svn commit: r1828979 [3/7] - in /ofbiz/site: ./ template/page/

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svn commit: r1828979 [3/7] - in /ofbiz/site: ./ template/page/

Deepak Dixit-5
Added: ofbiz/site/release-notes-16.11.01.html
--- ofbiz/site/release-notes-16.11.01.html (added)
+++ ofbiz/site/release-notes-16.11.01.html Thu Apr 12 13:31:35 2018
@@ -0,0 +1,2125 @@
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+          <h1 class="span8">Release Notes 16.11.01</h1>
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+    <p>Apache OFBiz 16.11.01, released in 2016-11-27, is the first release of the 16.11 series, that has been stabilized since November 2016.</p>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-293</a>] -  data import - nulling fields impossible</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-817</a>] -  Require Inventory of Marketing Package Product can&#39;t be shipped</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-2146</a>] -  Quote to order - manual adjustments amount not included in cart grand total</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-3037</a>] -  Issues in eCommerce Layout</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-3433</a>] -  eCommerce main store front error returned when attempt is made to &quot;Sign Up For Contact List&quot;</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-3464</a>] -  Added check if the creditcard number string is numeric in validation method isCreditcard in UtilValidate</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-3563</a>] -  Creating a category with an ID (manually or automatically) that matches an existing productID will show the unrelated product when enter into the category on the &#39;Browse category&#39;  of the Ecommerce application.</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-3666</a>] -  Errors attempting to use quantities with more than 2 decimals of precision</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-3739</a>] -  PrepareFind Service Ignores timeZone Parameter When Performing Date/Time Calculations</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-4206</a>] -  Project Manager throws error if project user is not assigned to every project</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-4559</a>] -  InventoryWorker.getOutstandingProductQuantities returns inaccurate results when there are multiple ItemIssuances for an order</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-4651</a>] -  Uploading a file after a session timeout</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-4704</a>] -  MalformedURLException: no protocol: Files/Java/jdk1.6.0_26/lib/tools.jar</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-4837</a>] -  Separator Error in data file tools</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-4861</a>] -  view sprint overview has errors</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-4863</a>] -  Scrum productstatistics shows errors</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-4897</a>] -  Setting the reservation of persons on a routing task isn&#39;t reflected in the overview of routing tasks</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-4954</a>] -  Order item quantity cancel issue.</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-4977</a>] -  Limitation and issue with delegator.findByPrimaryKeyPartial method :  returns error when partialKeyset contains PK value.</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-5034</a>] -  Contact us with service message &amp; email notification</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-5035</a>] -  Special characters (latin, accent ...) are in error from an input (search, contact us ...)</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-5052</a>] -  null [null] on the field phaseName of form hoursNotYetBilled?</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-5074</a>] -  date-find in form widget does not persist value</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-5279</a>] -  Wrong to use !jQuery(&#39;#content-messages&#39;) in \framework\images\webapp\images\selectall.js line #354</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-5295</a>] -  Anonymous Quick Checkout: No Payment Method Information shown in Order Confirmation</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-5305</a>] -  The path /content/images/ is used in some places (only for contentForum.css it seems) but no mount point is associated</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-5313</a>] -  Tree rendering is missing labels.</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-5347</a>] -  Shipping costs not recalculated after changing sales order shipment method</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-5364</a>] -  Incorrect quantityNotAvailable for OrderItemShipGrpInvRes when issuing items to shipments</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-5373</a>] -  If received quantity is greater then ordered quantity then order item quantity update but order item shipgroup assoc quantity does not updated.</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-5419</a>] -  Ordering a License product sometimes (most often) gives a blank page</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-5447</a>] -  .LoginWorker#logout leads to error in tenant specific ecommerce component</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-5521</a>] -  WebAppUtil.getWebappInfoFromWebsiteId throws IllegalArgumentException when web.xml not found</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-5570</a>] -  appendOrderItem Service Not Applying Order Item Attributes</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-5579</a>] -  Error when add product to an order.</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-5588</a>] -  Error while press F9(change quantity) in webpos </li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-5629</a>] -  Pagination at find WorkEffort screen does not work</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-5636</a>] -  Add WorkEffort Timesheet to Invoice or to New Invoice does not work</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-5641</a>] -  Problem with Purchase Order Accounting Entries </li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-5815</a>] -  link of dependent task in Task Dependencies of task links Dependencies of Task</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-5858</a>] -  Quote profit percentage is calculated wrong</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-5870</a>] -  Birt doesn&#39;t work</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-5879</a>] -  Sometimes, RMIDispatcher cannot be constructed</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-5905</a>] -  Change createPartyRelationshipAndRole to use ensurePartyRole</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-5910</a>] -  WidgetWorker.buildHyperlinkUrl generates invalid url when using certain sequences of characters</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-5914</a>] -  Gift card reload service not working OOTB </li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-5916</a>] -  Cutting List Report from Manufacturing Shipment Plans throws error due to due to missing EntityCondition import</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-5918</a>] -  NPE at</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-5919</a>] -  CatalogUrlServlet should return a 404 HTTP status if the category or product does not exist</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-5927</a>] -  Issue reported while performing Refund &amp; Void (java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.String cannot be cast to java.math.BigDecimal)</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-5930</a>] -  Data resouce  caching issue while render data resource on multi tenant environment</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-5933</a>] -  state/province dropdown contains incorrect items when Canada is chosen in country dropdown</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-5940</a>] -  Dialogue window is not working for webpos screens. Seems JS load issue on page.