svn commit: r421241 - /incubator/ofbiz/trunk/applications/order/config/

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svn commit: r421241 - /incubator/ofbiz/trunk/applications/order/config/

Author: hansbak
Date: Wed Jul 12 04:33:37 2006
New Revision: 421241

dutch label update

    incubator/ofbiz/trunk/applications/order/config/   (with props)

Added: incubator/ofbiz/trunk/applications/order/config/
--- incubator/ofbiz/trunk/applications/order/config/ (added)
+++ incubator/ofbiz/trunk/applications/order/config/ Wed Jul 12 04:33:37 2006
@@ -0,0 +1,664 @@
+# Copyright 2001-2006 The Apache Software Foundation
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
+# use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+# the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+# ========================================
+# UiLabels for the order Component
+# ========================================
+FacilityBillingAddressSameShipping = Billing address is the same as the shipping address
+FacilityDeliveryOrder=Delivery order
+FacilityFacility = Facility
+FacilityInventory = Inventory
+FacilityNoFacility = No Facility
+FacilityNoOtherShippingMethods = Use Default: No other shipping methods available.
+FacilityShipAvailable = Please ship items I ordered as they become available (you may incur additional shipping charges).
+FacilityShipOnceOrAvailable = Ship all at once, or 'as available'?
+FacilityShipmentDatas=Shipment Data
+FacilityShipments = Shipments
+FacilityShipping = Shipping
+FacilityShippingAndHandling = Shipping and Handling
+FacilitySpecialInstructions = Special Instructions
+FacilityWaitEntireOrderReady = Please wait until the entire order is ready before shipping.
+OrderAddCode = Add Code
+OrderAddNote = Add Note
+OrderAddToOrder = Add To Order
+OrderAddress = Address
+OrderAddOrderToShoppingList = Add Order Items to Shopping List
+OrderAdjustment = Adjustment
+OrderAdjustmentType = Adjustment Type
+OrderAdjustments = Adjustments
+OrderAgent=Order Agent
+OrderAllowSplit = Allow Split
+OrderApproveOrder = Approve Order
+OrderAutoCreateOfferteAdjustments=Auto Create Adjustments
+OrderBeSureIncludeOrder = Be sure to include your order
+OrderCancelAllItems = Cancel all Items
+OrderCancelled = Cancelled
+OrderCannotBeChanged = (cannot be changed without clearing order.)
+OrderCardSecurityCode=Card Security Code
+OrderCartTotal = Cart Total
+OrderChooseFacilityDifferentDefault = You may choose a facility instead of the default one
+OrderChooseFollowingForGift = You may also choose one of the following for your gift
+OrderClearOrder = Clear Order
+OrderCompanyName = OFBiz: Order Manager
+OrderCompanySubtitle = Part of the Open For Business Family of Open Source Software
+OrderCompleteOrder = Complete Order
+OrderContactInformation = Contact Information
+OrderContainsBackOrders=Contains BackOrders
+OrderCopyCustRequestItem=Duplicate Request Item
+OrderCopyOfferte=Duplicate Offerte
+OrderCreateCustRequestFromCart=Create a Request For Offerte
+OrderCreateCustRequestFromShoppingList=Create a Request For Offerte
+OrderCreateNewReturn = Create new return
+OrderCreateOrder = Nieuwe Bestelling
+OrderCreateOrderOfferte = Create New Offerte
+OrderCreateOrderOfferteAdjustment=Create Manual Adjustment
+OrderCreateOrderOfferteAttribute = Create New Offerte Attribute
+OrderCreateOrderOfferteCoefficient = Create New Offerte Coefficient
+OrderCreateOrderOfferteItem = Create New Offerte Item
+OrderCreateOrderOfferteRole = Create New Offerte Role
+OrderCreateOrderOfferteWorkEfforts=Create Offerte Work Efforts
+OrderCreateOfferteFromCart=Create New Offerte From Cart
+OrderCreateOfferteFromShoppingList=Create New Offerte
+OrderCreateReturn = Create return
+OrderCreatedBy = Created by
+OrderCurrentStatus = Current Status
+OrderCustomerPo = Custumer PO#
+OrderCustomerTaxId=Customer Tax ID
+OrderDate = Order Date
+OrderDateOrdered = Date Ordered
+OrderDesiredDeliveryDate = Desired Delivery Date
+OrderDestination = Destination
+OrderDoPromotions=Run Promotions
+OrderEditItems = Edit Items
+OrderEnteredPromoCodes = Entered Codes
+OrderEntryDate = Entry Date
+OrderErrorFacilityHaveNoAdress=Error : the facility does not have addresses
+OrderExemptAmount=Exempt Amount
+OrderExternalId = External ID
+OrderFinalizeOrder = Finalize Order
+OrderFinalizeOrderDefault = Finalize Order With Default Options
+OrderFindOrder = Zoek Bestellingen
+OrderFindReturn = Find Returns
+OrderFindRequests=Find Requests
+OrderFindOfferte=Find Offerte
+OrderGift = Gift?
