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svn commit: r509273 [37/50] - in /ofbiz/trunk/framework/images/webapp/images: ./ dojo/ dojo/src/ dojo/src/animation/ dojo/src/cal/ dojo/src/charting/ dojo/src/charting/svg/ dojo/src/charting/vml/ dojo/src/collections/ dojo/src/crypto/ dojo/src/data/ do...

Added: ofbiz/trunk/framework/images/webapp/images/dojo/src/widget/RadioGroup.js
--- ofbiz/trunk/framework/images/webapp/images/dojo/src/widget/RadioGroup.js (added)
+++ ofbiz/trunk/framework/images/webapp/images/dojo/src/widget/RadioGroup.js Mon Feb 19 09:56:06 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,206 @@
+ Copyright (c) 2004-2006, The Dojo Foundation
+ All Rights Reserved.
+ Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1 or above OR the
+ modified BSD license. For more information on Dojo licensing, see:
+ "dojo.widget.RadioGroup",
+ dojo.widget.HtmlWidget,
+ function(){
+ // summary:
+ // Widget that provides useful/common functionality that may be desirable
+ // when interacting with ul/ol html lists.
+ //
+ // The core behaviour of the lists this widget manages is expected to be determined
+ // by the css class names defined:
+ //
+ // "radioGroup" - Applied to main ol or ul
+ // "selected" - Applied to the currently selected li, if any.
+ //   "itemContent" - Applied to the content contained in a li, this widget embeds a span
+ // within each <li></li> to contain the contents of the li.
+ // This widget was mostly developed under supervision/guidance from Tom Trenka.
+ // selectedItem: DomNode: Currently selected li, if any
+ this.selectedItem=null;
+ // items: DomNode[]: Array of li nodes being managed by widget
+ this.items=[];
+ // selected: String[]: List of optional ids specifying which li's should be selected by default
+ this.selected=[];
+ // groupCssClass: String: Css class applied to main ol or ul, value is "radioGroup"
+ this.groupCssClass="radioGroup";
+ // selectedCssClass: String: Css class applied to the currently selected li, if any. value of "selected"
+ this.selectedCssClass="selected";
+ // itemContentCssClass: String: Css class Applied to the content contained in a li, this widget embeds a span
+ // within each <li></li> to contain the contents of the li. value is "itemContent"
+ this.itemContentCssClass="itemContent";
+ },
+ {
+ isContainer:false,
+ templatePath: null,
+ templateCssPath: null,
+ postCreate:function(){
+ // summary: Parses content of widget and sets up the default state of any
+ // default selections / etc. The onSelect function will also be fired for any
+ // default selections.
+ this._parseStructure();
+ dojo.html.addClass(this.domNode, this.groupCssClass);
+ this._setupChildren();
+ dojo.event.browser.addListener(this.domNode, "onclick", dojo.lang.hitch(this, "onSelect"));
+ if (this.selectedItem){
+ this._selectItem(this.selectedItem);
+ }
+ },
+ _parseStructure: function() {
+ // summary: Sets local radioGroup and items properties, also validates
+    // that domNode contains an expected list.
+    //
+    // Exception raised if a ul or ol node can't be found in this widgets domNode.
+ if(this.domNode.tagName.toLowerCase() != "ul"
+ && this.domNode.tagName.toLowerCase() != "ol") {
+ dojo.raise("RadioGroup: Expected ul or ol content.");
+ return;
+ }
+ this.items=[]; // reset the items.