</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-5941</a>] -  Error when adding quantity less than 1 but greater than 0 to cart</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-5942</a>] -  Edit Shipment page is broken</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-5943</a>] -  Menu items incorrectly rendered as anchor instead of hidden-form</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-5944</a>] -  Error at EditWorkEffort for reason field</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-5945</a>] -  GlReconciledFinAccountTrans.ftl finAccountTrans.entryDateId should be finAccountTrans.entryDate</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-5951</a>] -  Product Costs page actions cause incorrect listings</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-5952</a>] -  IncomeStatement page broken</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-5953</a>] -  Problem with new UtilCodec code caused by HTMLEntityCodec.decode()</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-5962</a>] -  If orderDecimalQuantity set to N then system should return error if user add partial quantity in order</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-5968</a>] -  framework/images/webapp/images/fieldlookup.js throws a javascript error in google chrome from a link to ofbiz from another site</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-5971</a>] -  Form ListRequestItemNotes is not referenced in Screens</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-5974</a>] -  Retrieval of NoteData in ListProdBacklogNote is missing value-field attribute</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-5979</a>] -  Form TotalProdBacklog has typo in link</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-5986</a>] -  Error on accessing new tenant</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-5999</a>] -  Find Order filtering broken</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6013</a>] -  &quot;Return Selected Item(s)&quot; button broken for manually created returns</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6022</a>] -  Menu items with parent-portal-page-value=&quot;${parameters.&lt;ParameterValue&gt;}&quot; are not accessible</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6036</a>] -  Return &lt;strong&gt; tag for Autocomplete Dropdown highlight</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6037</a>] -  Widget Refactoring - form extension broken</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6041</a>] -  form renderer insert strange html code....</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6043</a>] -  Change of ship-to address is not persisted when stepping forward and backward in a create order process</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6049</a>] -  Error on Convert Lead</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6051</a>] -  In trunk we lost the Edit and Delete buttons in Store Facilites screen (ajaxUpdateArea)</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6052</a>] -  Find facility inventory items cause UtilCodec.IntrusionException</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6057</a>] -  Quote item view FreeMarker error due Freemarker 2.3 versions higher than 2.3.19</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6058</a>] -  Find Shipment generates an error</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6060</a>] -  We can no longer reset services definitions by clearing caches</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6068</a>] -  Upload video content for category causes exception</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6070</a>] -  Create content for product causes exception</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6071</a>] -  Issue in decrypting entity fields where encrypt=&quot;true&quot; is used in tenant </li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6074</a>] -  controller view-map type=&quot;screenxml&quot; broken</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6075</a>] -  Error on Sending confirm email from newly created order</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6077</a>] -  Error when creating a quote report</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6082</a>] -  HELP_HR_Main.xml invalid Docbook syntax</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6084</a>] -  Find account doesn&#39;t return accounts anymore</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6088</a>] -  There should not need to setup SystemProperty data on each tenant for specifying path to store tenant images.</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6089</a>] -  Cannot locate service by name (ensureNaPartyRoleTo)</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6090</a>] -  Unable to return order items in return process.</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6091</a>] -  Supplier preferred currency not considered for drop-ship order</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6092</a>] -  Domain name should not create for tenant if its left empty during tenant creation</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6095</a>] -  Promo action party lookup dropdown throws error</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6101</a>] -  Error updating order when item quantity less than 1 but greater than 0 exists</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6111</a>] -  Strange Behaviour of the eCommerce Login Link</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6112</a>] -  Incorrect Error Displayed when &quot;Expiring&quot; a Contact Mechanism</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6114</a>] -  webtools entity references generates exceptions</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6119</a>] -  One page checkout broken for registered user</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6120</a>] -  Allow FOP to support &lt;fo:external-graphic/&gt; for -Dportoffset</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6131</a>] -  Error when updating shipment destinationFacilityId</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6142</a>] -  returnItems.ftl freemarker null error when returnPrice or returnQuantity is  null</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6156</a>] -  Upgrade commons-pool2 from 2.2 to.2.3 and commons-dbcp2 from 2.0.1 to 2.1</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6157</a>] -  Upgrade commons-validator from 1.4.0 to 1.4.1</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6158</a>] -  Upgrade commons-net from 3.1 to 3.3</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6159</a>] -  Upgrade commons-logging from 1.1.2 to 1.2</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6160</a>] -  Upgrade commons-csv from 1.0 to 1.1</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6161</a>] -  Upgrade commons-codec from 1.6 to 1.10</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6169</a>] -  Upgrade Tomcat from 7.0.57 to 7.0.59</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6172</a>] -  Screenlet collapsibility is not working</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6183</a>] -  Error when web app has mount point /</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6186</a>] -  ShipmentPlanStockReport.groovv error due to call to runService misspelling</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6188</a>] -  Task Report error for Manufacturing Shipment Plan</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6194</a>] - file is missing licence header</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6196</a>] -  Package Labels Report error for Manufacturing Shipment Plan</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6199</a>] -  Find Commission Run screen is broken.</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6200</a>] -  Order Adjustment details are hidden on order Item section of order entry page.</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6201</a>] -  Error in Create New Account process of SFA</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6202</a>] -  &quot;Expected hash&quot; Freemarker error in FindInventoryEventPlan</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6205</a>] -  Use EntityUtilProperties to get the WebSiteProperties</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6207</a>] -  Anyone can view any Request or Quote</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6209</a>] -  Error when call &quot;updateNote&quot; service.</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6216</a>] -  ProductStoreData.xml contains UPS NEXT_DAY not present in ShippingData.xml</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6218</a>] -  Unit tests throw exception in DBCP</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6219</a>] -  NPE while rendering content uisng screen widget</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6222</a>] -  Change the field name &#39;tenantId&#39; to &#39;userTenantId&#39; from login page and ContextFilter</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6229</a>] -  Can&#39;t create a geo without providing a geoID</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6234</a>] -  catalog main page show freemarker exception</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6237</a>] -  function linkGeos deletes existing GeoAssocs for geoId</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6254</a>] -  Minilang: type=&quot;NewMap&quot; and type=&quot;NewList&quot; for the Set element don&#39;t work</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6257</a>] -  Upload function does not work on Party Manager.