+OrderGiftCard = Gift Card
+OrderGiftMessage = Gift Message
+OrderGiftWrapAllItems = Gift Wrap All Items?
+OrderGrandTotal = Grand Total
+OrderGrossDollarAmountsIncludesAdjustmentsAndPendingOrders=Gross Dollar Amounts (includes adjustments and pending orders)
+OrderGrossItemsSoldIncludesPromotionsAndPendingOrders=Gross Items Sold (includes promotions and pending orders)
+OrderHold=Hold Order
+OrderImage = Image
+OrderInProduction = In Production
+OrderInProgress = In Progress
+OrderInputQuickPurchaseOrder=Purchase Order Quick Entry
+OrderInternalCode = Internal Code
+OrderInternalNote = Internal Note
+OrderInternalNoteMessage = If yes is selected, this note doesn't appear on the print documents
+OrderInvoiced = Invoiced
+OrderInvoices = Invoices
+OrderIsThisGift = Is This a Gift?
+OrderIssuedToShipmentItem = Issued to Shipment Item
+OrderIssuedWithoutShipment=Issued Without a Shipment (Immediate, Physical Store)
+OrderItemStatus = Item Status
+OrderItemTotal = Item Total
+OrderItemsBackOrdered = Items Backordered
+OrderItemsOrdered = Items Ordered
+OrderItemsReturned = Items Returned
+OrderItemsSubTotal = Items SubTotal
+OrderJurisdiction = Jurisdiction
+OrderLinkedToOrderItem=Linked to order item
+OrderLinkedToRequirement=Linked to requirement
+OrderLinkedToOfferte=Linked to quote
+OrderLookupOrder = Lookup Order(s)
+OrderLookupReturn = Lookup Return(s)
+OrderManagerApplication = Order Manager Application
+OrderManualPromotions=Manual Promotions
+OrderMoreOptionsAvailable=More options available in drop down
+OrderNbr = #
+OrderNewQuantity=New quantity
+OrderNewOfferte = New quote
+OrderNewOfferteAttribute = New Offerte Attribute
+OrderNewOfferteItem = New Offerte Item
+OrderNewReceipt = New Receipt
+OrderNewRequest = New Request
+OrderNewRequestItem = New Request Item
+OrderNewRequirement = New Requirement
+OrderNewShipment = New Shipment
+OrderNewShipmentForShipGroup = New Shipment For Ship Group
+OrderNoChannel = No Channel
+OrderNoGiftWrap = No Gift Wrap
+OrderNoNotes = No notes for this order.
+OrderNoNotesForThisRequestItem = No Notes For This Request Item
+OrderNoOrderAdjustments=No adjustments on this order.
+OrderNoOrderFound = No Order Found
+OrderNoOrderFoundForParty=No orders found for partyId
+OrderNoOrderItemsToDisplay = No order items to display.
+OrderNoPurchasePaymentMethod=No Purchase Payment Method Information Found.
+OrderNoPurchaseProduct=No Purchased Product Information Found.
+OrderNoPurchaseSpecified=No Purchase Order was specified
+OrderNoRequestFound = No Request Found
+OrderNoReturnFound = No return found.
+OrderNoReturnFoundWithId = No return found with return ID
+OrderNoReturnItemsFound=No item(s) in return.
+OrderNoRolesAssociatedRequest = No Roles Associated With This Customer Request
+OrderNoOfferteFound = No Offerte Found.
