svn commit: r1839778 - in /ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/applications/accounting: groovyScripts/invoice/InvoiceServices.groovy minilang/invoice/InvoiceServices.xml servicedef/services_invoice.xml

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svn commit: r1839778 - in /ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/applications/accounting: groovyScripts/invoice/InvoiceServices.groovy minilang/invoice/InvoiceServices.xml servicedef/services_invoice.xml

Author: nmalin
Date: Fri Aug 31 17:29:55 2018
New Revision: 1839778

Improved: Convert InvoiceServices.xml mini lang to groovy
Convert services getNextInvoiceId, invoiceSequenceEnforced and invoiceSequenceRestart from minilang to groovy.
This is a subtask of OFBIZ-9350 Deprecate Mini Lang

Thanks to Leila Mekika for this issue

    ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/applications/accounting/groovyScripts/invoice/InvoiceServices.groovy   (with props)

Added: ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/applications/accounting/groovyScripts/invoice/InvoiceServices.groovy
--- ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/applications/accounting/groovyScripts/invoice/InvoiceServices.groovy (added)
+++ ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/applications/accounting/groovyScripts/invoice/InvoiceServices.groovy Fri Aug 31 17:29:55 2018
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import org.apache.ofbiz.base.util.Debug
+import org.apache.ofbiz.base.util.UtilDateTime
+import org.apache.ofbiz.base.util.UtilValidate
+import org.apache.ofbiz.entity.GenericValue
+import org.apache.ofbiz.service.ServiceUtil
+import java.sql.Timestamp
+def getNextInvoiceId() {
+    result = success()
+    // try to find PartyAcctgPreference for parameters.partyId, see if we need any special invoice number sequencing
+    GenericValue partyAcctgPreference = from('PartyAcctgPreference').where(parameters).queryOne()
+    if (Debug.infoOn()) Debug.logInfo("In getNextInvoiceId partyId is [${parameters.partyId}], partyAcctgPreference: ${partyAcctgPreference}", 'InvoiceServices.groovy')
+    String customMethodName = null;
+    String invoiceIdPrefix = '';
+    if (partyAcctgPreference) {
+        invoiceIdPrefix = partyAcctgPreference.invoiceIdPrefix
+        //see OFBIZ-3765 beware of OFBIZ-3557
+        GenericValue customMethod = partyAcctgPreference.getRelatedOne('InvoiceCustomMethod', true)
+        if (customMethod) {
+            customMethodName = customMethod.customMethodName
+        } else {
+            //retrieve service from deprecated enumeration see OFBIZ-3765 beware of OFBIZ-3557
+            if ('INVSQ_ENF_SEQ' == partyAcctgPreference.oldInvoiceSequenceEnumId) {
+                customMethodName = 'invoiceSequenceEnforced'
+            }
+            if ('INVSQ_RESTARTYR' == partyAcctgPreference.oldInvoiceSequenceEnumId) {
+                customMethodName = 'invoiceSequenceRestart'
+            }
+        }
+    } else {
+        Debug.logWarning('Acctg preference not defined for partyId [${parameters.partyId}]', 'InvoiceServices.groovy')
+    }
+    String invoiceIdTemp = ''
+    if (customMethodName) {
+        parameters.partyAcctgPreference = partyAcctgPreference
+        Map serviceResult = run service: customMethodName, with: parameters
+        if (ServiceUtil.isError(serviceResult)) return serviceResult
+        invoiceIdTemp = serviceResult.invoiceId
+    } else {
+        Debug.logInfo('In createInvoice sequence enum Standard', 'InvoiceServices.groovy')
+        //default to the default sequencing: INVSQ_STANDARD
+        invoiceIdTemp = parameters.invoiceId
+        if (!invoiceIdTemp) {
+            invoiceIdTemp = delegator.getNextSeqId('Invoice', 1)
+        } else {
+            //check the provided ID
+            errorMsg = UtilValidate.checkValidDatabaseId(invoiceIdTemp)
+            if (errorMsg != null) {
+                return error("In getNextInvoiceId ${errorMsg}")
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    // use invoiceIdTemp along with the invoiceIdPrefix to create the real ID
+    String invoiceId = invoiceIdPrefix + invoiceIdTemp
+    result.invoiceId = invoiceId
+    return result
+def invoiceSequenceEnforced() {
+    result = success()
+    Debug.logInfo('In createInvoice sequence enum Enforced', 'InvoiceServices.groovy')
+    GenericValue partyAcctgPreference = parameters.partyAcctgPreference
+    //this is sequential sequencing, we can't skip a number, also it must be a unique sequence per partyIdFrom
+    Long lastInvoiceNumber = 1
+    if (partyAcctgPreference.lastInvoiceNumber) {
+        lastInvoiceNumber = partyAcctgPreference.lastInvoiceNumber + 1
+    }
+    partyAcctgPreference.lastInvoiceNumber = lastInvoiceNumber
+    result.invoiceId = lastInvoiceNumber
+    return result
+def invoiceSequenceRestart() {
+    result = success()
+    Debug.logInfo('In createInvoice sequence enum Enforced', 'InvoiceServices.groovy')
+    GenericValue partyAcctgPreference = parameters.partyAcctgPreference
+    //this is sequential sequencing, we can't skip a number, also it must be a unique sequence per partyIdFrom
+    Timestamp nowTimestamp = UtilDateTime.nowTimestamp()
+    if (!partyAcctgPreference.lastInvoiceRestartDate) {
+        //if no lastInvoiceRestartDate then it's easy, just start now with 1
+        partyAcctgPreference.lastInvoiceNumber = 1l
+        partyAcctgPreference.lastInvoiceRestartDate = nowTimestamp
+    } else {
+        //first figure out if we need to reset the lastInvoiceNumber; is the lastInvoiceRestartDate after the fiscalYearStartMonth/Day for this year?
+        curYearFiscalStartDate = UtilDateTime.getYearStart(nowTimestamp, partyAcctgPreference.fiscalYearStartDay, partyAcctgPreference.fiscalYearStartMonth, 0l)
+        if (partyAcctgPreference.lastInvoiceRestartDate < curYearFiscalStartDate && nowTimestamp >= curYearFiscalStartDate) {
+            //less than fiscal year start, we need to reset it
+            partyAcctgPreference.lastInvoiceNumber = 1l
+            partyAcctgPreference.lastInvoiceRestartDate = nowTimestamp
+        } else {
+            //greater than or equal to fiscal year start or nowTimestamp hasn't yet hit the current year fiscal start date, we're okay, just increment
+            partyAcctgPreference.lastInvoiceNumber += 1l
+        }
+    }
+    //get the current year string for prefix, etc; simple 4 digit year date string (using system defaults)
+    Integer curYearString = UtilDateTime.getYear(partyAcctgPreference.lastInvoiceRestartDate, timeZone, locale)
+    result.invoiceId = "${curYearString}-${partyAcctgPreference.lastInvoiceNumber}"
+    return result