+ var nl=this.domNode.getElementsByTagName("li");
+ for (var i=0; i<nl.length; i++){
+ if(nl[i].parentNode==this.domNode){
+ this.items.push(nl[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ add:function(/*DomNode*/ node){
+ // summary: Allows the app to add a node on the fly, finishing up
+    // the setup so that we don't need to deal with it on a
+    // widget-wide basis.
+ if(node.parentNode!=this.domNode){
+ this.domNode.appendChild(node);
+ }
+ this.items.push(node);
+ this._setup(node);
+ },
+ remove:function(/*DomNode*/ node){
+ // summary: Removes the specified node from this group, if it exists.
+ var idx=-1;
+ for(var i=0; i<this.items.length; i++){
+ if(this.items[i]==node){
+ idx=i;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if(idx<0) {return;}
+ this.items.splice(idx,1);
+ node.parentNode.removeChild(node);
+ },
+ clear:function(){
+ // summary: Removes all items in this list
+ for(var i=0; i<this.items.length; i++){
+ this.domNode.removeChild(this.items[i]);
+ }
+ this.items=[];
+ },
+ clearSelections:function(){
+ // summary: Clears any selected items from being selected
+ for(var i=0; i<this.items.length; i++){
+ dojo.html.removeClass(this.items[i], this.selectedCssClass);
+ }
+ this.selectedItem=null;
+ },
+ _setup:function(node){
+ var span = document.createElement("span");
+ dojo.html.disableSelection(span);
+ dojo.html.addClass(span, this.itemContentCssClass);
+ dojo.dom.moveChildren(node, span);
+ node.appendChild(span);
+ if (this.selected.length > 0) {
+ var uid = dojo.html.getAttribute(node, "id");
+ if (uid && uid == this.selected){
+ this.selectedItem = node;
+ }
+ }
+ dojo.event.browser.addListener(node, "onclick", dojo.lang.hitch(this, "onItemSelect"));
+ if (dojo.html.hasAttribute(node, "onitemselect")) {
+ var tn = dojo.lang.nameAnonFunc(new Function(dojo.html.getAttribute(node, "onitemselect")),
+ this);
+ dojo.event.browser.addListener(node, "onclick", dojo.lang.hitch(this, tn));
+ }
+ },
+ _setupChildren:function(){
+ for (var i=0; i<this.items.length; i++){
+ this._setup(this.items[i]);
+ }
+ },
+ _selectItem:function(node, event, nofire){
+ // summary: Sets the selectedItem to passed in node, applies
+ // css selection class on new item
+ if(this.selectedItem){
+ dojo.html.removeClass(this.selectedItem, this.selectedCssClass);
+ }
+ this.selectedItem = node;
+ dojo.html.addClass(this.selectedItem, this.selectedCssClass);
+ // if this is the result of an event, stop here.
+ if (!dj_undef("currentTarget", event)){
+ return;
+ }
+ // if there's no nofire flag, passed when this is nailed internally.
+ if(!nofire){
+ if({
+ this.selectedItem.fireEvent("onclick");
+ }else{
+ var e = document.createEvent("MouseEvents");
+ e.initEvent("click", true, false);
+ this.selectedItem.dispatchEvent(e);
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ getValue:function() {
+ // summary: Gets the currently selected item, if any.
+ return this.selectedItem; /*DomNode*/
+ },
+ onSelect:function(e) {
+ // summary: When the ul or ol contained by this widget is selected this function
+ // is fired. A good function to listen to via dojo.event.connect.
+ },
+ onItemSelect:function(e) {
+ // summary: when an individual li is selected
+ if (!dj_undef("currentTarget", e)){
+ this._selectItem(e.currentTarget, e);
+ }
+ }
+ }