+OrderNotPrintableNote = Internal Note (Not Printed)
+OrderNotShipped = Not Shipped
+OrderNotUsedForPurchase = Not Used For Purchase Orders
+OrderNotUsedForSales = Not Used For Sales Orders
+OrderNote = Note
+OrderNotes = Notes
+OrderNotesCreateNew = Create New
+OrderNotesForRequestItem = Notes For Request Item
+OrderNotYetKnown=Not Yet Known
+OrderNumberOfPersons=Number of persons
+OrderOfflineCheckMoney = Offline: Check/Money Order
+OrderOnOrder = On Order
+OrderOrder = Bestellingen
+OrderOrderBillFromParty = Bill From Party
+OrderOrderBillToParty = Bill To Party
+OrderOrderConfirmation = Order Confirmation
+OrderOrderDate = Order Date
+OrderOrdered = Ordered
+OrderOrderEntry = Order Entry
+OrderOrderEntryCurrencyAgreementShipDates = Enter Order Currency, Agreements, and Ship Dates
+OrderOrderEntryCustomerInfo = Order Entry Customer Info
+OrderOrderEntryOrderTerms = Order Entry Order Terms
+OrderOrderEntryPaymentSettings = Order Entry Payment Settings
+OrderOrderEntryShipToSettings = Order Entry Ship-To Settings
+OrderOrderEntryInternalOrganziation = Internal Organization
+OrderOrderFor = Order for
+OrderOrderFound = Order(s) Found
+OrderOrderHeaderInfo = Order Header Info
+OrderOrderId = Order Id
+OrderOrderItems = Order Items
+OrderOrderItemType = Item Type
+OrderOrderList = Order List
+OrderOrderManagerApplication = Order Manager Application
+OrderOrderName = Order Name
+OrderOrderNeedingAttention = Orders Needing Attention
+OrderOrderNumber = Order Number
+OrderOrderOptionSettings = Order Option Settings
+OrderOrderPurchaseToBeScheduled = Order Purchase To Be Scheluded
+OrderOrderQty=Order Qty
+OrderOrderOfferte = Offerte
+OrderOrderOfferteAttributeName = Attribute Name
+OrderOrderOfferteAttributeValue = Attribute Value
+OrderOrderOfferteAttributes = Offerte Attributes
+OrderOrderOfferteAverageCost = Average Cost
+OrderOrderOfferteCoeffName = Coeff. Name
+OrderOrderOfferteCoeffValue = Coeff. Value
+OrderOrderOfferteCoefficients = Offerte Coefficients
+OrderOrderOfferteCostToPrice = Cost to Price
+OrderOrderOfferteDefaultUnitPrice = Default Unit Price
+OrderOrderOfferteDeliverableTypeId = Deliverable Type Id
+OrderOrderOfferteEdit=Edit Offerte
+OrderOrderOfferteEditAdjustments=Edit Offerte Adjustments
+OrderOrderOfferteEditAttributes=Edit Offerte Attributes
+OrderOrderOfferteEditCoefficients=Edit Offerte Coefficients
+OrderOrderOfferteEditRoles=Edit Offerte Roles
+OrderOrderOfferteEditItems=Edit Offerte Items
+OrderOrderOfferteEditReportMail=Edit Offerte Report Mail
+OrderOrderOfferteEditWorkEfforts=Edit Offerte Work Efforts
+OrderOrderOfferteEnterWorkEffortId=Enter existing WorkEffort Id below
+OrderOrderOfferteEnterWorkEffortIdNew=OR add new WorkEffort data below to create new entity (leave WorkEffort Id empty)
+OrderOrderOfferteEstimatedDeliveryDate = Estimated Delivery Date
+OrderOrderOfferteId = Offerte Id
+OrderOrderOfferteIssueDate = Offerte Issue Date
+OrderOrderOfferteItem = Offerte Item
+OrderOrderOfferteItemSeqId = Offerte Item Seq Id
+OrderOrderOfferteItems = Offerte Items
+OrderOrderOfferteListAdjustments=List Offerte Adjustments
+OrderOrderOfferteListAttributes=List Offerte Attributes
+OrderOrderOfferteListCoefficients=List Offerte Coefficients
+OrderOrderOfferteListRoles=List Offerte Roles
+OrderOrderOfferteListItems=List Offerte Items
+OrderOrderOfferteManualUnitPrice = Manual Unit Price
+OrderOrderOfferteName = Offerte Name
+OrderOrderOffertePercent = Offerte Percent
+OrderOrderOffertePrices = Offerte Prices
+OrderOrderOfferteReport=Offerte Report
+OrderOrderOfferteRoles = Offerte Roles
+OrderOrderOfferteSkillTypeId = Offerte Skill Type Id
+OrderOrderOfferteTypeId = Offerte Type Id
+OrderOrderOfferteUnitPrice = Offerte Unit Price
+OrderOrderOfferteViewProfit=View Offerte Profit
+OrderOrderOfferteViewRequest = View Request
+OrderOrderOfferteWorkEffortId = OfferteWorkEffortId
+OrderOrderOfferteWorkEfforts=Offerte Work Efforts
+OrderOrderOffertes = Offertes
+OrderOrderOfferteuomId = Offerte Uom Id
+OrderOrderReturn = Return
+OrderOrderReturns = Returns
+OrderOrdersItemCounts=Orders Item Counts
+OrderOrderShortcuts = Shortcuts
+OrderOrdersPending=Orders Pending
+OrderOrderStatisticsPage=Order Statistics Page
+OrderOrdersTotals=Orders Totals
+OrderOrderTasks = Order Tasks
+OrderOrderTermDays = Term Days
+OrderOrderTermType = Term Type
+OrderOrderTermValue = Term Value
+OrderOrderTerms = Order Terms
+OrderOrderTotal = Order Total
+OrderOrderType = Order Type
+OrderOriginFacility = Origin Facility
+OrderOtherOrders = Other Orders
+OrderOutstanding = Outstanding
+OrderOverridePrice=Override Price
+OrderPONumber = PO Number
+OrderPackShipmentForShipGroup=Pack Shipment For Ship Group
+OrderPaidDollarAmountsIncludesAdjustments=Paid Dollar Amounts (includes adjustments)
+OrderPaidItemsSoldIncludesPromotions=Paid Items Sold (includes promotions)
+OrderPartyNameNotFound=Name Not Found
+OrderPartyDontWish=I do not wish to add additional parties.