Propchange: ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/applications/accounting/groovyScripts/invoice/InvoiceServices.groovy
    svn:eol-style = native

Propchange: ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/applications/accounting/groovyScripts/invoice/InvoiceServices.groovy
    svn:keywords = Date Rev Author URL Id

Propchange: ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/applications/accounting/groovyScripts/invoice/InvoiceServices.groovy
    svn:mime-type = text/plain

Modified: ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/applications/accounting/minilang/invoice/InvoiceServices.xml
--- ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/applications/accounting/minilang/invoice/InvoiceServices.xml (original)
+++ ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/applications/accounting/minilang/invoice/InvoiceServices.xml Fri Aug 31 17:29:55 2018
@@ -21,127 +21,6 @@ under the License.
 <simple-methods xmlns:xsi=""
     xmlns="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
-    <simple-method method-name="getNextInvoiceId" short-description="Get Next invoiceId">
-        <!-- try to find PartyAcctgPreference for parameters.partyId, see if we need any special invoice number sequencing -->
-        <entity-one entity-name="PartyAcctgPreference" value-field="partyAcctgPreference" auto-field-map="false">
-            <field-map field-name="partyId" from-field="parameters.partyId"/>
-        </entity-one>
-        <log level="info" message="In getNextInvoiceId partyId is [${parameters.partyId}], partyAcctgPreference: ${partyAcctgPreference}"/>
-        <if-not-empty field="partyAcctgPreference">
-           <!-- see OFBIZ-3765 beware of OFBIZ-3557 -->
-           <get-related-one relation-name="InvoiceCustomMethod" value-field="partyAcctgPreference" to-value-field="customMethod"/>
-           <else>
-               <log level="warning" message="Acctg preference not defined for partyId [${parameters.partyId}]"/>
-           </else>
-        </if-not-empty>
-        <if-not-empty field="customMethod">
-            <set field="customMethodName" from-field="customMethod.customMethodName"/>
-        <else><!-- retrieve service from deprecated enumeration see OFBIZ-3765 beware of OFBIZ-3557 -->
-            <if-compare operator="equals" value="INVSQ_ENF_SEQ" field="partyAcctgPreference.oldInvoiceSequenceEnumId">
-                <set field="customMethodName" value="invoiceSequenceEnforced"/>
-            </if-compare>
-            <if-compare operator="equals" value="INVSQ_RESTARTYR" field="partyAcctgPreference.oldInvoiceSequenceEnumId">
-                <set field="customMethodName" value="invoiceSequenceRestart"/>
-            </if-compare>
-        </else>
-        </if-not-empty>
-        <if-not-empty field="customMethodName">
-            <set-service-fields service-name="${customMethodName}" map="parameters" to-map="customMethodMap"/>
-            <set field="customMethodMap.partyAcctgPreference" from-field="partyAcctgPreference"/>
-            <call-service service-name="${customMethodName}" in-map-name="customMethodMap">
-               <result-to-field result-name="invoiceId" field="invoiceIdTemp"/>
-            </call-service>
-            <else>
-                <log level="info" message="In createInvoice sequence enum Standard"/>
-                <!-- default to the default sequencing: INVSQ_STANDARD -->
-                <set from-field="parameters.invoiceId" field="invoiceIdTemp"/>
-                <if-empty field="invoiceIdTemp">
-                    <sequenced-id sequence-name="Invoice" field="invoiceIdTemp"/>
-                    <else>
-                        <!-- check the provided ID -->
-                        <check-id field="invoiceIdTemp"/>
-                        <check-errors/>
-                    </else>
-                </if-empty>
-            </else>
-        </if-not-empty>
-        <!-- use invoiceIdTemp along with the invoiceIdPrefix to create the real ID -->
-        <set field="invoiceId" value="${partyAcctgPreference.invoiceIdPrefix}${str:toString(invoiceIdTemp)}"/>
-        <field-to-result field="invoiceId" result-name="invoiceId"/>
-    </simple-method>
-    <simple-method method-name="invoiceSequenceEnforced" short-description="Enforced Sequence (no gaps, per organization)">
-        <log level="info" message="In createInvoice sequence enum Enforced"/>
-        <set field="partyAcctgPreference" from-field="parameters.partyAcctgPreference"/>
