Author: jleroux
Date: Sat Oct 7 12:53:01 2006 New Revision: 454000 URL: Log: Little label modification for "(adjusment)" in POS Journal (POS Journal is what customer views on screen before printing receipt) Modified: incubator/ofbiz/trunk/applications/pos/config/ incubator/ofbiz/trunk/applications/pos/config/ incubator/ofbiz/trunk/applications/pos/config/ incubator/ofbiz/trunk/applications/pos/config/ incubator/ofbiz/trunk/applications/pos/config/ incubator/ofbiz/trunk/applications/pos/src/org/ofbiz/pos/ Modified: incubator/ofbiz/trunk/applications/pos/config/ URL: ============================================================================== --- incubator/ofbiz/trunk/applications/pos/config/ (original) +++ incubator/ofbiz/trunk/applications/pos/config/ Sat Oct 7 12:53:01 2006 @@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. ##################################################################### +(adjustment)=(adjustment) AMT=AMT AUTHCD=Enter Auth Code: CASH=CASH Modified: incubator/ofbiz/trunk/applications/pos/config/ URL: ============================================================================== --- incubator/ofbiz/trunk/applications/pos/config/ (original) +++ incubator/ofbiz/trunk/applications/pos/config/ Sat Oct 7 12:53:01 2006 @@ -17,102 +17,53 @@ # Traducción realizada por Rodrigo Aguinaga Lira, consultor en OFBiz. # En caso encuentre errores y quiera ayudarme a corregirlos, puede escribirme a : [hidden email] # - - -AMT = Precio - -AUTHCD = Ingrese el c\u00F3digo secreto : - -CASH = CONTADO - -CHANGE = Cambio : - -CHECK = CHEQUE - -CREDCF = Ingrese los \u00FAltimos 4 d\u00EDgitos - -CREDEX = Ingrese fecha de expiraci\u00F3n (MMYY) - -CREDIT_CARD = TARJETA DE CR\u00C9DITO - -CREDNO = Ingrese n\u00FAmero de tarjeta : - -CREDZP = Ingrese c\u00F3digo postal de facturaci\u00F3n - -DATE = FECHA - -DRWR = Caja - -DateFormat = Formato de fechas - -EMPL = VENDEDOR - -ENTCAS = Ingrese monto en efectivo - -ENTCHK = Ingrese monto en cheque - -ENTCRC = Ingrese monto en tarjeta de cr\u00E9dito - -ENTGFC = Ingrese monto de certificado de regalo:\u0009 - -ENTOTH = Ingrese monto de otros pagos - -GIFT_CARD = Certificado de regalo - -GROSS_SALES = Total - -Grand_Total = Gran total - -ISCLOSED = El registro est\u00E1 cerrado - -ISOPEN = El registro est\u00E1 abierto - -ITEM = ITEM - -Invalid_Selection = Selecci\u00F3n inv\u00E1lida - -OPDRAM = Monto inicial de la caja: - -OTHER = OTROS - -PAYFIN = Presione FINISH para completar la venta - -Processing = Procesando pagos... - -QTY = Cantidad - -REFNUM = Ingrese n\u00FAmero de referencia - -SKU = SKU - -Sales_Tax = Impuestos de ventas - -Saving = Usted ahorra.... - -Shutting_down = Cerrando... - -TOTAL = Total - -TOTALD = Total debido: - -TXID = N\u00FAmero de venta - -ULOGIN = Ingrese su login: - -UPASSW = Ingrese password - -UserNotmanager = El usuario no es administrador v\u00E1lido - -VOID = Ingrese n\u00FAmero de orden a anular - -Validating = Validando... - -WaitingFinalSales = Esperando transmisi\u00F3n de datos... - -clerk = Empleado - -draw = Dr. - -term = Terminal: - -total_report = REPORTE TOTAL: +(adjustment)=(adjustment) +AMT=Precio +AUTHCD=Ingrese el c\u00F3digo secreto : +CASH=CONTADO +CHANGE=Cambio : +CHECK=CHEQUE +CREDCF=Ingrese los \u00FAltimos 4 d\u00EDgitos +CREDEX=Ingrese fecha de expiraci\u00F3n (MMYY) +CREDIT_CARD=TARJETA DE CR\u00C9DITO +CREDNO=Ingrese n\u00FAmero de tarjeta : +CREDZP=Ingrese c\u00F3digo postal de