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svn commit: r509273 [23/50] - in /ofbiz/trunk/framework/images/webapp/images: ./ dojo/ dojo/src/ dojo/src/animation/ dojo/src/cal/ dojo/src/charting/ dojo/src/charting/svg/ dojo/src/charting/vml/ dojo/src/collections/ dojo/src/crypto/ dojo/src/data/ do...

Propchange: ofbiz/trunk/framework/images/webapp/images/dojo/src/io/__package__.js
    svn:eol-style = native

Propchange: ofbiz/trunk/framework/images/webapp/images/dojo/src/io/__package__.js
    svn:keywords = "Date Rev Author URL Id"

Propchange: ofbiz/trunk/framework/images/webapp/images/dojo/src/io/__package__.js
    svn:mime-type = text/plain

Added: ofbiz/trunk/framework/images/webapp/images/dojo/src/io/cometd.js
--- ofbiz/trunk/framework/images/webapp/images/dojo/src/io/cometd.js (added)
+++ ofbiz/trunk/framework/images/webapp/images/dojo/src/io/cometd.js Mon Feb 19 09:56:06 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,929 @@
+ Copyright (c) 2004-2006, The Dojo Foundation
+ All Rights Reserved.
+ Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1 or above OR the
+ modified BSD license. For more information on Dojo licensing, see:
+dojo.require(""); // io/common.js provides setIFrameSrc and the IO module
+dojo.require(""); // we need XHR for the handshake, etc.
+// FIXME: determine if we can use XMLHTTP to make x-domain posts despite not
+//        being able to hear back about the result
+dojo.require(""); // for x-domain long polling
+dojo.require(""); // for peering
+ * this file defines Comet protocol client. Actual message transport is
+ * deferred to one of several connection type implementations. The default is a
+ * forever-frame implementation. A single global object named "cometd" is
+ * used to mediate for these connection types in order to provide a stable
+ * interface.
+ */
+// TODO: the auth handling in this file is a *mess*. It should probably live in
+// the cometd object with the ability to mix in or call down to an auth-handler
+// object, the prototypical variant of which is a no-op
+cometd = new function(){
+ this.initialized = false;
+ this.connected = false;
+ this.connectionTypes = new dojo.AdapterRegistry(true);
+ this.version = 0.1;
+ this.minimumVersion = 0.1;
+ this.clientId = null;
+ this._isXD = false;
+ this.handshakeReturn = null;
+ this.currentTransport = null;
+ this.url = null;
+ this.lastMessage = null;
+ this.globalTopicChannels = {};
+ this.backlog = [];
+ this.tunnelInit = function(childLocation, childDomain){
+ // placeholder
+ }
+ this.tunnelCollapse = function(){
+ dojo.debug("tunnel collapsed!");
+ // placeholder
+ }
+ this.init = function(props, root, bargs){
+ // FIXME: if the root isn't from the same host, we should automatically
+ // try to select an XD-capable transport
+ props = props||{};
+ // go ask the short bus server what we can support
+ props.version = this.version;
+ props.minimumVersion = this.minimumVersion;
+ = "/meta/handshake";
+ // FIXME: do we just assume that the props knows
+ // everything we care about WRT to auth? Should we be trying to
+ // call back into it for subsequent auth actions? Should we fire
+ // local auth functions to ask for/get auth data?
+ // FIXME: what about ScriptSrcIO for x-domain comet?
+ this.url = root||djConfig["cometdRoot"];
+ if(!this.url){
+ dojo.debug("no cometd root specified in djConfig and no root passed");
+ return;
+ }
+ // FIXME: we need to select a way to handle JSONP-style stuff
+ // generically here. We already know if the server is gonna be on
+ // another domain (or can know it), so we should select appropriate
+ // negotiation methods here as well as in final transport type
+ // selection.
+ var bindArgs = {
+ url: this.url,
+ method: "POST",
+ mimetype: "text/json",
+ load: dojo.lang.hitch(this, "finishInit"),
+ content: { "message": dojo.json.serialize([props]) }
+ };
+ // borrowed from dojo.uri.Uri in lieu of fixed host and port properties
+        var regexp = "^(([^:/?#]+):)?(//([^/?#]*))?([^?#]*)(\\?([^#]*))?(#(.*))?$";
+ var r = (""+window.location).match(new RegExp(regexp));
+ if(r[4]){
+ var tmp = r[4].split(":");
+ var thisHost = tmp[0];
+ var thisPort = tmp[1]||"80"; // FIXME: match 443
+ r = this.url.match(new RegExp(regexp));
+ if(r[4]){
+ tmp = r[4].split(":");
+ var urlHost = tmp[0];
+ var urlPort = tmp[1]||"80";
+ if( (urlHost != thisHost)||
+ (urlPort != thisPort) ){
+ dojo.debug(thisHost, urlHost);
+ dojo.debug(thisPort, urlPort);
+ this._isXD = true;
+ bindArgs.transport = "ScriptSrcTransport";
+ bindArgs.jsonParamName = "jsonp";
+ bindArgs.method = "GET";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(bargs){
+ dojo.lang.mixin(bindArgs, bargs);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ this.finishInit = function(type, data, evt, request){
+ data = data[0];
+ this.handshakeReturn = data;
+ // pick a transport
+ if(data["authSuccessful"] == false){
+ dojo.debug("cometd authentication failed");
+ return;
+ }
+ if(data.version < this.minimumVersion){
+ dojo.debug("cometd protocol version mismatch. We wanted", this.minimumVersion, "but got", data.version);
+ return;
+ }
+ this.currentTransport = this.connectionTypes.match(
+ data.supportedConnectionTypes,
+ data.version,
+ this._isXD
+ );
+ this.currentTransport.version = data.version;
+ this.clientId = data.clientId;
+ this.tunnelInit = dojo.lang.hitch(this.currentTransport, "tunnelInit");
+ this.tunnelCollapse = dojo.lang.hitch(this.currentTransport, "tunnelCollapse");
+ this.initialized = true;
+ this.currentTransport.startup(data);
+ while(this.backlog.length != 0){
+ var cur = this.backlog.shift();
+ var fn = cur.shift();
+ this[fn].apply(this, cur);
+ }
+ }
+ this._getRandStr = function(){
+ return Math.random().toString().substring(2, 10);
+ }
+ // public API functions called by cometd or by the transport classes
+ this.deliver = function(messages){
+ dojo.lang.forEach(messages, this._deliver, this);
+ }
+ this._deliver = function(message){
+ // dipatch events along the specified path
+ if(!message["channel"]){
+ dojo.debug("cometd error: no channel for message!");
+ return;
+ }
+ if(!this.currentTransport){
+ this.backlog.push(["deliver", message]);
+ return;
+ }
+ this.lastMessage = message;
+ // check to see if we got a /meta channel message that we care about
+ if( ( > 5)&&
+ (, 5) == "/meta")){
+ // check for various meta topic actions that we need to respond to
+ switch({
+ case "/meta/subscribe":
+ if(!message.successful){
+ dojo.debug("cometd subscription error for channel",, ":", message.error);
+ return;
+ }
+ this.subscribed(message.subscription, message);
+ break;
+ case "/meta/unsubscribe":
+ if(!message.successful){
+ dojo.debug("cometd unsubscription error for channel",, ":", message.error);
