svn commit: r1817026 [2/7] - in /ofbiz: ofbiz-framework/trunk/framework/common/src/main/java/org/apache/ofbiz/common/ ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/ ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/plugins/jeditable/ ofbiz-framework/trunk/the...

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svn commit: r1817026 [2/7] - in /ofbiz: ofbiz-framework/trunk/framework/common/src/main/java/org/apache/ofbiz/common/ ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/ ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/plugins/jeditable/ ofbiz-framework/trunk/the...
Added: ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-en-AU.js
--- ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-en-AU.js (added)
+++ ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-en-AU.js Sun Dec  3 10:15:55 2017
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+/* English/Australia initialisation for the jQuery UI date picker plugin. */
+/* Based on the en-GB initialisation. */
+( function( factory ) {
+ if ( typeof define === "function" && define.amd ) {
+ // AMD. Register as an anonymous module.
+ define( [ "../widgets/datepicker" ], factory );
+ } else {
+ // Browser globals
+ factory( jQuery.datepicker );
+ }
+}( function( datepicker ) {
+datepicker.regional[ "en-AU" ] = {
+ closeText: "Done",
+ prevText: "Prev",
+ nextText: "Next",
+ currentText: "Today",
+ monthNames: [ "January","February","March","April","May","June",
+ "July","August","September","October","November","December" ],
+ monthNamesShort: [ "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun",
+ "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec" ],
+ dayNames: [ "Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday" ],
+ dayNamesShort: [ "Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat" ],
+ dayNamesMin: [ "Su","Mo","Tu","We","Th","Fr","Sa" ],
+ weekHeader: "Wk",
+ dateFormat: "dd/mm/yy",
+ firstDay: 1,
+ isRTL: false,
+ showMonthAfterYear: false,
+ yearSuffix: "" };
+datepicker.setDefaults( datepicker.regional[ "en-AU" ] );
+return datepicker.regional[ "en-AU" ];
+} ) );

Propchange: ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-en-AU.js
    svn:eol-style = native

Propchange: ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-en-AU.js
    svn:keywords = Date Rev Author URL Id

Propchange: ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-en-AU.js
    svn:mime-type = text/plain

Added: ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-en-GB.js
--- ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-en-GB.js (added)
+++ ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-en-GB.js Sun Dec  3 10:15:55 2017
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+/* English/UK initialisation for the jQuery UI date picker plugin. */
+/* Written by Stuart. */
+( function( factory ) {
+ if ( typeof define === "function" && define.amd ) {
+ // AMD. Register as an anonymous module.
+ define( [ "../widgets/datepicker" ], factory );
+ } else {
+ // Browser globals
+ factory( jQuery.datepicker );
+ }
+}( function( datepicker ) {
+datepicker.regional[ "en-GB" ] = {
+ closeText: "Done",
+ prevText: "Prev",
+ nextText: "Next",
+ currentText: "Today",
+ monthNames: [ "January","February","March","April","May","June",
+ "July","August","September","October","November","December" ],
+ monthNamesShort: [ "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun",
+ "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec" ],
+ dayNames: [ "Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday" ],
+ dayNamesShort: [ "Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat" ],
+ dayNamesMin: [ "Su","Mo","Tu","We","Th","Fr","Sa" ],
+ weekHeader: "Wk",
+ dateFormat: "dd/mm/yy",
+ firstDay: 1,
+ isRTL: false,
+ showMonthAfterYear: false,
+ yearSuffix: "" };
+datepicker.setDefaults( datepicker.regional[ "en-GB" ] );
+return datepicker.regional[ "en-GB" ];
+} ) );

Propchange: ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-en-GB.js
    svn:eol-style = native

Propchange: ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-en-GB.js
    svn:keywords = Date Rev Author URL Id

Propchange: ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-en-GB.js
    svn:mime-type = text/plain

Added: ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-en-NZ.js
--- ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-en-NZ.js (added)
+++ ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-en-NZ.js Sun Dec  3 10:15:55 2017
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+/* English/New Zealand initialisation for the jQuery UI date picker plugin. */
+/* Based on the en-GB initialisation. */
+( function( factory ) {
+ if ( typeof define === "function" && define.amd ) {
+ // AMD. Register as an anonymous module.
+ define( [ "../widgets/datepicker" ], factory );
+ } else {
+ // Browser globals
+ factory( jQuery.datepicker );
+ }
+}( function( datepicker ) {
+datepicker.regional[ "en-NZ" ] = {
+ closeText: "Done",
+ prevText: "Prev",
+ nextText: "Next",
+ currentText: "Today",
+ monthNames: [ "January","February","March","April","May","June",
+ "July","August","September","October","November","December" ],
+ monthNamesShort: [ "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun",
+ "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec" ],
+ dayNames: [ "Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday" ],
+ dayNamesShort: [ "Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat" ],
+ dayNamesMin: [ "Su","Mo","Tu","We","Th","Fr","Sa" ],
+ weekHeader: "Wk",
+ dateFormat: "dd/mm/yy",
+ firstDay: 1,
+ isRTL: false,
+ showMonthAfterYear: false,
+ yearSuffix: "" };
+datepicker.setDefaults( datepicker.regional[ "en-NZ" ] );
+return datepicker.regional[ "en-NZ" ];
+} ) );

Propchange: ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-en-NZ.js
    svn:eol-style = native

Propchange: ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-en-NZ.js
    svn:keywords = Date Rev Author URL Id

Propchange: ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-en-NZ.js
    svn:mime-type = text/plain

Added: ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-en.js
--- ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-en.js (added)
+++ ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-en.js Sun Dec  3 10:15:55 2017
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+// English initialisation for the jQuery UI date picker plugin.
+// Only added by JLR in OFBiz to get rid of "Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)" in Chrome js console
+// It's redundant with "Default regional settings" in function Datepicker() {
+( function( factory ) {
+    if ( typeof define === "function" && define.amd ) {
+        // AMD. Register as an anonymous module.
+        define( [ "../widgets/datepicker" ], factory );
+    } else {
+        // Browser globals
+        factory( jQuery.datepicker );
+    }
+}( function( datepicker ) {
+$.datepicker.regional['en'] = {
+    closeText: 'Done', // Display text for close link
+    prevText: 'Prev', // Display text for previous month link
+    nextText: 'Next', // Display text for next month link
+    currentText: 'Today', // Display text for current month link
+    monthNames: ['January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December'], // Names of months for drop-down and formatting
+    monthNamesShort: ['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec'], // For formatting
+    dayNames: ['Sunday', 'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday'], // For formatting
+    dayNamesShort: ['Sun', 'Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat'], // For formatting
+    dayNamesMin: ['Su', 'Mo', 'Tu', 'We', 'Th', 'Fr', 'Sa'], // Column headings for days starting at Sunday
+    weekHeader: 'Wk', // Column header for week of the year
+    dateFormat: 'mm/dd/yy', // See format options on parseDate
+    firstDay: 0, // The first day of the week, Sun = 0, Mon = 1, ...
+    isRTL: false, // True if right-to-left language, false if left-to-right
+    showMonthAfterYear: false, // True if the year select precedes month, false for month then year
+    yearSuffix: ''}; // Additional text to append to the year in the month headers
+return datepicker.regional[ "en" ];
+} ) );
\ No newline at end of file

Propchange: ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-en.js
    svn:eol-style = native

Propchange: ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-en.js
    svn:keywords = Date Rev Author URL Id

Propchange: ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-en.js
    svn:mime-type = text/plain

