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svn commit: r509273 [41/50] - in /ofbiz/trunk/framework/images/webapp/images: ./ dojo/ dojo/src/ dojo/src/animation/ dojo/src/cal/ dojo/src/charting/ dojo/src/charting/svg/ dojo/src/charting/vml/ dojo/src/collections/ dojo/src/crypto/ dojo/src/data/ do...

Added: ofbiz/trunk/framework/images/webapp/images/dojo/src/widget/Toaster.js
--- ofbiz/trunk/framework/images/webapp/images/dojo/src/widget/Toaster.js (added)
+++ ofbiz/trunk/framework/images/webapp/images/dojo/src/widget/Toaster.js Mon Feb 19 09:56:06 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,265 @@
+ Copyright (c) 2004-2006, The Dojo Foundation
+ All Rights Reserved.
+ Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1 or above OR the
+ modified BSD license. For more information on Dojo licensing, see:
+// This is mostly taken from Jesse Kuhnert's MessageNotifier.
+// Modified by Bryan Forbes to support topics and a variable delay.
+ "dojo.widget.Toaster",
+ dojo.widget.HtmlWidget,
+ {
+ // summary
+ // Message that slides in from the corner of the screen, used for notifications
+ // like "new email".
+ templateString: '<div dojoAttachPoint="clipNode"><div dojoAttachPoint="containerNode" dojoAttachEvent="onClick:onSelect"><div dojoAttachPoint="contentNode"></div></div></div>',
+ templateCssPath: dojo.uri.dojoUri("src/widget/templates/Toaster.css"),
+ // messageTopic: String
+ // Name of topic; anything published to this topic will be displayed as a message.
+ // Message format is either String or an object like
+ // {message: "hello word", type: "ERROR", delay: 500}
+ messageTopic: "",
+ // messageTypes: Enumeration
+ // Possible message types.
+ messageTypes: {
+ },
+ // defaultType: String
+ // If message type isn't specified (see "messageTopic" parameter),
+ // then display message as this type.
+ // Possible values in messageTypes enumeration ("MESSAGE", "WARNING", "ERROR", "FATAL")
+ defaultType: "MESSAGE",
+ // css classes
+ clipCssClass: "dojoToasterClip",
+ containerCssClass: "dojoToasterContainer",
+ contentCssClass: "dojoToasterContent",
+ messageCssClass: "dojoToasterMessage",
+ warningCssClass: "dojoToasterWarning",
+ errorCssClass: "dojoToasterError",
+ fatalCssClass: "dojoToasterFatal",
+ // positionDirection: String
+ // Position from which message slides into screen, one of
+ // ["br-up", "br-left", "bl-up", "bl-right", "tr-down", "tr-left", "tl-down", "tl-right"]
+ positionDirection: "br-up",
+ // positionDirectionTypes: Enumeration
+ // Possible values for positionDirection parameter
+ positionDirectionTypes: ["br-up", "br-left", "bl-up", "bl-right", "tr-down", "tr-left", "tl-down", "tl-right"],
+ // showDelay: Integer
+ // Number of milliseconds to show message
+ // TODO: this is a strange name.  "duration" makes more sense
+ showDelay: 2000,
+ postCreate: function(){
+ this.hide();
+ dojo.html.setClass(this.clipNode, this.clipCssClass);
+ dojo.html.addClass(this.containerNode, this.containerCssClass);
+ dojo.html.setClass(this.contentNode, this.contentCssClass);
+ if(this.messageTopic){
+ dojo.event.topic.subscribe(this.messageTopic, this, "_handleMessage");
+ }
+ if(!this.positionDirection || !dojo.lang.inArray(this.positionDirectionTypes, this.positionDirection)){
+ this.positionDirection = this.positionDirectionTypes.BRU;
+ }
+ },
+ _handleMessage: function(msg){
+ if(dojo.lang.isString(msg)){
+ this.setContent(msg);
+ }else{
+ this.setContent(msg["message"], msg["type"], msg["delay"]);