</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6259</a>] -  ofbiz looking for web.xml in wrong place</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6260</a>] -  foScreenMacroLibrary.ftl renderLabel doesn&#39;t apply style parameter</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6261</a>] - is missing</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6262</a>] -  CategoryContentWrapper ignores session locale</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6269</a>] -  Pro-rate shipping calculation is generating incorrect invoice in case of order with subtotal $0.00</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6275</a>] -  OFBiz code seems make use of other deprecated OFBiz features</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6299</a>] -  Field order is not correct in the auto-complete for look-ups.</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6309</a>] -  Freemarker errors at language change page due to locale with no display name returned by Locale.getAvailableLocales() in</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6329</a>] -  Malfunction of configurable FTL-Template caching in DataResourceWorker.renderDataResourceAsText</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6346</a>] -  When used setDependentDropdownValuesJs.ftl precludes focus-field-name</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6347</a>] -  Two order payment preferences are added to order, when order of order total 0(zero) is placed with Billing Account</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6348</a>] -  Quote item adjustment rows incorrect color and misaligned on view page</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6351</a>] -  ordermgr/control/ListQuoteItems quoteItemSeqId button not showing due to ${bsh}</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6357</a>] -  Some fields are missing in the person simple-map-processor</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6369</a>] -  Corrected the order in which invoice and payment transactions are created</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6374</a>] -  PartyContentWrapper.getPartyContentAsText use wrong signature</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6382</a>] -  Create PO flow is broken</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6387</a>] -  Duplicate referredByPartyId field for EmployementAppForms.xml#ListEmployementApps at humanres/control/FindEmploymentApps</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6388</a>] -  Licence header is missing in Seo*.xml files</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6396</a>] -  Field Lookup do not show description when widget-verbose is set to false</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6397</a>] -  Survey : FTL error message when using Enumeration or Geo question type</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6400</a>] -  Fix permissions at specialpurpose/myportal/widget/PortalAdmScreens.xml</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6425</a>] -  FindService.performFindList listSize = null causes errors when list is empty because the rendering system expects 0</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6444</a>] -  Postal Address PDF Formatter Screen Problems</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6454</a>] -  Label manager generates an error when searching for unused labels</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6460</a>] -  select survey for product store cause exception</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6495</a>] -  The filter-by-date=&quot;true&quot; of &lt;entity-condition/&gt; in view entity PartyExport does not work</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6496</a>] -  error in parsing array in  ajaxUpdateAreas</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6520</a>] -  Price of product does not shows up when you change currency of your store and setup product prices with new currency</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6530</a>] -  Ajax request should be async</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6533</a>] -  Compiling errors</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6534</a>] -  Same Billing Address generates an error</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6536</a>] -  The &quot;Create new&quot; link under partymgr has disappeared</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6537</a>] -  Unable to change users timezone for session</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6544</a>] -  The focus-field-name form widget feature is broken</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6547</a>] -  Screen with pagination on tables  lead to multiple db entries when submitting</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6552</a>] -  Error when changing language after using the product jump from the left part of the main product screen </li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6553</a>] -  ant load-extseed cause exception</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6554</a>] -  streamContentToBrowser fails when the file name contains a comma, only with Chrome.</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6555</a>] -  errors and warning after load-extseed and running ofbiz</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6561</a>] - fails to clear userLogin cache on password update from ecommerce profile</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6562</a>] -  Service event handler fails to parse string-map-prefix parameters in case of Ajax call</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6563</a>] -  Search for group name reveals all</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6567</a>] -  Wrong percent encoding in Webtool/SQL Processor</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6569</a>] -  popup calendar icon missing and dialog is transparent in flat grey theme</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6570</a>] -  Anonymous unsubscribe from contact list generates an error</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6571</a>] -  Error Adding items to a Customer Return Invoice</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6572</a>] -  Character encoding issue when multitenant is set to Y</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6579</a>] -  ERROR: could not find ModelField for entity name: ItemIssuanceQuantitySum and field: issuedDateTime</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6582</a>] -  SQL Exceptions (OPTION) occuring when running OFBiz 13.07.02 against MySQL</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6583</a>] -  simple coding cleanup</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6584</a>] -  Survey shows wrong submitter details</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6589</a>] -  In all themes, popup calendar does not work</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6591</a>] -  ofbiz does not compile</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6600</a>] -  Scrum total billing cause exception</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6601</a>] -  example component causes exceptions</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6602</a>] -  Upgrade Tomcat from 7.0.59 to 7.0.64</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6605</a>] -  createQuoteRole, createContentRole, and createRequirementRole allow for adding Roles to a Party without permissions</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6606</a>] -  Some groovy files using Timestamp.valueOf are missing essential jar.</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6615</a>] -  The EntityListIterator does not be closed in EntityQuery.query()</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6619</a>] - does not delete RecurrenceRule because it is still referenced by RecurrenceInfo</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6624</a>] -  error in isValidEan util</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6627</a>] -  multiple select dropdown listbox shows only one entry</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6637</a>] -  Work Effort Month Calendar View Is Broken</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6640</a>] -  Eclipse .classpath contains internal Groovy Library classpath container</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6641</a>] -  Missing CountryCodeData.xml values for countries of the former Yugoslavia</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6642</a>] -  Non-breaking space incorrectly encoded in forms</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6643</a>] -  Order items for GZ-1006-5 via ecommerce/ordermgr shows error</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6652</a>] -  Errors in ProductSummary.groovy</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6654</a>] -  Display of a recurrent workeffort in workeffort calendar do not respect estimatedStart/CompletionDate</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6663</a>] -  Error occurred  while printing Deposit Slip</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6665</a>] -  ecommerce screen exception</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6666</a>] -  ModelService constructor does not copy all attribute of service model.