Added: ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-eo.js
--- ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-eo.js (added)
+++ ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-eo.js Sun Dec  3 10:15:55 2017
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+/* Esperanto initialisation for the jQuery UI date picker plugin. */
+/* Written by Olivier M. ([hidden email]). */
+( function( factory ) {
+ if ( typeof define === "function" && define.amd ) {
+ // AMD. Register as an anonymous module.
+ define( [ "../widgets/datepicker" ], factory );
+ } else {
+ // Browser globals
+ factory( jQuery.datepicker );
+ }
+}( function( datepicker ) {
+datepicker.regional.eo = {
+ closeText: "Fermi",
+ prevText: "<Anta",
+ nextText: "Sekv>",
+ currentText: "Nuna",
+ monthNames: [ "Januaro","Februaro","Marto","Aprilo","Majo","Junio",
+ "Julio","AÅ­gusto","Septembro","Oktobro","Novembro","Decembro" ],
+ monthNamesShort: [ "Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","Maj","Jun",
+ "Jul","AÅ­g","Sep","Okt","Nov","Dec" ],
+ dayNames: [ "Dimanĉo","Lundo","Mardo","Merkredo","Ĵaŭdo","Vendredo","Sabato" ],
+ dayNamesShort: [ "Dim","Lun","Mar","Mer","Ä´aÅ­","Ven","Sab" ],
+ dayNamesMin: [ "Di","Lu","Ma","Me","Ä´a","Ve","Sa" ],
+ weekHeader: "Sb",
+ dateFormat: "dd/mm/yy",
+ firstDay: 0,
+ isRTL: false,
+ showMonthAfterYear: false,
+ yearSuffix: "" };
+datepicker.setDefaults( datepicker.regional.eo );
+return datepicker.regional.eo;
+} ) );

Propchange: ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-eo.js
    svn:eol-style = native

Propchange: ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-eo.js
    svn:keywords = Date Rev Author URL Id

Propchange: ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-eo.js
    svn:mime-type = text/plain

Added: ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-es.js
--- ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-es.js (added)
+++ ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-es.js Sun Dec  3 10:15:55 2017
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+/* Inicialización en español para la extensión 'UI date picker' para jQuery. */
+/* Traducido por Vester ([hidden email]). */
+( function( factory ) {
+ if ( typeof define === "function" && define.amd ) {
+ // AMD. Register as an anonymous module.
+ define( [ "../widgets/datepicker" ], factory );
+ } else {
+ // Browser globals
+ factory( jQuery.datepicker );
+ }
+}( function( datepicker ) {
+ = {
+ closeText: "Cerrar",
+ prevText: "<Ant",
+ nextText: "Sig>",
+ currentText: "Hoy",
+ monthNames: [ "enero","febrero","marzo","abril","mayo","junio",
+ "julio","agosto","septiembre","octubre","noviembre","diciembre" ],
+ monthNamesShort: [ "ene","feb","mar","abr","may","jun",
+ "jul","ago","sep","oct","nov","dic" ],
+ dayNames: [ "domingo","lunes","martes","miércoles","jueves","viernes","sábado" ],
+ dayNamesShort: [ "dom","lun","mar","mié","jue","vie","sáb" ],
+ dayNamesMin: [ "D","L","M","X","J","V","S" ],
+ weekHeader: "Sm",
+ dateFormat: "dd/mm/yy",
+ firstDay: 1,
+ isRTL: false,
+ showMonthAfterYear: false,
+ yearSuffix: "" };
+datepicker.setDefaults( );
+} ) );

Propchange: ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-es.js
    svn:eol-style = native

Propchange: ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-es.js
    svn:keywords = Date Rev Author URL Id

Propchange: ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-es.js
    svn:mime-type = text/plain

Added: ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-et.js
--- ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-et.js (added)
+++ ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-et.js Sun Dec  3 10:15:55 2017
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+/* Estonian initialisation for the jQuery UI date picker plugin. */
+/* Written by Mart Sõmermaa (mrts.pydev at gmail com). */
+( function( factory ) {
+ if ( typeof define === "function" && define.amd ) {
+ // AMD. Register as an anonymous module.
+ define( [ "../widgets/datepicker" ], factory );
+ } else {
+ // Browser globals
+ factory( jQuery.datepicker );
+ }
+}( function( datepicker ) {
+ = {
+ closeText: "Sulge",
+ prevText: "Eelnev",
+ nextText: "Järgnev",
+ currentText: "Täna",
+ monthNames: [ "Jaanuar","Veebruar","Märts","Aprill","Mai","Juuni",
+ "Juuli","August","September","Oktoober","November","Detsember" ],
+ monthNamesShort: [ "Jaan", "Veebr", "Märts", "Apr", "Mai", "Juuni",
+ "Juuli", "Aug", "Sept", "Okt", "Nov", "Dets" ],
+ dayNames: [
+ "Pühapäev",
+ "Esmaspäev",
+ "Teisipäev",
+ "Kolmapäev",
+ "Neljapäev",
+ "Reede",
+ "Laupäev"
+ ],
+ dayNamesShort: [ "Pühap", "Esmasp", "Teisip", "Kolmap", "Neljap", "Reede", "Laup" ],
+ dayNamesMin: [ "P","E","T","K","N","R","L" ],
+ weekHeader: "näd",
+ dateFormat: "",
+ firstDay: 1,
+ isRTL: false,
+ showMonthAfterYear: false,
+ yearSuffix: "" };
+datepicker.setDefaults( );
+} ) );

Propchange: ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-et.js
    svn:eol-style = native

Propchange: ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-et.js
    svn:keywords = Date Rev Author URL Id

Propchange: ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-et.js
    svn:mime-type = text/plain

Added: ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-eu.js
--- ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-eu.js (added)
+++ ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-eu.js Sun Dec  3 10:15:55 2017
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+/* Karrikas-ek itzulia ([hidden email]) */
+( function( factory ) {
+ if ( typeof define === "function" && define.amd ) {
+ // AMD. Register as an anonymous module.
+ define( [ "../widgets/datepicker" ], factory );
+ } else {
+ // Browser globals
+ factory( jQuery.datepicker );
+ }
+}( function( datepicker ) {
+ = {
+ closeText: "Egina",
+ prevText: "<Aur",
+ nextText: "Hur>",
+ currentText: "Gaur",
+ monthNames: [ "urtarrila","otsaila","martxoa","apirila","maiatza","ekaina",
+ "uztaila","abuztua","iraila","urria","azaroa","abendua" ],
+ monthNamesShort: [ "urt.","ots.","mar.","api.","mai.","eka.",
+ "uzt.","abu.","ira.","urr.","aza.","abe." ],
+ dayNames: [ "igandea","astelehena","asteartea","asteazkena","osteguna","ostirala","larunbata" ],
+ dayNamesShort: [ "ig.","al.","ar.","az.","og.","ol.","lr." ],
+ dayNamesMin: [ "ig","al","ar","az","og","ol","lr" ],
+ weekHeader: "As",
+ dateFormat: "yy-mm-dd",
+ firstDay: 1,
+ isRTL: false,
+ showMonthAfterYear: false,
+ yearSuffix: "" };
+datepicker.setDefaults( );
+} ) );

Propchange: ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-eu.js
    svn:eol-style = native

Propchange: ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-eu.js
    svn:keywords = Date Rev Author URL Id

Propchange: ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-eu.js
    svn:mime-type = text/plain

Added: ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-fa.js
--- ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-fa.js (added)
+++ ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-fa.js Sun Dec  3 10:15:55 2017
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+/* Persian (Farsi) Translation for the jQuery UI date picker plugin. */
+/* Javad Mowlanezhad -- [hidden email] */
+/* Jalali calendar should supported soon! (Its implemented but I have to test it) */
+( function( factory ) {
+ if ( typeof define === "function" && define.amd ) {
+ // AMD. Register as an anonymous module.
+ define( [ "../widgets/datepicker" ], factory );
+ } else {
+ // Browser globals
+ factory( jQuery.datepicker );
+ }
+}( function( datepicker ) {
+datepicker.regional.fa = {
+ closeText: "بستن",
+ prevText: "<قبلی",
+ nextText: "بعدی>",
+ currentText: "امروز",
+ monthNames: [
+ "ژانویه",
+ "فوریه",
+ "مارس",
+ "آوریل",
+ "مه",
+ "ژوئن",
+ "ژوئیه",
+ "اوت",
+ "سپتامبر",
+ "اکتبر",
+ "نوامبر",
+ "دسامبر"
+ ],
+ monthNamesShort: [ "1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","10","11","12" ],
+ dayNames: [
+ "يکشنبه",
+ "دوشنبه",
+ "سه‌شنبه",
+ "چهارشنبه",
+ "پنجشنبه",
+ "جمعه",
+ "شنبه"
+ ],
+ dayNamesShort: [
+ "ی",
+ "د",
+ "س",
+ "چ",
+ "Ù¾",
+ "ج",
+ "Ø´"
+ ],
+ dayNamesMin: [
+ "ی",
+ "د",
+ "س",
+ "چ",
+ "Ù¾",
+ "ج",
+ "Ø´"
+ ],
+ weekHeader: "هف",
+ dateFormat: "yy/mm/dd",
+ firstDay: 6,
+ isRTL: true,
+ showMonthAfterYear: false,
+ yearSuffix: "" };
+datepicker.setDefaults( datepicker.regional.fa );
+return datepicker.regional.fa;
+} ) );

