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svn commit: r509273 [29/50] - in /ofbiz/trunk/framework/images/webapp/images: ./ dojo/ dojo/src/ dojo/src/animation/ dojo/src/cal/ dojo/src/charting/ dojo/src/charting/svg/ dojo/src/charting/vml/ dojo/src/collections/ dojo/src/crypto/ dojo/src/data/ do...

Added: ofbiz/trunk/framework/images/webapp/images/dojo/src/uuid/TimeBasedGenerator.js
--- ofbiz/trunk/framework/images/webapp/images/dojo/src/uuid/TimeBasedGenerator.js (added)
+++ ofbiz/trunk/framework/images/webapp/images/dojo/src/uuid/TimeBasedGenerator.js Mon Feb 19 09:56:06 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,355 @@
+ Copyright (c) 2004-2006, The Dojo Foundation
+ All Rights Reserved.
+ Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1 or above OR the
+ modified BSD license. For more information on Dojo licensing, see:
+dojo.uuid.TimeBasedGenerator = new function() {
+ // --------------------------------------------------
+ // Public constants:
+ // Number of hours between October 15, 1582 and January 1, 1970:
+ // Number of seconds between October 15, 1582 and January 1, 1970:
+ //   this.GREGORIAN_CHANGE_OFFSET_IN_SECONDS = 12219292800;
+ // --------------------------------------------------
+ // Private variables:
+ var _uuidPseudoNodeString = null;
+ var _uuidClockSeqString = null;
+ var _dateValueOfPreviousUuid = null;
+ var _nextIntraMillisecondIncrement = 0;
+ var _cachedMillisecondsBetween1582and1970 = null;
+ var _cachedHundredNanosecondIntervalsPerMillisecond = null;
+ var _uniformNode = null;
+ // --------------------------------------------------
+ // Private constants:
+ var HEX_RADIX = 16;
+ function _carry(/* array */ arrayA) {
+ // summary:
+ //   Given an array which holds a 64-bit number broken into 4 16-bit
+ //   elements, this method carries any excess bits (greater than 16-bits)
+ //   from each array element into the next.
+ // arrayA: An array with 4 elements, each of which is a 16-bit number.
+ arrayA[2] += arrayA[3] >>> 16;
+ arrayA[3] &= 0xFFFF;
+ arrayA[1] += arrayA[2] >>> 16;
+ arrayA[2] &= 0xFFFF;
+ arrayA[0] += arrayA[1] >>> 16;
+ arrayA[1] &= 0xFFFF;
+ dojo.lang.assert((arrayA[0] >>> 16) === 0);
+ }
+ function _get64bitArrayFromFloat(/* float */ x) {
+ // summary:
+ //   Given a floating point number, this method returns an array which
+ //   holds a 64-bit number broken into 4 16-bit elements.
+ var result = new Array(0, 0, 0, 0);
+ result[3] = x % 0x10000;
+ x -= result[3];
+ x /= 0x10000;
+ result[2] = x % 0x10000;
+ x -= result[2];
+ x /= 0x10000;
+ result[1] = x % 0x10000;
+ x -= result[1];
+ x /= 0x10000;
+ result[0] = x;
+ return result; // Array with 4 elements, each of which is a 16-bit number.
+ }
+ function _addTwo64bitArrays(/* array */ arrayA, /* array */ arrayB) {
+ // summary:
+ //   Takes two arrays, each of which holds a 64-bit number broken into 4
+ //   16-bit elements, and returns a new array that holds a 64-bit number
+ //   that is the sum of the two original numbers.
+ // arrayA: An array with 4 elements, each of which is a 16-bit number.
+ // arrayB: An array with 4 elements, each of which is a 16-bit number.
+ dojo.lang.assertType(arrayA, Array);
+ dojo.lang.assertType(arrayB, Array);
+ dojo.lang.assert(arrayA.length == 4);
+ dojo.lang.assert(arrayB.length == 4);
+ var result = new Array(0, 0, 0, 0);
+ result[3] = arrayA[3] + arrayB[3];
+ result[2] = arrayA[2] + arrayB[2];
+ result[1] = arrayA[1] + arrayB[1];
+ result[0] = arrayA[0] + arrayB[0];
+ _carry(result);
+ return result; // Array with 4 elements, each of which is a 16-bit number.
+ }
+ function _multiplyTwo64bitArrays(/* array */ arrayA, /* array */ arrayB) {
+ // summary:
+ //   Takes two arrays, each of which holds a 64-bit number broken into 4
+ //   16-bit elements, and returns a new array that holds a 64-bit number
+ //   that is the product of the two original numbers.
+ // arrayA: An array with 4 elements, each of which is a 16-bit number.
+ // arrayB: An array with 4 elements, each of which is a 16-bit number.
+ dojo.lang.assertType(arrayA, Array);
+ dojo.lang.assertType(arrayB, Array);
+ dojo.lang.assert(arrayA.length == 4);
+ dojo.lang.assert(arrayB.length == 4);
+ var overflow = false;
+ if (arrayA[0] * arrayB[0] !== 0) { overflow = true; }
+ if (arrayA[0] * arrayB[1] !== 0) { overflow = true; }
+ if (arrayA[0] * arrayB[2] !== 0) { overflow = true; }
+ if (arrayA[1] * arrayB[0] !== 0) { overflow = true; }
+ if (arrayA[1] * arrayB[1] !== 0) { overflow = true; }
+ if (arrayA[2] * arrayB[0] !== 0) { overflow = true; }
+ dojo.lang.assert(!overflow);
+ var result = new Array(0, 0, 0, 0);
+ result[0] += arrayA[0] * arrayB[3];
+ _carry(result);
+ result[0] += arrayA[1] * arrayB[2];
+ _carry(result);
+ result[0] += arrayA[2] * arrayB[1];
+ _carry(result);
+ result[0] += arrayA[3] * arrayB[0];
+ _carry(result);
+ result[1] += arrayA[1] * arrayB[3];
+ _carry(result);
+ result[1] += arrayA[2] * arrayB[2];
+ _carry(result);
+ result[1] += arrayA[3] * arrayB[1];
+ _carry(result);
+ result[2] += arrayA[2] * arrayB[3];
+ _carry(result);
+ result[2] += arrayA[3] * arrayB[2];
+ _carry(result);
+ result[3] += arrayA[3] * arrayB[3];
+ _carry(result);
+ return result; // Array with 4 elements, each of which is a 16-bit number.
+ }
+ function _padWithLeadingZeros(/* string */ string, /* int */ desiredLength) {
+ // summary:
+ //   Pads a string with leading zeros and returns the result.
+ // string: A string to add padding to.
+ // desiredLength: The number of characters the return string should have.
+ // examples:
+ //   result = _padWithLeadingZeros("abc", 6);
+ //   dojo.lang.assert(result == "000abc");
+ while (string.length < desiredLength) {
+ string = "0" + string;
+ }
+ return string; // string
+ }
+ function _generateRandomEightCharacterHexString() {
+ // summary:
+ //   Returns a randomly generated 8-character string of hex digits.
+ // FIXME: This probably isn't a very high quality random number.
+ // Make random32bitNumber be a randomly generated floating point number
+ // between 0 and (4,294,967,296 - 1), inclusive.
+ var random32bitNumber = Math.floor( (Math.random() % 1) * Math.pow(2, 32) );
+ var eightCharacterString = random32bitNumber.toString(HEX_RADIX);
+ while (eightCharacterString.length < 8) {
+ eightCharacterString = "0" + eightCharacterString;
+ }
+ return eightCharacterString; // String (an 8-character hex string)
+ }
+ function _generateUuidString(/* string? */ node) {
+ // summary:
+ //   Generates a time-based UUID, meaning a version 1 UUID.  
+ // description:
+ //   JavaScript code running in a browser doesn't have access to the
+ //   IEEE 802.3 address of the computer, so if a node value isn't
+ //   supplied, we generate a random pseudonode value instead.
+ // node: An optional 12-character string to use as the node in the new UUID.
+ dojo.lang.assertType(node, String, {optional: true});
+ if (node) {
+ dojo.lang.assert(node.length == 12);
+ } else {
+ if (_uniformNode) {
+ node = _uniformNode;
+ } else {
+ if (!_uuidPseudoNodeString) {
+ var pseudoNodeIndicatorBit = 0x8000;
+ var random15bitNumber = Math.floor( (Math.random() % 1) * Math.pow(2, 15) );
+ var leftmost4HexCharacters = (pseudoNodeIndicatorBit | random15bitNumber).toString(HEX_RADIX);
+ _uuidPseudoNodeString = leftmost4HexCharacters + _generateRandomEightCharacterHexString();
+ }
+ node = _uuidPseudoNodeString;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!_uuidClockSeqString) {