+OrderPartySelectRoleForParty=Select Role For Party
+OrderPaymentOfflineCheckMoney = Offline Payment: Check/Money Order
+OrderPaymentType=Payment Type
+OrderPendingPaymentDollarAmountsIncludesAdjustments=Pending Payment Dollar Amounts (includes adjustments)
+OrderPendingPaymentItemsSoldIncludesPromotions=Pending Payment Items Sold (includes promotions)
+OrderPickOrders=Pick Orders
+OrderPlannedInReceive=Received quantity
+OrderPlannedInShipment=Planned in Shipment
+OrderPlannedRejected=Rejected quantity
+OrderPrice = Price
+OrderPrintableNote = Public Note (Printed)
+OrderProcessingStatus=Processing Status
+OrderProcessingTransitions=Processing Transitions
+OrderProcessingInActive=This order is currently in a 'Active' state.
+OrderProcessingInHold=This order is currently in a 'Hold' state. The activity has been suspended.
+OrderProcessingInHoldNote=** Note: If this state is a result of an automated activity, releasing may not have an effect until all conditions are met.
+OrderProductStore = Product Store
+OrderPromotionCouponCodes = Promotion/Coupon Codes
+OrderPurchaseOrder = Purchase Order
+OrderPurchaseReportOptions=Order Purchase Report Options
+OrderQuantity = Quantity
+OrderQuantityCancelled=Qty Cncld
+OrderQuantitySold=Qty Sold
+OrderQuantityPurchase=Qty Purch
+OrderQuantityUom = Unity of measure
+OrderQuickAddOrderItem=Order Item Quick Add
+OrderQuickFinalizeOrder=Quick Finalize Order
+OrderQuickLookup=Quick Lookup
+OrderQuickReceivePurchaseOrder = Quick Receive Purchase Order
+OrderQuickRefundEntireOrder = Quick Refund Entire Order
+OrderQuickShipEntireOrder = Quick Ship Entire Order
+OrderRecalculateOrder = Recalculate Order
+OrderReceiptInformation=Receipt Information
+OrderReceivedInOtherReceive=On Other Delivery Order
+OrderReceiveOfflinePayments=Receive Offline Payment(s)
+OrderReceiveReturn = Receive Return
+OrderRelease=Release Hold
+OrderRemaining = Remaining
+OrderRemainingSubTotal = Remaining SubTotal
+OrderRemoveSelected=Remove Selected
+OrderReports=Order Reports
+OrderReportPurchasesByOrganization=Purchases by Organization Report
+OrderReportPurchasesByPaymentMethod=Purchases by Payment Method Report
+OrderReportPurchasesByProduct=Purchases by Product Report
+OrderReportSalesByStore=Sales by Store Report
+OrderRequest = Request
+OrderRequestCreatedDate=Created Date
+OrderRequestDate=Request Date
+OrderRequestItem=Request Item
+OrderRequestItems = Request Items
+OrderRequestLastModifiedDate=Last Modified Date
+OrderRequestList = Request List
+OrderRequestManager = Request Manager
+OrderRequestMaximumAmount=Maximum Amount
+OrderRequestName = Request Name
+OrderRequestRoles = Request Roles
+OrderRequestTaker = Request Taker
+OrderRequestingParty = Requesting Party
+OrderRequests = Requests
+OrderRequiredForSO = Required for SO
+OrderRequirement = Requirement
+OrderRequirementByDate = Manufacturing Requirement By Date
+OrderRequirementId = RequirementId
+OrderRequirementStartDate = Manufacturing Requirement Start Date
+OrderRequirements = Requirements
+OrderRequirementsForRequestItem = Requirements For Request Item
+OrderRequirementStatusId=Order Requirement Status Id
+OrderReturnAccept=Accept Return
+OrderReturnAdjustments=Return Order Adjustment(s) From Order
+OrderReturnCreate=Create Return
+OrderReturnFound = Return(s) Found
+OrderReturnFromAddress = Return From Address
+OrderReturnFromOrder=Return Item(s) From Order
+OrderReturnFromParty = Return From Party
+OrderReturnDestinationFacility = Destination Facility
+OrderReturnHeader = Return Header