+ return;
+ }
+ this.unsubscribed(message.subscription, message);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // send the message down for processing by the transport
+ this.currentTransport.deliver(message);
+ // dispatch the message to any locally subscribed listeners
+ var tname = (this.globalTopicChannels[]) ? : "/cometd";
+ dojo.event.topic.publish(tname, message);
+ }
+ this.disconnect = function(){
+ if(!this.currentTransport){
+ dojo.debug("no current transport to disconnect from");
+ return;
+ }
+ this.currentTransport.disconnect();
+ }
+ // public API functions called by end users
+ this.publish = function(/*string*/channel, /*object*/data, /*object*/properties){
+ // summary:
+ // publishes the passed message to the cometd server for delivery
+ // on the specified topic
+ // channel:
+ // the destination channel for the message
+ // data:
+ // a JSON object containing the message "payload"
+ // properties:
+ // Optional. Other meta-data to be mixed into the top-level of the
+ // message
+ if(!this.currentTransport){
+ this.backlog.push(["publish", channel, data, properties]);
+ return;
+ }
+ var message = {
+ data: data,
+ channel: channel
+ };
+ if(properties){
+ dojo.lang.mixin(message, properties);
+ }
+ return this.currentTransport.sendMessage(message);
+ }
+ this.subscribe = function( /*string*/ channel,
+ /*boolean, optional*/ useLocalTopics,
+ /*object, optional*/ objOrFunc,
+ /*string, optional*/ funcName){ // return: boolean
+ // summary:
+ // inform the server of this client's interest in channel
+ // channel:
+ // name of the cometd channel to subscribe to
+ // useLocalTopics:
+ // Determines if up a local event topic subscription to the passed
+ // function using the channel name that was passed is constructed,
+ // or if the topic name will be prefixed with some other
+ // identifier for local message distribution. Setting this to
+ // "true" is a good way to hook up server-sent message delivery to
+ // pre-existing local topics.
+ // objOrFunc:
+ // an object scope for funcName or the name or reference to a
+ // function to be called when messages are delivered to the
+ // channel
+ // funcName:
+ // the second half of the objOrFunc/funcName pair for identifying
+ // a callback function to notifiy upon channel message delivery
+ if(!this.currentTransport){
+ this.backlog.push(["subscribe", channel, useLocalTopics, objOrFunc, funcName]);
+ return;
+ }
+ if(objOrFunc){
+ var tname = (useLocalTopics) ? channel : "/cometd"+channel;
+ if(useLocalTopics){
+ this.globalTopicChannels[channel] = true;
+ }
+ dojo.event.topic.subscribe(tname, objOrFunc, funcName);
+ }
+ // FIXME: would we handle queuing of the subscription if not connected?
+ // Or should the transport object?
+ return this.currentTransport.sendMessage({
+ channel: "/meta/subscribe",
+ subscription: channel
+ });
+ }
+ this.subscribed = function( /*string*/ channel,
+ /*obj*/ message){
+ dojo.debug(channel);
+ dojo.debugShallow(message);
+ }
+ this.unsubscribe = function(/*string*/ channel,
+ /*boolean, optional*/ useLocalTopics,
+ /*object, optional*/ objOrFunc,
+ /*string, optional*/ funcName){ // return: boolean
+ // summary:
+ // inform the server of this client's disinterest in channel
+ // channel:
+ // name of the cometd channel to subscribe to
+ // useLocalTopics:
+ // Determines if up a local event topic subscription to the passed
+ // function using the channel name that was passed is destroyed,
+ // or if the topic name will be prefixed with some other
+ // identifier for stopping message distribution.
+ // objOrFunc:
+ // an object scope for funcName or the name or reference to a
+ // function to be called when messages are delivered to the
+ // channel
+ // funcName:
+ // the second half of the objOrFunc/funcName pair for identifying
+ if(!this.currentTransport){
+ this.backlog.push(["unsubscribe", channel, useLocalTopics, objOrFunc, funcName]);
+ return;
+ }
+ // a callback function to notifiy upon channel message delivery
+ if(objOrFunc){
+ // FIXME: should actual local topic unsubscription be delayed for
+ // successful unsubcribe notices from the other end? (guessing "no")
+ // FIXME: if useLocalTopics is false, should we go ahead and
+ // destroy the local topic?
+ var tname = (useLocalTopics) ? channel : "/cometd"+channel;
+ dojo.event.topic.unsubscribe(tname, objOrFunc, funcName);
+ }
+ return this.currentTransport.sendMessage({
+ channel: "/meta/unsubscribe",
+ subscription: channel
+ });
+ }
+ this.unsubscribed = function(/*string*/ channel,
+ /*obj*/ message){
+ dojo.debug(channel);
+ dojo.debugShallow(message);
+ }
+ // FIXME: add an "addPublisher" function
+transport objects MUST expose the following methods:
+ - check
+ - startup
+ - sendMessage
+ - deliver
+ - disconnect
+optional, standard but transport dependent methods are:
+ - tunnelCollapse
+ - tunnelInit
+Transports SHOULD be namespaced under the cometd object and transports MUST
+register themselves with cometd.connectionTypes
+here's a stub transport defintion:
+cometd.blahTransport = new function(){
+ this.connected = false;
+ this.connectionId = null;
+ this.authToken = null;
+ this.lastTimestamp = null;
+ this.lastId = null;
+ this.check = function(types, version, xdomain){
+ // summary:
+ // determines whether or not this transport is suitable given a
+ // list of transport types that the server supports
+ return dojo.lang.inArray(types, "blah");
+ }
+ this.startup = function(){
+ if(this.connected){ return; }
+ // FIXME: fill in startup routine here
+ this.connected = true;
+ }
+ this.sendMessage = function(message){
+ // FIXME: fill in message sending logic
+ }
+ this.deliver = function(message){
+ if(message["timestamp"]){
+ this.lastTimestamp = message.timestamp;
+ }
+ if(message["id"]){
+ this.lastId =;
+ }
+ if( ( > 5)&&
+ (, 5) == "/meta")){
+ // check for various meta topic actions that we need to respond to
+ // switch({
+ // case "/meta/connect":
+ // // FIXME: fill in logic here
+ // break;
+ // // case ...: ...
+ // }
+ }
+ }
+ this.disconnect = function(){
+ if(!this.connected){ return; }
+ // FIXME: fill in shutdown routine here
+ this.connected = false;
+ }
+cometd.connectionTypes.register("blah", cometd.blahTransport.check, cometd.blahTransport);
+cometd.iframeTransport = new function(){
+ this.connected = false;
+ this.connectionId = null;
+ this.rcvNode = null;
+ this.rcvNodeName = "";
+ this.phonyForm = null;
+ this.authToken = null;
+ this.lastTimestamp = null;
+ this.lastId = null;
+ this.backlog = [];
+ this.check = function(types, version, xdomain){
+ return ((!xdomain)&&
+ (!dojo.render.html.safari)&&
+ (dojo.lang.inArray(types, "iframe")));
+ }
+ this.tunnelInit = function(){
+ // we've gotten our initialization document back in the iframe, so