Propchange: ofbiz/trunk/framework/images/webapp/images/dojo/src/widget/RadioGroup.js
    svn:eol-style = native

Propchange: ofbiz/trunk/framework/images/webapp/images/dojo/src/widget/RadioGroup.js
    svn:keywords = "Date Rev Author URL Id"

Propchange: ofbiz/trunk/framework/images/webapp/images/dojo/src/widget/RadioGroup.js
    svn:mime-type = text/plain

Added: ofbiz/trunk/framework/images/webapp/images/dojo/src/widget/RealNumberTextbox.js
--- ofbiz/trunk/framework/images/webapp/images/dojo/src/widget/RealNumberTextbox.js (added)
+++ ofbiz/trunk/framework/images/webapp/images/dojo/src/widget/RealNumberTextbox.js Mon Feb 19 09:56:06 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+ Copyright (c) 2004-2006, The Dojo Foundation
+ All Rights Reserved.
+ Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1 or above OR the
+ modified BSD license. For more information on Dojo licensing, see:
+ "dojo.widget.RealNumberTextbox",
+ dojo.widget.IntegerTextbox,
+ {
+ /*
+  summary
+ A subclass that extends IntegerTextbox.
+ Over-rides isValid/isInRange to test for real number input.
+ Has 5 new properties that can be specified as attributes in the markup.
+  places: Integer
+   The exact number of decimal places.  If omitted, it's unlimited and optional.
+  exponent: Boolean
+   Can be true or false.  If omitted the exponential part is optional.
+  eSigned: Boolean
+   Is the exponent signed?  Can be true or false, if omitted the sign is optional.
+  min: Number
+ Minimum signed value.  Default is -Infinity.
+  max: Number
+   Maximum signed value.  Default is +Infinity
+ */
+ mixInProperties: function(localProperties, frag){
+ // First initialize properties in super-class.
+ dojo.widget.RealNumberTextbox.superclass.mixInProperties.apply(this, arguments);
+ // Get properties from markup attributes, and assign to flags object.
+ if (localProperties.places){
+ this.flags.places = Number(localProperties.places);
+ }
+ if((localProperties.exponent == "true")||
+ (localProperties.exponent == "always")){
+ this.flags.exponent = true;
+ }else if((localProperties.exponent == "false")||(localProperties.exponent == "never")){
+ this.flags.exponent = false;
+ }else{
+ this.flags.exponent = [ true, false ]; // optional
+ }
+ if((localProperties.esigned == "true")||(localProperties.esigned == "always")){
+ this.flags.eSigned = true;
+ }else if((localProperties.esigned == "false")||(localProperties.esigned == "never")){
+ this.flags.eSigned = false;
+ }else{
+ this.flags.eSigned = [ true, false ]; // optional
+ }
+ if(localProperties.min){
+ this.flags.min = parseFloat(localProperties.min);
+ }
+ if(localProperties.max){
+ this.flags.max = parseFloat(localProperties.max);
+ }
+ },
+ // Over-ride for real number validation
+ isValid: function(){
+ return dojo.validate.isRealNumber(this.textbox.value, this.flags);
+ },
+ isInRange: function(){
+ return dojo.validate.isInRange(this.textbox.value, this.flags);
+ }
+ }

Propchange: ofbiz/trunk/framework/images/webapp/images/dojo/src/widget/RealNumberTextbox.js
    svn:eol-style = native

Propchange: ofbiz/trunk/framework/images/webapp/images/dojo/src/widget/RealNumberTextbox.js
    svn:keywords = "Date Rev Author URL Id"

Propchange: ofbiz/trunk/framework/images/webapp/images/dojo/src/widget/RealNumberTextbox.js
    svn:mime-type = text/plain

Added: ofbiz/trunk/framework/images/webapp/images/dojo/src/widget/RegexpTextbox.js
--- ofbiz/trunk/framework/images/webapp/images/dojo/src/widget/RegexpTextbox.js (added)
+++ ofbiz/trunk/framework/images/webapp/images/dojo/src/widget/RegexpTextbox.js Mon Feb 19 09:56:06 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+ Copyright (c) 2004-2006, The Dojo Foundation
+ All Rights Reserved.
+ Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1 or above OR the
+ modified BSD license. For more information on Dojo licensing, see:
+ "dojo.widget.RegexpTextbox",
+ dojo.widget.ValidationTextbox,
+ {
+ /*
+ summary
+  A subclass of ValidationTextbox.
+  Over-rides isValid to test input based on a regular expression.
+  Has a new property that can be specified as attributes in the markup.
+ regexp: String
+       The regular expression string to use
+ flags: String
+        Flags to pass to the regular expression (e.g. 'i', 'g', etc)
+ */
+    mixInProperties: function(localProperties, frag){
+        // First initialize properties in super-class.
+        dojo.widget.RegexpTextbox.superclass.mixInProperties.apply(this, arguments);
+        // Get properties from markup attibutes, and assign to flags object.
+        if(localProperties.regexp){
+            this.flags.regexp = localProperties.regexp;
+        }
+        if(localProperties.flags){
+            this.flags.flags = localProperties.flags;
+        }
+    },
+    // Over-ride for integer validation
+    isValid: function(){
+        var regexp = new RegExp(this.flags.regexp, this.flags.flags);
+        return regexp.test(this.textbox.value);
+    }
+ }

Propchange: ofbiz/trunk/framework/images/webapp/images/dojo/src/widget/RegexpTextbox.js
    svn:eol-style = native