+ }
+ },
+ setContent: function(msg, messageType, delay){
+ // summary
+ // sets and displays the given message and show duration
+ // msg: String
+ // the message
+ // messageType: Enumeration
+ // type of message; possible values in messageTypes array ("MESSAGE", "WARNING", "ERROR", "FATAL")
+ // delay: Integer
+ // number of milliseconds to display message
+ var delay = delay||this.showDelay;
+ // sync animations so there are no ghosted fades and such
+ if(this.slideAnim && this.slideAnim.status() == "playing"){
+ dojo.lang.setTimeout(50, dojo.lang.hitch(this, function(){
+ this.setContent(msg, messageType);
+ }));
+ return;
+ }else if(this.slideAnim){
+ this.slideAnim.stop();
+ if(this.fadeAnim) this.fadeAnim.stop();
+ }
+ if(!msg){
+ dojo.debug(this.widgetId + ".setContent() incoming content was null, ignoring.");
+ return;
+ }
+ if(!this.positionDirection || !dojo.lang.inArray(this.positionDirectionTypes, this.positionDirection)){
+ dojo.raise(this.widgetId + ".positionDirection is an invalid value: " + this.positionDirection);
+ }
+ // determine type of content and apply appropriately
+ dojo.html.removeClass(this.containerNode, this.messageCssClass);
+ dojo.html.removeClass(this.containerNode, this.warningCssClass);
+ dojo.html.removeClass(this.containerNode, this.errorCssClass);
+ dojo.html.removeClass(this.containerNode, this.fatalCssClass);
+ dojo.html.clearOpacity(this.containerNode);
+ if(msg instanceof String || typeof msg == "string"){
+ this.contentNode.innerHTML = msg;
+ }else if(dojo.html.isNode(msg)){
+ this.contentNode.innerHTML = dojo.html.getContentAsString(msg);
+ }else{
+ dojo.raise("Toaster.setContent(): msg is of unknown type:" + msg);
+ }
+ switch(messageType){
+ case this.messageTypes.WARNING:
+ dojo.html.addClass(this.containerNode, this.warningCssClass);
+ break;
+ case this.messageTypes.ERROR:
+ dojo.html.addClass(this.containerNode, this.errorCssClass);
+ break
+ case this.messageTypes.FATAL:
+ dojo.html.addClass(this.containerNode, this.fatalCssClass);
+ break;
+ case this.messageTypes.MESSAGE:
+ default:
+ dojo.html.addClass(this.containerNode, this.messageCssClass);
+ break;
+ }
+ // now do funky animation of widget appearing from
+ // bottom right of page and up
+ var nodeSize = dojo.html.getMarginBox(this.containerNode);
+ // sets up initial position of container node and slide-out direction
+ if(this.positionDirection.indexOf("-up") >= 0){
+ + 10 + "px";
+ }else if(this.positionDirection.indexOf("-left") >= 0){
+ + 10 +"px";
+ }else if(this.positionDirection.indexOf("-right") >= 0){
+ = 0 - nodeSize.width - 10 + "px";
+ = 0+"px";
+ }else if(this.positionDirection.indexOf("-down") >= 0){
+ = 0+"px";
+ = 0 - nodeSize.height - 10 + "px";
+ }else{
+ dojo.raise(this.widgetId + ".positionDirection is an invalid value: " + this.positionDirection);
+ }
+ this.slideAnim = dojo.lfx.html.slideTo(
+ this.containerNode,
+ { top: 0, left: 0 },
+ 450,
+ null,
+ dojo.lang.hitch(this, function(nodes, anim){
+ dojo.lang.setTimeout(dojo.lang.hitch(this, function(evt){
+ // we must hide the iframe in order to fade
+ // TODO: figure out how to fade with a BackgroundIframe
+ if(this.bgIframe){
+ this.bgIframe.hide();
+ }
+ // can't do a fadeHide because we're fading the
+ // inner node rather than the clipping node
+ this.fadeAnim = dojo.lfx.html.fadeOut(
+ this.containerNode,
+ 1000,
+ null,
+ dojo.lang.hitch(this, function(evt){
+ this.hide();
+ })).play();
