svn commit: r464217 - in /incubator/ofbiz/trunk/applications/manufacturing: script/org/ofbiz/manufacturing/routing/RoutingServices.xml servicedef/services_routing.xml src/org/ofbiz/manufacturing/jobshopmgt/

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svn commit: r464217 - in /incubator/ofbiz/trunk/applications/manufacturing: script/org/ofbiz/manufacturing/routing/RoutingServices.xml servicedef/services_routing.xml src/org/ofbiz/manufacturing/jobshopmgt/

Author: jacopoc
Date: Sun Oct 15 08:53:54 2006
New Revision: 464217

Applied patch that allows to override the default routing when a manual production run is created.
Thanks to Scott Gray for the patch (OFBIZ-190).


Modified: incubator/ofbiz/trunk/applications/manufacturing/script/org/ofbiz/manufacturing/routing/RoutingServices.xml
--- incubator/ofbiz/trunk/applications/manufacturing/script/org/ofbiz/manufacturing/routing/RoutingServices.xml (original)
+++ incubator/ofbiz/trunk/applications/manufacturing/script/org/ofbiz/manufacturing/routing/RoutingServices.xml Sun Oct 15 08:53:54 2006
@@ -22,59 +22,90 @@
     <simple-method method-name="getProductRouting" short-description="Get the product's routing and routing tasks">
         <set from-field="parameters.productId" field="lookupRouting.productId"/>
         <set value="ROU_PROD_TEMPLATE" field="lookupRouting.workEffortGoodStdTypeId"/>
-        <find-by-and entity-name="WorkEffortGoodStandard" list-name="routings" map-name="lookupRouting"/>
-        <!-- TODO: we should consider the validity against a date passed as (optional) parameter -->
-        <filter-list-by-date list-name="routings"/>
-        <!-- TODO: we should consider the quantity to select the best routing -->
-        <first-from-list list-name="routings" entry-name="routingGS"/>
-        <!-- If there are no routings associated with our product and it's a variant, then
-             check to see if it's virtual product has a routing -->
-        <if-empty field-name="routingGS">
-            <entity-one entity-name="Product" value-name="product" auto-field-map="false" >
-                <field-map field-name="productId" env-name="parameters.productId" />
-            </entity-one>
-            <if-compare field-name="product.isVariant" operator="equals" value="Y">
-                <entity-condition entity-name="ProductAssoc" list-name="virtualProductAssocList" filter-by-date="true">
+        <!-- If applicableDate has been passed use the value with all filter-by-date calls-->
+        <if-not-empty field-name="applicableDate" map-name="parameters">
+                <set from-field="parameters.applicableDate" field="filterDate"/>
+            <else>
+                <now-timestamp-to-env env-name="filterDate"/>
+            </else>
+        </if-not-empty>
+        <!-- If a workEffortId has been passed, use it to look up the desired routing-->
+        <if-not-empty field-name="workEffortId" map-name="parameters">
+            <set from-field="parameters.workEffortId" field="lookupRouting.workEffortId"/>
+            <find-by-and entity-name="WorkEffortGoodStandard" list-name="routings" map-name="lookupRouting"/>
+            <filter-list-by-date list-name="routings" valid-date-name="filterDate"/>
+            <first-from-list list-name="routings" entry-name="routingGS"/>
+            <!-- If the routing is not associated with our product and it's a variant, then
+                 check to see if it's virtual product has the routing -->
+            <if-empty field-name="routingGS">
+                <entity-condition entity-name="ProductAssoc" list-name="virtualProductAssocList">
                     <condition-list combine="and">
                         <condition-expr field-name="productIdTo" env-name="parameters.productId" />
                         <condition-expr field-name="productAssocTypeId" value="PRODUCT_VARIANT" />
-                <first-from-list list-name="virtualProductAssocList" entry-name="virtualProductAssoc" />
+                <filter-list-by-date list-name="virtualProductAssocList" valid-date-name="filterDate"/>
+                <first-from-list list-name="virtualProductAssocList" entry-name="virtualProductAssoc"/>
                 <if-not-empty field-name="virtualProductAssoc">
                     <set from-field="virtualProductAssoc.productId" field="lookupRouting.productId"/>
-                    <set value="ROU_PROD_TEMPLATE" field="lookupRouting.workEffortGoodStdTypeId"/>
                     <find-by-and entity-name="WorkEffortGoodStandard" list-name="routings" map-name="lookupRouting"/>
-                    <!-- TODO: we should consider the validity against a date passed as (optional) parameter -->
-                    <filter-list-by-date list-name="routings"/>
-                    <!-- TODO: we should consider the quantity to select the best routing -->
+                    <!-- Consider the validity against a date passed as (optional) parameter -->
+                    <filter-list-by-date list-name="routings" valid-date-name="filterDate"/>
                     <first-from-list list-name="routings" entry-name="routingGS"/>