+ var variantCodeForDCEUuids = 0x8000; // 10--------------, i.e. uses only first two of 16 bits.
+ var random14bitNumber = Math.floor( (Math.random() % 1) * Math.pow(2, 14) );
+ _uuidClockSeqString = (variantCodeForDCEUuids | random14bitNumber).toString(HEX_RADIX);
+ }
+ // Maybe we should think about trying to make the code more readable to
+ // newcomers by creating a class called "WholeNumber" that encapsulates
+ // the methods and data structures for working with these arrays that
+ // hold 4 16-bit numbers?  And then these variables below have names
+ // like "wholeSecondsPerHour" rather than "arraySecondsPerHour"?
+ var now = new Date();
+ var millisecondsSince1970 = now.valueOf(); // milliseconds since midnight 01 January, 1970 UTC.
+ var nowArray = _get64bitArrayFromFloat(millisecondsSince1970);
+ if (!_cachedMillisecondsBetween1582and1970) {
+ var arraySecondsPerHour = _get64bitArrayFromFloat(60 * 60);
+ var arrayHoursBetween1582and1970 = _get64bitArrayFromFloat(dojo.uuid.TimeBasedGenerator.GREGORIAN_CHANGE_OFFSET_IN_HOURS);
+ var arraySecondsBetween1582and1970 = _multiplyTwo64bitArrays(arrayHoursBetween1582and1970, arraySecondsPerHour);
+ var arrayMillisecondsPerSecond = _get64bitArrayFromFloat(1000);
+ _cachedMillisecondsBetween1582and1970 = _multiplyTwo64bitArrays(arraySecondsBetween1582and1970, arrayMillisecondsPerSecond);
+ _cachedHundredNanosecondIntervalsPerMillisecond = _get64bitArrayFromFloat(10000);
+ }
+ var arrayMillisecondsSince1970 = nowArray;
+ var arrayMillisecondsSince1582 = _addTwo64bitArrays(_cachedMillisecondsBetween1582and1970, arrayMillisecondsSince1970);
+ var arrayHundredNanosecondIntervalsSince1582 = _multiplyTwo64bitArrays(arrayMillisecondsSince1582, _cachedHundredNanosecondIntervalsPerMillisecond);
+ if (now.valueOf() == _dateValueOfPreviousUuid) {
+ arrayHundredNanosecondIntervalsSince1582[3] += _nextIntraMillisecondIncrement;
+ _carry(arrayHundredNanosecondIntervalsSince1582);
+ _nextIntraMillisecondIncrement += 1;
+ if (_nextIntraMillisecondIncrement == 10000) {
+ // If we've gotten to here, it means we've already generated 10,000
+ // UUIDs in this single millisecond, which is the most that the UUID
+ // timestamp field allows for.  So now we'll just sit here and wait
+ // for a fraction of a millisecond, so as to ensure that the next
+ // time this method is called there will be a different millisecond
+ // value in the timestamp field.
+ while (now.valueOf() == _dateValueOfPreviousUuid) {
+ now = new Date();
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ _dateValueOfPreviousUuid = now.valueOf();
+ _nextIntraMillisecondIncrement = 1;
+ }
+ var hexTimeLowLeftHalf  = arrayHundredNanosecondIntervalsSince1582[2].toString(HEX_RADIX);
+ var hexTimeLowRightHalf = arrayHundredNanosecondIntervalsSince1582[3].toString(HEX_RADIX);
+ var hexTimeLow = _padWithLeadingZeros(hexTimeLowLeftHalf, 4) + _padWithLeadingZeros(hexTimeLowRightHalf, 4);
+ var hexTimeMid = arrayHundredNanosecondIntervalsSince1582[1].toString(HEX_RADIX);
+ hexTimeMid = _padWithLeadingZeros(hexTimeMid, 4);
+ var hexTimeHigh = arrayHundredNanosecondIntervalsSince1582[0].toString(HEX_RADIX);
+ hexTimeHigh = _padWithLeadingZeros(hexTimeHigh, 3);
+ var hyphen = "-";
+ var versionCodeForTimeBasedUuids = "1"; // binary2hex("0001")
+ var resultUuid = hexTimeLow + hyphen + hexTimeMid + hyphen +
+ versionCodeForTimeBasedUuids + hexTimeHigh + hyphen +
+ _uuidClockSeqString + hyphen + node;
+ resultUuid = resultUuid.toLowerCase();
+ return resultUuid; // String (a 36 character string, which will look something like "b4308fb0-86cd-11da-a72b-0800200c9a66")
+ }
+ this.setNode = function(/* string? */ node) {
+ // summary:
+ //   Sets the 'node' value that will be included in generated UUIDs.
+ // node: A 12-character hex string representing a pseudoNode or hardwareNode.
+ dojo.lang.assert((node === null) || (node.length == 12));
+ _uniformNode = node;
+ };
+ this.getNode = function() {
+ // summary:
+ //   Returns the 'node' value that will be included in generated UUIDs.
+ return _uniformNode; // String (a 12-character hex string representing a pseudoNode or hardwareNode)
+ };
+ this.generate = function(/* misc? */ input) {
+ // summary:
+ //   This function generates time-based UUIDs, meaning "version 1" UUIDs.
+ // description:
+ // For more info, see
+ //
+ //
+ //
+ //
+ //
+ // examples:
+ //   var generate = dojo.uuid.TimeBasedGenerator.generate;
+ //   var uuid;   // an instance of dojo.uuid.Uuid
+ //   var string; // a simple string literal
+ //   string = generate();
+ //   string = generate(String);
+ //   uuid   = generate(dojo.uuid.Uuid);
+ //   string = generate("017bf397618a");
+ //   string = generate({node: "017bf397618a"});         // hardwareNode
+ //   string = generate({node: "f17bf397618a"});         // pseudoNode
+ //   string = generate({hardwareNode: "017bf397618a"});
+ //   string = generate({pseudoNode:   "f17bf397618a"});
+ //   string = generate({node: "017bf397618a", returnType: String});
+ //   uuid   = generate({node: "017bf397618a", returnType: dojo.uuid.Uuid});
+ //   dojo.uuid.TimeBasedGenerator.setNode("017bf397618a");
+ //   string = generate(); // the generated UUID has node == "017bf397618a"
+ //   uuid   = generate(dojo.uuid.Uuid); // the generated UUID has node == "017bf397618a"
+ var nodeString = null;
+ var returnType = null;
+ if (input) {
+ if (dojo.lang.isObject(input) && !dojo.lang.isBuiltIn(input)) {
+ // input: object {node: string, hardwareNode: string, pseudoNode: string}
+ // node: A 12-character hex string representing a pseudoNode or hardwareNode.
+ // hardwareNode: A 12-character hex string containing an IEEE 802.3 network node identificator.
+ // pseudoNode: A 12-character hex string representing a pseudoNode.
+ var namedParameters = input;
+ dojo.lang.assertValidKeywords(namedParameters, ["node", "hardwareNode", "pseudoNode", "returnType"]);
+ var node = namedParameters["node"];
+ var hardwareNode = namedParameters["hardwareNode"];
+ var pseudoNode = namedParameters["pseudoNode"];
+ nodeString = (node || pseudoNode || hardwareNode);
+ if (nodeString) {
+ var firstCharacter = nodeString.charAt(0);
+ var firstDigit = parseInt(firstCharacter, HEX_RADIX);
+ if (hardwareNode) {
+ dojo.lang.assert((firstDigit >= 0x0) && (firstDigit <= 0x7));
+ }
+ if (pseudoNode) {
+ dojo.lang.assert((firstDigit >= 0x8) && (firstDigit <= 0xF));
+ }
+ }
+ returnType = namedParameters["returnType"];
+ dojo.lang.assertType(returnType, Function, {optional: true});
+ } else {
+ if (dojo.lang.isString(input)) {
+ // input: string A 12-character hex string representing a pseudoNode or hardwareNode.
+ nodeString = input;
+ returnType = null;
+ } else {
+ if (dojo.lang.isFunction(input)) {
+ // input: constructor The type of object to return. Usually String or dojo.uuid.Uuid
+ nodeString = null;
+ returnType = input;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (nodeString) {
+ dojo.lang.assert(nodeString.length == 12);
+ var integer = parseInt(nodeString, HEX_RADIX);
+ dojo.lang.assert(isFinite(integer));
+ }
+ dojo.lang.assertType(returnType, Function, {optional: true});
+ }
+ var uuidString = _generateUuidString(nodeString);
+ var returnValue;
+ if (returnType && (returnType != String)) {
+ returnValue = new returnType(uuidString);
+ } else {
+ returnValue = uuidString;
+ }
+ return returnValue; // object
+ };

