/widget/birt/BirtMasterForms.xml. The only informations to be changed are entity-name and form name.
+    <form name="CTNT_MASTER_EXAMPLE" type="single" extends="AbstractFlexibleReportSearchForm">    
+        <auto-fields-entity entity-name="Example" default-field-type="find"/>
+    </form>
+3. Add the informations about this Master in the database using the file plugins/birt/data/BirtMasterData.xml
+    <DataResource dataResourceId="DR_MASTER_EXAMPLE" dataResourceTypeId="ELECTRONIC_TEXT" dataTemplateTypeId="FORM_COMBINED" />
+    <ElectronicText dataResourceId="DR_MASTER_EXAMPLE">
+        <textData><![CDATA[<!--default domain form-->
+            <form name="${masterContentId}_${contentId}" type="single" extends="${masterContentId}" extends-    resource="component://birt/widget/birt/BirtMasterForms.xml">
+            </form>]]>
+        </textData>
+    </ElectronicText>
+    <Content contentId="CTNT_MASTER_EXAMPLE" contentTypeId="REPORT_MASTER"  dataResourceId="DR_MASTER_EXAMPLE" statusId="CTNT_PUBLISHED" contentName="Example" description="Master Content for Example" />
+    <!-- Data retrieval will be done using perform find on entity Example-->
+    <ContentAttribute contentId="CTNT_MASTER_EXAMPLE" attrName="Entity" attrValue="Example"/>
+The form in the database is the form that will allow users to change form parameters. You can add any field you desire. Some field names are though reserved: reportContentId, overrideFilters, entityViewName, birtContentType.
+4. Add in the file content/config/contentEntityLabels.xml the Property that will allow translation for your report master description.
+    <property key="Content.description.CTNT_MASTER_EXAMPLE">
+        <value xml:lang="en">Example</value>
+        <value xml:lang="fr">Exemple</value>
+    </property>
+Your Report Master is created ! You can now create reports using it.
+## Report Master based on a service ##
+Create in plugins/birt/src/org/ofbiz/birt/birt/ 2 dedicated services (see examples there)
+1. The first one, which name will return 4 items:
+ * an object of type Map<String, String> called dataMap. **Keys**: data field names. **Values**: data types (OFBiz types).
+ * an object of type Map<String, String> called fieldDisplayLabels. **Keys**: data field names. **Values**: the names displayed to the user. This output is optional, should it be missing, the keys will be displayed.
+ * an object of type Map<String, String> called filterMap. **Keys**: data filtering field names (exact names used for the form fields). **Values**: data type (OFBiz type). This output is optional, if missing, filters can not be displayed on the report.
+ * an object of type Map<String, String> called filterDisplayLabels. **Keys**: data filtering field names (exact names used for the form fields). **Values**: names to be displayed to the user. This output is optional, should it be missing, the keys will be displayed.
+2. The second service will actually get the data. It receives an object (Object type) called reportContext. From this object, you can obtain the map parameters using the following code:
+    Map<String, Object> parameters = (Map<String, Object>) reportContext.getParameterValue("parameters");
+This Map will give access fields of the filtering form.
+This service will return a list called list of type List<GenericValue>, containing the data. A Map<String, Object> would also do.
+3. create the parent form in the file plugins/birt/widget/birt/BirtMasterForms.xml.
+Field names created here must be then names used on the Map parameters of the previous service, and also corresponding to the map filterMap.
+    <form name="CTNT_MASTER_TURNOVER" type="single" extends="AbstractFlexibleReportSearchForm">
+        <field name="fromDate"><date-time type="date"/></field>
+        <field name="thruDate"><date-time type="date"/></field>
+        <field name="productCategoryId"><lookup target-form-name="LookupProductCategory"/></field>
+        <field name="productStoreId"><lookup target-form-name="LookupProductStore"/></field>
+    </form>
+4. Create the master in database following.