+OrderReturnId = Return ID
+OrderReturnItems = Return Items
+OrderReturnItemInventoryStatus = Inventory Status
+OrderReturnLoadItems=Load order items for return
+OrderReturnManualAdjustment=Manual Return Adjustment For Order
+OrderReturnNeedsAutoReceive=Needs Auto-Receive (On ACCEPT)
+OrderReturnNoReturnableItems=No returnable items found for order
+OrderReturnPrice=Return Price
+OrderReturnPriceNotIncludeTax=Price not includes tax & adjustments
+OrderReturnReason=Return Reason
+OrderReturnReceive=Receive Return
+OrderReturnSelectedItems=Return Selected Item(s)
+OrderReturnShipFromAddress=Please select a ship from address
+OrderReturnType=Return Type
+OrderReturnToAddress = Return To Address
+OrderReturnToFacility = Return To Facility
+OrderReturnTotal = Return Total
+OrderReturned = Returned
+OrderReturnQty=Return Qty
+OrderReturnReason = Reason
+OrderReturnResponse = Response
+OrderReturnSummary=Return Summary
+OrderReturnType = Type
+OrderReviewOrder = Review Order
+OrderRunAction=Run Action
+OrderSalesChannel = Sales Channel
+OrderSalesOrder = Sales Order
+OrderSalesTax = Sales Tax
+OrderStatusChanges=Status Changes
+OrderScheduleDelivery = Schedule Delivery
+OrderSelectAgreement = Select an agreement for this order
+OrderSelectCurrency = Set a currency for this order
+OrderSelectCurrencyOr = Or set a currency for this order
+OrderSelectPartyToOrder = Select type of party to associate to order
+OrderSelectedGiftNotAvailableForAll = Selected Gift Wrap is not available for all items. The items which are available have been selected, the others remain unchanged.
+OrderSendEmail = Send Email
+OrderShipAfterDate = Ship After Date
+OrderShipAfterDateDefault = Default Ship After Date
+OrderShipBeforeDate = Ship Before Date
+OrderShipBeforeDateDefault = Default Ship Before Date
+OrderShipGroup = Ship Group
+OrderShipRequest = Ship Request
+OrderShipmentInformation = Shipment Information
+OrderShipToAnotherParty=Ship to Another Party
+OrderShortfalled = Shortfalled
+OrderShowAllNotes = Show All Notes
+OrderShowThisItemsNotes = Show This Item's Notes
+OrderSplittingPreference = Splitting Preference
+OrderStartDateTime = Start Date/Time
+OrderStatusHistory = Status History
+OrderStockEventPlanned = Stock event planned
+OrderSubTotal = Sub Total
+OrderSupplierData=Supplier Data
+OrderSupplierFinancialData=Supplier Financial Data
+OrderSurvey = Survey
+OrderThisOrderGift = This order is a gift
+OrderThisOrderNotGift = This order is not a gift
+OrderTotalDue = Total Due
+OrderTotalOtherOrderAdjustments = Total Other Order Adjustments
+OrderTotalQuantityAccepted= Total quantity accepted
+OrderTotalQuantityRejected = Total quantity rejected
+OrderTotalQuantityReceive = Total quantity received
+OrderTotalQuantityOrdered = Total quantity ordered
+OrderTotalQuantityNotReceived = Total quantity not received
+OrderTotalSalesTax = Total Sales Tax
+OrderTotalShippingAndHandling = Total Shipping and Handling
+OrderTrackingCode=Tracking Code
+OrderTrackingNumber = Tracking Number
+OrderUnitList = Unit / List
+OrderUnitPrice = Unit Price
+OrderUpdateItems = Update Items
+OrderUnplanned = Unplanned
+OrderUseDefaultComment = Use as default comment for next entry
+OrderUseDefaultDesiredDeliveryDate = Use as default desired delivery date for next entry
+OrderValueSold=Value Sold
+OrderValuePurchase=Value Purch
+OrderViewEditDeliveryScheduleInfo = View/Edit Delivery Schedule Info
+OrderViewImage = View Image
+OrderViewOrder = View Order
+OrderViewPermissionError = You do not have permission to view this page.