Propchange: ofbiz/trunk/framework/images/webapp/images/dojo/src/uuid/TimeBasedGenerator.js
    svn:eol-style = native

Propchange: ofbiz/trunk/framework/images/webapp/images/dojo/src/uuid/TimeBasedGenerator.js
    svn:keywords = "Date Rev Author URL Id"

Propchange: ofbiz/trunk/framework/images/webapp/images/dojo/src/uuid/TimeBasedGenerator.js
    svn:mime-type = text/plain

Added: ofbiz/trunk/framework/images/webapp/images/dojo/src/uuid/Uuid.js
--- ofbiz/trunk/framework/images/webapp/images/dojo/src/uuid/Uuid.js (added)
+++ ofbiz/trunk/framework/images/webapp/images/dojo/src/uuid/Uuid.js Mon Feb 19 09:56:06 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,379 @@
+ Copyright (c) 2004-2006, The Dojo Foundation
+ All Rights Reserved.
+ Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1 or above OR the
+ modified BSD license. For more information on Dojo licensing, see:
+dojo.uuid.Uuid = function(/* string || generator */ input) {
+ // summary:
+ //   This is the constructor for the Uuid class.  The Uuid class offers
+ //   methods for inspecting existing UUIDs.
+ // examples:
+ //   var uuid;
+ //   uuid = new dojo.uuid.Uuid("3b12f1df-5232-4804-897e-917bf397618a");
+ //   uuid = new dojo.uuid.Uuid(); // "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
+ //   uuid = new dojo.uuid.Uuid(dojo.uuid.RandomGenerator);
+ //   uuid = new dojo.uuid.Uuid(dojo.uuid.TimeBasedGenerator);
+ //   dojo.uuid.Uuid.setGenerator(dojo.uuid.RandomGenerator);
+ //   uuid = new dojo.uuid.Uuid();
+ //   dojo.lang.assert(!uuid.isEqual(dojo.uuid.Uuid.NIL_UUID));
+ this._uuidString = dojo.uuid.Uuid.NIL_UUID;
+ if (input) {
+ if (dojo.lang.isString(input)) {
+ // input: string? A 36-character string that conforms to the UUID spec.
+ this._uuidString = input.toLowerCase();
+ dojo.lang.assert(this.isValid());
+ } else {
+ if (dojo.lang.isObject(input) && input.generate) {
+ // input: generator A UUID generator, such as dojo.uuid.TimeBasedGenerator.
+ var generator = input;
+ this._uuidString = generator.generate();
+ dojo.lang.assert(this.isValid());
+ } else {
+ // we got passed something other than a string
+ dojo.lang.assert(false, "The dojo.uuid.Uuid() constructor must be initializated with a UUID string.");
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ var ourGenerator = dojo.uuid.Uuid.getGenerator();
+ if (ourGenerator) {
+ this._uuidString = ourGenerator.generate();
+ dojo.lang.assert(this.isValid());
+ }
+ }
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Public constants
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------
+dojo.uuid.Uuid.NIL_UUID = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000";
+dojo.uuid.Uuid.Version = {
+ RANDOM: 4,
+dojo.uuid.Uuid.Variant = {
+ NCS: "0",
+ DCE: "10",
+ MICROSOFT: "110",
+ UNKNOWN: "111" };
+dojo.uuid.Uuid.HEX_RADIX = 16;
+ = function(/* dojo.uuid.Uuid */ uuidOne, /* dojo.uuid.Uuid */ uuidTwo) {
+ // summary:
+ //   Given two UUIDs to compare, this method returns 0, 1, or -1.
+ // description:
+ //   This method is designed to be used by sorting routines, like the
+ //   JavaScript built-in Array sort() method. This implementation is
+ //   intended to match the sample implementation in IETF RFC 4122:
+ //
+ // uuidOne: Any object that has toString() method that returns a 36-character string that conforms to the UUID spec.
+ // uuidTwo: Any object that has toString() method that returns a 36-character string that conforms to the UUID spec.
+ // examples:
+ //   var uuid;
+ //   var generator = dojo.uuid.TimeBasedGenerator;
+ //   var a = new dojo.uuid.Uuid(generator);
+ //   var b = new dojo.uuid.Uuid(generator);
+ //   var c = new dojo.uuid.Uuid(generator);
+ //   var array = new Array(a, b, c);
+ //   array.sort(;
+ var uuidStringOne = uuidOne.toString();
+ var uuidStringTwo = uuidTwo.toString();
+ if (uuidStringOne > uuidStringTwo) return 1;   // integer
+ if (uuidStringOne < uuidStringTwo) return -1;  // integer
+ return 0; // integer (either 0, 1, or -1)
+dojo.uuid.Uuid.setGenerator = function(/* generator? */ generator) {
+ // summary:
+ //   Sets the default generator, which will be used by the
+ //   "new dojo.uuid.Uuid()" constructor if no parameters
+ //   are passed in.
+ // generator: A UUID generator, such as dojo.uuid.TimeBasedGenerator.
+ dojo.lang.assert(!generator || (dojo.lang.isObject(generator) && generator.generate));
+ dojo.uuid.Uuid._ourGenerator = generator;
+dojo.uuid.Uuid.getGenerator = function() {
+ // summary:
+ //   Returns the default generator.  See setGenerator().
+ return dojo.uuid.Uuid._ourGenerator; // generator (A UUID generator, such as dojo.uuid.TimeBasedGenerator).
+dojo.uuid.Uuid.prototype.toString = function(/* string? */format) {
+ // summary:
+ //   By default this method returns a standard 36-character string representing
+ //   the UUID, such as "3b12f1df-5232-4804-897e-917bf397618a".  You can also
+ //   pass in an optional format specifier to request the output in any of
+ //   a half dozen slight variations.
+ // format: One of these strings: '{}', '()', '""', "''", 'urn', '!-'
+ // examples:
+ //   var uuid = new dojo.uuid.Uuid(dojo.uuid.TimeBasedGenerator);
+ //   var s;
+ //   s = uuid.toString();       //  eb529fec-6498-11d7-b236-000629ba5445
+ //   s = uuid.toString('{}');   // {eb529fec-6498-11d7-b236-000629ba5445}
+ //   s = uuid.toString('()');   // (eb529fec-6498-11d7-b236-000629ba5445)
+ //   s = uuid.toString('""');   // "eb529fec-6498-11d7-b236-000629ba5445"
+ //   s = uuid.toString("''");   // 'eb529fec-6498-11d7-b236-000629ba5445'
+ //   s = uuid.toString('!-');   //  eb529fec649811d7b236000629ba5445
+ //   s = uuid.toString('urn');  //  urn:uuid:eb529fec-6498-11d7-b236-000629ba5445
+ if (format) {
+ switch (format) {
+ case '{}':
+ return '{' + this._uuidString + '}';
+ break;
+ case '()':
+ return '(' + this._uuidString + ')';
+ break;
+ case '""':
+ return '"' + this._uuidString + '"';
+ break;
+ case "''":
+ return "'" + this._uuidString + "'";
+ break;
+ case 'urn':
+ return 'urn:uuid:' + this._uuidString;
+ break;
+ case '!-':
+ return this._uuidString.split('-').join('');
+ break;
+ default:
+ // we got passed something other than what we expected
+ dojo.lang.assert(false, "The toString() method of dojo.uuid.Uuid was passed a bogus format.");
+ }
+ } else {
+ return this._uuidString; // string
+ }
+ = function(/* dojo.uuid.Uuid */ otherUuid) {
+ // summary:
+ //   Compares this UUID to another UUID, and returns 0, 1, or -1.
+ // description:
+ //   This implementation is intended to match the sample implementation
+ //   in IETF RFC 4122:
+ // otherUuid: Any object that has toString() method that returns a 36-character string that conforms to the UUID spec.
+ return, otherUuid); // integer (either 0, 1, or -1)
+dojo.uuid.Uuid.prototype.isEqual = function(/* dojo.uuid.Uuid */ otherUuid) {
+ // summary:
+ //   Returns true if this UUID is equal to the otherUuid, or false otherwise.
+ // otherUuid: Any object that has toString() method that returns a 36-character string that conforms to the UUID spec.
+ return ( == 0); // boolean
+dojo.uuid.Uuid.prototype.isValid = function() {
+ // summary:
+ //   Returns true if the UUID was initialized with a valid value.
+ try {
+ dojo.lang.assertType(this._uuidString, String);
+ dojo.lang.assert(this._uuidString.length == 36);
+ dojo.lang.assert(this._uuidString == this._uuidString.toLowerCase());
+ var arrayOfParts = this._uuidString.split("-");
+ dojo.lang.assert(arrayOfParts.length == 5);
+ dojo.lang.assert(arrayOfParts[0].length == 8);
+ dojo.lang.assert(arrayOfParts[1].length == 4);
+ dojo.lang.assert(arrayOfParts[2].length == 4);
+ dojo.lang.assert(arrayOfParts[3].length == 4);