+    <CustomMethod customMethodId="CM_FB_TURNOVER" customMethodTypeId="FLEXIBLE_BIRT" customMethodName="flexibleReportTurnOver" description="service to resolve invoice for turnover report domain"/>
+    <DataResource dataResourceId="DR_MASTER_TURNOVER" dataResourceTypeId="ELECTRONIC_TEXT" dataTemplateTypeId="FORM_COMBINED" />
+    <ElectronicText dataResourceId="DR_MASTER_TURNOVER">
+        <textData><![CDATA[<!--default domain form-->
+            <form name="${masterContentId}_${contentId}" type="single" extends="${masterContentId}" extends-resource="component://birt/widget/birt/BirtMasterForms.xml">
+            </form>]]>
+        </textData>
+    </ElectronicText>
+    <Content contentId="CTNT_MASTER_TURNOVER" customMethodId="CM_FB_TURNOVER" contentTypeId="REPORT_MASTER" dataResourceId="DR_MASTER_TURNOVER" statusId="CTNT_PUBLISHED" contentName="Turnover" description="Master Content for TURNOVER domain" />
+    <!-- Data retrieval will be done using two service calls. First the contentAttribute Service gives the service that will define which data and label will be retrieved,
+    and which filter and label are supported by the report design (default value will call the second service with "prepareField" suffix).
+    Second, the custom method gives the service to retrieve all data in the report design.
+    Here : flexibleReportTurnOverPrepareFields (customMethodName + "prepareFields") then flexibleReportTurnOver-->
+    <ContentAttribute contentId="CTNT_MASTER_TURNOVER" attrName="Service" attrValue="default"/>
+The form in the database is the form that will allow users to change form parameters. You can add any field you desire. Some field names are reserved: reportContentId, overrideFilters, entityViewName, birtContentType.
+5. Import these data in the base using Webtools XML import (or the longer "gradlew 'ofbiz -l readers=seed,ext' command).
+6. Add in the file content/config/contentEntityLabels.xml the Property which will translate your report Master description.
+    <property key="Content.description.CTNT_MASTER_TURNOVER">
+        <value xml:lang="en">Turnover (product)</value>
+        <value xml:lang="fr">Rotation (des stocks)</value>
+    </property>
+Entities diagram
+The following diagram shows the Entities linked with Content to store report_master/report.

Propchange: ofbiz/ofbiz-plugins/trunk/birt/documents/Report master
    svn:eol-style = native

Propchange: ofbiz/ofbiz-plugins/trunk/birt/documents/Report master
    svn:keywords = Date Rev Author URL Id

Propchange: ofbiz/ofbiz-plugins/trunk/birt/documents/Report master
    svn:mime-type = text/plain

Added: ofbiz/ofbiz-plugins/trunk/birt/documents/Report master
--- ofbiz/ofbiz-plugins/trunk/birt/documents/Report master (added)
+++ ofbiz/ofbiz-plugins/trunk/birt/documents/Report master Mon Mar 27 11:57:07 2017
@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
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+  <title></title>
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+  </style>
+<h1 id="report-master-creation">Report master creation</h1>
+<h2 id="introduction">Introduction</h2>
+<p>A report master is an OFBiz content which allows a user to generate data reports. It defines data connexion, and a general filtering form for data. It can be based on an entity, a dedicated service, or in a wider sense on any shape a data connexion can take and return back a map.</p>
+<h2 id="pre-requisite">Pre-requisite</h2>
+<li>Birt plugin</li>
+<h2 id="report-master-based-on-an-entityview">Report Master based on an entity/view</h2>
+<ol style="list-style-type: decimal">
+<li>Create or choice a database entity or view</li>
+<li>Create the general filtering form within the file plugins/birt/widget/birt/BirtMasterForms.xml. The only informations to be changed are entity-name and form name.</li>
+<div class="sourceCode"><pre class="sourceCode xml"><code class="sourceCode xml">    <span class="kw">&lt;form</span><span class="ot"> name=</span><span class="st">&quot;CTNT_MASTER_EXAMPLE&quot;</span><span class="ot"> type=</span><span class="st">&quot;single&quot;</span><span class="ot"> extends=</span><span class="st">&quot;AbstractFlexibleReportSearchForm&quot;</span><span class="kw">&gt;</span>    