-            </if-compare>
-        </if-empty>
-        <if-not-empty field-name="routingGS">
-                <clear-field field-name="lookupRouting"/>
-                <set from-field="routingGS.workEffortId" field="lookupRouting.workEffortId"/>
-                <find-by-primary-key entity-name="WorkEffort" value-name="routing" map-name="lookupRouting"/>
+            </if-empty>
+            <!-- No workEffortId has been passed, so retrieve the first routing found for this product-->
-                <!-- The default routing is used when no explicit routing is associated to the product
-                     and the ignoreDefaultRouting is not equals to Y -->
-                <if>
-                    <condition>
-                    <or>
-                        <if-empty field-name="parameters.ignoreDefaultRouting"/>
-                        <if-compare field-name="parameters.ignoreDefaultRouting" operator="equals" value="N"/>
-                    </or>
-                    </condition>
-                    <then>
-                        <clear-field field-name="lookupRouting"/>
-                        <set value="DEFAULT_ROUTING" field="lookupRouting.workEffortId"/>
-                        <find-by-primary-key entity-name="WorkEffort" value-name="routing" map-name="lookupRouting"/>
-                    </then>
-                </if>
+                <find-by-and entity-name="WorkEffortGoodStandard" list-name="routings" map-name="lookupRouting"/>
+                <!-- Consider the validity against a date passed as (optional) parameter -->
+                <filter-list-by-date list-name="routings" valid-date-name="filterDate"/>
+                <!-- TODO: we should consider the quantity to select the best routing -->
+                <first-from-list list-name="routings" entry-name="routingGS"/>
+                <!-- If there are no routings associated with our product and it's a variant, then
+                     check to see if it's virtual product has a routing -->
+                <if-empty field-name="routingGS">
+                    <entity-condition entity-name="ProductAssoc" list-name="virtualProductAssocList">
+                        <condition-list combine="and">
+                            <condition-expr field-name="productIdTo" env-name="parameters.productId" />
+                            <condition-expr field-name="productAssocTypeId" value="PRODUCT_VARIANT" />
+                        </condition-list>
+                    </entity-condition>
+                    <filter-list-by-date list-name="virtualProductAssocList" valid-date-name="filterDate"/>
+                    <first-from-list list-name="virtualProductAssocList" entry-name="virtualProductAssoc"/>
+                    <if-not-empty field-name="virtualProductAssoc">
+                        <set from-field="virtualProductAssoc.productId" field="lookupRouting.productId"/>
+                        <set value="ROU_PROD_TEMPLATE" field="lookupRouting.workEffortGoodStdTypeId"/>
+                        <find-by-and entity-name="WorkEffortGoodStandard" list-name="routings" map-name="lookupRouting"/>
+                        <!-- Consider the validity against a date passed as (optional) parameter -->
+                        <filter-list-by-date list-name="routings" valid-date-name="filterDate"/>
+                        <!-- TODO: we should consider the quantity to select the best routing -->
+                        <first-from-list list-name="routings" entry-name="routingGS"/>
+                    </if-not-empty>
+                </if-empty>
+        <if-not-empty field-name="routingGS">
+                <clear-field field-name="lookupRouting"/>
+                    <set from-field="routingGS.workEffortId" field="lookupRouting.workEffortId"/>
+                    <find-by-primary-key entity-name="WorkEffort" value-name="routing" map-name="lookupRouting"/>
+                <else>
+                    <!-- The default routing is used when no explicit routing is associated to the product
+                         and the ignoreDefaultRouting is not equals to Y -->
+                    <if>
+                        <condition>
+                        <or>
+                            <if-empty field-name="parameters.ignoreDefaultRouting"/>
+                            <if-compare field-name="parameters.ignoreDefaultRouting" operator="equals" value="N"/>
+                        </or>
+                        </condition>
+                        <then>
+                            <clear-field field-name="lookupRouting"/>
+                            <set value="DEFAULT_ROUTING" field="lookupRouting.workEffortId"/>
+                            <find-by-primary-key entity-name="WorkEffort" value-name="routing" map-name="lookupRouting"/>
+                        </then>
+                    </if>
+                </else>
+            </if-not-empty>
         <if-not-empty field-name="routing">
             <set from-field="routing.workEffortId" field="lookupTasks.workEffortIdFrom"/>
             <string-to-list string="sequenceNum" list-name="tasksOrder"/>

