svn commit: r1854518 - in /ofbiz/ofbiz-plugins/branches/release18.12/solr/src/docs: ./ asciidoc/ asciidoc/_include/ asciidoc/_include/sr-documentation.adoc asciidoc/solr.adoc

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svn commit: r1854518 - in /ofbiz/ofbiz-plugins/branches/release18.12/solr/src/docs: ./ asciidoc/ asciidoc/_include/ asciidoc/_include/sr-documentation.adoc asciidoc/solr.adoc
Author: jleroux
Date: Thu Feb 28 10:31:29 2019
New Revision: 1854518

Improved: no functional change

Copies Solr doc from trunk

    ofbiz/ofbiz-plugins/branches/release18.12/solr/src/docs/asciidoc/_include/sr-documentation.adoc   (with props)
    ofbiz/ofbiz-plugins/branches/release18.12/solr/src/docs/asciidoc/solr.adoc   (with props)

Added: ofbiz/ofbiz-plugins/branches/release18.12/solr/src/docs/asciidoc/_include/sr-documentation.adoc
--- ofbiz/ofbiz-plugins/branches/release18.12/solr/src/docs/asciidoc/_include/sr-documentation.adoc (added)
+++ ofbiz/ofbiz-plugins/branches/release18.12/solr/src/docs/asciidoc/_include/sr-documentation.adoc Thu Feb 28 10:31:29 2019
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+distributed with this work for additional information
+regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+specific language governing permissions and limitations
+under the License.
+= Solr Apache OFBiz® plugin
+The solr plugin is one of the OFBiz plugins.
+This document describes the Ofbiz solr plugin, an Ofbiz (
+implementation of the Apache Solr search platform (
+The solr plugin includes an Ofbiz service-based wrapper layer to the Apache Solr
+webapp queries as well as the native Apache Solr web interface itself.
+Currently, the solr plugin focuses on Product data.
+Note: This document is a work in progress; information is subject to change.
+== Installation
+To install solr in an Ofbiz setting, simply extract the solr directory and
+and sub-folders to the hot-deploy folder.
+Afterward, the solr home system property (solr.solr.home) must be set to the value
+hot-deploy/solr manually using one of the following methods:
+solr.solr.home in batch/script file:
+Add the parameter "-Dsolr.solr.home=hot-deploy/solr" to the Java command
+invocation for ofbiz.jar.
+"%JAVA_HOME%\bin\java" -Xms128M -Xmx512M -XX:MaxPermSize=512m -Dsolr.solr.home=hot-deploy/solr -jar ofbiz.jar
+solr.solr.home in Ant build configuration:
+In your root Ofbiz build.xml file, add the element "<jvmarg value="-Dsolr.solr.home=hot-deploy/solr"/>"
+to the "<java jar="ofbiz.jar"...>" invocation of the appropriate Ant target(s) (run, start, run-install, etc.).
+<target name="start" description="Start OFBiz">
+    <java jar="ofbiz.jar" fork="true">
+        <jvmarg value="${memory.initial.param}"/>
+        <jvmarg value="${memory.max.param}"/>
+        <jvmarg value="${memory.maxpermsize.param}"/>
+        <jvmarg value="-Dsolr.solr.home=hot-deploy/solr"/>
+    </java>
+It may be possible to specify solr home using other methods (JNDI, web.xml), but at the time
+of this writing, this was the most reliable method known.
+== Configuration
+The solr plugin can run out-of-the-box without configuration, but many
+files, settings and interfaces allow custom settings. Some of these include:
+Ofbiz configurations:
+System properties:
+ofbiz.solr.eca.enabled - Global solr ECA toggling boolean (true/false, see Data Indexing)
+Config files:
+solr/config/ - Ofbiz solr service behavior control
+ofbiz-component.xml - Standard Ofbiz component config
+Apache Solr configurations:
+System properties:
+solr.solr.home - Solr home (see Installation)
+Config files:
+solr.xml - Base solr config
+conf/schema.xml - Solr index schema
+webapp/WEB-INF/web.xml - Dual Ofbiz/Solr webapp config
+/solr/admin/ - Webapp admin interface (see below)
+It is possible to set extensive native Solr configuration using
+the admin webapp interface noted above. It should be accessible at the address:
+(where 8080 is your server's http port)
+Please refer to the Apache Solr documentation for usage of this interface
+and other native Solr configuration details.
+== Data Indexing
+The solr plugin indexes data such as Products into the Apache Solr database
+using services defined in the file:
+The initial indexing may need to be performed or scheduled manually, but subsequent indexing
+may be partially or fully automated, though automated methods are disabled by default and must be enabled.
+Note that in general, solr services can only successfully run in contexts where the solr webapp is
+loaded and accessible.
+There are two methods for indexing data:
+Index rebuilding service (rebuildSolrIndex):
+The rebuildSolrIndex is the most important data import service. It reindexes
+all Ofbiz Products existing in the system into the solr index. rebuildSolrIndex MUST be run
+AT LEAST once after installation and also following any data load operation that loads new products using the Ofbiz
+"install" starting mode (run-install, load-demo, etc.).
+To do this, one can simply use the Webtools backend to invoke the service manually
+(e.g., /webtools/control/setSyncServiceParameters?SERVICE_NAME=rebuildSolrIndex&POOL_NAME=pool&RUN_SYNC=Y)
+or summon the Webtools Job Scheduler.
+Once the initial indexing has been performed, one can then use the Job Scheduler to
+invoke rebuildSolrIndex on a regular basis (every hour, every midnight, etc.) to update the Solr index.
+ECAs/SECAs (addToSolr, for Product data):