+ dojo.lang.assert(arrayOfParts[4].length == 12);
+ for (var i in arrayOfParts) {
+ var part = arrayOfParts[i];
+ var integer = parseInt(part, dojo.uuid.Uuid.HEX_RADIX);
+ dojo.lang.assert(isFinite(integer));
+ }
+ return true; // boolean
+ } catch (e) {
+ return false; // boolean
+ }
+dojo.uuid.Uuid.prototype.getVariant = function() {
+ // summary:
+ //   Returns a variant code that indicates what type of UUID this is.
+ //   Returns one of the enumerated dojo.uuid.Uuid.Variant values.
+ // example:
+ //   var uuid = new dojo.uuid.Uuid("3b12f1df-5232-4804-897e-917bf397618a");
+ //   var variant = uuid.getVariant();
+ //   dojo.lang.assert(variant == dojo.uuid.Uuid.Variant.DCE);
+ // example:
+ // "3b12f1df-5232-4804-897e-917bf397618a"
+ //                     ^
+ //                     |
+ //         (variant "10__" == DCE)
+ var variantCharacter = this._uuidString.charAt(19);
+ var variantNumber = parseInt(variantCharacter, dojo.uuid.Uuid.HEX_RADIX);
+ dojo.lang.assert((variantNumber >= 0) && (variantNumber <= 16));
+ if (!dojo.uuid.Uuid._ourVariantLookupTable) {
+ var Variant = dojo.uuid.Uuid.Variant;
+ var lookupTable = [];
+ lookupTable[0x0] = Variant.NCS;       // 0000
+ lookupTable[0x1] = Variant.NCS;       // 0001
+ lookupTable[0x2] = Variant.NCS;       // 0010
+ lookupTable[0x3] = Variant.NCS;       // 0011
+ lookupTable[0x4] = Variant.NCS;       // 0100
+ lookupTable[0x5] = Variant.NCS;       // 0101
+ lookupTable[0x6] = Variant.NCS;       // 0110
+ lookupTable[0x7] = Variant.NCS;       // 0111
+ lookupTable[0x8] = Variant.DCE;       // 1000
+ lookupTable[0x9] = Variant.DCE;       // 1001
+ lookupTable[0xA] = Variant.DCE;       // 1010
+ lookupTable[0xB] = Variant.DCE;       // 1011
+ lookupTable[0xC] = Variant.MICROSOFT; // 1100
+ lookupTable[0xD] = Variant.MICROSOFT; // 1101
+ lookupTable[0xE] = Variant.UNKNOWN;   // 1110
+ lookupTable[0xF] = Variant.UNKNOWN;   // 1111
+ dojo.uuid.Uuid._ourVariantLookupTable = lookupTable;
+ }
+ return dojo.uuid.Uuid._ourVariantLookupTable[variantNumber]; // dojo.uuid.Uuid.Variant
+dojo.uuid.Uuid.prototype.getVersion = function() {
+ // summary:
+ //   Returns a version number that indicates what type of UUID this is.
+ //   Returns one of the enumerated dojo.uuid.Uuid.Version values.
+ // example:
+ //   var uuid = new dojo.uuid.Uuid("b4308fb0-86cd-11da-a72b-0800200c9a66");
+ //   var version = uuid.getVersion();
+ //   dojo.lang.assert(version == dojo.uuid.Uuid.Version.TIME_BASED);
+ // exceptions:
+ //   Throws an Error if this is not a DCE Variant UUID.
+ if (!this._versionNumber) {
+ var errorMessage = "Called getVersion() on a dojo.uuid.Uuid that was not a DCE Variant UUID.";
+ dojo.lang.assert(this.getVariant() == dojo.uuid.Uuid.Variant.DCE, errorMessage);
+ // "b4308fb0-86cd-11da-a72b-0800200c9a66"
+ //                ^
+ //                |
+ //       (version 1 == TIME_BASED)
+ var versionCharacter = this._uuidString.charAt(14);
+ this._versionNumber = parseInt(versionCharacter, dojo.uuid.Uuid.HEX_RADIX);
+ }
+ return this._versionNumber; // dojo.uuid.Uuid.Version
+dojo.uuid.Uuid.prototype.getNode = function() {
+ // summary:
+ //   If this is a version 1 UUID (a time-based UUID), getNode() returns a
+ //   12-character string with the "node" or "pseudonode" portion of the UUID,
+ //   which is the rightmost 12 characters.  
+ // exceptions:
+ //   Throws an Error if this is not a version 1 UUID.
+ if (!this._nodeString) {
+ var errorMessage = "Called getNode() on a dojo.uuid.Uuid that was not a TIME_BASED UUID.";
+ dojo.lang.assert(this.getVersion() == dojo.uuid.Uuid.Version.TIME_BASED, errorMessage);
+ var arrayOfStrings = this._uuidString.split('-');
+ this._nodeString = arrayOfStrings[4];
+ }
+ return this._nodeString; // String (a 12-character string, which will look something like "917bf397618a")
+dojo.uuid.Uuid.prototype.getTimestamp = function(/* misc. */ returnType) {
+ // summary:
+ //   If this is a version 1 UUID (a time-based UUID), this method returns
+ //   the timestamp value encoded in the UUID.  The caller can ask for the
+ //   timestamp to be returned either as a JavaScript Date object or as a
+ //   15-character string of hex digits.
+ // returnType: Any of these five values: "string", String, "hex", "date", Date
+ // returns:
+ //   Returns the timestamp value as a JavaScript Date object or a 15-character string of hex digits.
+ // examples:
+ //   var uuid = new dojo.uuid.Uuid("b4308fb0-86cd-11da-a72b-0800200c9a66");
+ //   var date, string, hexString;
+ //   date   = uuid.getTimestamp();         // returns a JavaScript Date
+ //   date   = uuid.getTimestamp(Date);     //
+ //   string = uuid.getTimestamp(String);   // "Mon, 16 Jan 2006 20:21:41 GMT"
+ //   hexString = uuid.getTimestamp("hex"); // "1da86cdb4308fb0"
+ // exceptions:
+ //   Throws an Error if this is not a version 1 UUID.
+ var errorMessage = "Called getTimestamp() on a dojo.uuid.Uuid that was not a TIME_BASED UUID.";
+ dojo.lang.assert(this.getVersion() == dojo.uuid.Uuid.Version.TIME_BASED, errorMessage);
+ if (!returnType) {returnType = null};
+ switch (returnType) {
+ case "string":
+ case String:
+ return this.getTimestamp(Date).toUTCString(); // String (e.g. "Mon, 16 Jan 2006 20:21:41 GMT")
+ break;
+ case "hex":
+ // Return a 15-character string of hex digits containing the
+ // timestamp for this UUID, with the high-order bits first.
+ if (!this._timestampAsHexString) {
+ var arrayOfStrings = this._uuidString.split('-');
+ var hexTimeLow = arrayOfStrings[0];
+ var hexTimeMid = arrayOfStrings[1];
+ var hexTimeHigh = arrayOfStrings[2];
+ // Chop off the leading "1" character, which is the UUID
+ // version number for time-based UUIDs.
+ hexTimeHigh = hexTimeHigh.slice(1);
+ this._timestampAsHexString = hexTimeHigh + hexTimeMid + hexTimeLow;
+ dojo.lang.assert(this._timestampAsHexString.length == 15);
+ }
+ return this._timestampAsHexString; // String (e.g. "1da86cdb4308fb0")
+ break;
+ case null: // no returnType was specified, so default to Date
+ case "date":
+ case Date:
+ // Return a JavaScript Date object.
+ if (!this._timestampAsDate) {
+ var arrayOfParts = this._uuidString.split('-');
+ var timeLow = parseInt(arrayOfParts[0], dojo.uuid.Uuid.HEX_RADIX);
+ var timeMid = parseInt(arrayOfParts[1], dojo.uuid.Uuid.HEX_RADIX);
+ var timeHigh = parseInt(arrayOfParts[2], dojo.uuid.Uuid.HEX_RADIX);
+ var hundredNanosecondIntervalsSince1582 = timeHigh & 0x0FFF;
+ hundredNanosecondIntervalsSince1582 <<= 16;
+ hundredNanosecondIntervalsSince1582 += timeMid;
+ // What we really want to do next is shift left 32 bits, but the
+ // result will be too big to fit in an int, so we'll multiply by 2^32,
+ // and the result will be a floating point approximation.
+ hundredNanosecondIntervalsSince1582 *= 0x100000000;
+ hundredNanosecondIntervalsSince1582 += timeLow;
+ var millisecondsSince1582 = hundredNanosecondIntervalsSince1582 / 10000;
+ // Again, this will be a floating point approximation.
+ // We can make things exact later if we need to.
+ var secondsPerHour = 60 * 60;
+ var hoursBetween1582and1970 = GREGORIAN_CHANGE_OFFSET_IN_HOURS;
+ var secondsBetween1582and1970 = hoursBetween1582and1970 * secondsPerHour;
+ var millisecondsBetween1582and1970 = secondsBetween1582and1970 * 1000;
+ var millisecondsSince1970 = millisecondsSince1582 - millisecondsBetween1582and1970;
+ this._timestampAsDate = new Date(millisecondsSince1970);
+ }
+ return this._timestampAsDate; // Date
+ break;
+ default:
+ // we got passed something other than a valid returnType
+ dojo.lang.assert(false, "The getTimestamp() method dojo.uuid.Uuid was passed a bogus returnType: " + returnType);
+ break;
+ }