</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6669</a>] -  Possible stored XSS issue with Content</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6674</a>] -  In addToCart() method, reset shipment method information in cart only if shipping applies on product</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6678</a>] -  viewimage in order generates an error</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6681</a>] -  Type-ahead regarding workeffort in AddQuoteWorkEffort</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6682</a>] -  Type-ahead regarding requirement in ListWorkEffortRequirements throws an error</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6683</a>] -  Type-ahead regarding workeffort in AddCommEventWorkEffort throws an error</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6684</a>] -  CcTypes.groovy misses licence</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6687</a>] -  org.ofbiz.entity.GenericModelException: Could not find definition for entity name FixedAssetMaintWorkEffort </li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6698</a>] -  sendCommEventAsEmail does not filter CommEventContentAssoc</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6703</a>] -  Cannot create more than one lead in the SFA component by same user</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6706</a>] -  The Widget-style of a menuItem in his link when the menu is selected</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6707</a>] -  WebtoolsUiLabels went missing</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6708</a>] -  Missing userLogin error on party profile screen when 1st content is non public</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6725</a>] -  Best Selling Products section in main order page takes into account cancelled orders</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6728</a>] -  Getting error when returning service (non-physical) product</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6729</a>] -  Return invoice not generated for service (non-physical) product</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6730</a>] -  Return shipment created for non-physical product</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6733</a>] -  Error with Service Product Invoice Lines</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6739</a>] -  Can not display product category name in Unicode.</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6741</a>] -  The state list is not populated when trying to add a shipping address from the Quick Finalize Order screen.</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6742</a>] -  Last categories section in e-commerce pages is broken.</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6743</a>] -  Error on the Split Payment button from the Quick Finalize Order screen</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6753</a>] -  DemoTaxAuthority.xml GL Account for USA_IRS is incorrect</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6761</a>] -  The action of EditExampleBackgroundSubmit form is not correct when creating a example</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6765</a>] -  Error on Accounting reports for Cash transactions.</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6771</a>] -  Upload product image does not work.</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6775</a>] -  Duplicated to display jGrowl error message when open a popup dialog.</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6778</a>] -  Possible &quot;NPE&quot; in viewcontent.ftl (found in trunk demo log)</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6779</a>] -  Wrong entity condition expression for fetching the view entity PartyAndContactMech.</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6784</a>] -  JobSandbox : reload crashed job maybe duplicate pending service</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6788</a>] -  OFBIZ not generating pdf invoices</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6789</a>] -  image management cannot share images</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6791</a>] -  Various fixes related with sales opportunity</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6794</a>] -  Invalid content was found starting with element &#39;description&#39;</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6795</a>] -  Bug on SFA vcard import</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6798</a>] -  Broken filter links if using ecommerce Layered Navigation</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6806</a>] -  Order Item with multiple qty reserved with multiple inventory item not correctly recorded into Shipment_Item_Billing</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6809</a>] -  The passport component misses a web.xml file</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6842</a>] -  ProjectMgr: GanttChart fails, in case of dependencies for tasks</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6844</a>] -  In DemoTaxAuthority.xml the associated countrycode for Bulgaria is wrong</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6856</a>] -  ContactMechs Label</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6859</a>] -  searchContent generates an error</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6861</a>] -  AdminSearch generates an error</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6888</a>] -  GroovyEngine.serviceInvoker masks Groovy script exceptions in some cases</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6893</a>] -  Error during first attempt of the synchronisation</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6898</a>] -  printCheck action generates an error</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6910</a>] -  Newly created id should be out from service &#39;createProductFeatureType&#39;</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6918</a>] -  ApplicationDecorator Entity-One Screen Action Incomplete Primary Key</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6920</a>] -  Credit card details cannot be updated</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6922</a>] -  Currently the testRemoteSoap test service does not work.</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6925</a>] -  Incorrect content length in response from HTTP service engine</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6933</a>] -  When we update the Allow order decimal quantity to N for product store and update the unit price of item in shopping cart then its shown error. </li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6937</a>] -  Company Check payment method should be shown when issuing chek</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6950</a>] -  enhancement of dutch labels</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6953</a>] -  Can not go to &quot;viewprofile&quot; if you is on webtools (see description and screenshot)</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6957</a>] -  jquery plugin jgrowl is loaded before jquery in ecommerce</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6966</a>] -  Unable to change language in ecommerce</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6987</a>] -  Exception in Form Widget Examples</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-7000</a>] -  You cannot edit an image in content</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-7007</a>] -  WebPos login page getting error &quot;FileNotFoundException&quot;.