+ }), delay);
+ })).play();
+ },
+ _placeClip: function(){
+ var scroll = dojo.html.getScroll();
+ var view = dojo.html.getViewport();
+ var nodeSize = dojo.html.getMarginBox(this.containerNode);
+ // sets up the size of the clipping node
+ = nodeSize.height+"px";
+ = nodeSize.width+"px";
+ // sets up the position of the clipping node
+ if(this.positionDirection.match(/^t/)){
+ ="px";
+ }else if(this.positionDirection.match(/^b/)){
+ = (view.height - nodeSize.height - 2 +"px";
+ }
+ if(this.positionDirection.match(/^[tb]r-/)){
+ = (view.width - nodeSize.width - 1 - scroll.left)+"px";
+ }else if(this.positionDirection.match(/^[tb]l-/)){
+ = 0 + "px";
+ }
+ = "rect(0px, " + nodeSize.width + "px, " + nodeSize.height + "px, 0px)";
+ if({
+ if(!this.bgIframe){
+ this.bgIframe = new dojo.html.BackgroundIframe(this.containerNode);
+ this.bgIframe.setZIndex(this.containerNode);
+ }
+ this.bgIframe.onResized();
+ }
+ },
+ onSelect: function(e) {
+ // summary: callback for when user clicks the message
+ },
+ show: function(){
+ this._placeClip();
+ if(!this._scrollConnected){
+ this._scrollConnected = true;
+ dojo.event.connect(window, "onscroll", this, "_placeClip");
+ }
+ },
+ hide: function(){
+ if(this._scrollConnected){
+ this._scrollConnected = false;
+ dojo.event.disconnect(window, "onscroll", this, "_placeClip");
+ }
+ dojo.html.setOpacity(this.containerNode, 1.0);
+ }
+ }

Propchange: ofbiz/trunk/framework/images/webapp/images/dojo/src/widget/Toaster.js
    svn:eol-style = native

Propchange: ofbiz/trunk/framework/images/webapp/images/dojo/src/widget/Toaster.js
    svn:keywords = "Date Rev Author URL Id"

Propchange: ofbiz/trunk/framework/images/webapp/images/dojo/src/widget/Toaster.js
    svn:mime-type = text/plain

Added: ofbiz/trunk/framework/images/webapp/images/dojo/src/widget/Toggler.js
--- ofbiz/trunk/framework/images/webapp/images/dojo/src/widget/Toggler.js (added)
+++ ofbiz/trunk/framework/images/webapp/images/dojo/src/widget/Toggler.js Mon Feb 19 09:56:06 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+ Copyright (c) 2004-2006, The Dojo Foundation
+ All Rights Reserved.
+ Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1 or above OR the
+ modified BSD license. For more information on Dojo licensing, see:
+ "dojo.widget.Toggler",
+ dojo.widget.HtmlWidget,
+ // summary:
+ // clicking on this widget shows/hides another widget
+ // targetId: String
+ // Id of widget to show/hide when this widget is clicked
+ targetId: '',
+ fillInTemplate: function() {
+ dojo.event.connect(this.domNode, "onclick", this, "onClick");
+ },
+ onClick: function() {
+ var pane = dojo.widget.byId(this.targetId);
+ if(!pane){ return; }
+ pane.explodeSrc = this.domNode;
+ pane.toggleShowing();
+ }

Propchange: ofbiz/trunk/framework/images/webapp/images/dojo/src/widget/Toggler.js
    svn:eol-style = native

Propchange: ofbiz/trunk/framework/images/webapp/images/dojo/src/widget/Toggler.js
    svn:keywords = "Date Rev Author URL Id"

Propchange: ofbiz/trunk/framework/images/webapp/images/dojo/src/widget/Toggler.js
    svn:mime-type = text/plain

Added: ofbiz/trunk/framework/images/webapp/images/dojo/src/widget/Toolbar.js
--- ofbiz/trunk/framework/images/webapp/images/dojo/src/widget/Toolbar.js (added)
+++ ofbiz/trunk/framework/images/webapp/images/dojo/src/widget/Toolbar.js Mon Feb 19 09:56:06 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,944 @@
+ Copyright (c) 2004-2006, The Dojo Foundation
+ All Rights Reserved.
+ Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1 or above OR the
+ modified BSD license. For more information on Dojo licensing, see:
+/* ToolbarContainer
+ *******************/
+ "dojo.widget.ToolbarContainer",
+ dojo.widget.HtmlWidget,
+ isContainer: true,
+ templateString: '<div class="toolbarContainer" dojoAttachPoint="containerNode"></div>',
+ templateCssPath: dojo.uri.dojoUri("src/widget/templates/Toolbar.css"),
+ getItem: function(name) {
+ if(name instanceof dojo.widget.ToolbarItem) { return name; }
+ for(var i = 0; i < this.children.length; i++) {
+ var child = this.children[i];
+ if(child instanceof dojo.widget.Toolbar) {
+ var item = child.getItem(name);
+ if(item) { return item; }
+ }
+ }
+ return null;
+ },
+ getItems: function() {
+ var items = [];
+ for(var i = 0; i < this.children.length; i++) {
+ var child = this.children[i];
+ if(child instanceof dojo.widget.Toolbar) {
+ items = items.concat(child.getItems());
+ }
+ }
+ return items;
+ },
+ enable: function() {
+ for(var i = 0; i < this.children.length; i++) {
+ var child = this.children[i];
+ if(child instanceof dojo.widget.Toolbar) {
+ child.enable.apply(child, arguments);
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ disable: function() {
+ for(var i = 0; i < this.children.length; i++) {
+ var child = this.children[i];
+ if(child instanceof dojo.widget.Toolbar) {
+ child.disable.apply(child, arguments);
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ select: function(name) {
+ for(var i = 0; i < this.children.length; i++) {
+ var child = this.children[i];
+ if(child instanceof dojo.widget.Toolbar) {
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ deselect: function(name) {
+ for(var i = 0; i < this.children.length; i++) {
+ var child = this.children[i];
+ if(child instanceof dojo.widget.Toolbar) {
+ child.deselect(arguments);
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ getItemsState: function() {
+ var values = {};
+ for(var i = 0; i < this.children.length; i++) {
+ var child = this.children[i];
+ if(child instanceof dojo.widget.Toolbar) {
+ dojo.lang.mixin(values, child.getItemsState());
+ }
+ }
+ return values;
+ },
+ getItemsActiveState: function() {
+ var values = {};
+ for(var i = 0; i < this.children.length; i++) {
+ var child = this.children[i];
+ if(child instanceof dojo.widget.Toolbar) {
+ dojo.lang.mixin(values, child.getItemsActiveState());
+ }
+ }
+ return values;
+ },
+ getItemsSelectedState: function() {
+ var values = {};
+ for(var i = 0; i < this.children.length; i++) {
+ var child = this.children[i];
+ if(child instanceof dojo.widget.Toolbar) {
+ dojo.lang.mixin(values, child.getItemsSelectedState());
+ }
+ }
+ return values;
+ }
+/* Toolbar
+ **********/
+ "dojo.widget.Toolbar",
+ dojo.widget.HtmlWidget,
+ isContainer: true,
+ templateString: '<div class="toolbar" dojoAttachPoint="containerNode" unselectable="on" dojoOnMouseover="_onmouseover" dojoOnMouseout="_onmouseout" dojoOnClick="_onclick" dojoOnMousedown="_onmousedown" dojoOnMouseup="_onmouseup"></div>',
+ // given a node, tries to find it's toolbar item
+ _getItem: function(node) {
+ var start = new Date();
+ var widget = null;
+ while(node && node != this.domNode) {
+ if(dojo.html.hasClass(node, "toolbarItem")) {
+ var widgets = dojo.widget.manager.getWidgetsByFilter(function(w) { return w.domNode == node; });
+ if(widgets.length == 1) {
+ widget = widgets[0];
+ break;
+ } else if(widgets.length > 1) {
+ dojo.raise("Toolbar._getItem: More than one widget matches the node");
+ }
+ }
+ node = node.parentNode;
+ }
+ return widget;
+ },