+ // now open up a connection and start passing data!
+ this.postToIframe({
+ message: dojo.json.serialize([
+ {
+ channel: "/meta/connect",
+ clientId: cometd.clientId,
+ connectionType: "iframe"
+ // FIXME: auth not passed here!
+ // "authToken": this.authToken
+ }
+ ])
+ });
+ }
+ this.tunnelCollapse = function(){
+ if(this.connected){
+ // try to restart the tunnel
+ this.connected = false;
+ this.postToIframe({
+ message: dojo.json.serialize([
+ {
+ channel: "/meta/reconnect",
+ clientId: cometd.clientId,
+ connectionId: this.connectionId,
+ timestamp: this.lastTimestamp,
+ id: this.lastId
+ // FIXME: no authToken provision!
+ }
+ ])
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ this.deliver = function(message){
+ // handle delivery details that this transport particularly cares
+ // about. Most functions of should be handled by the main cometd object
+ // with only transport-specific details and state being tracked here.
+ if(message["timestamp"]){
+ this.lastTimestamp = message.timestamp;
+ }
+ if(message["id"]){
+ this.lastId =;
+ }
+ // check to see if we got a /meta channel message that we care about
+ if( ( > 5)&&
+ (, 5) == "/meta")){
+ // check for various meta topic actions that we need to respond to
+ switch({
+ case "/meta/connect":
+ if(!message.successful){
+ dojo.debug("cometd connection error:", message.error);
+ return;
+ }
+ this.connectionId = message.connectionId;
+ this.connected = true;
+ this.processBacklog();
+ break;
+ case "/meta/reconnect":
+ if(!message.successful){
+ dojo.debug("cometd reconnection error:", message.error);
+ return;
+ }
+ this.connected = true;
+ break;
+ case "/meta/subscribe":
+ if(!message.successful){
+ dojo.debug("cometd subscription error for channel",, ":", message.error);
+ return;
+ }
+ // this.subscribed(;
+ dojo.debug(;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ this.widenDomain = function(domainStr){
+ // allow us to make reqests to the TLD
+ var cd = domainStr||document.domain;
+ if(cd.indexOf(".")==-1){ return; } // probably file:/// or localhost
+ var dps = cd.split(".");
+ if(dps.length<=2){ return; } // probably file:/// or an RFC 1918 address
+ dps = dps.slice(dps.length-2);
+ document.domain = dps.join(".");
+ return document.domain;
+ }
+ this.postToIframe = function(content, url){
+ if(!this.phonyForm){
+ if({
+ this.phonyForm = document.createElement("<form enctype='application/x-www-form-urlencoded' method='POST' style='display: none;'>");
+ dojo.body().appendChild(this.phonyForm);
+ }else{
+ this.phonyForm = document.createElement("form");
+ = "none"; // FIXME: will this still work?
+ dojo.body().appendChild(this.phonyForm);
+ this.phonyForm.enctype = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
+ this.phonyForm.method = "POST";
+ }
+ }
+ this.phonyForm.action = url||cometd.url;
+ = this.rcvNodeName;
+ this.phonyForm.setAttribute("target", this.rcvNodeName);
+ while(this.phonyForm.firstChild){
+ this.phonyForm.removeChild(this.phonyForm.firstChild);
+ }
+ for(var x in content){
+ var tn;
+ if({
+ tn = document.createElement("<input type='hidden' name='"+x+"' value='"+content[x]+"'>");
+ this.phonyForm.appendChild(tn);
+ }else{
+ tn = document.createElement("input");
+ this.phonyForm.appendChild(tn);
+ tn.type = "hidden";
+ = x;
+ tn.value = content[x];
+ }
+ }
+ this.phonyForm.submit();
+ }
+ this.processBacklog = function(){
+ while(this.backlog.length > 0){
+ this.sendMessage(this.backlog.shift(), true);
+ }
+ }
+ this.sendMessage = function(message, bypassBacklog){
+ // FIXME: what about auth fields?
+ if((bypassBacklog)||(this.connected)){
+ message.connectionId = this.connectionId;
+ message.clientId = cometd.clientId;
+ var bindArgs = {
+ url: cometd.url||djConfig["cometdRoot"],
+ method: "POST",
+ mimetype: "text/json",
+ // FIXME: we should be able to do better than this given that we're sending an array!
+ content: { message: dojo.json.serialize([ message ]) }
+ };
+ return;
+ }else{
+ this.backlog.push(message);
+ }
+ }
+ this.startup = function(handshakeData){
+ dojo.debug("startup!");
+ dojo.debug(dojo.json.serialize(handshakeData));
+ if(this.connected){ return; }
+ // this.widenDomain();
+ // NOTE: we require the server to cooperate by hosting
+ // cometdInit.html at the designated endpoint
+ this.rcvNodeName = "cometdRcv_"+cometd._getRandStr();
+ // the "forever frame" approach
+ var initUrl = cometd.url+"/?tunnelInit=iframe"; // &domain="+document.domain;
+ if(false &&{ // FIXME: DISALBED FOR NOW
+ // use the "htmlfile hack" to prevent the background click junk
+ this.rcvNode = new ActiveXObject("htmlfile");
+ this.rcvNode.write("<html>");
+ this.rcvNode.write("<script>document.domain = '"+document.domain+"'");
+ this.rcvNode.write("</html>");
+ this.rcvNode.close();
+ var ifrDiv = this.rcvNode.createElement("div");
+ this.rcvNode.appendChild(ifrDiv);
+ this.rcvNode.parentWindow.dojo = dojo;
+ ifrDiv.innerHTML = "<iframe src='"+initUrl+"'></iframe>"
+ }else{
+ this.rcvNode =, "", initUrl);
+ //, initUrl);
+ // we're still waiting on the iframe to call back up to use and
+ // advertise that it's been initialized via tunnelInit
+ }
+ }
+cometd.mimeReplaceTransport = new function(){
+ this.connected = false;
+ this.connectionId = null;
+ this.xhr = null;
+ this.authToken = null;
+ this.lastTimestamp = null;
+ this.lastId = null;
+ this.backlog = [];
+ this.check = function(types, version, xdomain){
+ return ((!xdomain)&&
+ (dojo.render.html.mozilla)&& // seems only Moz really supports this right now = (
+ (dojo.lang.inArray(types, "mime-message-block")));
+ }
+ this.tunnelInit = function(){
+ if(this.connected){ return; }
+ // FIXME: open up the connection here
+ this.openTunnelWith({
+ message: dojo.json.serialize([
+ {
+ channel: "/meta/connect",
+ clientId: cometd.clientId,
+ connectionType: "mime-message-block"
+ // FIXME: auth not passed here!
+ // "authToken": this.authToken
+ }
+ ])
+ });
+ this.connected = true;
+ }
+ this.tunnelCollapse = function(){
+ if(this.connected){
+ // try to restart the tunnel
+ this.connected = false;
+ this.openTunnelWith({
+ message: dojo.json.serialize([
+ {
+ channel: "/meta/reconnect",
+ clientId: cometd.clientId,
+ connectionId: this.connectionId,
+ timestamp: this.lastTimestamp,
+ id: this.lastId
+ // FIXME: no authToken provision!
+ }
+ ])
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ this.deliver = cometd.iframeTransport.deliver;
+ // the logic appears to be the same
+ this.handleOnLoad = function(resp){
+ cometd.deliver(dojo.json.evalJson(this.xhr.responseText));
+ }
+ this.openTunnelWith = function(content, url){
+ // set up the XHR object and register the multipart callbacks
+ this.xhr = dojo.hostenv.getXmlhttpObject();