Propchange: ofbiz/trunk/framework/images/webapp/images/dojo/src/uuid/Uuid.js
    svn:eol-style = native

Propchange: ofbiz/trunk/framework/images/webapp/images/dojo/src/uuid/Uuid.js
    svn:keywords = "Date Rev Author URL Id"

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    svn:mime-type = text/plain

Added: ofbiz/trunk/framework/images/webapp/images/dojo/src/uuid/__package__.js
--- ofbiz/trunk/framework/images/webapp/images/dojo/src/uuid/__package__.js (added)
+++ ofbiz/trunk/framework/images/webapp/images/dojo/src/uuid/__package__.js Mon Feb 19 09:56:06 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+ Copyright (c) 2004-2006, The Dojo Foundation
+ All Rights Reserved.
+ Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1 or above OR the
+ modified BSD license. For more information on Dojo licensing, see:
+ common: [
+ "dojo.uuid.Uuid",
+ "dojo.uuid.LightweightGenerator",
+ "dojo.uuid.RandomGenerator",
+ "dojo.uuid.TimeBasedGenerator",
+ "dojo.uuid.NameBasedGenerator",
+ "dojo.uuid.NilGenerator"
+ ]

Propchange: ofbiz/trunk/framework/images/webapp/images/dojo/src/uuid/__package__.js
    svn:eol-style = native

Propchange: ofbiz/trunk/framework/images/webapp/images/dojo/src/uuid/__package__.js
    svn:keywords = "Date Rev Author URL Id"

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    svn:mime-type = text/plain

Added: ofbiz/trunk/framework/images/webapp/images/dojo/src/validate.js
--- ofbiz/trunk/framework/images/webapp/images/dojo/src/validate.js (added)
+++ ofbiz/trunk/framework/images/webapp/images/dojo/src/validate.js Mon Feb 19 09:56:06 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+ Copyright (c) 2004-2006, The Dojo Foundation
+ All Rights Reserved.
+ Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1 or above OR the
+ modified BSD license. For more information on Dojo licensing, see:

Propchange: ofbiz/trunk/framework/images/webapp/images/dojo/src/validate.js
    svn:eol-style = native

Propchange: ofbiz/trunk/framework/images/webapp/images/dojo/src/validate.js
    svn:keywords = "Date Rev Author URL Id"

Propchange: ofbiz/trunk/framework/images/webapp/images/dojo/src/validate.js
    svn:mime-type = text/plain

Added: ofbiz/trunk/framework/images/webapp/images/dojo/src/validate/__package__.js
--- ofbiz/trunk/framework/images/webapp/images/dojo/src/validate/__package__.js (added)
+++ ofbiz/trunk/framework/images/webapp/images/dojo/src/validate/__package__.js Mon Feb 19 09:56:06 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+ Copyright (c) 2004-2006, The Dojo Foundation
+ All Rights Reserved.
+ Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1 or above OR the
+ modified BSD license. For more information on Dojo licensing, see:
+ common: ["dojo.validate.check",
+ "dojo.validate.datetime",
+ "",
+ "",
+ "",
+ "dojo.validate.web"
+ ]