+        <span class="kw">&lt;auto-fields-entity</span><span class="ot"> entity-name=</span><span class="st">&quot;Example&quot;</span><span class="ot"> default-field-type=</span><span class="st">&quot;find&quot;</span><span class="kw">/&gt;</span>
+    <span class="kw">&lt;/form&gt;</span></code></pre></div>
+<ol start="3" style="list-style-type: decimal">
+<li>Add the informations about this Master in the database using the file plugins/birt/data/BirtMasterData.xml</li>
+<div class="sourceCode"><pre class="sourceCode xml"><code class="sourceCode xml">    <span class="kw">&lt;DataResource</span><span class="ot"> dataResourceId=</span><span class="st">&quot;DR_MASTER_EXAMPLE&quot;</span><span class="ot"> dataResourceTypeId=</span><span class="st">&quot;ELECTRONIC_TEXT&quot;</span><span class="ot"> dataTemplateTypeId=</span><span class="st">&quot;FORM_COMBINED&quot;</span> <span class="kw">/&gt;</span>
+    <span class="kw">&lt;ElectronicText</span><span class="ot"> dataResourceId=</span><span class="st">&quot;DR_MASTER_EXAMPLE&quot;</span><span class="kw">&gt;</span>
+        <span class="kw">&lt;textData&gt;</span><span class="bn">&lt;![CDATA[</span>&lt;!--default domain form--&gt;
+            &lt;form name=&quot;${masterContentId}_${contentId}&quot; type=&quot;single&quot; extends=&quot;${masterContentId}&quot; extends-    resource=&quot;component://birt/widget/birt/BirtMasterForms.xml&quot;&gt;
+            &lt;/form&gt;<span class="bn">]]&gt;</span>
+        <span class="kw">&lt;/textData&gt;</span>
+    <span class="kw">&lt;/ElectronicText&gt;</span>
+    <span class="kw">&lt;Content</span><span class="ot"> contentId=</span><span class="st">&quot;CTNT_MASTER_EXAMPLE&quot;</span><span class="ot"> contentTypeId=</span><span class="st">&quot;REPORT_MASTER&quot;</span><span class="ot">  dataResourceId=</span><span class="st">&quot;DR_MASTER_EXAMPLE&quot;</span><span class="ot"> statusId=</span><span class="st">&quot;CTNT_PUBLISHED&quot;</span><span class="ot"> contentName=</span><span class="st">&quot;Example&quot;</span><span class="ot"> description=</span><span class="st">&quot;Master Content for Example&quot;</span> <span class="kw">/&gt;</span>
+    <span class="co">&lt;!-- Data retrieval will be done using perform find on entity Example--&gt;</span>
+    <span class="kw">&lt;ContentAttribute</span><span class="ot"> contentId=</span><span class="st">&quot;CTNT_MASTER_EXAMPLE&quot;</span><span class="ot"> attrName=</span><span class="st">&quot;Entity&quot;</span><span class="ot"> attrValue=</span><span class="st">&quot;Example&quot;</span><span class="kw">/&gt;</span></code></pre></div>
+<p>The form in the database is the form that will allow users to change form parameters. You can add any field you desire. Some field names are though reserved: reportContentId, overrideFilters, entityViewName, birtContentType.</p>
+<ol start="4" style="list-style-type: decimal">
+<li>Add in the file content/config/contentEntityLabels.xml the Property that will allow translation for your report master description.</li>
+<div class="sourceCode"><pre class="sourceCode xml"><code class="sourceCode xml">    <span class="kw">&lt;property</span><span class="ot"> key=</span><span class="st">&quot;Content.description.CTNT_MASTER_EXAMPLE&quot;</span><span class="kw">&gt;</span>
+        <span class="kw">&lt;value</span><span class="ot"> xml:lang=</span><span class="st">&quot;en&quot;</span><span class="kw">&gt;</span>Example<span class="kw">&lt;/value&gt;</span>
+        <span class="kw">&lt;value</span><span class="ot"> xml:lang=</span><span class="st">&quot;fr&quot;</span><span class="kw">&gt;</span>Exemple<span class="kw">&lt;/value&gt;</span>
+    <span class="kw">&lt;/property&gt;</span></code></pre></div>
+<p>Your Report Master is created ! You can now create reports using it.</p>
+<h2 id="report-master-based-on-a-service">Report Master based on a service</h2>
+<p>Create in plugins/birt/src/org/ofbiz/birt/birt/ 2 dedicated services (see examples there)</p>
+<ol style="list-style-type: decimal">
+<li>The first one, which name will return 4 items:</li>
+<li>an object of type Map<String, String> called dataMap. <strong>Keys</strong>: data field names. <strong>Values</strong>: data types (OFBiz types).</li>