</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-7011</a>] -  Failure in Payment Capture process when ERROR is returned in referenceNum in paymentGatewayResponse</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-7023</a>] -  ExampleCompoundWidgets throws errors in log</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-7025</a>] -  Email-Notification send multiple times</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-7050</a>] -  CMS does not store &quot;Long text&quot;</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-7063</a>] -  Shipping charges reset to ZERO when update purchase order item quantity</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-7068</a>] -  Export widget ftl pointing to wrong location</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-7075</a>] -  Sending mail button from viewProfile doesn&#39;t work</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-7082</a>] -  FileNotFoundException while editing contact information</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-7089</a>] -  Cash Flow Statement report is broken</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-7103</a>] -  FreeMarker template error: Template inclusion failed, on selection bluelight theme</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-7117</a>] -  LookupAccount search screen &#39;Find&#39; button redirect to Lookup Group</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-7119</a>] -  cmssite not working</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-7135</a>] -  Adding role for a party show error on the second add</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-7163</a>] -  Service Reference: Filter for Definition Location is broken</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-7164</a>] -  Fix incorretly clsoed else tag in ftl</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-7167</a>] -  The HTML rendering of tests is no longer working when tests fail </li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-7185</a>] -  Empty brackets shown when no party associated with Quote. Screen breaks when clicking it</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-7203</a>] -  Empty Requirement Id and Product Id fields when generating pdf for Approved Product Requirements</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-7212</a>] -  Error on product detail page</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-7214</a>] - in start misses license heaader</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-7312</a>] -  Order BIRT report is not working properly</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-7323</a>] -  layered-modal hyperlink doesn&#39;t show style</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-7330</a>] -  Error with Agreement Item Supplier product Pdf </li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-7331</a>] -  Getting console error while reading property value</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-7343</a>] -  Geo Location functionality of facility contact information screen is not working </li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-7358</a>] -  In Facility find shipment button doesn&#39;t work on first click</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-7361</a>] -  Catalog : Product Store Group from Product Store Group List item is not being open.</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-7364</a>] -  Failed to open BIRT charts on Product Statistics page.</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-7365</a>] -  fonts.pdf Throw error on terminal</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-7390</a>] -  Print PDF functionality throws exception on Inventory Average Cost screen</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-7427</a>] -  OrderId, PartId showing multiple times in ReceiveInventoryAgainstPurchaseOrder screen.</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-7435</a>] -  Create Custreq from CommEvent shows error on screen</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-7526</a>] -  View Quote screen is broken</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-7563</a>] -  Error message not visible properly after adding item in webpos</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-7602</a>] -  Hide product sub menus while creating new product</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-7612</a>] -  Party content in party component is not getting updated</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-7628</a>] -  Add Communication Event Roles functionality is not working</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-7674</a>] -  Unable to perform search at &quot;eBay Orders Import&quot; screen of eBay component</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-7681</a>] -  Update ./ant create-component template for controller.xml to reflect change in OFBIZ-7061</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-7699</a>] -  Invalid content was found starting with element &#39;xls&#39;</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-7700</a>] -  File Not Found exception in export to ebay</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-7721</a>] -  auto-completer does not work to search  Data Resource Id  and owner content id</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-7724</a>] -  System allows to change status from cancel to empty for return and allow-empty flag of form widget does not honour to add or not empty option field in drop-down </li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-7750</a>] -  Error adding foreign key: ModelEntity was null for related entity name Tenant</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-7758</a>] -  jquery.jgrowl.min.css is linked twice in html page</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-7797</a>] -  Bug in OfbizSetup Create Customer Step</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-7814</a>] -  Console Warning : No parameter found for override parameter named</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-7816</a>] -  Profile of contact person not shown on quick add of contact in SFA</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-7817</a>] -  Party manager home screen generates console error</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-7830</a>] -  Upload Communication Content functionality is not working from the Internal Note creation screen</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-7836</a>] -  Unwanted input box on OrderList screen.</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-7929</a>] -  Scrum find Total Backlog Item is not working in non-English language</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-7938</a>] -  testFopMacroLibrary fails on Windows</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-7939</a>] -  Webtools throws an error</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-7942</a>] -  GitInfo.ftl cannot be created when sources checkout using svn</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-7943</a>] -  Cancelling shipment receipt doubles the inventory</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-7946</a>] -  Data load error on Web Pos component due to removal of POS component</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-7947</a>] -  Create a Customer fails because password is missing</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-7957</a>] -  RateAmount is not found when the level is &#39;WorkEffort&#39;</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-7971</a>] -  Allow Gantt function to compute task with non-numerical ID</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-7975</a>] -  rendering errors in webtools artifact page</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-7978</a>] -  Client side required field validation is not working for password type field</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-7986</a>] -  Warning related to &#39;InventoryItemAndLocation&#39; entity on server start </li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-7989</a>] -  Screen Broken at &quot;Performance Tests&quot; of entity engine</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-7995</a>] -  Not able to create customer</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-8001</a>] -  Entity ECA rules throws NPE in case of remove operation</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-8114</a>] -  The &quot;Only Not Used Labels&quot; option of the Label Manager is broken</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-8119</a>] -  Character encoding issue found in file build.gradle</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-8151</a>] -  Update Party Invitation does not honour &quot;To Name&quot; field</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-8153</a>] -  LabelManager doesn&#39;t search .groovy files</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-8222</a>] -  Edit Calendar Exception week for  &quot;Calendar&quot; is broken</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-8223</a>] -  Broken page renders while click on Submit button on Qualification Screen</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-8242</a>] -  postalAddressHtmlFormatter in PartyScreens.xml does not work properly.