svn commit: r421510 - in /incubator/ofbiz/site: docs/minilang.html training/AdvancedFramework.html

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svn commit: r421510 - in /incubator/ofbiz/site: docs/minilang.html training/AdvancedFramework.html

Author: jonesde
Date: Wed Jul 12 23:10:51 2006
New Revision: 421510

A few small updates to the minilang guide and the adv frmk outline


Modified: incubator/ofbiz/site/docs/minilang.html
--- incubator/ofbiz/site/docs/minilang.html (original)
+++ incubator/ofbiz/site/docs/minilang.html Wed Jul 12 23:10:51 2006
@@ -148,106 +148,11 @@
 <hr class="sepbar">
 <h3><a name="MapOverview">Simple Map Processor Overview</a></h3>
 <p class="contenttext">The Simple Map Processor Mini-Language performes
-two primary tasks: validation
-and conversion. It does this in a context of moving values from one Map
-to another. The
-input map will commonly contain Strings, but can contain other object
-types like Integer, Long,
-Float, Double, java.sql.Date, Time, and Timestamp.</p>
-<hr class="sepbar">
-<h3><a name="MakeInString">Make In String Operations</a></h3>
-<p class="contenttext"><b><u>make-in-string</u></b></p>
-<p class="contenttext">In addition to dealing with the fields already
-in the incoming Map you can build Strings and add them to the in-Map
-before the processing begins with the make-in-string tag. You can have
-zero or
-many make-in-string tags, and they must all come before the process
-tags. Inside each
-make-in-string is a list of snippets to concatenate together to make
-the final String. Each snippet can be another field in the in-Map
-(in-field element), a value from a properties file (property element),
-or a constant (constant element).</p>
-<hr class="sepbar">
-<h3><a name="Process">Process Field Operations</a></h3>
-<p class="contenttext"><b><u>process</u></b></p>
-<p class="contenttext">The process tag is used to contain the
-operations to be done on the specified field in the in-Map. It has one
-required attribute, the field to operate on. The
-operations that it contains are: validate-method, compare,
-compare-field, regexp, not-empty, copy, and convert.</p>
-<p class="contenttext">All process operations tags except copy must
-contain one of two tags: fail-message or fail-property. If the
-operation fails a message is added to
-the message list that is either the specified fail-message, or the
-String from
-the properties file value that is specified in fail-property.</p>
-<p class="contenttext">Messages are collected in List as the Simple Map
-Processor runs. If the List
-is not empty when it completes then something failed in the map
-processor. This
-is done so that all failures will be reported immediately rather than
-having to fix one failure before another can be discovered.</p>
-<p class="contenttext">All process operations automatically convert the
-field value and other values
-from their current type to the type specified for the operation, where
-The ObjectType.simpleTypeConvert method is used to do the conversion.
-It supports
-the following types: String, Double, Float, Long, Integer, Date, Time,
-and Timestamp. If the type is not specified String is the default.</p>
-<p class="contenttext"><b><u>process:validate-method</u></b></p>
-<p class="contenttext">The validate-method tag is used to call any
-static method that accepts
-a String and returns a boolean. If the field coming in is not a String
-it will be converted to a String before calling the method. The two
-for this tag are class and method which should contain the fully
-qualified class name and the method name, respectively. If the class
-name is not specified it will default to
-<p class="contenttext"><b><u>process:compare</u></b></p>
-<p class="contenttext">The compare tag is used to compare the field
-value to the value specified
-in the value attribute. An operator must be specified to indicate
-the comparison desired. Operators available include less, greater,
-less-equals, greater-equals, equals, not-equals, and contains.</p>
-<p class="contenttext"><b><u>process:compare-field</u></b></p>
-<p class="contenttext">The compare-field tag is just like the compare
-tag except that instead
-of specifying a value you specify the name of another field in the
-in-Map to compare the current field to.</p>
-<p class="contenttext"><b><u>process:regexp</u></b></p>
-<p class="contenttext">The regexp tag validate the current field
-against the regular expression specified in the expr attribute of the
-tag. Standard Perl style regular
-expressions are used with the ORO library from Jakarta.</p>
-<p class="contenttext"><b><u>process:not-empty</u></b></p>
-<p class="contenttext">The not-empty tag verifies that the current
-field is not empty. If the
-field is a String it must not be null and must have a length greater
-zero, otherwise it must simply not be null. The not-empty tag has no
-<p class="contenttext"><b><u>process:copy</u></b></p>
-<p class="contenttext">The copy operation simply copies the current
-field value to the out-Map from
-the in-Map. There are three optional attributes. If a different field
-name is
-desired in the out-Map it can be specified in the to-field attribute.
-The replace
-attribute can be used to specify if an existing field in the out-Map
-should be replaced or not. The replace attribute defaults to true. The
-set-if-null attribute specifies whether or not the value should be put
-in the out-Map if
-it is null. The default for set-if-null is false.</p>
-<p class="contenttext"><b><u>process:convert</u></b></p>
-<p class="contenttext">The convert tag does the same thing as copy
-except that the type can be
-converted to the type specified in the type attribute. The format
-can be used to specify the format for date/time fields. These two tags
-in addition to all of the the attributes in the copy tag.</p>
+two primary tasks: validation and conversion. It does this in a context of moving values from one Map
+to another. The input map will commonly contain Strings, but can contain other object
+types like Integer, Long, Float, Double, java.sql.Date, Time, and Timestamp.</p>
+    <p class="contenttext">NOTE: The reference information for the simple-map-processor has been moved to annotations in the simple-methods.xsd file.</p>
 <hr class="sepbar">
 <h3><a name="MapExample">Simple Map Processors Example</a></h3>
 <pre>&lt;!DOCTYPE simple-map-processors PUBLIC "-//OFBiz//DTD Simple Methods//EN" ""&gt;<br><br>&lt;simple-map-processors&gt;<br> &lt;simple-map-processor name="update"&gt;<br> &lt;make-in-string field="estimatedStartDate"&gt;<br> &lt;in-field field="estimatedStartYear"&gt;&lt;constant&gt;-&lt;/constant&gt;<br> &lt;in-field field="estimatedStartMonth"&gt;&lt;constant&gt;-&lt;/constant&gt;<br> &lt;in-field field="estimatedStartDay"&gt;&lt;constant&gt;T&lt;/constant&gt;<br> &lt;in-field field="estimatedStartHour"&gt;&lt;constant&gt;:&lt;/constant&gt;<br> &lt;in-field field="estimatedStartMinute"&gt;&lt;constant&gt;:&lt;/constant&gt;<br> &lt;in-field field="estimatedStartSecond"&gt;<br> &lt;/make-in-string&gt;<br> &lt;process field="workEffortId"&gt;&lt;copy replace="false"/&gt;&lt;/process&gt;<br> &lt;process field="scopeEnumId"&gt;&lt;copy/&gt;&lt;/process&gt;<br> &lt;process field="currentStatusId"&gt;&lt;copy/&gt;&lt;not-empty&gt;
 &lt;fail-message message="Status is missing."/&gt;&lt;/not-empty&gt;&lt;/process&gt;<br> &lt;process field="priority"&gt;&lt;convert type="Long"&gt;&lt;fail-message message="Priority is not a valid whole number."/&gt;&lt;/convert&gt;&lt;/process&gt;<br> &lt;process field="estimatedStartDate"&gt;<br> &lt;compare-field operator="less" field="estimatedCompletionDate" type="Timestamp" format="yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss"&gt;<br> &lt;fail-message message="Estimated Start date/time must be BEFORE End date/time."/&gt;&lt;/compare-field&gt;<br> &lt;convert type="Timestamp" format="yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss"&gt;<br> &lt;fail-message message="Estimated Start Date is not a valid Date-Time."/&gt;&lt;/convert&gt;&lt;/process&gt;<br> &lt;process field="estimatedCompletionDate"&gt;<br> &lt;convert type="Timestamp"&gt;&lt;fail-message message="Estimated Completion Date is not a valid Date-Time."/&gt;&lt;/convert&gt;&lt;/process&gt;<br> &lt;process field="estimatedMilliSeconds"&gt;<br> &lt;convert typ
 e="Double"&gt;&lt;fail-message message="Estimated Milli-seconds is not a valid number."/&gt;&lt;/convert&gt;&lt;/process&gt;<br> &lt;/simple-map-processor&gt;<br> &lt;simple-map-processor name="delete"&gt;<br> &lt;process field="workEffortId"&gt;&lt;copy/&gt;&lt;not-empty&gt;&lt;fail-message message="Work Effort ID is missing."/&gt;&lt;/not-empty&gt;&lt;/process&gt;<br> &lt;/simple-map-processor&gt;<br>&lt;/simple-map-processors&gt;<br></pre>