+ _onmouseover: function(e) {
+ var widget = this._getItem(;
+ if(widget && widget._onmouseover) { widget._onmouseover(e); }
+ },
+ _onmouseout: function(e) {
+ var widget = this._getItem(;
+ if(widget && widget._onmouseout) { widget._onmouseout(e); }
+ },
+ _onclick: function(e) {
+ var widget = this._getItem(;
+ if(widget && widget._onclick){
+ widget._onclick(e);
+ }
+ },
+ _onmousedown: function(e) {
+ var widget = this._getItem(;
+ if(widget && widget._onmousedown) { widget._onmousedown(e); }
+ },
+ _onmouseup: function(e) {
+ var widget = this._getItem(;
+ if(widget && widget._onmouseup) { widget._onmouseup(e); }
+ },
+ addChild: function(item, pos, props) {
+ var widget = dojo.widget.ToolbarItem.make(item, null, props);
+ var ret =, widget, null, pos, null);
+ return ret;
+ },
+ push: function() {
+ for(var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
+ this.addChild(arguments[i]);
+ }
+ },
+ getItem: function(name) {
+ if(name instanceof dojo.widget.ToolbarItem) { return name; }
+ for(var i = 0; i < this.children.length; i++) {
+ var child = this.children[i];
+ if(child instanceof dojo.widget.ToolbarItem
+ && child._name == name) { return child; }
+ }
+ return null;
+ },
+ getItems: function() {
+ var items = [];
+ for(var i = 0; i < this.children.length; i++) {
+ var child = this.children[i];
+ if(child instanceof dojo.widget.ToolbarItem) {
+ items.push(child);
+ }
+ }
+ return items;
+ },
+ getItemsState: function() {
+ var values = {};
+ for(var i = 0; i < this.children.length; i++) {
+ var child = this.children[i];
+ if(child instanceof dojo.widget.ToolbarItem) {
+ values[child._name] = {
+ selected: child._selected,
+ enabled: !child.disabled
+ };
+ }
+ }
+ return values;
+ },
+ getItemsActiveState: function() {
+ var values = this.getItemsState();
+ for(var item in values) {
+ values[item] = values[item].enabled;
+ }
+ return values;
+ },
+ getItemsSelectedState: function() {
+ var values = this.getItemsState();
+ for(var item in values) {
+ values[item] = values[item].selected;
+ }
+ return values;
+ },
+ enable: function() {
+ var items = arguments.length ? arguments : this.children;
+ for(var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
+ var child = this.getItem(items[i]);
+ if(child instanceof dojo.widget.ToolbarItem) {
+ child.enable(false, true);
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ disable: function() {
+ var items = arguments.length ? arguments : this.children;
+ for(var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
+ var child = this.getItem(items[i]);
+ if(child instanceof dojo.widget.ToolbarItem) {
+ child.disable();
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ select: function() {
+ for(var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
+ var name = arguments[i];
+ var item = this.getItem(name);
+ if(item) {; }
+ }
+ },
+ deselect: function() {
+ for(var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
+ var name = arguments[i];
+ var item = this.getItem(name);
+ if(item) { item.disable(); }
+ }
+ },
+ setValue: function() {
+ for(var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i += 2) {
+ var name = arguments[i], value = arguments[i+1];
+ var item = this.getItem(name);
+ if(item) {
+ if(item instanceof dojo.widget.ToolbarItem) {
+ item.setValue(value);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+/* ToolbarItem hierarchy:
+ - ToolbarItem
+ - ToolbarButton
+ - ToolbarDialog
+ - ToolbarMenu
+ - ToolbarSeparator
+ - ToolbarSpace
+ - ToolbarFlexibleSpace
+/* ToolbarItem
+ **************/
+ "dojo.widget.ToolbarItem",
+ dojo.widget.HtmlWidget,