+<li>an object of type Map<String, String> called fieldDisplayLabels. <strong>Keys</strong>: data field names. <strong>Values</strong>: the names displayed to the user. This output is optional, should it be missing, the keys will be displayed.</li>
+<li>an object of type Map<String, String> called filterMap. <strong>Keys</strong>: data filtering field names (exact names used for the form fields). <strong>Values</strong>: data type (OFBiz type). This output is optional, if missing, filters can not be displayed on the report.</li>
+<li>an object of type Map<String, String> called filterDisplayLabels. <strong>Keys</strong>: data filtering field names (exact names used for the form fields). <strong>Values</strong>: names to be displayed to the user. This output is optional, should it be missing, the keys will be displayed.</li>
+<ol start="2" style="list-style-type: decimal">
+<li>The second service will actually get the data. It receives an object (Object type) called reportContext. From this object, you can obtain the map parameters using the following code:</li>
+<div class="sourceCode"><pre class="sourceCode java"><code class="sourceCode java">    Map&lt;String, Object&gt; parameters = (Map&lt;String, Object&gt;) reportContext.<span class="fu">getParameterValue</span>(<span class="st">&quot;parameters&quot;</span>);</code></pre></div>
+<p>This Map will give access fields of the filtering form. This service will return a list called list of type List<GenericValue>, containing the data. A Map<String, Object> would also do.</p>
+<ol start="3" style="list-style-type: decimal">
+<li>create the parent form in the file plugins/birt/widget/birt/BirtMasterForms.xml. Field names created here must be then names used on the Map parameters of the previous service, and also corresponding to the map filterMap.</li>
+<div class="sourceCode"><pre class="sourceCode xml"><code class="sourceCode xml">    <span class="kw">&lt;form</span><span class="ot"> name=</span><span class="st">&quot;CTNT_MASTER_TURNOVER&quot;</span><span class="ot"> type=</span><span class="st">&quot;single&quot;</span><span class="ot"> extends=</span><span class="st">&quot;AbstractFlexibleReportSearchForm&quot;</span><span class="kw">&gt;</span>
+        <span class="kw">&lt;field</span><span class="ot"> name=</span><span class="st">&quot;fromDate&quot;</span><span class="kw">&gt;&lt;date-time</span><span class="ot"> type=</span><span class="st">&quot;date&quot;</span><span class="kw">/&gt;&lt;/field&gt;</span>
+        <span class="kw">&lt;field</span><span class="ot"> name=</span><span class="st">&quot;thruDate&quot;</span><span class="kw">&gt;&lt;date-time</span><span class="ot"> type=</span><span class="st">&quot;date&quot;</span><span class="kw">/&gt;&lt;/field&gt;</span>
+        <span class="kw">&lt;field</span><span class="ot"> name=</span><span class="st">&quot;productCategoryId&quot;</span><span class="kw">&gt;&lt;lookup</span><span class="ot"> target-form-name=</span><span class="st">&quot;LookupProductCategory&quot;</span><span class="kw">/&gt;&lt;/field&gt;</span>
+        <span class="kw">&lt;field</span><span class="ot"> name=</span><span class="st">&quot;productStoreId&quot;</span><span class="kw">&gt;&lt;lookup</span><span class="ot"> target-form-name=</span><span class="st">&quot;LookupProductStore&quot;</span><span class="kw">/&gt;&lt;/field&gt;</span>
+    <span class="kw">&lt;/form&gt;</span></code></pre></div>
+<ol start="4" style="list-style-type: decimal">
+<li>Create the master in database following.</li>
+<div class="sourceCode"><pre class="sourceCode xml"><code class="sourceCode xml">    <span class="kw">&lt;CustomMethod</span><span class="ot"> customMethodId=</span><span class="st">&quot;CM_FB_TURNOVER&quot;</span><span class="ot"> customMethodTypeId=</span><span class="st">&quot;FLEXIBLE_BIRT&quot;</span><span class="ot"> customMethodName=</span><span class="st">&quot;flexibleReportTurnOver&quot;</span><span class="ot"> description=</span><span class="st">&quot;service to resolve invoice for turnover report domain&quot;</span><span class="kw">/&gt;</span>
+    <span class="kw">&lt;DataResource</span><span class="ot"> dataResourceId=</span><span class="st">&quot;DR_MASTER_TURNOVER&quot;</span><span class="ot"> dataResourceTypeId=</span><span class="st">&quot;ELECTRONIC_TEXT&quot;</span><span class="ot"> dataTemplateTypeId=</span><span class="st">&quot;FORM_COMBINED&quot;</span> <span class="kw">/&gt;</span>