+ this.xhr.multipart = true; // FIXME: do Opera and Safari support this flag?
+ if(dojo.render.html.mozilla){
+ this.xhr.addEventListener("load", dojo.lang.hitch(this, "handleOnLoad"), false);
+ }else if(dojo.render.html.safari){
+ // Blah. WebKit doesn't actually populate responseText and/or responseXML. Useless.
+ dojo.debug("Webkit is broken with multipart responses over XHR = (");
+ this.xhr.onreadystatechange = dojo.lang.hitch(this, "handleOnLoad");
+ }else{
+ this.xhr.onload = dojo.lang.hitch(this, "handleOnLoad");
+ }
+"POST", (url||cometd.url), true); // async post
+ this.xhr.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
+ dojo.debug(dojo.json.serialize(content));
+ this.xhr.send(, "utf8"));
+ }
+ this.processBacklog = function(){
+ while(this.backlog.length > 0){
+ this.sendMessage(this.backlog.shift(), true);
+ }
+ }
+ this.sendMessage = function(message, bypassBacklog){
+ // FIXME: what about auth fields?
+ if((bypassBacklog)||(this.connected)){
+ message.connectionId = this.connectionId;
+ message.clientId = cometd.clientId;
+ var bindArgs = {
+ url: cometd.url||djConfig["cometdRoot"],
+ method: "POST",
+ mimetype: "text/json",
+ content: { message: dojo.json.serialize([ message ]) }
+ };
+ return;
+ }else{
+ this.backlog.push(message);
+ }
+ }
+ this.startup = function(handshakeData){
+ dojo.debugShallow(handshakeData);
+ if(this.connected){ return; }
+ this.tunnelInit();
+ }
+cometd.longPollTransport = new function(){
+ this.connected = false;
+ this.connectionId = null;
+ this.authToken = null;
+ this.lastTimestamp = null;
+ this.lastId = null;
+ this.backlog = [];
+ this.check = function(types, version, xdomain){
+ return ((!xdomain)&&(dojo.lang.inArray(types, "long-polling")));
+ }
+ this.tunnelInit = function(){
+ if(this.connected){ return; }
+ // FIXME: open up the connection here
+ this.openTunnelWith({
+ message: dojo.json.serialize([
+ {
+ channel: "/meta/connect",
+ clientId: cometd.clientId,
+ connectionType: "long-polling"
+ // FIXME: auth not passed here!
+ // "authToken": this.authToken
+ }
+ ])
+ });
+ this.connected = true;
+ }
+ this.tunnelCollapse = function(){
+ if(!this.connected){
+ // try to restart the tunnel
+ this.connected = false;
+ dojo.debug("clientId:", cometd.clientId);
+ this.openTunnelWith({
+ message: dojo.json.serialize([
+ {
+ channel: "/meta/reconnect",
+ connectionType: "long-polling",
+ clientId: cometd.clientId,
+ connectionId: this.connectionId,
+ timestamp: this.lastTimestamp,
+ id: this.lastId
+ // FIXME: no authToken provision!
+ }
+ ])
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ this.deliver = cometd.iframeTransport.deliver;
+ // the logic appears to be the same
+ this.openTunnelWith = function(content, url){
+ url: (url||cometd.url),
+ method: "post",
+ content: content,
+ mimetype: "text/json",
+ load: dojo.lang.hitch(this, function(type, data, evt, args){
+ // dojo.debug(evt.responseText);
+ cometd.deliver(data);
+ this.connected = false;
+ this.tunnelCollapse();
+ }),
+ error: function(){ dojo.debug("tunnel opening failed"); }
+ });
+ this.connected = true;
+ }
+ this.processBacklog = function(){
+ while(this.backlog.length > 0){
+ this.sendMessage(this.backlog.shift(), true);
+ }
+ }
+ this.sendMessage = function(message, bypassBacklog){
+ // FIXME: what about auth fields?
+ if((bypassBacklog)||(this.connected)){
+ message.connectionId = this.connectionId;
+ message.clientId = cometd.clientId;
+ var bindArgs = {
+ url: cometd.url||djConfig["cometdRoot"],
+ method: "post",
+ mimetype: "text/json",
+ content: { message: dojo.json.serialize([ message ]) }
+ };
+ return;
+ }else{
+ this.backlog.push(message);
+ }
+ }
+ this.startup = function(handshakeData){
+ if(this.connected){ return; }
+ this.tunnelInit();
+ }
+cometd.callbackPollTransport = new function(){
+ this.connected = false;
+ this.connectionId = null;
+ this.authToken = null;
+ this.lastTimestamp = null;
+ this.lastId = null;
+ this.backlog = [];
+ this.check = function(types, version, xdomain){
+ // we handle x-domain!
+ return dojo.lang.inArray(types, "callback-polling");
+ }
+ this.tunnelInit = function(){
+ if(this.connected){ return; }
+ // FIXME: open up the connection here
+ this.openTunnelWith({
+ message: dojo.json.serialize([
+ {
+ channel: "/meta/connect",
+ clientId: cometd.clientId,
+ connectionType: "callback-polling"
+ // FIXME: auth not passed here!
+ // "authToken": this.authToken
+ }
+ ])
+ });
+ this.connected = true;
+ }
+ this.tunnelCollapse = function(){
+ if(!this.connected){
+ // try to restart the tunnel
+ this.connected = false;
+ this.openTunnelWith({
+ message: dojo.json.serialize([
+ {
+ channel: "/meta/reconnect",
+ connectionType: "long-polling",
+ clientId: cometd.clientId,
+ connectionId: this.connectionId,
+ timestamp: this.lastTimestamp,
+ id: this.lastId
+ // FIXME: no authToken provision!
+ }
+ ])
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ this.deliver = cometd.iframeTransport.deliver;
+ // the logic appears to be the same
+ this.openTunnelWith = function(content, url){
+ // create a <script> element to generate the request
+ var req ={
+ url: (url||cometd.url),
+ content: content,
+ mimetype: "text/json",
+ transport: "ScriptSrcTransport",
+ jsonParamName: "jsonp",
+ load: dojo.lang.hitch(this, function(type, data, evt, args){
+ dojo.debug(dojo.json.serialize(data));
+ cometd.deliver(data);
+ this.connected = false;
+ this.tunnelCollapse();
+ }),
+ error: function(){ dojo.debug("tunnel opening failed"); }
+ });
+ this.connected = true;
+ }
+ this.processBacklog = function(){
+ while(this.backlog.length > 0){
+ this.sendMessage(this.backlog.shift(), true);
+ }
+ }
+ this.sendMessage = function(message, bypassBacklog){
+ // FIXME: what about auth fields?
+ if((bypassBacklog)||(this.connected)){
+ message.connectionId = this.connectionId;
+ message.clientId = cometd.clientId;
+ var bindArgs = {
+ url: cometd.url||djConfig["cometdRoot"],
+ mimetype: "text/json",
+ transport: "ScriptSrcTransport",
+ jsonParamName: "jsonp",
+ content: { message: dojo.json.serialize([ message ]) }
+ };
+ return;
+ }else{
+ this.backlog.push(message);
+ }
+ }
+ this.startup = function(handshakeData){
+ if(this.connected){ return; }
+ this.tunnelInit();
+ }
+cometd.connectionTypes.register("mime-message-block", cometd.mimeReplaceTransport.check, cometd.mimeReplaceTransport);
+cometd.connectionTypes.register("long-polling", cometd.longPollTransport.check, cometd.longPollTransport);
+cometd.connectionTypes.register("callback-polling", cometd.callbackPollTransport.check, cometd.callbackPollTransport);
+cometd.connectionTypes.register("iframe", cometd.iframeTransport.check, cometd.iframeTransport);
+// FIXME: need to implement fallback-polling, IE XML block
+ = cometd;