+ templateString: '<span unselectable="on" class="toolbarItem"></span>',
+ _name: null,
+ getName: function() { return this._name; },
+ setName: function(value) { return (this._name = value); },
+ getValue: function() { return this.getName(); },
+ setValue: function(value) { return this.setName(value); },
+ _selected: false,
+ isSelected: function() { return this._selected; },
+ setSelected: function(is, force, preventEvent) {
+ if(!this._toggleItem && !force) { return; }
+ is = Boolean(is);
+ if(force || !this.disabled && this._selected != is) {
+ this._selected = is;
+ this.update();
+ if(!preventEvent) {
+ this._fireEvent(is ? "onSelect" : "onDeselect");
+ this._fireEvent("onChangeSelect");
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ select: function(force, preventEvent) {
+ return this.setSelected(true, force, preventEvent);
+ },
+ deselect: function(force, preventEvent) {
+ return this.setSelected(false, force, preventEvent);
+ },
+ _toggleItem: false,
+ isToggleItem: function() { return this._toggleItem; },
+ setToggleItem: function(value) { this._toggleItem = Boolean(value); },
+ toggleSelected: function(force) {
+ return this.setSelected(!this._selected, force);
+ },
+ isEnabled: function() { return !this.disabled; },
+ setEnabled: function(is, force, preventEvent) {
+ is = Boolean(is);
+ if(force || this.disabled == is) {
+ this.disabled = !is;
+ this.update();
+ if(!preventEvent) {
+ this._fireEvent(this.disabled ? "onDisable" : "onEnable");
+ this._fireEvent("onChangeEnabled");
+ }
+ }
+ return !this.disabled;
+ },
+ enable: function(force, preventEvent) {
+ return this.setEnabled(true, force, preventEvent);
+ },
+ disable: function(force, preventEvent) {
+ return this.setEnabled(false, force, preventEvent);
+ },
+ toggleEnabled: function(force, preventEvent) {
+ return this.setEnabled(this.disabled, force, preventEvent);
+ },
+ _icon: null,
+ getIcon: function() { return this._icon; },
+ setIcon: function(value) {
+ var icon = dojo.widget.Icon.make(value);
+ if(this._icon) {
+ this._icon.setIcon(icon);
+ } else {
+ this._icon = icon;
+ }
+ var iconNode = this._icon.getNode();
+ if(iconNode.parentNode != this.domNode) {
+ if(this.domNode.hasChildNodes()) {
+ this.domNode.insertBefore(iconNode, this.domNode.firstChild);
+ } else {
+ this.domNode.appendChild(iconNode);
+ }
+ }
+ return this._icon;
+ },
+ // TODO: update the label node (this.labelNode?)
+ _label: "",
+ getLabel: function() { return this._label; },
+ setLabel: function(value) {
+ var ret = (this._label = value);
+ if(!this.labelNode) {
+ this.labelNode = document.createElement("span");
+ this.domNode.appendChild(this.labelNode);
+ }
+ this.labelNode.innerHTML = "";
+ this.labelNode.appendChild(document.createTextNode(this._label));
+ this.update();
+ return ret;
+ },
+ // fired from: setSelected, setEnabled, setLabel
+ update: function() {
+ if(this.disabled) {
+ this._selected = false;
+ dojo.html.addClass(this.domNode, "disabled");
+ dojo.html.removeClass(this.domNode, "down");
+ dojo.html.removeClass(this.domNode, "hover");
+ } else {
+ dojo.html.removeClass(this.domNode, "disabled");
+ if(this._selected) {
+ dojo.html.addClass(this.domNode, "selected");
+ } else {
+ dojo.html.removeClass(this.domNode, "selected");
+ }
+ }
+ this._updateIcon();
+ },
+ _updateIcon: function() {
+ if(this._icon) {
+ if(this.disabled) {
+ this._icon.disable();
+ } else {
+ if(this._cssHover) {
+ this._icon.hover();
+ } else if(this._selected) {
+ } else {
+ this._icon.enable();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ _fireEvent: function(evt) {