Propchange: ofbiz/trunk/framework/images/webapp/images/dojo/src/validate/__package__.js
    svn:eol-style = native

Propchange: ofbiz/trunk/framework/images/webapp/images/dojo/src/validate/__package__.js
    svn:keywords = "Date Rev Author URL Id"

Propchange: ofbiz/trunk/framework/images/webapp/images/dojo/src/validate/__package__.js
    svn:mime-type = text/plain

Added: ofbiz/trunk/framework/images/webapp/images/dojo/src/validate/check.js
--- ofbiz/trunk/framework/images/webapp/images/dojo/src/validate/check.js (added)
+++ ofbiz/trunk/framework/images/webapp/images/dojo/src/validate/check.js Mon Feb 19 09:56:06 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,267 @@
+ Copyright (c) 2004-2006, The Dojo Foundation
+ All Rights Reserved.
+ Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1 or above OR the
+ modified BSD license. For more information on Dojo licensing, see:
+dojo.validate.check = function(/*HTMLFormElement*/form, /*Object*/profile){
+ // summary: validates user input of an HTML form based on input profile
+ //
+ // description:
+ // returns an object that contains several methods summarizing the results of the validation
+ //
+ // form: form to be validated
+ // profile: specifies how the form fields are to be validated
+ // {trim:Array, uppercase:Array, lowercase:Array, ucfirst:Array, digit:Array,
+ // required:Array, dependencies:Object, constraints:Object, confirm:Object}
+ // Essentially private properties of results object
+ var missing = [];
+ var invalid = [];
+ // results object summarizes the validation
+ var results = {
+ isSuccessful: function() {return ( !this.hasInvalid() && !this.hasMissing() );},
+ hasMissing: function() {return ( missing.length > 0 );},
+ getMissing: function() {return missing;},
+ isMissing: function(elemname) {
+ for(var i = 0; i < missing.length; i++){
+ if(elemname == missing[i]){ return true; }
+ }
+ return false;
+ },
+ hasInvalid: function() {return ( invalid.length > 0 );},
+ getInvalid: function() {return invalid;},
+ isInvalid: function(elemname){
+ for(var i = 0; i < invalid.length; i++){
+ if(elemname == invalid[i]){ return true; }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ };
+ // Filters are applied before fields are validated.
+ // Trim removes white space at the front and end of the fields.
+ if(profile.trim instanceof Array){
+ for(var i = 0; i < profile.trim.length; i++){
+ var elem = form[profile.trim[i]];
+ if(dj_undef("type", elem) || elem.type != "text" && elem.type != "textarea" && elem.type != "password"){ continue; }
+ elem.value = elem.value.replace(/(^\s*|\s*$)/g, "");
+ }
+ }
+ // Convert to uppercase
+ if(profile.uppercase instanceof Array){
+ for(var i = 0; i < profile.uppercase.length; i++){
+ var elem = form[profile.uppercase[i]];
+ if(dj_undef("type", elem) || elem.type != "text" && elem.type != "textarea" && elem.type != "password"){ continue; }
+ elem.value = elem.value.toUpperCase();
+ }
+ }
+ // Convert to lowercase
+ if(profile.lowercase instanceof Array){
+ for (var i = 0; i < profile.lowercase.length; i++){
+ var elem = form[profile.lowercase[i]];
+ if(dj_undef("type", elem) || elem.type != "text" && elem.type != "textarea" && elem.type != "password"){ continue; }
+ elem.value = elem.value.toLowerCase();
+ }
+ }
+ // Uppercase first letter
+ if(profile.ucfirst instanceof Array){
+ for(var i = 0; i < profile.ucfirst.length; i++){
+ var elem = form[profile.ucfirst[i]];
+ if(dj_undef("type", elem) || elem.type != "text" && elem.type != "textarea" && elem.type != "password"){ continue; }
+ elem.value = elem.value.replace(/\b\w+\b/g, function(word) { return word.substring(0,1).toUpperCase() + word.substring(1).toLowerCase(); });
+ }
+ }
+ // Remove non digits characters from the input.
+ if(profile.digit instanceof Array){
+ for(var i = 0; i < profile.digit.length; i++){
+ var elem = form[profile.digit[i]];
+ if(dj_undef("type", elem) || elem.type != "text" && elem.type != "textarea" && elem.type != "password"){ continue; }
+ elem.value = elem.value.replace(/\D/g, "");
+ }
+ }
+ // See if required input fields have values missing.
+ if(profile.required instanceof Array){
+ for(var i = 0; i < profile.required.length; i++){
+ if(!dojo.lang.isString(profile.required[i])){ continue; }
+ var elem = form[profile.required[i]];
+ // Are textbox, textarea, or password fields blank.
+ if(!dj_undef("type", elem) && (elem.type == "text" || elem.type == "textarea" || elem.type == "password") && /^\s*$/.test(elem.value)){
+ missing[missing.length] =;
+ }
+ // Does drop-down box have option selected.
+ else if(!dj_undef("type", elem) && (elem.type == "select-one" || elem.type == "select-multiple")
+ && (elem.selectedIndex == -1
+ || /^\s*$/.test(elem.options[elem.selectedIndex].value))){
+ missing[missing.length] =;
+ }
+ // Does radio button group (or check box group) have option checked.
+ else if(elem instanceof Array){
+ var checked = false;
+ for(var j = 0; j < elem.length; j++){
+ if (elem[j].checked) { checked = true; }
+ }
+ if(!checked){
+ missing[missing.length] = elem[0].name;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // See if checkbox groups and select boxes have x number of required values.
+ if(profile.required instanceof Array){
+ for (var i = 0; i < profile.required.length; i++){
+ if(!dojo.lang.isObject(profile.required[i])){ continue; }
+ var elem, numRequired;
+ for(var name in profile.required[i]){
+ elem = form[name];
+ numRequired = profile.required[i][name];
+ }
+ // case 1: elem is a check box group
+ if(elem instanceof Array){
+ var checked = 0;
+ for(var j = 0; j < elem.length; j++){
+ if(elem[j].checked){ checked++; }
+ }
+ if(checked < numRequired){
+ missing[missing.length] = elem[0].name;
+ }
+ }
+ // case 2: elem is a select box
+ else if(!dj_undef("type", elem) && elem.type == "select-multiple" ){
+ var selected = 0;
+ for(var j = 0; j < elem.options.length; j++){
+ if (elem.options[j].selected && !/^\s*$/.test(elem.options[j].value)) { selected++; }
+ }
+ if(selected < numRequired){
+ missing[missing.length] =;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Dependent fields are required when the target field is present (not blank).
+ // Todo: Support dependent and target fields that are radio button groups, or select drop-down lists.
+ // Todo: Make the dependency based on a specific value of the target field.
+ // Todo: allow dependent fields to have several required values, like {checkboxgroup: 3}.
+ if(dojo.lang.isObject(profile.dependencies) || dojo.lang.isObject(profile.dependancies)){
+ if(profile["dependancies"]){
+ dojo.deprecated("dojo.validate.check", "profile 'dependancies' is deprecated, please use "
+ + "'dependencies'", "0.5");
+ profile.dependencies=profile.dependancies;
+ }
+ // properties of dependencies object are the names of dependent fields to be checked
+ for(name in profile.dependencies){
+ var elem = form[name]; // the dependent element
+ if(dj_undef("type", elem)){continue;}
+ if(elem.type != "text" && elem.type != "textarea" && elem.type != "password"){ continue; } // limited support
+ if(/\S+/.test(elem.value)){ continue; } // has a value already
+ if(results.isMissing({ continue; } // already listed as missing
+ var target = form[profile.dependencies[name]];
+ if(target.type != "text" && target.type != "textarea" && target.type != "password"){ continue; } // limited support
+ if(/^\s*$/.test(target.value)){ continue; } // skip if blank
+ missing[missing.length] =; // ok the dependent field is missing
+ }
+ }
+ // Find invalid input fields.
+ if(dojo.lang.isObject(profile.constraints)){
+ // constraint properties are the names of fields to bevalidated
+ for(name in profile.constraints){
+ var elem = form[name];
+ if(!elem) {continue;}
+ // skip if blank - its optional unless required, in which case it
+ // is already listed as missing.
+ if(!dj_undef("tagName",elem)
+ && (elem.tagName.toLowerCase().indexOf("input") >= 0
+ || elem.tagName.toLowerCase().indexOf("textarea") >= 0)
+ && /^\s*$/.test(elem.value)){
+ continue;
+ }
+ var isValid = true;
+ // case 1: constraint value is validation function
+ if(dojo.lang.isFunction(profile.constraints[name])){
+ isValid = profile.constraints[name](elem.value);
+ }else if(dojo.lang.isArray(profile.constraints[name])){
+ // handle nested arrays for multiple constraints
+ if(dojo.lang.isArray(profile.constraints[name][0])){
+ for (var i=0; i<profile.constraints[name].length; i++){
+ isValid = dojo.validate.evaluateConstraint(profile, profile.constraints[name][i], name, elem);
+ if(!isValid){ break; }
+ }
+ }else{
+ // case 2: constraint value is array, first elem is function,
+ // tail is parameters
+ isValid = dojo.validate.evaluateConstraint(profile, profile.constraints[name], name, elem);
+ }
+ }
+ if(!isValid){
+ invalid[invalid.length] =;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Find unequal confirm fields and report them as Invalid.
+ if(dojo.lang.isObject(profile.confirm)){
+ for(name in profile.confirm){
+ var elem = form[name]; // the confirm element
+ var target = form[profile.confirm[name]];
+ if (dj_undef("type", elem) || dj_undef("type", target) || (elem.type != "text" && elem.type != "textarea" && elem.type != "password")
+ ||(target.type != elem.type)
+ ||(target.value == elem.value) // it's valid
+ ||(results.isInvalid( already listed as invalid
+ ||(/^\s*$/.test(target.value))) // skip if blank - only confirm if target has a value
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ invalid[invalid.length] =;
+ }
+ }
+ return results; // Object
+//TODO: evaluateConstraint doesn't use profile or fieldName args?
+dojo.validate.evaluateConstraint=function(profile, /*Array*/constraint, fieldName, elem){
+ // summary:
+ // Evaluates dojo.validate.check() constraints that are specified as array
+ // arguments
+ //
+ // description: The arrays are expected to be in the format of:
+ //      constraints:{
+ //              fieldName: [functionToCall, param1, param2, etc.],
+ //              fieldName: [[functionToCallFirst, param1],[functionToCallSecond,param2]]
+ //      }
+ //
+ //  This function evaluates a single array function in the format of:
+ //      [functionName, argument1, argument2, etc]
+ //
+ //  The function will be parsed out and evaluated against the incoming parameters.
+ //
+ // profile: The dojo.validate.check() profile that this evaluation is against.
+ // constraint: The single [] array of function and arguments for the function.
+ // fieldName: The form dom name of the field being validated.
+ // elem: The form element field.
+ var isValidSomething = constraint[0];
+ var params = constraint.slice(1);
+ params.unshift(elem.value);
+ if(typeof isValidSomething != "undefined"){
+ return isValidSomething.apply(null, params);
+ }
+ return false; // Boolean