facturaci\u00F3n +DATE=FECHA +DRWR=Caja +DateFormat=Formato de fechas +EMPL=VENDEDOR +ENTCAS=Ingrese monto en efectivo +ENTCHK=Ingrese monto en cheque +ENTCRC=Ingrese monto en tarjeta de cr\u00E9dito +ENTGFC=Ingrese monto de certificado de regalo:\u0009 +ENTOTH=Ingrese monto de otros pagos +GIFT_CARD=Certificado de regalo +GROSS_SALES=Total +Grand_Total=Gran total +ISCLOSED=El registro est\u00E1 cerrado +ISOPEN=El registro est\u00E1 abierto +ITEM=ITEM +Invalid_Selection=Selecci\u00F3n inv\u00E1lida +OPDRAM=Monto inicial de la caja: +OTHER=OTROS +PAYFIN=Presione FINISH para completar la venta +Processing=Procesando pagos... +QTY=Cantidad +REFNUM=Ingrese n\u00FAmero de referencia +SKU=SKU +Sales_Tax=Impuestos de ventas +Saving=Usted ahorra.... +Shutting_down=Cerrando... +TOTAL=Total +TOTALD=Total debido: +TXID=N\u00FAmero de venta +ULOGIN=Ingrese su login: +UPASSW=Ingrese password +UserNotmanager=El usuario no es administrador v\u00E1lido +VOID=Ingrese n\u00FAmero de orden a anular +Validating=Validando... +WaitingFinalSales=Esperando transmisi\u00F3n de datos... +clerk=Empleado +draw=Dr. +term=Terminal: +total_report=REPORTE TOTAL: Modified: incubator/ofbiz/trunk/applications/pos/config/ URL: ============================================================================== --- incubator/ofbiz/trunk/applications/pos/config/ (original) +++ incubator/ofbiz/trunk/applications/pos/config/ Sat Oct 7 12:53:01 2006 @@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. ##################################################################### +(adjustment)=(ajustement) AMT=Prix AUTHCD=Entrez le code secret : CASH=Esp\u00E8ces Modified: incubator/ofbiz/trunk/applications/pos/config/ URL: ============================================================================== --- incubator/ofbiz/trunk/applications/pos/config/ (original) +++ incubator/ofbiz/trunk/applications/pos/config/ Sat Oct 7 12:53:01 2006 @@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. ##################################################################### +(adjustment)=(adjustment) AMT=IMP AUTHCD=Inserire Codice Autorizzazione: CASH=CONTANTE Modified: incubator/ofbiz/trunk/applications/pos/config/ URL: ============================================================================== --- incubator/ofbiz/trunk/applications/pos/config/ (original) +++ incubator/ofbiz/trunk/applications/pos/config/ Sat Oct 7 12:53:01 2006 @@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. ##################################################################### +(adjustment)=(adjustment) AMT=\u91D1\u989D AUTHCD=\u8F93\u5165\u6388\u6743\u7801: CASH=\u73B0\u91D1 Modified: incubator/ofbiz/trunk/applications/pos/src/org/ofbiz/pos/ URL: ============================================================================== --- incubator/ofbiz/trunk/applications/pos/src/org/ofbiz/pos/ (original) +++ incubator/ofbiz/trunk/applications/pos/src/org/ofbiz/pos/ Sat Oct 7 12:53:01 2006 @@ -711,7 +711,7 @@ // append the promo info XModel promo = Journal.appendNode(model, "tr", "", ""); Journal.appendNode(promo, "td", "sku", ""); - Journal.appendNode(promo, "td", "desc", "(adjustment)"); + Journal.appendNode(totalLine, "td", "desc", UtilProperties.getMessage("pos","Grand_Total",defaultLocale)); Journal.appendNode(promo, "td", "qty", "-"); Journal.appendNode(promo, "td", "price", UtilFormatOut.formatPrice(adjustment)); } |
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