</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-8250</a>] -  SvnInfo.ftl and GitInfo.ftl are not generated by default</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-8265</a>] -  Bursted Layout in screen &quot;orderstatus&quot; of ecommerce</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-8282</a>] -  Error : Column &#39;DATA_CATEGORY_ID&#39; cannot accept a NULL value</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-8296</a>] -  Error on update of routing task deliverable product</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-8302</a>] -  Sorting of lists generates undesired results</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-8312</a>] -  funny css value in html output</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-8315</a>] -  webtools label search widget issue</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-8318</a>] -  Error on scrum main page</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-8321</a>] -  Labels and properties caches clearing no longer work</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-8322</a>] -  Unable to run service findContentParents from webtools</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-8336</a>] -  Can&#39;t find resource for bundle</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-8342</a>] -  ConfigXMLReader doesn&#39;t verify if &quot;transaction-timeout&quot; is set before trying to unbox</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-8345</a>] -  popup calendar fails for ecomseo et ecommerce</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-8348</a>] -  cannot edit shopping list for ecommerce and ecomseo</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-8358</a>] -  Validation missing on required fields on run service screen</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-8458</a>] -  Updating Party Content Image does not work</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-8489</a>] -  product page missing form elements</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-8508</a>] -  Missing uiLabel on Export Products to eBay screen</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-8602</a>] -  Required parameters are optional for createWorkEffortKeywords service</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-8603</a>] -  Incorrect required parameters for createWorkEffortQuote service</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-8604</a>] -  Incorrect required parameters for createWorkEffortRequest service</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-8605</a>] -  Incorrect required parameters for createWorkEffortRequestItem service</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-8617</a>] -  Lookup of initial account in new opportunity doesn&#39;t work</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-8620</a>] -  Incorrect required parameters for createWorkEffortRequestItemAndRequestItem service</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-8621</a>] -  Required parameters are optional for createWorkEffortReview service</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-8622</a>] -  Required parameters are optional for createWorkRequirementFulfillment service</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-8624</a>] -  Search Single Transactions From eBay is not working</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-8625</a>] -  Footer text inconsistent in flat gray theme</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-8822</a>] -  Search operation on &#39;AllExamplesWithDesiredCustomerFeaturesReport&#39; entity causing exception</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9046</a>] -  Fixed the UI Label in file CommonErrorUiLabels.xml</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9120</a>] -  Wrong label definition from PartyUiLabels.xml</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-9125</a>] -  Errormessage is displayed twice in</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-2531</a>] -  Enhancements in Trainings under HR module</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-2813</a>] -  ProductStore did not allow the default timezone to be set</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-2983</a>] -  HTML cleanup and layout fixes</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-2995</a>] -  Layout improvement for showing cart properly on order entry page for bizznesstime theme.</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-3311</a>] -  Allow to sort widget dropdowns on items descriptions</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-3406</a>] -  Adding party relationship roles - error message is confusing.</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-3480</a>] -  party id cannot be specified through GUI while creating a Party (Person or Party Group)</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-3669</a>] -  Data seeding to support ability to return products of type RAW_MATERIAL</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-3902</a>] -  Improving the Party Find Screen</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-4020</a>] -  Sign up for a contact list always redirects to the main ecommerce page</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-4090</a>] -  Add Support For Compound Screen Widget XML Files</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-4374</a>] -  Support filtering on non-std date field names in performFind and prepareFind</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-4430</a>] -  Replace OFBiz HttpClient by org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpClient</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-4481</a>] -  Adding a new attribute ignore-when (verry similar to use-when) that enable rendering or not a field in list or multi form.</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-4502</a>] -  Improved CMS tree: more functionality and faster for large trees</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-4761</a>] -  Adding some translations for French</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-5024</a>] -  Modifying data retrieval and storage logic.</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-5042</a>] -  Apache Solr Implementation</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-5169</a>] -  Removing Javolution from framework components</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-5235</a>] -  Show quantityUom at every place where the quantity of a product is shown</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-5361</a>] -  Adding the week number in date picking dropdowns</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-5461</a>] -  include ivy clearcache in build</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-5529</a>] -  User should be able to delete associated production runs</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-5697</a>] -  Add a drop-down for Tax Auth Combined Id in Product Price Creation screen</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-5705</a>] -  cloneWorkEffortPartyAssignments doesn&#39;t work</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-5706</a>] -  Have parties to be assigned to production run tasks</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-5709</a>] -  ProductionRun doesn&#39;t capture and show manufacturing organisation</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-5750</a>] -  Convert Party entites CRUD service from simple to entity-auto</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-5752</a>] -  Adding Uom to product quantity in production run forms</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-5757</a>] -  Remove tenant data from the demo data set</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-5758</a>] -  SalaryStep entity missing From and Thru dates</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-5781</a>] -  Convert Javolution collections into Java collections</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-5812</a>] -  Move Portal Mgt functions in MyPortal</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-5814</a>] -  Move PartyRelationshipAndPartyDetail entity  to Party component</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-5833</a>] -  Tasks menu item should only be visible to persons with appropriate rights</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-5835</a>] -  Trunk fails to compile with Java 1.8</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-5852</a>] -  Add ability to assign parties to Schema tasks</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-5868</a>] -  Have the ability to view the quote profit at all times</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-5872</a>] -  Inconsistencies related to the &quot;java -jar ofbiz.jar&quot; commands when used with arguments</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-5893</a>] -  Use EntityQuery Builder methods in goovy files by replacing Entity Engine methods.