+OrderViewOfferte=View Offerte
+OrderViewRequest=View Request
+OrderWaitingApproval=Waiting Approval
+OrderWaitingCompletion=Waiting Completion
+OrderWaitingPayment=Waiting Payment
+OrderWithPromoCode=with Code
+OrderWorkflow = Workflow
+PageTitleLogin = Login
+PageTitleLookupCustomerRequest=Lookup Customer Request
+PageTitleLookupCustomerRequestItem=Lookup Customer Request Item
+PageTitleLookupOrderHeader=Lookup Order Header
+PageTitleLookupOrderHeaderAndShipInfo=Lookup Order Header and Ship Info
+PageTitleLookupPurchaseOrderHeaderAndShipInfo=Lookup Purchase Order Header and Ship Info
+PageTitleLookupRequirement=Lookup Requirement
+PageTitleLookupOfferte=Lookup Offerte
+PageTitleLookupOfferteItem=Lookup Offerte Item
+PageTitleLookupShoppingList=Lookup Shopping List
+PageTitleOrderAgreements=Order Agreements
+PageTitleOrderInits=Order Initis
+PageTitleOrderShowCart=Show Cart
+PageTitleCreateOfferteForCustRequest=Create a new Offerte and OfferteItem for a CustRequest
+PageTitleEditRequirement=Edit Requirement
+PageTitleEditRequestItem=Edit a Request Item
+PageTitleEditRequestItemWorkEffort=Edit a Request Item WorkEffort
+PageTitleEditOfferteItemForCustRequest=Edit a OfferteItem For a CustRequest
+PageTitleFindReturn=Find Return
+PageTitleFindQuickReturn=Quick Return
+PageTitleListRequirementCustRequests=List Requirement Cust Requests
+PageTitleListRequirementOrders=List Requirement Orders
+PageTitleReturnHeader=Return Header
+PageTitleReturnList=Return List
+PageTitleReturnItems=Return Items
+PageTitleRequestItemNotes=Request Item Notes
+PageTitleRequestItemOffertes=Request Item Offertes
+PageTitleRequestItemRequirements=Request Item Requirements
+PageTitleRequestItems=Request Items
+PageTitleRequestRoles=Request Roles
+PageTitleViewRequest=View Request
+calendar_click_here_for_calendar = Click here For Calendar
+cart.addToCart.noProductInfoPassed = No product information passed, not adding anything to cart.
+cart.addToCart.productConfigurationIsNotValid = Configuration Is Not Valid
+cart.add_category_defaults = Added ${totalQuantity} items to the cart.
+cart.agreement_not_specified_to_add_from = No agreement specified to add from.
+cart.category_not_specified_to_add_from = No category specified to add from.
+cart.could_not_add_product_to_cart = Could NOT add product ${productId} to cart.
+cart.could_not_get_agreement = Could not get agreement through ${agreementId} {read error}: ${message}.
+cart.could_not_get_products_in_category = Could not get products in category ${categorieId} to add to cart {read error}.
+cart.could_not_get_products_in_category_cart = Could not get products in category ${categorieId} to add to cart {read error}: ${message}.
+cart.order_not_specified_to_add_from = No order specified to add from
+cart.price_not_positive_number = Price must be a positive number
+cart.product_not_valid_for_supplier = This product cannot be purchased from the chosen supplier for the given quantity and currency.
+cart.quantity_not_positive_number = Quantity must be a positive number
+checkevents.cannot_cancel_item = Cannot cancel item at this time; please try again.
+checkevents.cart_empty = Cart is empty.
+checkevents.insufficient_credit_available_on_account = Insufficient credit available on accounts.
+checkevents.invalid_amount_set_for_billing_account = Invalid amount set for Billing Account #${billingAccountId}.
+checkevents.invalid_amount_set_for_payment_method = Invalid amount set for Payment method.
+checkevents.not_enough_available_on_account = Not enough available on account #{billingAccountId}.
+checkevents.payment_not_cover_this_order = Selected payment methods will not cover this order.
+checkhelper.could_not_create_order_invoking_service = ERROR: Could not create order (problem invoking the service: ${service})
+checkhelper.could_not_create_order_parsing_totals = ERROR: Could not create order (problem parsing order totals).
+checkhelper.database_error = Database error.