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    svn:eol-style = native

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    svn:keywords = "Date Rev Author URL Id"

Propchange: ofbiz/trunk/framework/images/webapp/images/dojo/src/io/cometd.js
    svn:mime-type = text/plain

Added: ofbiz/trunk/framework/images/webapp/images/dojo/src/io/common.js
--- ofbiz/trunk/framework/images/webapp/images/dojo/src/io/common.js (added)
+++ ofbiz/trunk/framework/images/webapp/images/dojo/src/io/common.js Mon Feb 19 09:56:06 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,517 @@
+ Copyright (c) 2004-2006, The Dojo Foundation
+ All Rights Reserved.
+ Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1 or above OR the
+ modified BSD license. For more information on Dojo licensing, see:
+ * Notes about design:
+ *
+ * The* package has the unenviable task of making a lot of different
+ * types of I/O feel natural, despite a universal lack of good (or even
+ * reasonable!) I/O capability in the host environment. So lets pin this down
+ * a little bit further.
+ *
+ * Rhino:
+ * perhaps the best situation anywhere. Access to Java classes allows you
+ * to do anything one might want in terms of I/O, both synchronously and
+ * async. Can open TCP sockets and perform low-latency client/server
+ * interactions. HTTP transport is available through Java HTTP client and
+ * server classes. Wish it were always this easy.
+ *
+ * xpcshell:
+ * XPCOM for I/O.
+ *
+ * spidermonkey:
+ * S.O.L.
+ *
+ * Browsers:
+ * Browsers generally do not provide any useable filesystem access. We are
+ * therefore limited to HTTP for moving information to and from Dojo
+ * instances living in a browser.
+ *
+ * Sync or async, allows reading of arbitrary text files (including
+ * JS, which can then be eval()'d), writing requires server
+ * cooperation and is limited to HTTP mechanisms (POST and GET).
+ *
+ * <iframe> hacks:
+ * iframe document hacks allow browsers to communicate asynchronously
+ * with a server via HTTP POST and GET operations. With significant
+ * effort and server cooperation, low-latency data transit between
+ * client and server can be acheived via iframe mechanisms (repubsub).
+ *
+ * SVG:
+ * Adobe's SVG viewer implements helpful primitives for XML-based
+ * requests, but receipt of arbitrary text data seems unlikely w/o
+ * <![CDATA[]]> sections.
+ *
+ *
+ * A discussion between Dylan, Mark, Tom, and Alex helped to lay down a lot
+ * the IO API interface. A transcript of it can be found at:
+ *
+ *
+ * Also referenced in the design of the API was the DOM 3 L&S spec:
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+// a map of the available transport options. Transports should add themselves
+// by calling add(name) = []; = [ "load", "error", "timeout" ]; // we're omitting a progress() event for now
+ = function(/*String*/ url, /*String*/ mimetype, /*String*/ transport, /*String or Boolean*/ changeUrl){
+// summary:
+// Constructs a Request object that is used by
+// description:
+// will create one of these for you if
+// you call with an plain object containing the bind parameters.
+// This method can either take the arguments specified, or an Object containing all of the parameters that you
+// want to use to create the (similar to how is called.
+// The named parameters to this constructor represent the minimum set of parameters need
+ if((arguments.length == 1)&&(arguments[0].constructor == Object)){
+ this.fromKwArgs(arguments[0]);
+ }else{
+ this.url = url;
+ if(mimetype){ this.mimetype = mimetype; }
+ if(transport){ this.transport = transport; }
+ if(arguments.length >= 4){ this.changeUrl = changeUrl; }
+ }
+dojo.lang.extend(, {
+ /** The URL to hit */
+ url: "",
+ /** The mime type used to interrpret the response body */
+ mimetype: "text/plain",
+ /** The HTTP method to use */
+ method: "GET",
+ /** An Object containing key-value pairs to be included with the request */
+ content: undefined, // Object
+ /** The transport medium to use */
+ transport: undefined, // String
+ /** If defined the URL of the page is physically changed */
+ changeUrl: undefined, // String
+ /** A form node to use in the request */
+ formNode: undefined, // HTMLFormElement
+ /** Whether the request should be made synchronously */
+ sync: false,
+ bindSuccess: false,
+ /** Cache/look for the request in the cache before attempting to request?
+ *  NOTE: this isn't a browser cache, this is internal and would only cache in-page
+ */
+ useCache: false,
+ /** Prevent the browser from caching this by adding a query string argument to the URL */
+ preventCache: false,
+ // events stuff
+ load: function(/*String*/type, /*Object*/data, /*Object*/transportImplementation, /*Object*/kwArgs){
+ // summary:
+ // Called on successful completion of a bind.
+ // type: String
+ // A string with value "load"
+ // data: Object
+ // The object representing the result of the bind. The actual structure
+ // of the data object will depend on the mimetype that was given to bind
+ // in the bind arguments.
+ // transportImplementation: Object
+ // The object that implements a particular transport. Structure is depedent
+ // on the transport. For XMLHTTPTransport (, it will be the
+ // XMLHttpRequest object from the browser.
+ // kwArgs: Object
+ // Object that contains the request parameters that were given to the
+ // bind call. Useful for storing and retrieving state from when bind
+ // was called.
+ },
+ error: function(/*String*/type, /*Object*/error, /*Object*/transportImplementation, /*Object*/kwArgs){
+ // summary:
+ // Called when there is an error with a bind.
+ // type: String
+ // A string with value "error"
+ // error: Object
+ // The error object. Should be a object, but not guaranteed.
+ // transportImplementation: Object
+ // The object that implements a particular transport. Structure is depedent
+ // on the transport. For XMLHTTPTransport (, it will be the
+ // XMLHttpRequest object from the browser.
+ // kwArgs: Object
+ // Object that contains the request parameters that were given to the
+ // bind call. Useful for storing and retrieving state from when bind
+ // was called.
+ },
+ timeout: function(/*String*/type, /*Object*/empty, /*Object*/transportImplementation, /*Object*/kwArgs){
+ // summary:
+ // Called when there is an error with a bind. Only implemented in certain transports at this time.
+ // type: String
+ // A string with value "timeout"
+ // empty: Object
+ // Should be null. Just a spacer argument so that load, error, timeout and handle have the
+ // same signatures.
+ // transportImplementation: Object
+ // The object that implements a particular transport. Structure is depedent
+ // on the transport. For XMLHTTPTransport (, it will be the
+ // XMLHttpRequest object from the browser. May be null for the timeout case for
+ // some transports.
+ // kwArgs: Object
+ // Object that contains the request parameters that were given to the
+ // bind call. Useful for storing and retrieving state from when bind
+ // was called.
+ },
+ handle: function(/*String*/type, /*Object*/data, /*Object*/transportImplementation, /*Object*/kwArgs){
+ // summary:
+ // The handle method can be defined instead of defining separate load, error and timeout
+ // callbacks.
+ // type: String
+ // A string with the type of callback: "load", "error", or "timeout".
+ // data: Object
+ // See the above callbacks for what this parameter could be.
+ // transportImplementation: Object
+ // The object that implements a particular transport. Structure is depedent
+ // on the transport. For XMLHTTPTransport (, it will be the
+ // XMLHttpRequest object from the browser.
+ // kwArgs: Object
+ // Object that contains the request parameters that were given to the
+ // bind call. Useful for storing and retrieving state from when bind
+ // was called.
+ },
+ //FIXME: change IframeIO.js to use timeouts?
+ // The number of seconds to wait until firing a timeout callback.
+ // If it is zero, that means, don't do a timeout check.
+ timeoutSeconds: 0,
+ // the abort method needs to be filled in by the transport that accepts the
+ // bind() request
+ abort: function(){ },
+ // backButton: function(){ },
+ // forwardButton: function(){ },
+ fromKwArgs: function(/*Object*/ kwArgs){
+ // summary:
+ // Creates a from a simple object (kwArgs object).