Propchange: ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-fa.js
    svn:eol-style = native

Propchange: ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-fa.js
    svn:keywords = Date Rev Author URL Id

Propchange: ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-fa.js
    svn:mime-type = text/plain

Added: ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-fi.js
--- ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-fi.js (added)
+++ ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-fi.js Sun Dec  3 10:15:55 2017
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+/* Finnish initialisation for the jQuery UI date picker plugin. */
+/* Written by Harri Kilpiö ([hidden email]). */
+( function( factory ) {
+ if ( typeof define === "function" && define.amd ) {
+ // AMD. Register as an anonymous module.
+ define( [ "../widgets/datepicker" ], factory );
+ } else {
+ // Browser globals
+ factory( jQuery.datepicker );
+ }
+}( function( datepicker ) {
+ = {
+ closeText: "Sulje",
+ prevText: "«Edellinen",
+ nextText: "Seuraava»",
+ currentText: "Tänään",
+ monthNames: [ "Tammikuu","Helmikuu","Maaliskuu","Huhtikuu","Toukokuu","Kesäkuu",
+ "Heinäkuu","Elokuu","Syyskuu","Lokakuu","Marraskuu","Joulukuu" ],
+ monthNamesShort: [ "Tammi","Helmi","Maalis","Huhti","Touko","Kesä",
+ "Heinä","Elo","Syys","Loka","Marras","Joulu" ],
+ dayNamesShort: [ "Su","Ma","Ti","Ke","To","Pe","La" ],
+ dayNames: [ "Sunnuntai","Maanantai","Tiistai","Keskiviikko","Torstai","Perjantai","Lauantai" ],
+ dayNamesMin: [ "Su","Ma","Ti","Ke","To","Pe","La" ],
+ weekHeader: "Vk",
+ dateFormat: "d.m.yy",
+ firstDay: 1,
+ isRTL: false,
+ showMonthAfterYear: false,
+ yearSuffix: "" };
+datepicker.setDefaults( );
+} ) );

Propchange: ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-fi.js
    svn:eol-style = native

Propchange: ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-fi.js
    svn:keywords = Date Rev Author URL Id

Propchange: ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-fi.js
    svn:mime-type = text/plain

Added: ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-fo.js
--- ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-fo.js (added)
+++ ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-fo.js Sun Dec  3 10:15:55 2017
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+/* Faroese initialisation for the jQuery UI date picker plugin */
+/* Written by Sverri Mohr Olsen, [hidden email] */
+( function( factory ) {
+ if ( typeof define === "function" && define.amd ) {
+ // AMD. Register as an anonymous module.
+ define( [ "../widgets/datepicker" ], factory );
+ } else {
+ // Browser globals
+ factory( jQuery.datepicker );
+ }
+}( function( datepicker ) {
+ = {
+ closeText: "Lat aftur",
+ prevText: "<Fyrra",
+ nextText: "Næsta>",
+ currentText: "Í dag",
+ monthNames: [ "Januar","Februar","Mars","Apríl","Mei","Juni",
+ "Juli","August","September","Oktober","November","Desember" ],
+ monthNamesShort: [ "Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","Mei","Jun",
+ "Jul","Aug","Sep","Okt","Nov","Des" ],
+ dayNames: [
+ "Sunnudagur",
+ "Mánadagur",
+ "Týsdagur",
+ "Mikudagur",
+ "Hósdagur",
+ "Fríggjadagur",
+ "Leyardagur"
+ ],
+ dayNamesShort: [ "Sun","Mán","Týs","Mik","Hós","Frí","Ley" ],
+ dayNamesMin: [ "Su","Má","Tý","Mi","Hó","Fr","Le" ],
+ weekHeader: "Vk",
+ dateFormat: "dd-mm-yy",
+ firstDay: 1,
+ isRTL: false,
+ showMonthAfterYear: false,
+ yearSuffix: "" };
+datepicker.setDefaults( );
+} ) );

Propchange: ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-fo.js
    svn:eol-style = native

Propchange: ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-fo.js
    svn:keywords = Date Rev Author URL Id

Propchange: ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-fo.js
    svn:mime-type = text/plain

Added: ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-fr-CA.js
--- ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-fr-CA.js (added)
+++ ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-fr-CA.js Sun Dec  3 10:15:55 2017
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+/* Canadian-French initialisation for the jQuery UI date picker plugin. */
+( function( factory ) {
+ if ( typeof define === "function" && define.amd ) {
+ // AMD. Register as an anonymous module.
+ define( [ "../widgets/datepicker" ], factory );
+ } else {
+ // Browser globals
+ factory( jQuery.datepicker );
+ }
+}( function( datepicker ) {
+datepicker.regional[ "fr-CA" ] = {
+ closeText: "Fermer",
+ prevText: "Précédent",
+ nextText: "Suivant",
+ currentText: "Aujourd'hui",
+ monthNames: [ "janvier", "février", "mars", "avril", "mai", "juin",
+ "juillet", "août", "septembre", "octobre", "novembre", "décembre" ],
+ monthNamesShort: [ "janv.", "févr.", "mars", "avril", "mai", "juin",
+ "juil.", "août", "sept.", "oct.", "nov.", "déc." ],
+ dayNames: [ "dimanche", "lundi", "mardi", "mercredi", "jeudi", "vendredi", "samedi" ],
+ dayNamesShort: [ "dim.", "lun.", "mar.", "mer.", "jeu.", "ven.", "sam." ],
+ dayNamesMin: [ "D", "L", "M", "M", "J", "V", "S" ],
+ weekHeader: "Sem.",
+ dateFormat: "yy-mm-dd",
+ firstDay: 0,
+ isRTL: false,
+ showMonthAfterYear: false,
+ yearSuffix: ""
+datepicker.setDefaults( datepicker.regional[ "fr-CA" ] );
+return datepicker.regional[ "fr-CA" ];
+} ) );

Propchange: ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-fr-CA.js
    svn:eol-style = native

Propchange: ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-fr-CA.js
    svn:keywords = Date Rev Author URL Id

Propchange: ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-fr-CA.js
    svn:mime-type = text/plain

Added: ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-fr-CH.js
--- ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-fr-CH.js (added)
+++ ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-fr-CH.js Sun Dec  3 10:15:55 2017
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+/* Swiss-French initialisation for the jQuery UI date picker plugin. */
+/* Written Martin Voelkle ([hidden email]). */
+( function( factory ) {
+ if ( typeof define === "function" && define.amd ) {
+ // AMD. Register as an anonymous module.
+ define( [ "../widgets/datepicker" ], factory );
+ } else {
+ // Browser globals
+ factory( jQuery.datepicker );
+ }
+}( function( datepicker ) {
+datepicker.regional[ "fr-CH" ] = {
+ closeText: "Fermer",
+ prevText: "<Préc",
+ nextText: "Suiv>",
+ currentText: "Courant",
+ monthNames: [ "janvier", "février", "mars", "avril", "mai", "juin",
+ "juillet", "août", "septembre", "octobre", "novembre", "décembre" ],
+ monthNamesShort: [ "janv.", "févr.", "mars", "avril", "mai", "juin",
+ "juil.", "août", "sept.", "oct.", "nov.", "déc." ],
+ dayNames: [ "dimanche", "lundi", "mardi", "mercredi", "jeudi", "vendredi", "samedi" ],
+ dayNamesShort: [ "dim.", "lun.", "mar.", "mer.", "jeu.", "ven.", "sam." ],
+ dayNamesMin: [ "D", "L", "M", "M", "J", "V", "S" ],
+ weekHeader: "Sm",
+ dateFormat: "",
+ firstDay: 1,
+ isRTL: false,
+ showMonthAfterYear: false,
+ yearSuffix: "" };
+datepicker.setDefaults( datepicker.regional[ "fr-CH" ] );
+return datepicker.regional[ "fr-CH" ];
+} ) );