+checkhelper.did_not_complete_order_following_occurred = Did not complete the order, the following occurred:
+checkhelper.enter_amount_to_place_on_gift_card = Please enter the amount to place on your gift card.
+checkhelper.enter_gift_card_number = Please enter your gift card number.
+checkhelper.enter_gift_card_pin_number = Please enter your gift card pin number.
+checkhelper.enter_shipping_address = Please enter a shipping address.
+checkhelper.gift_card_does_not_exist = This gift card does not exist.
+checkhelper.gift_card_has_no_value = This gift card no longer has any value.
+checkhelper.insufficient_credit_available_on_account = Insufficient credit available on account.
+checkhelper.invalid_amount_for_gift_card = Invalid amount for gift card entered.
+checkhelper.no_items_in_cart = There are no items in the cart.
+checkhelper.problem_with_gift_card_information = Problem with gift card information.
+checkhelper.problems_getting_order_header = Problems getting order header. Cannot check external gateways!
+checkhelper.problems_getting_payment_preference = Problems getting payment preference. Cannot check external gateways!
+checkhelper.problems_parsing_amount = Problems parsing amount.
+checkhelper.problems_reading_database = Problems reading the database, please try again.
+checkhelper.select_method_of_payment = Please select a method of payment.
+checkhelper.select_shipping_destination = Please Select a Shipping Destination.
+checkhelper.select_shipping_method = Please Select a Shipping Method.
+checkhelper.select_splitting_preference = Please Select a Splitting Preference.
+checkhelper.specify_if_order_is_gift = Please Specify Whether or Not This Order is a Gift.
+checkhelper.specify_if_shipAfterDate_is_date = Please specify ship after date as a date.
+checkhelper.specify_if_shipBeforeDate_is_date = Please specify a ship before date as a date.
+checkhelper.totals_do_not_match_order_total = Totals do not match order total.
+checkhelper_sales_order_lines_lookup_failed = ERROR: Sales Order Lines lookup failed.
+checkhelpertotalsdonotmatchordertotal = Totals do not match order total.
+help_also_interested_in = You might also be interested in :
+item.product_not_found = Product not found, not adding to cart. [productId: ${productId}]
+shoppinglistevents.added_product_to_cart = Added product ${productId} to cart.
+shoppinglistevents.cannot_create_new_shopping_list = Cannot create new shopping list.
+shoppinglistevents.choose_shopping_list = Please choose a shopping list.
+shoppinglistevents.error_adding_item_to_shopping_list = Error adding item to shopping list.
+shoppinglistevents.error_getting_shopping_list_and_items = Error getting shopping list and items.
+shoppinglistevents.no_items_added = No items were added.
+shoppinglistevents.problem_adding_product_to_cart = Could NOT add product ${productId} to cart.
+shoppinglistevents.select_items_to_add_to_list = Please select item(s) to add to the shopping list.
+shoppinglistevents.shoppingListId_is_required_parameter = shoppingListId is a required parameter.
+OrderSendConfirmationEmail=Stuur een bevestigings E-Mail
+OrderSendConfirmationEmailCCTo=Kopie naar
+# ========================================
+# org.ofbiz.order.order messages
+# ========================================
+items.none=ERROR: There are no items to order
+# 0=productId
+product.not_found=Could not find the product with ID [{0}], cannot be purchased.
+fixed_asset_product_not_found=Could not find a related rental fixed asset for the product with ID [{0}], cannot be rented.
+# 0=productName, 1=productId
+product.not_yet_for_sale=Tried to order the Product {0} (productId: {1}). This product has not yet been made available for sale. Please remove from your order.
+# 0=productName, 1=productId
+product.no_longer_for_sale=Tried to order the Product {0} (productId: {1}). This product is no longer available for sale. Please remove from your order.
+# 0=productName, 1=productId
+product.out_of_stock=The product {0} with ID {1} is no longer in stock. Please try reducing the quantity or removing the product from this order.