+ // normalize args
+ if(kwArgs["url"]){ kwArgs.url = kwArgs.url.toString(); }
+ if(kwArgs["formNode"]) { kwArgs.formNode = dojo.byId(kwArgs.formNode); }
+ if(!kwArgs["method"] && kwArgs["formNode"] && kwArgs["formNode"].method) {
+ kwArgs.method = kwArgs["formNode"].method;
+ }
+ // backwards compatibility
+ if(!kwArgs["handle"] && kwArgs["handler"]){ kwArgs.handle = kwArgs.handler; }
+ if(!kwArgs["load"] && kwArgs["loaded"]){ kwArgs.load = kwArgs.loaded; }
+ if(!kwArgs["changeUrl"] && kwArgs["changeURL"]) { kwArgs.changeUrl = kwArgs.changeURL; }
+ // encoding fun!
+ kwArgs.encoding = dojo.lang.firstValued(kwArgs["encoding"], djConfig["bindEncoding"], "");
+ kwArgs.sendTransport = dojo.lang.firstValued(kwArgs["sendTransport"], djConfig["ioSendTransport"], false);
+ var isFunction = dojo.lang.isFunction;
+ for(var x=0; x<; x++){
+ var fn =[x];
+ if(kwArgs[fn] && isFunction(kwArgs[fn])){ continue; }
+ if(kwArgs["handle"] && isFunction(kwArgs["handle"])){
+ kwArgs[fn] = kwArgs.handle;
+ }
+ // handler is aliased above, shouldn't need this check
+ /* else if(dojo.lang.isObject(kwArgs.handler)){
+ if(isFunction(kwArgs.handler[fn])){
+ kwArgs[fn] = kwArgs.handler[fn]||kwArgs.handler["handle"]||function(){};
+ }
+ }*/
+ }
+ dojo.lang.mixin(this, kwArgs);
+ }
+ = function(/*String*/ msg, /*String*/ type, /*Number*/num){
+ // summary:
+ // Constructs an object representing a bind error.
+ this.message = msg;
+ this.type =  type || "unknown"; // must be one of "io", "parse", "unknown"
+ this.number = num || 0; // per-substrate error number, not normalized
+ = function(/*String*/name){
+ // summary:
+ // Used to register transports that can support bind calls.
+ this.push(name);
+ // FIXME: do we need to handle things that aren't direct children of the
+ // module? (say,
+ this[name] =[name];
+// binding interface, the various implementations register their capabilities
+// and the bind() method dispatches = function(/* or Object*/request){
+ // summary:
+ // Binding interface for IO. Loading different IO transports, like
+ // or, will register with bind
+ // to handle particular types of bind calls.
+ // request: Object
+ // Object containing bind arguments. This object is converted to
+ // a object, and that request object is the return
+ // value for this method.
+ if(!(request instanceof{
+ try{
+ request = new;
+ }catch(e){ dojo.debug(e); }
+ }
+ // if the request asks for a particular implementation, use it
+ var tsName = "";
+ if(request["transport"]){
+ tsName = request["transport"];
+ if(!this[tsName]){
+, "No transport with name '"
+ + request["transport"] + "'.");
+ return request; //
+ }
+ if(!this[tsName].canHandle(request)){
+, " transport with name '"
+ + request["transport"] + "' cannot handle this type of request.");
+ return request; //
+ }
+ }else{
+ // otherwise we do our best to auto-detect what available transports
+ // will handle
+ for(var x=0; x<; x++){
+ var tmp =[x];
+ if((this[tmp])&&(this[tmp].canHandle(request))){
+ tsName = tmp;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if(tsName == ""){
+, "None of the loaded transports for"
+ + " can handle the request.");
+ return request; //
+ }
+ }
+ this[tsName].bind(request);
+ request.bindSuccess = true;
+ return request; //
+ = function(/* Object */request, /* String */message){
+ // summary:
+ // Used internally by to return/raise a bind error.
+ //Need to be careful since not all hostenvs support setTimeout.
+ if((typeof request.error == "function" || typeof request.handle == "function")
+ && (typeof setTimeout == "function" || typeof setTimeout == "object")){
+ var errorObject = new;
+ setTimeout(function(){
+ request[(typeof request.error == "function") ? "error" : "handle"]("error", errorObject, null, request);
+ }, 50);
+ }else{
+ dojo.raise(message);
+ }
+ = function(/* or Object*/request){
+ // summary:
+ // queueBind will use but guarantee that only one bind
+ // call is handled at a time.
+ // description:
+ // If queueBind is called while a bind call
+ // is in process, it will queue up the other calls to bind and call them
+ // in order as bind calls complete.
+ // request: Object
+ // Same sort of request object as used for
+ if(!(request instanceof{
+ try{
+ request = new;
+ }catch(e){ dojo.debug(e); }
+ }
+ // make sure we get called if/when we get a response
+ var oldLoad = request.load;
+ request.load = function(){
+ = false;
+ var ret = oldLoad.apply(this, arguments);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ var oldErr = request.error;
+ request.error = function(){
+ = false;
+ var ret = oldErr.apply(this, arguments);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ return request; //
+ = function(){
+ // summary:
+ // Private method used by
+ if(!{
+ = true;
+ if( > 0){
+ }else{
+ = false;
+ }
+ }
+} = []; = false;
+ = function(/*Object*/map, /*String?*/encoding, /*String?*/last){
+ // summary:
+ // Converts name/values pairs in the map object to an URL-encoded string
+ // with format of name1=value1&name2=value2...
+ // map: Object
+ // Object that has the contains the names and values.
+ // encoding: String?
+ // String to specify how to encode the name and value. If the encoding string
+ // contains "utf" (case-insensitive), then encodeURIComponent is used. Otherwise
+ // dojo.string.encodeAscii is used.
+ // last: String?
+ // The last parameter in the list. Helps with final string formatting?
+ var enc = /utf/i.test(encoding||"") ? encodeURIComponent : dojo.string.encodeAscii;
+ var mapped = [];
+ var control = new Object();
+ for(var name in map){
+ var domap = function(elt){
+ var val = enc(name)+"="+enc(elt);
+ mapped[(last == name) ? "push" : "unshift"](val);
+ }
+ if(!control[name]){
+ var value = map[name];
+ // FIXME: should be isArrayLike?
+ if (dojo.lang.isArray(value)){
+ dojo.lang.forEach(value, domap);
+ }else{
+ domap(value);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return mapped.join("&"); //String
+ = function(/*DOMNode*/ iframe, /*String*/ src, /*Boolean*/ replace){
+ //summary:
+ // Sets the URL that is loaded in an IFrame. The replace parameter indicates whether
+ // location.replace() should be used when changing the location of the iframe.
+ try{
+ var r = dojo.render.html;
+ // dojo.debug(iframe);
+ if(!replace){
+ if(r.safari){
+ iframe.location = src;
+ }else{
+ frames[].location = src;
+ }
+ }else{
+ // Fun with DOM 0 incompatibilities!
+ var idoc;
+ if({
+ idoc = iframe.contentWindow.document;
+ }else if(r.safari){
+ idoc = iframe.document;
+ }else{ //  if(r.moz){
+ idoc = iframe.contentWindow;
+ }
+ //For Safari (at least 2.0.3) and Opera, if the iframe
+ //has just been created but it doesn't have content
+ //yet, then iframe.document may be null. In that case,
+ //use iframe.location and return.
+ if(!idoc){
+ iframe.location = src;
+ return;
+ }else{
+ idoc.location.replace(src);
+ }
+ }
+ }catch(e){
+ dojo.debug(e);
+ dojo.debug("setIFrameSrc: "+e);
+ }
+/* = new function(){
+ this.canHandle = function(kwArgs){
+ // canHandle just tells if this is a good transport to
+ // use for the particular type of request.
+ if(
+ (
+ (kwArgs["mimetype"] == "text/plain") ||
+ (kwArgs["mimetype"] == "text/html") ||
+ (kwArgs["mimetype"] == "text/javascript")
+ )&&(
+ (kwArgs["method"] == "get") ||
+ ( (kwArgs["method"] == "post") && (!kwArgs["formNode"]) )
+ )
+ ){
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ this.bind = function(kwArgs){
+ var hdlrObj = {};
+ // set up a handler object
+ for(var x=0; x<; x++){
+ var fn =[x];
+ if(typeof kwArgs.handler == "object"){
+ if(typeof kwArgs.handler[fn] == "function"){
+ hdlrObj[fn] = kwArgs.handler[fn]||kwArgs.handler["handle"];
+ }
+ }else if(typeof kwArgs[fn] == "function"){
+ hdlrObj[fn] = kwArgs[fn];
+ }else{
+ hdlrObj[fn] = kwArgs["handle"]||function(){};
+ }
+ }
+ // build a handler function that calls back to the handler obj
+ var hdlrFunc = function(evt){
+ if(evt.type == "onload"){
+ hdlrObj.load("load",, evt);
+ }else if(evt.type == "onerr"){
+ var errObj = new"sampleTransport Error: "+evt.msg);
+ hdlrObj.error("error", errObj);
+ }
+ }
+ // the sample transport would attach the hdlrFunc() when sending the
+ // request down the pipe at this point
+ var tgtURL = kwArgs.url+"?";
+ // sampleTransport.sendRequest(tgtURL, hdlrFunc);
+ }