Propchange: ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-fr-CH.js
    svn:eol-style = native

Propchange: ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-fr-CH.js
    svn:keywords = Date Rev Author URL Id

Propchange: ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-fr-CH.js
    svn:mime-type = text/plain

Added: ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-fr.js
--- ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-fr.js (added)
+++ ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-fr.js Sun Dec  3 10:15:55 2017
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+/* French initialisation for the jQuery UI date picker plugin. */
+/* Written by Keith Wood (kbwood{at},
+  Stéphane Nahmani ([hidden email]),
+  Stéphane Raimbault <[hidden email]> */
+( function( factory ) {
+ if ( typeof define === "function" && define.amd ) {
+ // AMD. Register as an anonymous module.
+ define( [ "../widgets/datepicker" ], factory );
+ } else {
+ // Browser globals
+ factory( jQuery.datepicker );
+ }
+}( function( datepicker ) {
+ = {
+ closeText: "Fermer",
+ prevText: "Précédent",
+ nextText: "Suivant",
+ currentText: "Aujourd'hui",
+ monthNames: [ "janvier", "février", "mars", "avril", "mai", "juin",
+ "juillet", "août", "septembre", "octobre", "novembre", "décembre" ],
+ monthNamesShort: [ "janv.", "févr.", "mars", "avr.", "mai", "juin",
+ "juil.", "août", "sept.", "oct.", "nov.", "déc." ],
+ dayNames: [ "dimanche", "lundi", "mardi", "mercredi", "jeudi", "vendredi", "samedi" ],
+ dayNamesShort: [ "dim.", "lun.", "mar.", "mer.", "jeu.", "ven.", "sam." ],
+ dayNamesMin: [ "D","L","M","M","J","V","S" ],
+ weekHeader: "Sem.",
+ dateFormat: "dd/mm/yy",
+ firstDay: 1,
+ isRTL: false,
+ showMonthAfterYear: false,
+ yearSuffix: "" };
+datepicker.setDefaults( );
+} ) );

Propchange: ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-fr.js
    svn:eol-style = native

Propchange: ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-fr.js
    svn:keywords = Date Rev Author URL Id

Propchange: ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-fr.js
    svn:mime-type = text/plain

Added: ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-gl.js
--- ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-gl.js (added)
+++ ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-gl.js Sun Dec  3 10:15:55 2017
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+/* Galician localization for 'UI date picker' jQuery extension. */
+/* Translated by Jorge Barreiro <[hidden email]>. */
+( function( factory ) {
+ if ( typeof define === "function" && define.amd ) {
+ // AMD. Register as an anonymous module.
+ define( [ "../widgets/datepicker" ], factory );
+ } else {
+ // Browser globals
+ factory( jQuery.datepicker );
+ }
+}( function( datepicker ) {
+ = {
+ closeText: "Pechar",
+ prevText: "&#x3C;Ant",
+ nextText: "Seg&#x3E;",
+ currentText: "Hoxe",
+ monthNames: [ "Xaneiro","Febreiro","Marzo","Abril","Maio","Xuño",
+ "Xullo","Agosto","Setembro","Outubro","Novembro","Decembro" ],
+ monthNamesShort: [ "Xan","Feb","Mar","Abr","Mai","Xuñ",
+ "Xul","Ago","Set","Out","Nov","Dec" ],
+ dayNames: [ "Domingo","Luns","Martes","Mércores","Xoves","Venres","Sábado" ],
+ dayNamesShort: [ "Dom","Lun","Mar","Mér","Xov","Ven","Sáb" ],
+ dayNamesMin: [ "Do","Lu","Ma","Mé","Xo","Ve","Sá" ],
+ weekHeader: "Sm",
+ dateFormat: "dd/mm/yy",
+ firstDay: 1,
+ isRTL: false,
+ showMonthAfterYear: false,
+ yearSuffix: "" };
+datepicker.setDefaults( );
+} ) );

Propchange: ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-gl.js
    svn:eol-style = native

Propchange: ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-gl.js
    svn:keywords = Date Rev Author URL Id

Propchange: ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-gl.js
    svn:mime-type = text/plain

Added: ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-he.js
--- ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-he.js (added)
+++ ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-he.js Sun Dec  3 10:15:55 2017
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+/* Hebrew initialisation for the UI Datepicker extension. */
+/* Written by Amir Hardon (ahardon at gmail dot com). */
+( function( factory ) {
+ if ( typeof define === "function" && define.amd ) {
+ // AMD. Register as an anonymous module.
+ define( [ "../widgets/datepicker" ], factory );
+ } else {
+ // Browser globals
+ factory( jQuery.datepicker );
+ }
+}( function( datepicker ) {
+datepicker.regional.he = {
+ closeText: "סגור",
+ prevText: "&#x3C;הקודם",
+ nextText: "הבא&#x3E;",
+ currentText: "היום",
+ monthNames: [ "ינואר","פברואר","מרץ","אפריל","מאי","יוני",
+ "יולי","אוגוסט","ספטמבר","אוקטובר","נובמבר","דצמבר" ],
+ monthNamesShort: [ "ינו","פבר","מרץ","אפר","מאי","יוני",
+ "יולי","אוג","ספט","אוק","נוב","דצמ" ],
+ dayNames: [ "ראשון","שני","שלישי","רביעי","חמישי","שישי","שבת" ],
+ dayNamesShort: [ "א'","ב'","ג'","ד'","ה'","ו'","שבת" ],
+ dayNamesMin: [ "א'","ב'","ג'","ד'","ה'","ו'","שבת" ],
+ weekHeader: "Wk",
+ dateFormat: "dd/mm/yy",
+ firstDay: 0,
+ isRTL: true,
+ showMonthAfterYear: false,
+ yearSuffix: "" };
+datepicker.setDefaults( datepicker.regional.he );
+return datepicker.regional.he;
+} ) );

Propchange: ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-he.js
    svn:eol-style = native

Propchange: ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-he.js
    svn:keywords = Date Rev Author URL Id

Propchange: ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-he.js
    svn:mime-type = text/plain

Added: ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-hi.js
--- ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-hi.js (added)
+++ ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-hi.js Sun Dec  3 10:15:55 2017
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+/* Hindi initialisation for the jQuery UI date picker plugin. */
+/* Written by Michael Dawart. */
+( function( factory ) {
+ if ( typeof define === "function" && define.amd ) {
+ // AMD. Register as an anonymous module.
+ define( [ "../widgets/datepicker" ], factory );
+ } else {
+ // Browser globals
+ factory( jQuery.datepicker );
+ }
+}( function( datepicker ) {
+datepicker.regional.hi = {
+ closeText: "बंद",
+ prevText: "पिछला",
+ nextText: "अगला",
+ currentText: "आज",
+ monthNames: [ "जनवरी ","फरवरी","मार्च","अप्रेल","मई","जून",
+ "जूलाई","अगस्त ","सितम्बर","अक्टूबर","नवम्बर","दिसम्बर" ],
+ monthNamesShort: [ "जन", "फर", "मार्च", "अप्रेल", "मई", "जून",
+ "जूलाई", "अग", "सित", "अक्ट", "नव", "दि" ],
+ dayNames: [ "रविवार", "सोमवार", "मंगलवार", "बुधवार", "गुरुवार", "शुक्रवार", "शनिवार" ],
+ dayNamesShort: [ "रवि", "सोम", "मंगल", "बुध", "गुरु", "शुक्र", "शनि" ],
+ dayNamesMin: [ "रवि", "सोम", "मंगल", "बुध", "गुरु", "शुक्र", "शनि" ],
+ weekHeader: "हफ्ता",
+ dateFormat: "dd/mm/yy",
+ firstDay: 1,
+ isRTL: false,
+ showMonthAfterYear: false,
+ yearSuffix: "" };
+datepicker.setDefaults( datepicker.regional.hi );
+return datepicker.regional.hi;
+} ) );