Propchange: ofbiz/trunk/framework/images/webapp/images/dojo/src/widget/RegexpTextbox.js
    svn:keywords = "Date Rev Author URL Id"

Propchange: ofbiz/trunk/framework/images/webapp/images/dojo/src/widget/RegexpTextbox.js
    svn:mime-type = text/plain

Added: ofbiz/trunk/framework/images/webapp/images/dojo/src/widget/RemoteTabController.js
--- ofbiz/trunk/framework/images/webapp/images/dojo/src/widget/RemoteTabController.js (added)
+++ ofbiz/trunk/framework/images/webapp/images/dojo/src/widget/RemoteTabController.js Mon Feb 19 09:56:06 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+ Copyright (c) 2004-2006, The Dojo Foundation
+ All Rights Reserved.
+ Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1 or above OR the
+ modified BSD license. For more information on Dojo licensing, see:
+//Remote Tab Controller widget.  Can be located independently of a tab
+//container and control the selection of its tabs
+dojo.deprecated("dojo.widget.RemoteTabController is slated for removal in 0.5; use PageController or TabController instead.", "0.5");
+    "dojo.widget.RemoteTabController",
+    dojo.widget.TabController,
+ {
+        templateCssPath: dojo.uri.dojoUri("src/widget/templates/RemoteTabControl.css"),
+ templateString: '<div dojoAttachPoint="domNode" wairole="tablist"></div>',
+ "class": "dojoRemoteTabController",
+ // String
+ // ID of page container that I connect to
+ tabContainer: "",
+ postMixInProperties: function(){
+ this.containerId = this.tabContainer;
+ dojo.widget.RemoteTabController.superclass.postMixInProperties.apply(this, arguments);
+ },
+ fillInTemplate: function() {
+ dojo.html.addClass(this.domNode, this["class"]);  // "class" is a reserved word in JS
+ if (this.tabContainer) {
+ dojo.addOnLoad(dojo.lang.hitch(this, "setupTabs"));
+ }
+ dojo.widget.RemoteTabController.superclass.fillInTemplate.apply(this, arguments);
+ }
+ }

Propchange: ofbiz/trunk/framework/images/webapp/images/dojo/src/widget/RemoteTabController.js
    svn:eol-style = native

Propchange: ofbiz/trunk/framework/images/webapp/images/dojo/src/widget/RemoteTabController.js
    svn:keywords = "Date Rev Author URL Id"

Propchange: ofbiz/trunk/framework/images/webapp/images/dojo/src/widget/RemoteTabController.js
    svn:mime-type = text/plain