+FormFieldTitle_orderId=Order Id
+FormFieldTitle_orderTypeId=Order Type Id
+FormFieldTitle_externalId=External Id
+FormFieldTitle_salesChannelEnumId=Sales Channel Enum Id
+FormFieldTitle_orderDate=Order Date
+FormFieldTitle_entryDate=Entry Date
+FormFieldTitle_visitId=Visit Id
+FormFieldTitle_createdBy=Created By
+FormFieldTitle_firstAttemptOrderId=First Attempt Order Id
+FormFieldTitle_currencyUom=Currency Uom
+FormFieldTitle_syncStatusId=Sync Status Id
+FormFieldTitle_billingAccountId=Billing Account Id
+FormFieldTitle_originFacilityId=Origin Facility Id
+FormFieldTitle_webSiteId=Web Site Id
+FormFieldTitle_productStoreId=Product Store Id
+FormFieldTitle_terminalId=Terminal Id
+FormFieldTitle_transactionId=Transaction Id
+FormFieldTitle_needsInventoryIssuance=Needs Inventory Issuance
+FormFieldTitle_isRushOrder=Is Rush Order
+FormFieldTitle_internalCode=Internal Code
+FormFieldTitle_remainingSubTotal=Remaining Sub Total
+FormFieldTitle_grandTotal=Grand Total
+FormFieldTitle_orderHeaderId=Order Header Id
+FormFieldTitle_shipmentMethodTypeId=Shipment Method Type Id
+FormFieldTitle_carrierPartyId=Carrier Party Id
+FormFieldTitle_shipAfterDate=Ship After Date
+FormFieldTitle_shipByDate=Ship By Date
+FormFieldTitle_postalCode=Postal Code
+FormFieldTitle_countryGeoId=Country Geo Id
+FormFieldTitle_stateProvinceGeoId=State Province Geo Id
+FormFieldTitle_partyId=Party Id
+FormFieldTitle_custRequestTypeId=Cust Request Type Id
+FormFieldTitle_roleTypeId=Role Type Id
+FormFieldTitle_partyId=Party Id
+FormFieldTitle_custRequestName=Cust Request Name
+FormFieldTitle_responseRequiredDate=Response Required Date
+FormFieldTitle_custRequestId=Cust Request Id
+FormFieldTitle_custRequestItemSeqId=Cust Request Item Seq Id
+FormFieldTitle_custRequestResolutionId=Cust Request Resolution Id
+FormFieldTitle_requiredByDate=Required By Date
+FormFieldTitle_productId=Product Id
+FormFieldTitle_selectedAmount=Selected Amount
+FormFieldTitle_maximumAmount=Maximum Amount
+FormFieldTitle_quoteId=Offerte Id
+FormFieldTitle_isPromo=Is Promo
+FormFieldTitle_productFeatureId=Product Feature Id
+FormFieldTitle_requirementId=Requirement Id
+FormFieldTitle_requirementTypeId=Requirement Type Id
+FormFieldTitle_facilityId=Facility Id
+FormFieldTitle_deliverableId=Deliverable Id
+FormFieldTitle_fixedAssetId=Fixed Asset Id
+FormFieldTitle_estimatedBudget=Estimated Budget
+FormFieldTitle_useCase=Use Case
+FormFieldTitle_createdDate=Created Date
+FormFieldTitle_createdByUserLogin=Created By User Login
+FormFieldTitle_lastModifiedDate=Last Modified Date
+FormFieldTitle_lastModifiedByUserLogin=Last Modified By User Login
+FormFieldTitle_shoppingListId=Shopping List Id
+FormFieldTitle_shoppingListTypeId=Shopping List Type Id
+FormFieldTitle_parentShoppingListId=Parent Shopping List Id
+FormFieldTitle_visitorId=Visitor Id
+FormFieldTitle_listName=List Name
+FormFieldTitle_isPublic=Is Public
+FormFieldTitle_isActive=Is Active
+FormFieldTitle_carrierRoleTypeId=Carrier Role Type Id
+FormFieldTitle_contactMechId=Contact Mech Id
+FormFieldTitle_paymentMethodId=Payment Method Id
+FormFieldTitle_recurrenceInfoId=Recurrence Info Id
+FormFieldTitle_lastOrderedDate=Last Ordered Date
+FormFieldTitle_lastAdminModified=Last Admin Modified
+FormFieldTitle_statusId=Status Id
+FormFieldTitle_totalCubicUomId=Cubic Measurement
+FormFieldTitle_totalWeightUomId=Weight Measurement
+FormFieldTitle_totalWeight=Total Weight
+FormFieldTitle_totalCubicSize=Total Cubic Size
+FormFieldTitle_unitsPieces=Units Pieces
+FormFieldTitle_skidsPallets=Skids Pallets
+FormFieldTitle_estimatedReadyDate=Estimated Ready Date
+FormFieldTitle_requestsLink=Requests Link
+FormFieldTitle_ordersLink=Orders Link
+FormFieldTitle_sendTo=Send To
+FormFieldTitle_sendCc=Send Cc
+FormFieldTitle_orderStatusId=Order Status Id
+FormFieldTitle_noteInfo=Note Info
+FormFieldTitle_noteDateTime=Note Date Time
+FormFieldTitle_deleteLink=Delete Link

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