Modified: incubator/ofbiz/site/training/AdvancedFramework.html
--- incubator/ofbiz/site/training/AdvancedFramework.html (original)
+++ incubator/ofbiz/site/training/AdvancedFramework.html Wed Jul 12 23:10:51 2006
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
         <div>Email: <a href="mailto:[hidden email]">[hidden email]</a></div>
         <div>Open For Business Site: <a href=""></a></div>
-        <div>Last Updated: June 2006</div>
+        <div>Last Updated: July 2006</div>
         <h3>Target Audience</h3>
@@ -234,7 +234,7 @@
                                     <li>Content, Template, and Page Actions</li>
-                            <li>Just as in Screen Widget use BeanShell for data preparation and FreeMarker for temapltes</li>
+                            <li>Just as in Screen Widget use BeanShell for data preparation and FreeMarker for templates</li>
                     <li>Region Based Views - Servlet/JSP Templates
@@ -332,6 +332,12 @@
+                    <li>Data Type Dictionary
+                        <ol>
+                            <li>ofbiz/framework/entity/dtd/fieldtypemodel.xsd</li>
+                            <li>ofbiz/framework/entity/fieldtype/fieldtype*.xml</li>
+                        </ol>
+                    </li>
                     <li>Entity Definitions
@@ -390,6 +396,12 @@
+                    <li>Sequenced Keys
+                        <ol>
+                            <li>delegator.getNextSeqId</li>
+                            <li>SequenceValueItem entity (SEQUENCE_VALUE_ITEM table) - update to avoid key collisions!</li>
+                        </ol>
+                    </li>
                     <li>Overview of GenericHelper Interface</li>
                     <li>Entity ECA (Event-Condition-Action) Rules
@@ -398,6 +410,14 @@
                             <li>When to Use an Entity ECA: Data Maintenance, not Business Processes</li>
                             <li>Defining Entity ECAs</li>
+                        </ol>
+                    </li>
+                    <li>Entity XML Import/Export
+                        <ol>
+                            <li>XML File Format: Basic</li>
+                            <li>XML File Format: Pre-Transformed</li>
+                            <li>Command Line Import</li>
+                            <li>WebTools WebApp Import and Export Pages</li>