Added: ofbiz/trunk/framework/images/webapp/images/dojo/src/widget/Repeater.js
--- ofbiz/trunk/framework/images/webapp/images/dojo/src/widget/Repeater.js (added)
+++ ofbiz/trunk/framework/images/webapp/images/dojo/src/widget/Repeater.js Mon Feb 19 09:56:06 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
+ Copyright (c) 2004-2006, The Dojo Foundation
+ All Rights Reserved.
+ Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1 or above OR the
+ modified BSD license. For more information on Dojo licensing, see:
+dojo.widget.defineWidget("dojo.widget.Repeater", dojo.widget.HtmlWidget,
+ {
+ /*
+ summary:
+ Makes it easy to add dynamicly new segments to form, ie. add new rows.
+ description:
+ usage:
+ <div dojoType="Repeater" pattern="row.%{index}" useDnd="false">
+ <p>Name: <input typ="text" name="row.%{index}.name" value="" /><input type="button" rowAction="delete" value="remove this" </p>
+ </div>
+ or:
+ var myRepeater=dojo.widget.createWidget("Repeater",{pattern: "row.%{index}", useDnd: false});
+ myRepeater.setRow("<p>Name: <input typ="text" name="row.%{index}.name" value="" rowFunction="doThis" /><input type="button" rowAction="delete" value="remove this" /></p>", {doThis: function(node) { dojo.event.connect(node,"onClick", function() { alert("HERE"); }); } );
+ */
+ name: "",
+ rowTemplate: "",
+ // myObject:
+ // Used to bind functionality to rowFunctions
+ myObject: null,
+ // myObject:
+ // defines pattern of the names
+ pattern: "",
+ // useDnd:
+ // if true, you can change position of rows by DnD
+ // you can also remove rows by dragging row away
+ useDnd: false,
+ isContainer: true,
+ initialize: function(args,frag) {
+ var node = this.getFragNodeRef(frag);
+ node.removeAttribute("dojotype");
+ this.setRow(dojo.string.trim(node.innerHTML), {});
+ node.innerHTML="";
+ frag=null;
+ },
+ postCreate: function(args,frag){
+ if (this.useDnd) {
+ dojo.require("dojo.dnd.*");
+ var dnd = new dojo.dnd.HtmlDropTarget(this.domNode, [this.widgetId]);
+ }
+ },
+ _reIndexRows: function() {
+ for(var i=0,len=this.domNode.childNodes.length; i<len;i++) {
+ var elems = ["INPUT", "SELECT", "TEXTAREA"];
+ for (var k=0; k < elems.length; k++) {
+ var list = this.domNode.childNodes[i].getElementsByTagName(elems[k]);
+ for (var j=0,len2=list.length; j<len2; j++) {
+ var name = list[j].name;
+ var index=dojo.string.escape("regexp", this.pattern);
+ index = index.replace(/(%\\\{index\\\})/g,"%{index}");
+ var nameRegexp = dojo.string.substituteParams(index, {"index": "[0-9]*"});
+ var newName= dojo.string.substituteParams(this.pattern, {"index": "" + i});
+ var re=new RegExp(nameRegexp,"g");
+ list[j].name = name.replace(re,newName);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ onDeleteRow: function(e) {
+ var index=dojo.string.escape("regexp", this.pattern);
+ index = index.replace(/%\\\{index\\\}/g,"\%{index}");
+ var nameRegexp = dojo.string.substituteParams(index, {"index": "([0-9]*)"});
+ var re=new RegExp(nameRegexp,"g");
+ this.deleteRow(re.exec([1]);
+ },
+ hasRows: function() {
+ if (this.domNode.childNodes.length > 0) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ },
+ getRowCount: function() {
+ return this.domNode.childNodes.length;
+ },
+ deleteRow: function(/*integer*/idx) {
+ this.domNode.removeChild(this.domNode.childNodes[idx]);
+ this._reIndexRows();
+ },
+ _changeRowPosition: function(e) {
+ if (e.dragStatus == "dropFailure") {
+ this.domNode.removeChild(e["dragSource"].domNode);
+ } else if (e.dragStatus == "dropSuccess") {
+ //  nothing to do
+ } // else-if
+ this._reIndexRows();
+ },
+ setRow: function(/*string*/template, /*object*/myObject) {
+ //template = dojo.string.substituteParams(template, {"index": "0"});
+ template= template.replace(/\%\{(index)\}/g, "0");
+ this.rowTemplate=template;
+ this.myObject = myObject;
+ },
+ getRow: function() {
+ return this.rowTemplate;
+ },
+ _initRow: function(/*integer or dom node*/node) {
+ if (typeof(node) == "number") {
+                           node=this.domNode.childNodes[node];
+ } // if
+ var elems = ["INPUT", "SELECT", "IMG"];
+ for (var k=0; k < elems.length; k++) {
+ var list = node.getElementsByTagName(elems[k]);
+ for(var i=0, len=list.length; i<len; i++) {
+ var child = list[i];
+ if(child.nodeType != 1) {continue};
+ if (child.getAttribute("rowFunction") != null) {
+ if(typeof(this.myObject[child.getAttribute("rowFunction")]) == "undefined") {
+ dojo.debug("Function " + child.getAttribute("rowFunction") + " not found");
+ } else {
+ this.myObject[child.getAttribute("rowFunction")](child);
+ } // ifelse
+ } else if (child.getAttribute("rowAction") != null) {
+ if(child.getAttribute("rowAction") == "delete") {
+, {"index": "" + (this.getRowCount() - 1)});
+ dojo.event.connect(child, "onclick", this, "onDeleteRow");
+ } // if
+ } // else-if
+ } // for
+ } // for
+ },
+ onAddRow: function(e) {
+ },
+ addRow: function(/*boolean*/doInit) {
+                        if (typeof(doInit) == "undefined") {
+ doInit=true;
+                        }
+ var node = document.createElement('span');
+ node.innerHTML=this.getRow();
+ if (node.childNodes.length == 1) {
+ node=node.childNodes[0];
+ }
+ this.domNode.appendChild(node);
+ var parser = new dojo.xml.Parse();
+ var frag = parser.parseElement(node, null, true);
+ dojo.widget.getParser().createSubComponents(frag, this);
+ this._reIndexRows();
+ if (doInit) {
+ this._initRow(node);
+ }
+ if (this.useDnd) { // bind to DND
+ node=new dojo.dnd.HtmlDragSource(node, this.widgetId);
+ dojo.event.connect(node, "onDragEnd", this, "_changeRowPosition");
+ }
+ this.onAddRow(node);
+ }