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    svn:keywords = "Date Rev Author URL Id"

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    svn:mime-type = text/plain

Added: ofbiz/trunk/framework/images/webapp/images/dojo/src/io/cookie.js
--- ofbiz/trunk/framework/images/webapp/images/dojo/src/io/cookie.js (added)
+++ ofbiz/trunk/framework/images/webapp/images/dojo/src/io/cookie.js Mon Feb 19 09:56:06 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+ Copyright (c) 2004-2006, The Dojo Foundation
+ All Rights Reserved.
+ Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1 or above OR the
+ modified BSD license. For more information on Dojo licensing, see:
+ = function(/*String*/name, /*String*/value,
+ /*Number?*/days, /*String?*/path,
+ /*String?*/domain, /*boolean?*/secure){
+ //summary: sets a cookie.
+ var expires = -1;
+ if((typeof days == "number")&&(days >= 0)){
+ var d = new Date();
+ d.setTime(d.getTime()+(days*24*60*60*1000));
+ expires = d.toGMTString();
+ }
+ value = escape(value);
+ document.cookie = name + "=" + value + ";"
+ + (expires != -1 ? " expires=" + expires + ";" : "")
+ + (path ? "path=" + path : "")
+ + (domain ? "; domain=" + domain : "")
+ + (secure ? "; secure" : "");
+ =;
+ = function(/*String*/name){
+ //summary: Gets a cookie with the given name.
+ // FIXME: Which cookie should we return?
+ //        If there are cookies set for different sub domains in the current
+ //        scope there could be more than one cookie with the same name.
+ //        I think taking the last one in the list takes the one from the
+ //        deepest subdomain, which is what we're doing here.
+ var idx = document.cookie.lastIndexOf(name+'=');
+ if(idx == -1) { return null; }
+ var value = document.cookie.substring(idx+name.length+1);
+ var end = value.indexOf(';');
+ if(end == -1) { end = value.length; }
+ value = value.substring(0, end);
+ value = unescape(value);
+ return value; //String
+ =;
+ = function(/*String*/name){
+ //summary: Deletes a cookie with the given name.
+, "-", 0);
+ = function( /*String*/name, /*Object*/obj,
+ /*Number?*/days, /*String?*/path,
+ /*String?*/domain, /*boolean?*/secure,
+ /*boolean?*/clearCurrent){
+ //summary: Takes an object, serializes it to a cookie value, and either
+ //sets a cookie with the serialized value.
+ //description: If clearCurrent is true, then any current cookie value
+ //for this object will be replaced with the the new serialized object value.
+ //If clearCurrent is false, then the existing cookie value will be modified
+ //with any changes from the new object value.
+ //Objects must be simple name/value pairs where the value is either a string
+ //or a number. Any other value will be ignored.
+ if(arguments.length == 5){ // for backwards compat
+ clearCurrent = domain;
+ domain = null;
+ secure = null;
+ }
+ var pairs = [], cookie, value = "";
+ if(!clearCurrent){
+ cookie =;
+ }
+ if(days >= 0){
+ if(!cookie){ cookie = {}; }
+ for(var prop in obj){
+ if(obj[prop] == null){
+ delete cookie[prop];
+ }else if((typeof obj[prop] == "string")||(typeof obj[prop] == "number")){
+ cookie[prop] = obj[prop];
+ }
+ }
+ prop = null;
+ for(var prop in cookie){
+ pairs.push(escape(prop) + "=" + escape(cookie[prop]));
+ }
+ value = pairs.join("&");
+ }
+, value, days, path, domain, secure);
+ = function(/*String*/name){
+ //summary: Gets an object value for the given cookie name. The complement of
+ //
+ var values = null, cookie =;
+ if(cookie){
+ values = {};
+ var pairs = cookie.split("&");
+ for(var i = 0; i < pairs.length; i++){
+ var pair = pairs[i].split("=");
+ var value = pair[1];
+ if( isNaN(value) ){ value = unescape(pair[1]); }
+ values[ unescape(pair[0]) ] = value;
+ }
+ }
+ return values;
+ = function(){
+ //summary: Tests the browser to see if cookies are enabled.
+ if(typeof navigator.cookieEnabled != "boolean"){
+ "CookiesAllowed", 90, null);
+ var cookieVal ="__TestingYourBrowserForCookieSupport__");
+ navigator.cookieEnabled = (cookieVal == "CookiesAllowed");
+ if(navigator.cookieEnabled){
+ // FIXME: should we leave this around?
+ this.deleteCookie("__TestingYourBrowserForCookieSupport__");
+ }
+ }
+ return navigator.cookieEnabled; //boolean
+// need to leave this in for backwards-compat from 0.1 for when it gets pulled in by*
+if(!{ =; }