Modified: incubator/ofbiz/trunk/applications/manufacturing/servicedef/services_routing.xml
--- incubator/ofbiz/trunk/applications/manufacturing/servicedef/services_routing.xml (original)
+++ incubator/ofbiz/trunk/applications/manufacturing/servicedef/services_routing.xml Sun Oct 15 08:53:54 2006
@@ -43,6 +43,8 @@
                 location="org/ofbiz/manufacturing/routing/RoutingServices.xml" invoke="getProductRouting">
         <description>Get the product's routing and routing tasks</description>
         <attribute mode="IN" name="productId" optional="false" type="String"/>
+        <attribute mode="IN" name="workEffortId" optional="true" type="String"/>
+        <attribute mode="IN" name="applicableDate" optional="true" type="java.sql.Timestamp"/>
         <attribute mode="IN" name="ignoreDefaultRouting" optional="true" type="String"/><!-- If this is set to Y, the default routing is not returned -->
         <attribute mode="OUT" name="routing" type="GenericValue" optional="true"/>
         <attribute mode="OUT" name="tasks" type="java.util.List" optional="true"/>

Modified: incubator/ofbiz/trunk/applications/manufacturing/src/org/ofbiz/manufacturing/jobshopmgt/
--- incubator/ofbiz/trunk/applications/manufacturing/src/org/ofbiz/manufacturing/jobshopmgt/ (original)
+++ incubator/ofbiz/trunk/applications/manufacturing/src/org/ofbiz/manufacturing/jobshopmgt/ Sun Oct 15 08:53:54 2006
@@ -191,35 +191,16 @@
             Debug.logWarning(e.getMessage(), module);
             return ServiceUtil.returnError(e.getMessage());
-        // -------------------
-        // Components
-        // -------------------
-        // The components are retrieved using the getManufacturingComponents service
-        // (that performs a bom breakdown and if needed runs the configurator).
-        List components = null;
-        Map serviceContext = new HashMap();
-        serviceContext.put("productId", productId); // the product that we want to manufacture
-        serviceContext.put("quantity", pRQuantity); // the quantity that we want to manufacture
-        serviceContext.put("userLogin", userLogin);
-        Map resultService = null;
-        try {
-            resultService = dispatcher.runSync("getManufacturingComponents", serviceContext);
-            components = (List)resultService.get("components"); // a list of objects representing the product's components
-            if (workEffortId == null) {
-                workEffortId = (String)resultService.get("workEffortId"); // the product routing id
-            }
-        } catch (GenericServiceException e) {
-            Debug.logError(e, "Problem calling the getManufacturingComponents service", module);
-            return ServiceUtil.returnError(e.getMessage());
-        }
         // -------------------
         // Routing and routing tasks
         // -------------------
         // Select the product's routing
         try {
-            Map routingInMap = UtilMisc.toMap("productId", productId, "userLogin", userLogin);
+            Map routingInMap = UtilMisc.toMap("productId", productId, "applicableDate", startDate, "userLogin", userLogin);
+            if (workEffortId != null) {
+                routingInMap.put("workEffortId", workEffortId);
+            }
             Map routingOutMap = dispatcher.runSync("getProductRouting", routingInMap);
             routing = (GenericValue)routingOutMap.get("routing");
             routingTaskAssocs = (List)routingOutMap.get("tasks");
@@ -233,7 +214,26 @@
         if (routingTaskAssocs == null || routingTaskAssocs.size()==0) {
             return ServiceUtil.returnError(UtilProperties.getMessage(resource, "ManufacturingRoutingHasNoRoutingTask", locale));
+        // -------------------
+        // Components
+        // -------------------
+        // The components are retrieved using the getManufacturingComponents service
+        // (that performs a bom breakdown and if needed runs the configurator).
+        List components = null;
+        Map serviceContext = new HashMap();
+        serviceContext.put("productId", productId); // the product that we want to manufacture
+        serviceContext.put("quantity", pRQuantity); // the quantity that we want to manufacture
+        serviceContext.put("userLogin", userLogin);
+        Map resultService = null;
+        try {
+            resultService = dispatcher.runSync("getManufacturingComponents", serviceContext);
+            components = (List)resultService.get("components"); // a list of objects representing the product's components
+        } catch (GenericServiceException e) {
+            Debug.logError(e, "Problem calling the getManufacturingComponents service", module);
+            return ServiceUtil.returnError(e.getMessage());
+        }
         // ProductionRun header creation,
         if (workEffortName == null) {
             String prdName = UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(product.getString("productName"))? product.getString("productName"): product.getString("productId");