Propchange: ofbiz/trunk/framework/images/webapp/images/dojo/src/widget/Repeater.js
    svn:eol-style = native

Propchange: ofbiz/trunk/framework/images/webapp/images/dojo/src/widget/Repeater.js
    svn:keywords = "Date Rev Author URL Id"

Propchange: ofbiz/trunk/framework/images/webapp/images/dojo/src/widget/Repeater.js
    svn:mime-type = text/plain

Added: ofbiz/trunk/framework/images/webapp/images/dojo/src/widget/ResizableTextarea.js
--- ofbiz/trunk/framework/images/webapp/images/dojo/src/widget/ResizableTextarea.js (added)
+++ ofbiz/trunk/framework/images/webapp/images/dojo/src/widget/ResizableTextarea.js Mon Feb 19 09:56:06 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+ Copyright (c) 2004-2006, The Dojo Foundation
+ All Rights Reserved.
+ Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1 or above OR the
+ modified BSD license. For more information on Dojo licensing, see:
+ "dojo.widget.ResizableTextarea",
+ dojo.widget.HtmlWidget,
+ // summary
+ // A resizable textarea.
+ // Takes all the parameters (name, value, etc.) that a vanilla textarea takes.
+ // usage
+ // <textarea dojoType="ResizableTextArea">...</textarea>
+ templatePath: dojo.uri.dojoUri("src/widget/templates/ResizableTextarea.html"),
+ templateCssPath: dojo.uri.dojoUri("src/widget/templates/ResizableTextarea.css"),
+ fillInTemplate: function(args, frag){
+ this.textAreaNode = this.getFragNodeRef(frag).cloneNode(true);
+ // FIXME: Safari apparently needs this!
+ dojo.body().appendChild(this.domNode);
+ this.rootLayout = dojo.widget.createWidget(
+ "LayoutContainer",
+ {
+ minHeight: 50,
+ minWidth: 100
+ },
+ this.rootLayoutNode
+ );
+ // TODO: all this code should be replaced with a template
+ // (especially now that templates can contain subwidgets)
+ this.textAreaContainer = dojo.widget.createWidget(
+ "LayoutContainer",
+ { layoutAlign: "client" },
+ this.textAreaContainerNode
+ );
+ this.rootLayout.addChild(this.textAreaContainer);
+ this.textAreaContainer.domNode.appendChild(this.textAreaNode);
+ with({
+ width="100%";
+ height="100%";
+ }
+ this.statusBar = dojo.widget.createWidget(
+ "LayoutContainer",
+ {
+ layoutAlign: "bottom",
+ minHeight: 28
+ },
+ this.statusBarContainerNode
+ );
+ this.rootLayout.addChild(this.statusBar);
+ this.statusLabel = dojo.widget.createWidget(
+ "LayoutContainer",
+ {
+ layoutAlign: "client",
+ minWidth: 50
+ },
+ this.statusLabelNode
+ );
+ this.statusBar.addChild(this.statusLabel);
+ this.resizeHandle = dojo.widget.createWidget(
+ "ResizeHandle",
+ { targetElmId: this.rootLayout.widgetId },
+ this.resizeHandleNode
+ );
+ this.statusBar.addChild(this.resizeHandle);
+ }

Propchange: ofbiz/trunk/framework/images/webapp/images/dojo/src/widget/ResizableTextarea.js
    svn:eol-style = native

Propchange: ofbiz/trunk/framework/images/webapp/images/dojo/src/widget/ResizableTextarea.js
    svn:keywords = "Date Rev Author URL Id"