Propchange: ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-hi.js
    svn:eol-style = native

Propchange: ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-hi.js
    svn:keywords = Date Rev Author URL Id

Propchange: ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-hi.js
    svn:mime-type = text/plain

Added: ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-hr.js
--- ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-hr.js (added)
+++ ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-hr.js Sun Dec  3 10:15:55 2017
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+/* Croatian i18n for the jQuery UI date picker plugin. */
+/* Written by Vjekoslav Nesek. */
+( function( factory ) {
+ if ( typeof define === "function" && define.amd ) {
+ // AMD. Register as an anonymous module.
+ define( [ "../widgets/datepicker" ], factory );
+ } else {
+ // Browser globals
+ factory( jQuery.datepicker );
+ }
+}( function( datepicker ) {
+ = {
+ closeText: "Zatvori",
+ prevText: "&#x3C;",
+ nextText: "&#x3E;",
+ currentText: "Danas",
+ monthNames: [ "Siječanj","Veljača","Ožujak","Travanj","Svibanj","Lipanj",
+ "Srpanj","Kolovoz","Rujan","Listopad","Studeni","Prosinac" ],
+ monthNamesShort: [ "Sij","Velj","Ožu","Tra","Svi","Lip",
+ "Srp","Kol","Ruj","Lis","Stu","Pro" ],
+ dayNames: [ "Nedjelja","Ponedjeljak","Utorak","Srijeda","Četvrtak","Petak","Subota" ],
+ dayNamesShort: [ "Ned","Pon","Uto","Sri","Čet","Pet","Sub" ],
+ dayNamesMin: [ "Ne","Po","Ut","Sr","Če","Pe","Su" ],
+ weekHeader: "Tje",
+ dateFormat: "",
+ firstDay: 1,
+ isRTL: false,
+ showMonthAfterYear: false,
+ yearSuffix: "" };
+datepicker.setDefaults( );
+} ) );

Propchange: ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-hr.js
    svn:eol-style = native

Propchange: ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-hr.js
    svn:keywords = Date Rev Author URL Id

Propchange: ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-hr.js
    svn:mime-type = text/plain

Added: ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-hu.js
--- ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-hu.js (added)
+++ ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-hu.js Sun Dec  3 10:15:55 2017
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+/* Hungarian initialisation for the jQuery UI date picker plugin. */
+( function( factory ) {
+ if ( typeof define === "function" && define.amd ) {
+ // AMD. Register as an anonymous module.
+ define( [ "../widgets/datepicker" ], factory );
+ } else {
+ // Browser globals
+ factory( jQuery.datepicker );
+ }
+}( function( datepicker ) {
+ = {
+ closeText: "bezár",
+ prevText: "vissza",
+ nextText: "előre",
+ currentText: "ma",
+ monthNames: [ "Január", "Február", "Március", "Április", "Május", "Június",
+ "Július", "Augusztus", "Szeptember", "Október", "November", "December" ],
+ monthNamesShort: [ "Jan", "Feb", "Már", "Ápr", "Máj", "Jún",
+ "Júl", "Aug", "Szep", "Okt", "Nov", "Dec" ],
+ dayNames: [ "Vasárnap", "Hétfő", "Kedd", "Szerda", "Csütörtök", "Péntek", "Szombat" ],
+ dayNamesShort: [ "Vas", "Hét", "Ked", "Sze", "Csü", "Pén", "Szo" ],
+ dayNamesMin: [ "V", "H", "K", "Sze", "Cs", "P", "Szo" ],
+ weekHeader: "Hét",
+ dateFormat: "",
+ firstDay: 1,
+ isRTL: false,
+ showMonthAfterYear: true,
+ yearSuffix: "" };
+datepicker.setDefaults( );
+} ) );

Propchange: ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-hu.js
    svn:eol-style = native

Propchange: ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-hu.js
    svn:keywords = Date Rev Author URL Id

Propchange: ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-hu.js
    svn:mime-type = text/plain

Added: ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-hy.js
--- ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-hy.js (added)
+++ ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-hy.js Sun Dec  3 10:15:55 2017
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+/* Armenian(UTF-8) initialisation for the jQuery UI date picker plugin. */
+/* Written by Levon Zakaryan ([hidden email])*/
+( function( factory ) {
+ if ( typeof define === "function" && define.amd ) {
+ // AMD. Register as an anonymous module.
+ define( [ "../widgets/datepicker" ], factory );
+ } else {
+ // Browser globals
+ factory( jQuery.datepicker );
+ }
+}( function( datepicker ) {
+datepicker.regional.hy = {
+ closeText: "Փակել",
+ prevText: "&#x3C;Նախ.",
+ nextText: "Հաջ.&#x3E;",
+ currentText: "Այսօր",
+ monthNames: [ "Հունվար","Փետրվար","Մարտ","Ապրիլ","Մայիս","Հունիս",
+ "Հուլիս","Օգոստոս","Սեպտեմբեր","Հոկտեմբեր","Նոյեմբեր","Դեկտեմբեր" ],
+ monthNamesShort: [ "Հունվ","Փետր","Մարտ","Ապր","Մայիս","Հունիս",
+ "Հուլ","Օգս","Սեպ","Հոկ","Նոյ","Դեկ" ],
+ dayNames: [ "կիրակի","եկուշաբթի","երեքշաբթի","չորեքշաբթի","հինգշաբթի","ուրբաթ","շաբաթ" ],
+ dayNamesShort: [ "կիր","երկ","երք","չրք","հնգ","ուրբ","շբթ" ],
+ dayNamesMin: [ "կիր","երկ","երք","չրք","հնգ","ուրբ","շբթ" ],
+ weekHeader: "ՇԲՏ",
+ dateFormat: "",
+ firstDay: 1,
+ isRTL: false,
+ showMonthAfterYear: false,
+ yearSuffix: "" };
+datepicker.setDefaults( datepicker.regional.hy );
+return datepicker.regional.hy;
+} ) );

Propchange: ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-hy.js
    svn:eol-style = native

Propchange: ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-hy.js
    svn:keywords = Date Rev Author URL Id

Propchange: ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-hy.js
    svn:mime-type = text/plain

Added: ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-id.js
--- ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-id.js (added)
+++ ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-id.js Sun Dec  3 10:15:55 2017
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+/* Indonesian initialisation for the jQuery UI date picker plugin. */
+/* Written by Deden Fathurahman ([hidden email]). */
+( function( factory ) {
+ if ( typeof define === "function" && define.amd ) {
+ // AMD. Register as an anonymous module.
+ define( [ "../widgets/datepicker" ], factory );
+ } else {
+ // Browser globals
+ factory( jQuery.datepicker );
+ }
+}( function( datepicker ) {
+ = {
+ closeText: "Tutup",
+ prevText: "&#x3C;mundur",
+ nextText: "maju&#x3E;",
+ currentText: "hari ini",
+ monthNames: [ "Januari","Februari","Maret","April","Mei","Juni",
+ "Juli","Agustus","September","Oktober","Nopember","Desember" ],
+ monthNamesShort: [ "Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","Mei","Jun",
+ "Jul","Agus","Sep","Okt","Nop","Des" ],
+ dayNames: [ "Minggu","Senin","Selasa","Rabu","Kamis","Jumat","Sabtu" ],
+ dayNamesShort: [ "Min","Sen","Sel","Rab","kam","Jum","Sab" ],
+ dayNamesMin: [ "Mg","Sn","Sl","Rb","Km","jm","Sb" ],
+ weekHeader: "Mg",
+ dateFormat: "dd/mm/yy",
+ firstDay: 0,
+ isRTL: false,
+ showMonthAfterYear: false,
+ yearSuffix: "" };
+datepicker.setDefaults( );
+} ) );