Propchange: ofbiz/trunk/framework/images/webapp/images/dojo/src/validate/check.js
    svn:eol-style = native

Propchange: ofbiz/trunk/framework/images/webapp/images/dojo/src/validate/check.js
    svn:keywords = "Date Rev Author URL Id"

Propchange: ofbiz/trunk/framework/images/webapp/images/dojo/src/validate/check.js
    svn:mime-type = text/plain

Added: ofbiz/trunk/framework/images/webapp/images/dojo/src/validate/common.js
--- ofbiz/trunk/framework/images/webapp/images/dojo/src/validate/common.js (added)
+++ ofbiz/trunk/framework/images/webapp/images/dojo/src/validate/common.js Mon Feb 19 09:56:06 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,249 @@
+ Copyright (c) 2004-2006, The Dojo Foundation
+ All Rights Reserved.
+ Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1 or above OR the
+ modified BSD license. For more information on Dojo licensing, see:
+dojo.validate.isText = function(/*String*/value, /*Object?*/flags){
+// summary:
+// Checks if a string has non whitespace characters.
+// Parameters allow you to constrain the length.
+// value: A string
+// flags: {length: Number, minlength: Number, maxlength: Number}
+//    flags.length  If set, checks if there are exactly flags.length number of characters.
+//    flags.minlength  If set, checks if there are at least flags.minlength number of characters.
+//    flags.maxlength  If set, checks if there are at most flags.maxlength number of characters.
+ flags = (typeof flags == "object") ? flags : {};
+ // test for text
+ if(/^\s*$/.test(value)){ return false; } // Boolean
+ // length tests
+ if(typeof flags.length == "number" && flags.length != value.length){ return false; } // Boolean
+ if(typeof flags.minlength == "number" && flags.minlength > value.length){ return false; } // Boolean
+ if(typeof flags.maxlength == "number" && flags.maxlength < value.length){ return false; } // Boolean
+ return true; // Boolean
+dojo.validate.isInteger = function(/*String*/value, /*Object?*/flags){
+// summary:
+// Validates whether a string is in an integer format
+// value  A string
+// flags  {signed: Boolean|[true,false], separator: String}
+//    flags.signed  The leading plus-or-minus sign.  Can be true, false, or [true, false].
+//      Default is [true, false], (i.e. sign is optional).
+//    flags.separator  The character used as the thousands separator.  Default is no separator.
+//      For more than one symbol use an array, e.g. [",", ""], makes ',' optional.
+ var re = new RegExp("^" + dojo.regexp.integer(flags) + "$");
+ return re.test(value); // Boolean
+dojo.validate.isRealNumber = function(/*String*/value, /*Object?*/flags){
+// summary:
+// Validates whether a string is a real valued number.
+// Format is the usual exponential notation.
+// value: A string
+// flags: {places: Number, decimal: String, exponent: Boolean|[true,false], eSigned: Boolean|[true,false], ...}
+//    flags.places  The integer number of decimal places.
+//      If not given, the decimal part is optional and the number of places is unlimited.
+//    flags.decimal  The character used for the decimal point.  Default is ".".
+//    flags.exponent  Express in exponential notation.  Can be true, false, or [true, false].
+//      Default is [true, false], (i.e. the exponential part is optional).
+//    flags.eSigned  The leading plus-or-minus sign on the exponent.  Can be true, false,
+//      or [true, false].  Default is [true, false], (i.e. sign is optional).
+//    flags in regexp.integer can be applied.
+ var re = new RegExp("^" + dojo.regexp.realNumber(flags) + "$");
+ return re.test(value); // Boolean
+dojo.validate.isCurrency = function(/*String*/value, /*Object?*/flags){
+// summary:
+// Validates whether a string denotes a monetary value.
+// value: A string
+// flags: {signed:Boolean|[true,false], symbol:String, placement:String, separator:String,
+// fractional:Boolean|[true,false], decimal:String}
+//    flags.signed  The leading plus-or-minus sign.  Can be true, false, or [true, false].
+//      Default is [true, false], (i.e. sign is optional).
+//    flags.symbol  A currency symbol such as Yen "�", Pound "�", or the Euro sign "�".  
+//      Default is "$".  For more than one symbol use an array, e.g. ["$", ""], makes $ optional.
+//    flags.placement  The symbol can come "before" the number or "after".  Default is "before".
+//    flags.separator  The character used as the thousands separator. The default is ",".
+//    flags.fractional  The appropriate number of decimal places for fractional currency (e.g. cents)
+//      Can be true, false, or [true, false].  Default is [true, false], (i.e. cents are optional).
+//    flags.decimal  The character used for the decimal point.  Default is ".".
+ var re = new RegExp("^" + dojo.regexp.currency(flags) + "$");
+ return re.test(value); // Boolean
+dojo.validate.isInRange = function(/*String*/value, /*Object?*/flags){
+// Validates whether a string denoting an integer,
+// real number, or monetary value is between a max and min.
+// value: A string
+// flags: {max:Number, min:Number, decimal:String}
+//    flags.max  A number, which the value must be less than or equal to for the validation to be true.
+//    flags.min  A number, which the value must be greater than or equal to for the validation to be true.
+//    flags.decimal  The character used for the decimal point.  Default is ".".
+ //stripping the separator allows NaN to perform as expected, if no separator, we assume ','
+ //once i18n support is ready for this, instead of assuming, we default to i18n's recommended value
+ value = value.replace(dojo.lang.has(flags,'separator')?flags.separator:',', '', 'g').
+ replace(dojo.lang.has(flags,'symbol')?flags.symbol:'$', '');
+ if(isNaN(value)){
+ return false; // Boolean
+ }
+ // assign default values to missing paramters
+ flags = (typeof flags == "object") ? flags : {};
+ var max = (typeof flags.max == "number") ? flags.max : Infinity;