</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-5917</a>] -  Improve the way FOP handles fonts notably for currency symbols</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-5950</a>] -  addOrderShipmentToShipment Should Return shipmentItemSeqId</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-5955</a>] -  Convert Agreement entites CRUD service from simple to entity-auto</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-5957</a>] -  Convert Invoice entites CRUD service from simple to entity-auto</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-5958</a>] -  Convert CostComponentCalc entites CRUD service from simple to entity-auto</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-5963</a>] -  Convert BillingAccount entites CRUD service from simple to entity-auto</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-5969</a>] -  Add ability to find by orderName</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-5975</a>] -  Form ViewSprintItem is not referenced in screens</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-5992</a>] -  Convert FixedAsset entites CRUD service from simple to entity-auto</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-5994</a>] -  Have view-entity AgreementAndRole removed</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6012</a>] -  Show &quot;Create Return&quot; button on order view screen other than when order status is complete </li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6016</a>] -  Adding som Dutch translations to common labels.</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6018</a>] -  Adding some Dutch translations to Manufacturing Entity labels</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6019</a>] -  Adding and improving some Dutch translations to ORDER labels</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6020</a>] -  PartyLabels - adding and improving</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6026</a>] -  Creating a QuoteRole doesn&#39;t return to overview of QuoteRoles</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6030</a>] -  ViewQuoteItemInfo.ftl has &lt;td&gt;&lt;/td&gt; at the wrong place</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6044</a>] -  Have Additional Party Entry Screen of the order creation process show parties associated with the order</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6047</a>] -  Convert DataSource, Enumeration and Note entites CRUD service from simple to entity-auto</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6059</a>] -  UOM missing 2 entries</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6062</a>] -  Update apache tika jar to 1.7</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6069</a>] -  Move CuttingListReport.groovy to appropriate folder</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6104</a>] -  Adjust quote demo data to display profit margin</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6105</a>] -  Have the internal organisation set upon Quote creation</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6107</a>] -  Quote report should open in a new window</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6118</a>] -  Upgrade Log4j from 2.0.1 to 2.2</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6121</a>] -  Have PDF reports in BIRT open in new windows</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6122</a>] -  Have BIRT reporting component visible in secondary app menu</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6124</a>] -  Have a better layout design of the chart.rptdesign</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6125</a>] -  Move SeoConfig.xml to e-commerce</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6144</a>] -  Convert FindShipment ftl to form widget</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6148</a>] -  Adding GeoPoints overview to geo management</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6153</a>] -  Find Screen Layout: the main title is missing in Tomahawk</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6171</a>] -  Replace &#39;Open for Business&#39; references with &#39;Apache OFBiz&#39;</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6176</a>] -  Removes ASL2 license headers from files generated by create-component ant target</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6177</a>] -  Have parentCustRequest in edit screens for Request in order manger be a lookup function</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6185</a>] -  Type-ahead regarding LookupInvoice in AP doesn&#39;t return result</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6198</a>] -  Show estimatedShipDate for ordershippinginfo.ftl</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6208</a>] -  rename to</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6214</a>] -  Have  overview of questions in EditSurveyQuestions.ftl paginate properly</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6217</a>] -  fix warnings in trunk on java source code</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6223</a>] -  Move special purpose/jetty to attic</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6224</a>] -  Rename in special purpose/lucene to</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6227</a>] -  Migrate findParty.ftl to form widgets</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6241</a>] -  Fix fop warning related to table-layout=&quot;auto&quot;</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6268</a>] -  Improve Component Loading</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6274</a>] -  Rename OFBiz artifacts from &#39;org.ofbiz.*&#39; to org.apache.ofbiz.*&#39;</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6291</a>] -  Update code to check for types rather than throw ClassCastException</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6302</a>] -  Ftl to Widget: improve ViewCertificate to use widgets instead of ftl</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6303</a>] -  Remove as it has been declared deprecated</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6307</a>] -  Add ability to change Routing statuses</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6311</a>] -  Order Manager ViewQuote screen should display party name and link to party manager</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6315</a>] -  Add allow-multiple to Find CustRequest statusId field </li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6320</a>] -  Replace EditProductAssoc ftl with widgets</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6328</a>] -  createProductionRunsForOrder service doesn&#39;t handle cancelled production runs</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6332</a>] -  Replacing bsh code with Groovy code</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6354</a>] -  FOP rendered list form widgets do not work for fields with postition &gt; 0</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6355</a>] -  FOP renderer does not support alternate row style</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6356</a>] -  FOP renderer doesn&#39;t apply title-area-style</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6364</a>] -  Viewing party content should open in a new window</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6368</a>] -  Empty availabilityStatusId widget dropdown for statusTypeId WEFA_AVAILABILITY of ProductionRunTaskFixedAssets and AddProductionRunTaskFixedAsset</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6370</a>] -  Removed unused commons-cli 1.2 jar</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6371</a>] -  Make background-color in setSourceColor function in fieldlookup.js theme dependent</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6389</a>] -  Add EmplPositionType for CEO and CFO in applications/humanres/data/HumanResTypeData.xml</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6393</a>] -  Support all JobRequisition.qualification PartyQualTypes for RecruitmentForms.xml#EditJobRequisition at humanres/control/EditJobRequisition</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6395</a>] -  The lookup and text-area have a read-only attribute but not the text input field</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6402</a>] -  Replace FTL at webtools/control/entitymaint with widgets</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6403</a>] -  Form widget &lt;hyperlink&gt; id not supported by</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6405</a>] -  Grid widget requires cache clear before modifications are rendered</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6415</a>] -  renderTextFindField doesn&#39;t reselect operation