Propchange: ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-id.js
    svn:eol-style = native

Propchange: ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-id.js
    svn:keywords = Date Rev Author URL Id

Propchange: ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-id.js
    svn:mime-type = text/plain

Added: ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-is.js
--- ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-is.js (added)
+++ ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-is.js Sun Dec  3 10:15:55 2017
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+/* Icelandic initialisation for the jQuery UI date picker plugin. */
+/* Written by Haukur H. Thorsson ([hidden email]). */
+( function( factory ) {
+ if ( typeof define === "function" && define.amd ) {
+ // AMD. Register as an anonymous module.
+ define( [ "../widgets/datepicker" ], factory );
+ } else {
+ // Browser globals
+ factory( jQuery.datepicker );
+ }
+}( function( datepicker ) {
+ = {
+ closeText: "Loka",
+ prevText: "&#x3C; Fyrri",
+ nextText: "Næsti &#x3E;",
+ currentText: "Í dag",
+ monthNames: [ "Janúar","Febrúar","Mars","Apríl","Maí","Júní",
+ "Júlí","Ágúst","September","Október","Nóvember","Desember" ],
+ monthNamesShort: [ "Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","Maí","Jún",
+ "Júl","Ágú","Sep","Okt","Nóv","Des" ],
+ dayNames: [
+ "Sunnudagur",
+ "Mánudagur",
+ "Þriðjudagur",
+ "Miðvikudagur",
+ "Fimmtudagur",
+ "Föstudagur",
+ "Laugardagur"
+ ],
+ dayNamesShort: [ "Sun","Mán","Þri","Mið","Fim","Fös","Lau" ],
+ dayNamesMin: [ "Su","Má","Þr","Mi","Fi","Fö","La" ],
+ weekHeader: "Vika",
+ dateFormat: "",
+ firstDay: 0,
+ isRTL: false,
+ showMonthAfterYear: false,
+ yearSuffix: "" };
+datepicker.setDefaults( );
+} ) );

Propchange: ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-is.js
    svn:eol-style = native

Propchange: ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-is.js
    svn:keywords = Date Rev Author URL Id

Propchange: ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-is.js
    svn:mime-type = text/plain

Added: ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-it-CH.js
--- ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-it-CH.js (added)
+++ ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-it-CH.js Sun Dec  3 10:15:55 2017
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+/* Italian initialisation for the jQuery UI date picker plugin. */
+/* Written by Antonello Pasella ([hidden email]). */
+( function( factory ) {
+ if ( typeof define === "function" && define.amd ) {
+ // AMD. Register as an anonymous module.
+ define( [ "../widgets/datepicker" ], factory );
+ } else {
+ // Browser globals
+ factory( jQuery.datepicker );
+ }
+}( function( datepicker ) {
+datepicker.regional[ "it-CH" ] = {
+ closeText: "Chiudi",
+ prevText: "&#x3C;Prec",
+ nextText: "Succ&#x3E;",
+ currentText: "Oggi",
+ monthNames: [ "Gennaio","Febbraio","Marzo","Aprile","Maggio","Giugno",
+ "Luglio","Agosto","Settembre","Ottobre","Novembre","Dicembre" ],
+ monthNamesShort: [ "Gen","Feb","Mar","Apr","Mag","Giu",
+ "Lug","Ago","Set","Ott","Nov","Dic" ],
+ dayNames: [ "Domenica","Lunedì","Martedì","Mercoledì","Giovedì","Venerdì","Sabato" ],
+ dayNamesShort: [ "Dom","Lun","Mar","Mer","Gio","Ven","Sab" ],
+ dayNamesMin: [ "Do","Lu","Ma","Me","Gi","Ve","Sa" ],
+ weekHeader: "Sm",
+ dateFormat: "",
+ firstDay: 1,
+ isRTL: false,
+ showMonthAfterYear: false,
+ yearSuffix: "" };
+datepicker.setDefaults( datepicker.regional[ "it-CH" ] );
+return datepicker.regional[ "it-CH" ];
+} ) );

Propchange: ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-it-CH.js
    svn:eol-style = native

Propchange: ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-it-CH.js
    svn:keywords = Date Rev Author URL Id

Propchange: ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-it-CH.js
    svn:mime-type = text/plain

Added: ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-it.js
--- ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-it.js (added)
+++ ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-it.js Sun Dec  3 10:15:55 2017
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+/* Italian initialisation for the jQuery UI date picker plugin. */
+/* Written by Antonello Pasella ([hidden email]). */
+( function( factory ) {
+ if ( typeof define === "function" && define.amd ) {
+ // AMD. Register as an anonymous module.
+ define( [ "../widgets/datepicker" ], factory );
+ } else {
+ // Browser globals
+ factory( jQuery.datepicker );
+ }
+}( function( datepicker ) {
+ = {
+ closeText: "Chiudi",
+ prevText: "&#x3C;Prec",
+ nextText: "Succ&#x3E;",
+ currentText: "Oggi",
+ monthNames: [ "Gennaio","Febbraio","Marzo","Aprile","Maggio","Giugno",
+ "Luglio","Agosto","Settembre","Ottobre","Novembre","Dicembre" ],
+ monthNamesShort: [ "Gen","Feb","Mar","Apr","Mag","Giu",
+ "Lug","Ago","Set","Ott","Nov","Dic" ],
+ dayNames: [ "Domenica","Lunedì","Martedì","Mercoledì","Giovedì","Venerdì","Sabato" ],
+ dayNamesShort: [ "Dom","Lun","Mar","Mer","Gio","Ven","Sab" ],
+ dayNamesMin: [ "Do","Lu","Ma","Me","Gi","Ve","Sa" ],
+ weekHeader: "Sm",
+ dateFormat: "dd/mm/yy",
+ firstDay: 1,
+ isRTL: false,
+ showMonthAfterYear: false,
+ yearSuffix: "" };
+datepicker.setDefaults( );
+} ) );

Propchange: ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-it.js
    svn:eol-style = native

Propchange: ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-it.js
    svn:keywords = Date Rev Author URL Id

Propchange: ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-it.js
    svn:mime-type = text/plain

Added: ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-ja.js
--- ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-ja.js (added)
+++ ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-ja.js Sun Dec  3 10:15:55 2017
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+/* Japanese initialisation for the jQuery UI date picker plugin. */
+/* Written by Kentaro SATO ([hidden email]). */
+( function( factory ) {
+ if ( typeof define === "function" && define.amd ) {
+ // AMD. Register as an anonymous module.
+ define( [ "../widgets/datepicker" ], factory );
+ } else {
+ // Browser globals
+ factory( jQuery.datepicker );
+ }
+}( function( datepicker ) {
+datepicker.regional.ja = {
+ closeText: "閉じる",
+ prevText: "&#x3C;前",
+ nextText: "次&#x3E;",
+ currentText: "今日",
+ monthNames: [ "1月","2月","3月","4月","5月","6月",
+ "7月","8月","9月","10月","11月","12月" ],
+ monthNamesShort: [ "1月","2月","3月","4月","5月","6月",
+ "7月","8月","9月","10月","11月","12月" ],
+ dayNames: [ "日曜日","月曜日","火曜日","水曜日","木曜日","金曜日","土曜日" ],
+ dayNamesShort: [ "日","月","火","水","木","金","土" ],
+ dayNamesMin: [ "日","月","火","水","木","金","土" ],
+ weekHeader: "週",
+ dateFormat: "yy/mm/dd",
+ firstDay: 0,
+ isRTL: false,
+ showMonthAfterYear: true,
+ yearSuffix: "å¹´" };
+datepicker.setDefaults( datepicker.regional.ja );
+return datepicker.regional.ja;
+} ) );

Propchange: ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-ja.js
    svn:eol-style = native

Propchange: ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-ja.js
    svn:keywords = Date Rev Author URL Id

Propchange: ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-ja.js
    svn:mime-type = text/plain