+ var min = (typeof flags.min == "number") ? flags.min : -Infinity;
+ var dec = (typeof flags.decimal == "string") ? flags.decimal : ".";
+ // splice out anything not part of a number
+ var pattern = "[^" + dec + "\\deE+-]";
+ value = value.replace(RegExp(pattern, "g"), "");
+ // trim ends of things like e, E, or the decimal character
+ value = value.replace(/^([+-]?)(\D*)/, "$1");
+ value = value.replace(/(\D*)$/, "");
+ // replace decimal with ".". The minus sign '-' could be the decimal!
+ pattern = "(\\d)[" + dec + "](\\d)";
+ value = value.replace(RegExp(pattern, "g"), "$1.$2");
+ value = Number(value);
+ if ( value < min || value > max ) { return false; } // Boolean
+ return true; // Boolean
+dojo.validate.isNumberFormat = function(/*String*/value, /*Object?*/flags){
+// summary:
+// Validates any sort of number based format
+// description:
+// Use it for phone numbers, social security numbers, zip-codes, etc.
+// The value can be validated against one format or one of multiple formats.
+//  Format
+//    #        Stands for a digit, 0-9.
+//    ?        Stands for an optional digit, 0-9 or nothing.
+//    All other characters must appear literally in the expression.
+//  Example  
+//    "(###) ###-####"       ->   (510) 542-9742
+//    "(###) ###-#### x#???" ->   (510) 542-9742 x153
+//    "###-##-####"          ->   506-82-1089       i.e. social security number
+//    "#####-####"           ->   98225-1649        i.e. zip code
+// value: A string
+// flags: {format:String}
+//    flags.format  A string or an Array of strings for multiple formats.
+ var re = new RegExp("^" + dojo.regexp.numberFormat(flags) + "$", "i");
+ return re.test(value); // Boolean
+dojo.validate.isValidLuhn = function(/*String*/value){
+//summary: Compares value against the Luhn algorithm to verify its integrity
+ var sum, parity, curDigit;
+ if(typeof value!='string'){
+ value = String(value);
+ }
+ value = value.replace(/[- ]/g,''); //ignore dashes and whitespaces
+ parity = value.length%2;
+ sum=0;
+ for(var i=0;i<value.length;i++){
+ curDigit = parseInt(value.charAt(i));
+ if(i%2==parity){
+ curDigit*=2;
+ }
+ if(curDigit>9){
+ curDigit-=9;
+ }
+ sum+=curDigit;
+ }
+ return !(sum%10); //Boolean
+ Procedural API Description
+ The main aim is to make input validation expressible in a simple format.
+ You define profiles which declare the required and optional fields and any constraints they might have.
+ The results are provided as an object that makes it easy to handle missing and invalid input.
+ Usage
+ var results = dojo.validate.check(form, profile);
+ Profile Object
+ var profile = {
+ // filters change the field value and are applied before validation.
+ trim: ["tx1", "tx2"],
+ uppercase: ["tx9"],
+ lowercase: ["tx5", "tx6", "tx7"],
+ ucfirst: ["tx10"],
+ digit: ["tx11"],
+ // required input fields that are blank will be reported missing.
+ // required radio button groups and drop-down lists with no selection will be reported missing.
+ // checkbox groups and selectboxes can be required to have more than one value selected.
+ // List required fields by name and use this notation to require more than one value: {checkboxgroup: 2}, {selectboxname: 3}.
+ required: ["tx7", "tx8", "pw1", "ta1", "rb1", "rb2", "cb3", "s1", {"doubledip":2}, {"tripledip":3}],
+ // dependant/conditional fields are required if the target field is present and not blank.
+ // At present only textbox, password, and textarea fields are supported.
+ dependencies: {
+ cc_exp: "cc_no",
+ cc_type: "cc_no",
+ },
+ // Fields can be validated using any boolean valued function.  
+ // Use arrays to specify parameters in addition to the field value.
+ constraints: {
+ field_name1: myValidationFunction,
+ field_name2: dojo.validate.isInteger,
+ field_name3: [myValidationFunction, additional parameters],
+ field_name4: [dojo.validate.isValidDate, "YYYY.MM.DD"],
+ field_name5: [dojo.validate.isEmailAddress, false, true],
+ },
+ // Confirm is a sort of conditional validation.
+ // It associates each field in its property list with another field whose value should be equal.
+ // If the values are not equal, the field in the property list is reported as Invalid. Unless the target field is blank.
+ confirm: {
+ email_confirm: "email",
+ pw2: "pw1",
+ }
+ };
+ Results Object
+ isSuccessful(): Returns true if there were no invalid or missing fields, else it returns false.
+ hasMissing():  Returns true if the results contain any missing fields.
+ getMissing():  Returns a list of required fields that have values missing.
+ isMissing(field):  Returns true if the field is required and the value is missing.
+ hasInvalid():  Returns true if the results contain fields with invalid data.
+ getInvalid():  Returns a list of fields that have invalid values.
+ isInvalid(field):  Returns true if the field has an invalid value.

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    svn:eol-style = native

Propchange: ofbiz/trunk/framework/images/webapp/images/dojo/src/validate/common.js
    svn:keywords = "Date Rev Author URL Id"

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    svn:mime-type = text/plain

Added: ofbiz/trunk/framework/images/webapp/images/dojo/src/validate/creditCard.js
--- ofbiz/trunk/framework/images/webapp/images/dojo/src/validate/creditCard.js (added)
+++ ofbiz/trunk/framework/images/webapp/images/dojo/src/validate/creditCard.js Mon Feb 19 09:56:06 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+ Copyright (c) 2004-2006, The Dojo Foundation
+ All Rights Reserved.
+ Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1 or above OR the
+ modified BSD license. For more information on Dojo licensing, see:
+ Validates Credit Cards using account number rules in conjunction with the Luhn algorigthm
+ */
+dojo.validate.isValidCreditCard = function(/*String|Int*/value, /*String*/ccType){
+ //Summary:
+ //  checks if type ma