dropdown or ignoreCase checkbox</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6417</a>] -  renderDateFindField doesn&#39;t reselect operation</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6422</a>] -  Paginator.getListLimits listSize gets set to viewSize for FindServices.performFindList</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6423</a>] -  FindService.performFindList can&#39;t be swapped for performFind of grids/forms</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6432</a>] -  Fully translate OFBiz to Arabic</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6438</a>] -  PartyGeoLocation shows menus when accessed</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6443</a>] -  Form widget &lt;auto-fields-entity default-field-type=&quot;find&quot;/&gt; does not render range find fields for fixed-point</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6445</a>] -  order/widget/ordermgr/CustRequestForms.xml#ListRequestList custRequestTypeId should be displayed as description to match find field</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6446</a>] -  ordermgr/control/FindRequest ListRequestList productStoreId as display-entity with subhyperlink</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6447</a>] -  Add custRequestDate to ordermgr/control/FindRequest ListRequestList</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6458</a>] -  Upgrade OFBiz to Java JDK 8</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6459</a>] -  ModelFormFieldBuilder.induceFieldInfoFromEntityField() incorrect FieldInfo.fieldType of TEXT (3) instead of RANGEQBE (15) for auto-fields-entity &lt;range-find&gt;</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6463</a>] -  ordermgr/control/deleteCustRequestParty should delete the record rather than updating the through date</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6464</a>] -  Consolidate name and partyId field of order/widget/ordermgr/CustRequestForms.xml#ListRequestRoles</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6465</a>] -  Replace submit button text with create text order/widget/ordermgr/CustRequestForms.xml#EditRequestRole</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6470</a>] -  Adding a Postal Address templates for the Netherlands</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6476</a>] -  Geo Data Set for Chile</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6478</a>] -  Remove unused view-maps from SCRUM controller</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6479</a>] -  foFormMacroLibrary.ftl renderFieldTitle needs to support styles</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6481</a>] -  foFormMacroLibrary.ftl renderFormOpen needs to support styles</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6483</a>] -  foFormMacroLibrary.ftl renderFormatListWrapperOpen needs to support styles</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6489</a>] -  &lt;drop-down&gt; &lt;entity-options&gt; description attribute should default to ${description} if not specified as is done for &lt;display-entity&gt;</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6490</a>] -  &lt;drop-down&gt; &lt;list-options&gt; description and key-name should be set to default if unspecified same as &lt;display-entity&gt;</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6504</a>] -  how to Create PDF with password Protected in Ofbiz</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6513</a>] -  countyGeoId and geoPointId fields are missing in PartyAndPostalAddress entity view </li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6514</a>] -  All postalAddress simple-map-processors miss some fields</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6519</a>] -  Remove Old deprecated code in WorkEffortEventReminder services</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6523</a>] -  service findOrders set viewSize and viewIndex to optional</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6524</a>] -  Cleaning forms code after setting default-value in list-options and entity-options</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6525</a>] -  Add confirmation message before deleting entity record from web-tools application</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6527</a>] -  Display GeoPoint with map in WebTools</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6529</a>] -  Improve the Create/Edit Geo screen in WebTools/GeoManagement</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6532</a>] -  Adding a new entity-group but no corresponding delegator/group-map is hard to debug</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6539</a>] -  The color of hovered menus in FlatGrey theme is almost invisible</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6545</a>] -  Replace webtools/control/EntitySQLProcessor FTL with widgets</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6564</a>] -  Change ProductProductJump zh label</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6566</a>] -  SecurityGroup doesn&#39;t get removed from a Party</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6592</a>] -  Add wiki documentation regarding the component</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6593</a>] -  Have hard coded links in admin screen open in new windows</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6596</a>] -  The Solr redirection does not work in trunk demo</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6597</a>] -  Update site-conf.xsd to prioritise Groovy over BSF</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6598</a>] -  Replace bsf event type and handler with groovy</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6608</a>] -  Using official content type for json requests</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6616</a>] -  Upgrade solr to 4.10.3 or later</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6672</a>] -  Caches are missing in CategoryContentWrapper and ProductConfigItemContentWrapper </li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6673</a>] -  Form layered-modal is not respecting passed (default) width</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6691</a>] -  Remove tooltip=&quot;${uiLabelMap.CommonRequired}&quot; from fields</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6692</a>] -  Improve xsd definitions</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6696</a>] -  Remove tooltip=&quot;${uiLabelMap.CommonNotModifRecreat}&quot; from display fields</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6699</a>] -  Remove condition attr from StatusValidChange data as its not a valid field of StatusValidChange</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6700</a>] -  Added some text for French language in ProductEntityLabels.xml, no functional change</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6701</a>] -  Enhancement in the content wrappers</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6702</a>] -  Update SimpleContentViewHandler to return mime type on file extension and use inline for content-disposition</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6710</a>] -  Improve the way default position and size lookup parameters are set</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6714</a>] -  Removing unexplained  TODO from Manufacturing services</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6719</a>] -  Remove superfluous .properties extension from EntityUtilProperties requests</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6721</a>] -  org.ofbiz.common.login.LoginServices.userLogin causes stack track when username or password is incorrect</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6727</a>] -  Webtools Entity edition, the suggested date and time formats are not localised</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6732</a>] -  Add some UiLabels in French</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6735</a>] -  Tooltip Calendar field (date or date-time) should not stop when using tab key</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6738</a>] -  Enhance PartyTypeAttr with a description field</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6744</a>] -  Convert Survey entites CRUD service from simple to entity-auto</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6745</a>] -  Convert Content entites CRUD service from simple to entity-auto</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6748</a>] -  Update commons collections from 3.2.2 to 4.1</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6762</a>] -  Show JGrowl alert when using ajax submit form</li>
+<li>[<a href=''>OFBIZ-6772</a>] -  Add ability to specify comparison operators for promotions with conditions on quantity</li>

[... 1459 lines stripped ...]