+Although the rebuildSolrIndex is always necessary for the initial data import, one may also
+use ECAs and SECAs to import subsequent data changes automatically at every individual data (e.g. Product)
+update instead of running rebuildSolrIndex periodically. This is done by defining ECAs or SECAs that
+trigger the addToSolr service.
+The addToSolr service simply accepts a single "instance" parameter, a GenericValue. At the time of this writing,
+any entity value having a valid "productId" field designating a Product value may be passed; this will trigger reindexing
+for the specific product.
+By default, the addToSolr service implementation (and any service intended for use with ECAs) is disabled globally and
+succeeds silently. It can be enabled by setting the "solr.eca.enabled=true" in "config/".
+This property is provided for easy toggling. It can also be specified on the command line or using ant through
+the true/false "ofbiz.solr.eca.enabled" system property (which has priority over file-based "solr.eca.enabled") in the same
+way described for the solr home system property (see Installation); this allows toggling them per Ant target.
+Some stock/default/example ECAs are provided and are functional once enabled. They can be found in:
+Custom ECAs may also be added to this file, and custom SECAs may be added to the file:
+Special care may need to be taken to ensure the addToSolr is not triggered during "install" sequences
+(run-install/load-demo) because it requires the solr webapp to be accessible. addToSolr will automatically
+attempt to prevent reindexing in cases where the solr webapp is unavailable. However, it is possible that
+this behavior results in needlessly prevented reindexing (and thus lost updates) in some unknown complex server
+configurations. If this is the case, this behavior can be disabled by setting the option
+"solr.eca.useSolrWebappLoadedCheck=false" in the properties file "config/".
+However, if the above useSolrWebappLoadedCheck option is specified, you will have to manually disable or comment the
+ECA definitions/services to prevent them from executing during data-load operations; the "solr.eca.enabled" property and "ofbiz.solr.eca.enabled" system property can be used for this purpose. One easy way is to set "solr.eca.enabled=true" in
+the property files and then specify "-Dofbiz.solr.eca.enabled=false" for any relevant
+Ant build install/run-install/load-demo targets.
+Note that simply commenting the ECAs/SECAs or preventing their inclusion using
+ofbiz-component.xml may eliminate some service call overhead compared to using the property toggling. Ideally,
+a method exploiting ofbiz-component.xml or eecas.xml to prevent ECAs from running in inappropriate contexts
+would be ideal; however, at the time of this writing, such a method could not be established.
+To reset and clear the solr index completely, it is sufficient to shut down the server and delete the folders:
+and any other such folders (must delete the whole folders, not only contents).
+== Data Querying
+Solr queries can be done using two methods:
+Solr Ofbiz services:
+Simply invoke (manually or in code) the query services found in the file:
+These include solrProductsSearch, solrKeywordSearch and others. Note that in general,
+solr services can only successfully run in contexts where the solr webapp is loaded and accessible.
+Solr native admin webapp interface:
+One can also perform native Solr queries and diagnostics using the standard
+admin interface, accessible as described under Configuration. Please refer
+to the Apache Solr documentation for usage of this interface.
+== Implementation Concerns
+The structure of the solr/webapp directory closely mirrors the contents of the solr.war
+distribution; however, please note that it contains some Ofbiz-specific modifications such
+as those found in web.xml. The same is true for other folders such as solr/conf. Therefore,
+any library updates must be done with care to preserve these modifications.
+== Known Bugs, Limitations and Issues
+In general, solr services can only successfully run in contexts where the solr webapp
+is loaded and accessible.
+ECA indexing may be problematic due to data loading and unknown complex server configurations;
+various toggling options are provided to work around this issue (see Data Indexing for details).
+In the future - and ideally - this could be addressed using ofbiz-component.xml (or eecas.xml) directives.
+The indexing services often produce the log warning "Problem reading product features" due to their
+use of the stock Ofbiz getProductFeatureSet service.
+Please report any other issues encountered. Thank you.
\ No newline at end of file

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Added: ofbiz/ofbiz-plugins/branches/release18.12/solr/src/docs/asciidoc/solr.adoc
--- ofbiz/ofbiz-plugins/branches/release18.12/solr/src/docs/asciidoc/solr.adoc (added)
+++ ofbiz/ofbiz-plugins/branches/release18.12/solr/src/docs/asciidoc/solr.adoc Thu Feb 28 10:31:29 2019
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+distributed with this work for additional information
+regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+specific language governing permissions and limitations
+under the License.
+= Solr Plugin
+The solr plugin is one of the OFBiz plugins.

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