Propchange: ofbiz/trunk/framework/images/webapp/images/dojo/src/io/cookie.js
    svn:eol-style = native

Propchange: ofbiz/trunk/framework/images/webapp/images/dojo/src/io/cookie.js
    svn:keywords = "Date Rev Author URL Id"

Propchange: ofbiz/trunk/framework/images/webapp/images/dojo/src/io/cookie.js
    svn:mime-type = text/plain

Added: ofbiz/trunk/framework/images/webapp/images/dojo/src/io/xip_client.html
--- ofbiz/trunk/framework/images/webapp/images/dojo/src/io/xip_client.html (added)
+++ ofbiz/trunk/framework/images/webapp/images/dojo/src/io/xip_client.html Mon Feb 19 09:56:06 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,254 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
+ "">
+<html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
+ <title></title>
+ <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"></meta>
+ <script type="text/javascript">
+ // <!--
+ /*
+ This file is really focused on just sending one message to the server, and
+ receiving one response. The code does not expect to be re-used for multiple messages.
+ This might be reworked later if performance indicates a need for it.
+ xip fragment identifier/hash values have the form:
+ #id:cmd:realEncodedMessage
+ id: some ID that should be unique among messages. No inherent meaning,
+        just something to make sure the hash value is unique so the message
+        receiver knows a new message is available.
+ cmd: command to the receiver. Valid values are:
+         - init: message used to init the frame. Sent as the first URL when loading
+                 the page. Contains some config parameters.
+         - loaded: the remote frame is loaded. Only sent from server to client.
+         - ok: the message that this page sent was received OK. The next message may
+               now be sent.
+         - start: the start message of a block of messages (a complete message may
+                  need to be segmented into many messages to get around the limitiations
+                  of the size of an URL that a browser accepts.
+         - part: indicates this is a part of a message.
+         - end: the end message of a block of messages. The message can now be acted upon.
+                If the message is small enough that it doesn't need to be segmented, then
+                just one hash value message can be sent with "end" as the command.
+ To reassemble a segmented message, the realEncodedMessage parts just have to be concatenated
+ together.
+ */
+ //MSIE has the lowest limit for URLs with fragment identifiers,
+ //at around 4K. Choosing a slightly smaller number for good measure.
+ xipUrlLimit = 4000;
+ xipIdCounter = 1;
+ function xipInit(){
+ xipStateId = "";
+ xipIsSending = false;
+ xipServerUrl = null;
+ xipStateId = null;
+ xipRequestData = null;
+ xipCurrentHash = "";
+ xipResponseMessage = "";
+ xipRequestParts = [];
+ xipPartIndex = 0;
+ xipServerWindow = null;
+ xipUseFrameRecursion = false;
+ }
+ xipInit();
+ function send(encodedData){
+ if(xipUseFrameRecursion == "true"){
+ var clientEndPoint = + "_clientEndPoint");
+ clientEndPoint.send(encodedData);
+ }else{
+ if(!xipIsSending){
+ xipIsSending = true;
+ xipRequestData = encodedData || "";
+ //Get a handle to the server iframe.
+ xipServerWindow = frames[xipStateId + "_frame"];
+ if (!xipServerWindow){
+ xipServerWindow = document.getElementById(xipStateId + "_frame").contentWindow;
+ }
+ sendRequestStart();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //Modify the server URL if it is a local path and
+ //This is done for local/same domain testing.
+ function fixServerUrl(ifpServerUrl){
+ if(ifpServerUrl.indexOf("..") == 0){
+ var parts = ifpServerUrl.split("/");
+ ifpServerUrl = parts[parts.length - 1];
+ }
+ return ifpServerUrl;
+ }
+ function pollHash(){
+ //Can't use location.hash because at least Firefox does a decodeURIComponent on it.
+ var urlParts = window.location.href.split("#");
+ if(urlParts.length == 2){
+ var newHash = urlParts[1];
+ if(newHash != xipCurrentHash){
+ try{
+ messageReceived(newHash);
+ }catch(e){
+ //Make sure to not keep processing the error hash value.
+ xipCurrentHash = newHash;
+ throw e;
+ }
+ xipCurrentHash = newHash;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function messageReceived(encodedData){
+ var msg = unpackMessage(encodedData);
+ switch(msg.command){
+ case "loaded":
+ break;
+ case "ok":
+ sendRequestPart();
+ break;
+ case "start":
+ xipResponseMessage = "";
+ xipResponseMessage += msg.message;
+ setServerUrl("ok");
+ break;
+ case "part":
+ xipResponseMessage += msg.message;
+ setServerUrl("ok");
+ break;
+ case "end":
+ setServerUrl("ok");
+ xipResponseMessage += msg.message;
+, xipResponseMessage);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ function sendRequestStart(){
+ //Break the message into parts, if necessary.
+ xipRequestParts = [];
+ var reqData = xipRequestData;
+ var urlLength = xipServerUrl.length;
+ var partLength = xipUrlLimit - urlLength;
+ var reqIndex = 0;
+ while((reqData.length - reqIndex) + urlLength > xipUrlLimit){
+ xipRequestParts.push(reqData.substring(reqIndex, reqIndex + partLength));
+ reqIndex += partLength;
+ }
+ xipRequestParts.push(reqData.substring(reqIndex, reqData.length));
+ xipPartIndex = 0;
+ sendRequestPart();
+ }
+ function sendRequestPart(){
+ if(xipPartIndex < xipRequestParts.length){
+ //Get the message part.
+ var partData = xipRequestParts[xipPartIndex];
+ //Get the command.
+ var cmd = "part";
+ if(xipPartIndex + 1 == xipRequestParts.length){
+ cmd = "end";
+ }else if (xipPartIndex == 0){
+ cmd = "start";
+ }
+ setServerUrl(cmd, partData);
+ xipPartIndex++;
+ }
+ }
+ function setServerUrl(cmd, message){
+ var serverUrl = makeServerUrl(cmd, message);
+ //Safari won't let us replace across domains.
+ if(navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Safari") == -1){
+ xipServerWindow.location.replace(serverUrl);
+ }else{
+ xipServerWindow.location = serverUrl;
+ }
+ }
+ function makeServerUrl(c