-        <!-- this is sequential sequencing, we can't skip a number, also it must be a unique sequence per partyIdFrom -->
-        <if-not-empty field="partyAcctgPreference.lastInvoiceNumber">
-            <calculate field="partyAcctgPreference.lastInvoiceNumber" type="Long">
-                <calcop operator="add" field="partyAcctgPreference.lastInvoiceNumber"/>
-                <number value="1"/>
-            </calculate>
-            <else>
-                <calculate field="partyAcctgPreference.lastInvoiceNumber" type="Long"><number value="1"/></calculate>
-            </else>
-        </if-not-empty>
-        <store-value value-field="partyAcctgPreference"/>
-        <set from-field="partyAcctgPreference.lastInvoiceNumber" field="invoiceId"/>
-        <field-to-result field="invoiceId" result-name="invoiceId"/>
-   </simple-method>
-    <simple-method method-name="invoiceSequenceRestart" short-description="Restart on Fiscal Year (no gaps, per org, reset to 1 each year)">
-        <log level="info" message="In createInvoice sequence enum Restart"/>
-        <set field="partyAcctgPreference" from-field="parameters.partyAcctgPreference"/>
-        <!-- this is sequential sequencing, we can't skip a number; except that it is restarted each fiscal year -->
-        <now-timestamp field="nowTimestamp"/>
-        <if-empty field="partyAcctgPreference.lastInvoiceRestartDate">
-            <!-- if no lastInvoiceRestartDate then it's easy, just start now with 1 -->
-            <calculate field="partyAcctgPreference.lastInvoiceNumber" type="Long"><number value="1"/></calculate>
-            <set from-field="nowTimestamp" field="partyAcctgPreference.lastInvoiceRestartDate"/>
-            <else>
-                <!-- first figure out if we need to reset the lastInvoiceNumber; is the lastInvoiceRestartDate after the fiscalYearStartMonth/Day for this year? -->
-                <calculate field="zeroLong" type="Long"><number value="0"/></calculate>
-                <call-class-method class-name="org.apache.ofbiz.base.util.UtilDateTime" method-name="getYearStart" ret-field="curYearFiscalStartDate">
-                    <field field="nowTimestamp" type="java.sql.Timestamp"/>
-                    <field field="partyAcctgPreference.fiscalYearStartDay" type="java.lang.Number"/>
-                    <field field="partyAcctgPreference.fiscalYearStartMonth" type="java.lang.Number"/>
-                    <field field="zeroLong" type="java.lang.Number"/>
-                </call-class-method>
-                <if>
-                    <condition>
-                        <and>
-                            <if-compare-field field="partyAcctgPreference.lastInvoiceRestartDate" to-field="curYearFiscalStartDate" operator="less" type="Timestamp"/>
-                            <if-compare-field field="nowTimestamp" to-field="curYearFiscalStartDate" operator="greater-equals" type="Timestamp"/>
-                        </and>
-                    </condition>
-                    <then>
-                        <!-- less than fiscal year start, we need to reset it -->
-                        <calculate field="partyAcctgPreference.lastInvoiceNumber" type="Long"><number value="1"/></calculate>
-                        <set from-field="nowTimestamp" field="partyAcctgPreference.lastInvoiceRestartDate"/>
-                    </then>
-                    <else>
-                        <!-- greater than or equal to fiscal year start or nowTimestamp hasn't yet hit the current year fiscal start date, we're okay, just increment -->
-                        <calculate field="partyAcctgPreference.lastInvoiceNumber" type="Long">
-                            <calcop operator="add" field="partyAcctgPreference.lastInvoiceNumber"/>
-                            <number value="1"/>
-                        </calculate>
-                    </else>
-                </if>
-            </else>
-        </if-empty>
-        <store-value value-field="partyAcctgPreference"/>
-        <!-- get the current year string for prefix, etc; simple 4 digit year date string (using system defaults) -->
-        <set field="curYearString" value="${str:toString(date:year(partyAcctgPreference.lastInvoiceRestartDate, util:defaultTimeZone(), util:defaultLocale()))}"/>
-        <set field="invoiceId" value="${curYearString}-${str:toString(partyAcctgPreference.lastInvoiceNumber)}"/>
-        <field-to-result field="invoiceId" result-name="invoiceId"/>
-   </simple-method>
     <simple-method method-name="createInvoice" short-description="Create a new Invoice">
         <now-timestamp field="nowTimestamp"/>