+    <span class="kw">&lt;ElectronicText</span><span class="ot"> dataResourceId=</span><span class="st">&quot;DR_MASTER_TURNOVER&quot;</span><span class="kw">&gt;</span>
+        <span class="kw">&lt;textData&gt;</span><span class="bn">&lt;![CDATA[</span>&lt;!--default domain form--&gt;
+            &lt;form name=&quot;${masterContentId}_${contentId}&quot; type=&quot;single&quot; extends=&quot;${masterContentId}&quot; extends-resource=&quot;component://birt/widget/birt/BirtMasterForms.xml&quot;&gt;
+            &lt;/form&gt;<span class="bn">]]&gt;</span>
+        <span class="kw">&lt;/textData&gt;</span>
+    <span class="kw">&lt;/ElectronicText&gt;</span>
+    <span class="kw">&lt;Content</span><span class="ot"> contentId=</span><span class="st">&quot;CTNT_MASTER_TURNOVER&quot;</span><span class="ot"> customMethodId=</span><span class="st">&quot;CM_FB_TURNOVER&quot;</span><span class="ot"> contentTypeId=</span><span class="st">&quot;REPORT_MASTER&quot;</span><span class="ot"> dataResourceId=</span><span class="st">&quot;DR_MASTER_TURNOVER&quot;</span><span class="ot"> statusId=</span><span class="st">&quot;CTNT_PUBLISHED&quot;</span><span class="ot"> contentName=</span><span class="st">&quot;Turnover&quot;</span><span class="ot"> description=</span><span class="st">&quot;Master Content for TURNOVER domain&quot;</span> <span class="kw">/&gt;</span>
+    <span class="co">&lt;!-- Data retrieval will be done using two service calls. First the contentAttribute Service gives the service that will define which data and label will be retrieved,</span>
+<span class="co">    and which filter and label are supported by the report design (default value will call the second service with &quot;prepareField&quot; suffix).</span>
+<span class="co">    Second, the custom method gives the service to retrieve all data in the report design.</span>
+<span class="co">    Here : flexibleReportTurnOverPrepareFields (customMethodName + &quot;prepareFields&quot;) then flexibleReportTurnOver--&gt;</span>
+    <span class="kw">&lt;ContentAttribute</span><span class="ot"> contentId=</span><span class="st">&quot;CTNT_MASTER_TURNOVER&quot;</span><span class="ot"> attrName=</span><span class="st">&quot;Service&quot;</span><span class="ot"> attrValue=</span><span class="st">&quot;default&quot;</span><span class="kw">/&gt;</span></code></pre></div>
+<p>The form in the database is the form that will allow users to change form parameters. You can add any field you desire. Some field names are reserved: reportContentId, overrideFilters, entityViewName, birtContentType.</p>
+<ol start="5" style="list-style-type: decimal">
+<li>Import these data in the base using Webtools XML import (or the longer &quot;gradlew 'ofbiz -l readers=seed,ext' command).</li>
+<li>Add in the file content/config/contentEntityLabels.xml the Property which will translate your report Master description.</li>
+<div class="sourceCode"><pre class="sourceCode xml"><code class="sourceCode xml">    <span class="kw">&lt;property</span><span class="ot"> key=</span><span class="st">&quot;Content.description.CTNT_MASTER_TURNOVER&quot;</span><span class="kw">&gt;</span>
+        <span class="kw">&lt;value</span><span class="ot"> xml:lang=</span><span class="st">&quot;en&quot;</span><span class="kw">&gt;</span>Turnover (product)<span class="kw">&lt;/value&gt;</span>
+        <span class="kw">&lt;value</span><span class="ot"> xml:lang=</span><span class="st">&quot;fr&quot;</span><span class="kw">&gt;</span>Rotation (des stocks)<span class="kw">&lt;/value&gt;</span>
+    <span class="kw">&lt;/property&gt;</span></code></pre></div>
+<h2 id="entities-diagram">Entities diagram</h2>
+<p>The following diagram shows the Entities linked with Content to store report_master/report. <img src="" alt="Report_Master" /></p>

Propchange: ofbiz/ofbiz-plugins/trunk/birt/documents/Report master
    svn:eol-style = native

Propchange: ofbiz/ofbiz-plugins/trunk/birt/documents/Report master
    svn:keywords = Date Rev Author URL Id

Propchange: ofbiz/ofbiz-plugins/trunk/birt/documents/Report master
    svn:mime-type = text/html