Added: ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-ka.js
--- ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-ka.js (added)
+++ ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-ka.js Sun Dec  3 10:15:55 2017
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+/* Georgian (UTF-8) initialisation for the jQuery UI date picker plugin. */
+/* Written by Lado Lomidze ([hidden email]). */
+( function( factory ) {
+ if ( typeof define === "function" && define.amd ) {
+ // AMD. Register as an anonymous module.
+ define( [ "../widgets/datepicker" ], factory );
+ } else {
+ // Browser globals
+ factory( jQuery.datepicker );
+ }
+}( function( datepicker ) {
+datepicker.regional.ka = {
+ closeText: "დახურვა",
+ prevText: "&#x3c; წინა",
+ nextText: "შემდეგი &#x3e;",
+ currentText: "დღეს",
+ monthNames: [
+ "იანვარი",
+ "თებერვალი",
+ "მარტი",
+ "აპრილი",
+ "მაისი",
+ "ივნისი",
+ "ივლისი",
+ "აგვისტო",
+ "სექტემბერი",
+ "ოქტომბერი",
+ "ნოემბერი",
+ "დეკემბერი"
+ ],
+ monthNamesShort: [ "იან","თებ","მარ","აპრ","მაი","ივნ", "ივლ","აგვ","სექ","ოქტ","ნოე","დეკ" ],
+ dayNames: [ "კვირა","ორშაბათი","სამშაბათი","ოთხშაბათი","ხუთშაბათი","პარასკევი","შაბათი" ],
+ dayNamesShort: [ "კვ","ორშ","სამ","ოთხ","ხუთ","პარ","შაბ" ],
+ dayNamesMin: [ "კვ","ორშ","სამ","ოთხ","ხუთ","პარ","შაბ" ],
+ weekHeader: "კვირა",
+ dateFormat: "dd-mm-yy",
+ firstDay: 1,
+ isRTL: false,
+ showMonthAfterYear: false,
+ yearSuffix: "" };
+datepicker.setDefaults( datepicker.regional.ka );
+return datepicker.regional.ka;
+} ) );

Propchange: ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-ka.js
    svn:eol-style = native

Propchange: ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-ka.js
    svn:keywords = Date Rev Author URL Id

Propchange: ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-ka.js
    svn:mime-type = text/plain

Added: ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-kk.js
--- ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-kk.js (added)
+++ ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-kk.js Sun Dec  3 10:15:55 2017
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+/* Kazakh (UTF-8) initialisation for the jQuery UI date picker plugin. */
+/* Written by Dmitriy Karasyov ([hidden email]). */
+( function( factory ) {
+ if ( typeof define === "function" && define.amd ) {
+ // AMD. Register as an anonymous module.
+ define( [ "../widgets/datepicker" ], factory );
+ } else {
+ // Browser globals
+ factory( jQuery.datepicker );
+ }
+}( function( datepicker ) {
+datepicker.regional.kk = {
+ closeText: "Жабу",
+ prevText: "&#x3C;Алдыңғы",
+ nextText: "Келесі&#x3E;",
+ currentText: "Бүгін",
+ monthNames: [ "Қаңтар","Ақпан","Наурыз","Сәуір","Мамыр","Маусым",
+ "Шілде","Тамыз","Қыркүйек","Қазан","Қараша","Желтоқсан" ],
+ monthNamesShort: [ "Қаң","Ақп","Нау","Сәу","Мам","Мау",
+ "Шіл","Там","Қыр","Қаз","Қар","Жел" ],
+ dayNames: [ "Жексенбі","Дүйсенбі","Сейсенбі","Сәрсенбі","Бейсенбі","Жұма","Сенбі" ],
+ dayNamesShort: [ "жкс","дсн","ссн","срс","бсн","жма","снб" ],
+ dayNamesMin: [ "Жк","Дс","Сс","Ср","Бс","Жм","Сн" ],
+ weekHeader: "Не",
+ dateFormat: "",
+ firstDay: 1,
+ isRTL: false,
+ showMonthAfterYear: false,
+ yearSuffix: "" };
+datepicker.setDefaults( datepicker.regional.kk );
+return datepicker.regional.kk;
+} ) );

Propchange: ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-kk.js
    svn:eol-style = native

Propchange: ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-kk.js
    svn:keywords = Date Rev Author URL Id

Propchange: ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-kk.js
    svn:mime-type = text/plain

Added: ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-km.js
--- ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-km.js (added)
+++ ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-km.js Sun Dec  3 10:15:55 2017
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+/* Khmer initialisation for the jQuery calendar extension. */
+/* Written by Chandara Om ([hidden email]). */
+( function( factory ) {
+ if ( typeof define === "function" && define.amd ) {
+ // AMD. Register as an anonymous module.
+ define( [ "../widgets/datepicker" ], factory );
+ } else {
+ // Browser globals
+ factory( jQuery.datepicker );
+ }
+}( function( datepicker ) {
+ = {
+ closeText: "ធ្វើ​រួច",
+ prevText: "មុន",
+ nextText: "បន្ទាប់",
+ currentText: "ថ្ងៃ​នេះ",
+ monthNames: [ "មករា","កុម្ភៈ","មីនា","មេសា","ឧសភា","មិថុនា",
+ "កក្កដា","សីហា","កញ្ញា","តុលា","វិច្ឆិកា","ធ្នូ" ],
+ monthNamesShort: [ "មករា","កុម្ភៈ","មីនា","មេសា","ឧសភា","មិថុនា",
+ "កក្កដា","សីហា","កញ្ញា","តុលា","វិច្ឆិកា","ធ្នូ" ],
+ dayNames: [ "អាទិត្យ", "ចន្ទ", "អង្គារ", "ពុធ", "ព្រហស្បតិ៍", "សុក្រ", "សៅរ៍" ],
+ dayNamesShort: [ "អា", "ច", "អ", "ពុ", "ព្រហ", "សុ", "សៅ" ],
+ dayNamesMin: [ "អា", "ច", "អ", "ពុ", "ព្រហ", "សុ", "សៅ" ],
+ weekHeader: "សប្ដាហ៍",
+ dateFormat: "dd-mm-yy",
+ firstDay: 1,
+ isRTL: false,
+ showMonthAfterYear: false,
+ yearSuffix: "" };
+datepicker.setDefaults( );
+} ) );

Propchange: ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-km.js
    svn:eol-style = native

Propchange: ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-km.js
    svn:keywords = Date Rev Author URL Id

Propchange: ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-km.js
    svn:mime-type = text/plain

Added: ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-ko.js
--- ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-ko.js (added)
+++ ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-ko.js Sun Dec  3 10:15:55 2017
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+/* Korean initialisation for the jQuery calendar extension. */
+/* Written by DaeKwon Kang ([hidden email]), Edited by Genie and Myeongjin Lee. */
+( function( factory ) {
+ if ( typeof define === "function" && define.amd ) {
+ // AMD. Register as an anonymous module.
+ define( [ "../widgets/datepicker" ], factory );
+ } else {
+ // Browser globals
+ factory( jQuery.datepicker );
+ }
+}( function( datepicker ) {
+datepicker.regional.ko = {
+ closeText: "닫기",
+ prevText: "이전달",
+ nextText: "다음달",
+ currentText: "오늘",
+ monthNames: [ "1월","2월","3월","4월","5월","6월",
+ "7월","8월","9월","10월","11월","12월" ],
+ monthNamesShort: [ "1월","2월","3월","4월","5월","6월",
+ "7월","8월","9월","10월","11월","12월" ],
+ dayNames: [ "일요일","월요일","화요일","수요일","목요일","금요일","토요일" ],
+ dayNamesShort: [ "일","월","화","수","목","금","토" ],
+ dayNamesMin: [ "일","월","화","수","목","금","토" ],
+ weekHeader: "주",
+ dateFormat: "yy. m. d.",
+ firstDay: 0,
+ isRTL: false,
+ showMonthAfterYear: true,
+ yearSuffix: "년" };
+datepicker.setDefaults( datepicker.regional.ko );
+return datepicker.regional.ko;
+} ) );

Propchange: ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-ko.js
    svn:eol-style = native