Modified: ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/applications/accounting/servicedef/services_invoice.xml
--- ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/applications/accounting/servicedef/services_invoice.xml (original)
+++ ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/applications/accounting/servicedef/services_invoice.xml Fri Aug 31 17:29:55 2018
@@ -25,23 +25,23 @@ under the License.
-    <service name="getNextInvoiceId" engine="simple"
-        location="component://accounting/minilang/invoice/InvoiceServices.xml" invoke="getNextInvoiceId">
+    <service name="getNextInvoiceId" engine="groovy"
+        location="component://accounting/groovyScripts/invoice/InvoiceServices.groovy" invoke="getNextInvoiceId">
         <description>Get the Next Invoice ID According to Settings on the PartyAcctgPreference Entity for the given Party</description>
         <implements service="createInvoice"/>
         <attribute name="partyId" type="String" mode="IN" optional="false"/>
         <attribute name="invoiceId" type="String" mode="OUT" optional="false"/>
-    <service name="invoiceSequenceEnforced" engine="simple"
-        location="component://accounting/minilang/invoice/InvoiceServices.xml" invoke="invoiceSequenceEnforced">
+    <service name="invoiceSequenceEnforced" engine="groovy"
+        location="component://accounting/groovyScripts/invoice/InvoiceServices.groovy" invoke="invoiceSequenceEnforced">
         <implements service="getNextInvoiceId"/>
         <attribute name="partyAcctgPreference" type="org.apache.ofbiz.entity.GenericValue" mode="IN"/>
         <override name="invoiceId" type="Long" mode="OUT"/>
-    <service name="invoiceSequenceRestart" engine="simple"
-        location="component://accounting/minilang/invoice/InvoiceServices.xml" invoke="invoiceSequenceRestart">
+    <service name="invoiceSequenceRestart" engine="groovy"
+        location="component://accounting/groovyScripts/invoice/InvoiceServices.groovy" invoke="invoiceSequenceRestart">
         <implements service="getNextInvoiceId"/>
         <attribute name="partyAcctgPreference" type="org.apache.ofbiz.entity.GenericValue" mode="IN"/>