Propchange: ofbiz/trunk/framework/images/webapp/images/dojo/src/widget/ResizableTextarea.js
    svn:mime-type = text/plain

Added: ofbiz/trunk/framework/images/webapp/images/dojo/src/widget/ResizeHandle.js
--- ofbiz/trunk/framework/images/webapp/images/dojo/src/widget/ResizeHandle.js (added)
+++ ofbiz/trunk/framework/images/webapp/images/dojo/src/widget/ResizeHandle.js Mon Feb 19 09:56:06 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+ Copyright (c) 2004-2006, The Dojo Foundation
+ All Rights Reserved.
+ Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1 or above OR the
+ modified BSD license. For more information on Dojo licensing, see:
+ "dojo.widget.ResizeHandle",
+ dojo.widget.HtmlWidget,
+ // summary
+ // The handle on the bottom-right corner of FloatingPane or other widgets that allows
+ // the widget to be resized.
+ // Typically not used directly.
+ // targetElmId: String
+ // id of the Widget OR DomNode that I will size
+ targetElmId: '',
+ templateCssPath: dojo.uri.dojoUri("src/widget/templates/ResizeHandle.css"),
+ templateString: '<div class="dojoHtmlResizeHandle"><div></div></div>',
+ postCreate: function(){
+ dojo.event.connect(this.domNode, "onmousedown", this, "_beginSizing");
+ },
+ _beginSizing: function(/*Event*/ e){
+ if (this._isSizing){ return false; }
+ // get the target dom node to adjust.  targetElmId can refer to either a widget or a simple node
+ this.targetWidget = dojo.widget.byId(this.targetElmId);
+ this.targetDomNode = this.targetWidget ? this.targetWidget.domNode : dojo.byId(this.targetElmId);
+ if (!this.targetDomNode){ return; }
+ this._isSizing = true;
+ this.startPoint  = {'x':e.clientX, 'y':e.clientY};
+ var mb = dojo.html.getMarginBox(this.targetDomNode);
+ this.startSize  = {'w':mb.width, 'h':mb.height};
+ dojo.event.kwConnect({
+ srcObj: dojo.body(),
+ srcFunc: "onmousemove",
+ targetObj: this,
+ targetFunc: "_changeSizing",
+ rate: 25
+ });
+ dojo.event.connect(dojo.body(), "onmouseup", this, "_endSizing");
+ e.preventDefault();
+ },
+ _changeSizing: function(/*Event*/ e){
+ // On IE, if you move the mouse above/to the left of the object being resized,
+ // sometimes clientX/Y aren't set, apparently.  Just ignore the event.
+ try{
+ if(!e.clientX  || !e.clientY){ return; }
+ }catch(e){
+ // sometimes you get an exception accessing above fields...
+ return;
+ }
+ var dx = this.startPoint.x - e.clientX;
+ var dy = this.startPoint.y - e.clientY;
+ var newW = this.startSize.w - dx;
+ var newH = this.startSize.h - dy;
+ // minimum size check
+ if (this.minSize) {
+ var mb = dojo.html.getMarginBox(this.targetDomNode);
+ if (newW < this.minSize.w) {
+ newW = mb.width;
+ }
+ if (newH < this.minSize.h) {
+ newH = mb.height;
+ }
+ }
+ if(this.targetWidget){
+ this.targetWidget.resizeTo(newW, newH);
+ }else{
+ dojo.html.setMarginBox(this.targetDomNode, { width: newW, height: newH});
+ }
+ e.preventDefault();
+ },
+ _endSizing: function(/*Event*/ e){
+ dojo.event.disconnect(dojo.body(), "onmousemove", this, "_changeSizing");
+ dojo.event.disconnect(dojo.body(), "onmouseup", this, "_endSizing");
+ this._isSizing = false;
+ }

Propchange: ofbiz/trunk/framework/images/webapp/images/dojo/src/widget/ResizeHandle.js
    svn:eol-style = native

Propchange: ofbiz/trunk/framework/images/webapp/images/dojo/src/widget/ResizeHandle.js
    svn:keywords = "Date Rev Author URL Id"

Propchange: ofbiz/trunk/framework/images/webapp/images/dojo/src/widget/ResizeHandle.js
    svn:mime-type = text/plain