Propchange: ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-ko.js
    svn:keywords = Date Rev Author URL Id

Propchange: ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-ko.js
    svn:mime-type = text/plain

Added: ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-ky.js
--- ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-ky.js (added)
+++ ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-ky.js Sun Dec  3 10:15:55 2017
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+/* Kyrgyz (UTF-8) initialisation for the jQuery UI date picker plugin. */
+/* Written by Sergey Kartashov ([hidden email]). */
+( function( factory ) {
+ if ( typeof define === "function" && define.amd ) {
+ // AMD. Register as an anonymous module.
+ define( [ "../widgets/datepicker" ], factory );
+ } else {
+ // Browser globals
+ factory( jQuery.datepicker );
+ }
+}( function( datepicker ) {
+ = {
+ closeText: "Жабуу",
+ prevText: "&#x3c;Мур",
+ nextText: "Кий&#x3e;",
+ currentText: "Бүгүн",
+ monthNames: [ "Январь","Февраль","Март","Апрель","Май","Июнь",
+ "Июль","Август","Сентябрь","Октябрь","Ноябрь","Декабрь" ],
+ monthNamesShort: [ "Янв","Фев","Мар","Апр","Май","Июн",
+ "Июл","Авг","Сен","Окт","Ноя","Дек" ],
+ dayNames: [ "жекшемби", "дүйшөмбү", "шейшемби", "шаршемби", "бейшемби", "жума", "ишемби" ],
+ dayNamesShort: [ "жек", "дүй", "шей", "шар", "бей", "жум", "ише" ],
+ dayNamesMin: [ "Жк","Дш","Шш","Шр","Бш","Жм","Иш" ],
+ weekHeader: "Жум",
+ dateFormat: "",
+ firstDay: 1,
+ isRTL: false,
+ showMonthAfterYear: false,
+ yearSuffix: ""
+datepicker.setDefaults( );
+} ) );

Propchange: ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-ky.js
    svn:eol-style = native

Propchange: ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-ky.js
    svn:keywords = Date Rev Author URL Id

Propchange: ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-ky.js
    svn:mime-type = text/plain

Added: ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-lb.js
--- ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-lb.js (added)
+++ ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-lb.js Sun Dec  3 10:15:55 2017
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+/* Luxembourgish initialisation for the jQuery UI date picker plugin. */
+/* Written by Michel Weimerskirch <[hidden email]> */
+( function( factory ) {
+ if ( typeof define === "function" && define.amd ) {
+ // AMD. Register as an anonymous module.
+ define( [ "../widgets/datepicker" ], factory );
+ } else {
+ // Browser globals
+ factory( jQuery.datepicker );
+ }
+}( function( datepicker ) {
+ = {
+ closeText: "Fäerdeg",
+ prevText: "Zréck",
+ nextText: "Weider",
+ currentText: "Haut",
+ monthNames: [ "Januar","Februar","Mäerz","Abrëll","Mee","Juni",
+ "Juli","August","September","Oktober","November","Dezember" ],
+ monthNamesShort: [ "Jan", "Feb", "Mäe", "Abr", "Mee", "Jun",
+ "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Okt", "Nov", "Dez" ],
+ dayNames: [
+ "Sonndeg",
+ "Méindeg",
+ "Dënschdeg",
+ "Mëttwoch",
+ "Donneschdeg",
+ "Freideg",
+ "Samschdeg"
+ ],
+ dayNamesShort: [ "Son", "Méi", "Dën", "Mët", "Don", "Fre", "Sam" ],
+ dayNamesMin: [ "So","Mé","Dë","Më","Do","Fr","Sa" ],
+ weekHeader: "W",
+ dateFormat: "",
+ firstDay: 1,
+ isRTL: false,
+ showMonthAfterYear: false,
+ yearSuffix: "" };
+datepicker.setDefaults( );
+} ) );

Propchange: ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-lb.js
    svn:eol-style = native

Propchange: ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-lb.js
    svn:keywords = Date Rev Author URL Id

Propchange: ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-lb.js
    svn:mime-type = text/plain

Added: ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-lt.js
--- ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-lt.js (added)
+++ ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-lt.js Sun Dec  3 10:15:55 2017
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+/* Lithuanian (UTF-8) initialisation for the jQuery UI date picker plugin. */
+/* @author Arturas Paleicikas <[hidden email]> */
+( function( factory ) {
+ if ( typeof define === "function" && define.amd ) {
+ // AMD. Register as an anonymous module.
+ define( [ "../widgets/datepicker" ], factory );
+ } else {
+ // Browser globals
+ factory( jQuery.datepicker );
+ }
+}( function( datepicker ) {
+ = {
+ closeText: "Uždaryti",
+ prevText: "&#x3C;Atgal",
+ nextText: "Pirmyn&#x3E;",
+ currentText: "Å iandien",
+ monthNames: [ "Sausis","Vasaris","Kovas","Balandis","Gegužė","Birželis",
+ "Liepa","Rugpjūtis","Rugsėjis","Spalis","Lapkritis","Gruodis" ],
+ monthNamesShort: [ "Sau","Vas","Kov","Bal","Geg","Bir",
+ "Lie","Rugp","Rugs","Spa","Lap","Gru" ],
+ dayNames: [
+ "sekmadienis",
+ "pirmadienis",
+ "antradienis",
+ "trečiadienis",
+ "ketvirtadienis",
+ "penktadienis",
+ "šeštadienis"
+ ],
+ dayNamesShort: [ "sek","pir","ant","tre","ket","pen","šeš" ],
+ dayNamesMin: [ "Se","Pr","An","Tr","Ke","Pe","Å e" ],
+ weekHeader: "SAV",
+ dateFormat: "yy-mm-dd",
+ firstDay: 1,
+ isRTL: false,
+ showMonthAfterYear: true,
+ yearSuffix: "" };
+datepicker.setDefaults( );
+} ) );

Propchange: ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-lt.js
    svn:eol-style = native

Propchange: ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-lt.js
    svn:keywords = Date Rev Author URL Id

Propchange: ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-lt.js
    svn:mime-type = text/plain

Added: ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-lv.js
--- ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-lv.js (added)
+++ ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-lv.js Sun Dec  3 10:15:55 2017
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+/* Latvian (UTF-8) initialisation for the jQuery UI date picker plugin. */
+/* @author Arturas Paleicikas <[hidden email]> */
+( function( factory ) {
+ if ( typeof define === "function" && define.amd ) {
+ // AMD. Register as an anonymous module.
+ define( [ "../widgets/datepicker" ], factory );
+ } else {
+ // Browser globals
+ factory( jQuery.datepicker );
+ }
+}( function( datepicker ) {
+ = {
+ closeText: "Aizvērt",
+ prevText: "Iepr.",
+ nextText: "Nāk.",
+ currentText: "Å odien",
+ monthNames: [ "Janvāris","Februāris","Marts","Aprīlis","Maijs","Jūnijs",
+ "JÅ«lijs","Augusts","Septembris","Oktobris","Novembris","Decembris" ],
+ monthNamesShort: [ "Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","Mai","JÅ«n",
+ "JÅ«l","Aug","Sep","Okt","Nov","Dec" ],
+ dayNames: [
+ "svētdiena",
+ "pirmdiena",
+ "otrdiena",
+ "trešdiena",
+ "ceturtdiena",
+ "piektdiena",
+ "sestdiena"
+ ],
+ dayNamesShort: [ "svt","prm","otr","tre","ctr","pkt","sst" ],
+ dayNamesMin: [ "Sv","Pr","Ot","Tr","Ct","Pk","Ss" ],
+ weekHeader: "Ned.",
+ dateFormat: "",
+ firstDay: 1,
+ isRTL: false,
+ showMonthAfterYear: false,
+ yearSuffix: "" };
+datepicker.setDefaults( );
+} ) );

Propchange: ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-lv.js
    svn:eol-style = native

Propchange: ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-lv.js
    svn:keywords = Date Rev Author URL Id

Propchange: ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/themes/common/webapp/common/js/jquery/ui/i18n/datepicker-lv.js
    svn:mime-type = text/plain