+ if(typeof this[evt] == "function") {
+ var args = [this];
+ for(var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) {
+ args.push(arguments[i]);
+ }
+ this[evt].apply(this, args);
+ }
+ },
+ _onmouseover: function(e) {
+ if(this.disabled) { return; }
+ dojo.html.addClass(this.domNode, "hover");
+ this._fireEvent("onMouseOver");
+ },
+ _onmouseout: function(e) {
+ dojo.html.removeClass(this.domNode, "hover");
+ dojo.html.removeClass(this.domNode, "down");
+ if(!this._selected) {
+ dojo.html.removeClass(this.domNode, "selected");
+ }
+ this._fireEvent("onMouseOut");
+ },
+ _onclick: function(e) {
+ // dojo.debug("widget:", this.widgetType, ":", this.getName(), ", disabled:", this.disabled);
+ if(!this.disabled && !this._toggleItem) {
+ this._fireEvent("onClick");
+ }
+ },
+ _onmousedown: function(e) {
+ if(e.preventDefault) { e.preventDefault(); }
+ if(this.disabled) { return; }
+ dojo.html.addClass(this.domNode, "down");
+ if(this._toggleItem) {
+ if(this.parent.preventDeselect && this._selected) {
+ return;
+ }
+ this.toggleSelected();
+ }
+ this._fireEvent("onMouseDown");
+ },
+ _onmouseup: function(e) {
+ dojo.html.removeClass(this.domNode, "down");
+ this._fireEvent("onMouseUp");
+ },
+ onClick: function() { },
+ onMouseOver: function() { },
+ onMouseOut: function() { },
+ onMouseDown: function() { },
+ onMouseUp: function() { },
+ fillInTemplate: function(args, frag) {
+ if( { this._name =; }
+ if(args.selected) {; }
+ if(args.disabled) { this.disable(); }
+ if(args.label) { this.setLabel(args.label); }
+ if(args.icon) { this.setIcon(args.icon); }
+ if(args.toggleitem||args.toggleItem) { this.setToggleItem(true); }
+ }
+dojo.widget.ToolbarItem.make = function(wh, whIsType, props) {
+ var item = null;
+ if(wh instanceof Array) {
+ item = dojo.widget.createWidget("ToolbarButtonGroup", props);
+ item.setName(wh[0]);
+ for(var i = 1; i < wh.length; i++) {
+ item.addChild(wh[i]);
+ }
+ } else if(wh instanceof dojo.widget.ToolbarItem) {
+ item = wh;
+ } else if(wh instanceof dojo.uri.Uri) {
+ item = dojo.widget.createWidget("ToolbarButton",
+ dojo.lang.mixin(props||{}, {icon: new dojo.widget.Icon(wh.toString())}));
+ } else if(whIsType) {
+ item = dojo.widget.createWidget(wh, props);
+ } else if(typeof wh == "string" || wh instanceof String) {
+ switch(wh.charAt(0)) {
+ case "|":
+ case "-":
+ case "/":
+ item = dojo.widget.createWidget("ToolbarSeparator", props);
+ break;
+ case " ":
+ if(wh.length == 1) {
+ item = dojo.widget.createWidget("ToolbarSpace", props);
+ } else {
+ item = dojo.widget.createWidget("ToolbarFlexibleSpace", props);
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ if(/\.(gif|jpg|jpeg|png)$/i.test(wh)) {
+ item = dojo.widget.createWidget("ToolbarButton",
+ dojo.lang.mixin(props||{}, {icon: new dojo.widget.Icon(wh.toString())}));
+ } else {
+ item = dojo.widget.createWidget("ToolbarButton",
+ dojo.lang.mixin(props||{}, {label: wh.toString()}));
+ }
+ }
+ } else if(wh && wh.tagName && /^img$/i.test(wh.tagName)) {
+ item = dojo.widget.createWidget("ToolbarButton",
+ dojo.lang.mixin(props||{}, {icon: wh}));
+ } else {
+ item = dojo.widget.createWidget("ToolbarButton",
+ dojo.lang.mixin(props||{}, {label: wh.toString()}));
+ }
+ return item;
+/* ToolbarButtonGroup
+ *********************/
+ "dojo.widget.ToolbarButtonGroup",
+ dojo.widget.ToolbarItem,
+ isContainer: true,
+ templateString: '<span unselectable="on" class="toolbarButtonGroup" dojoAttachPoint="containerNode"></span>',
+ // if a button has the same name, it will be selected
+ // if this is set to a number, the button at that index will be selected
+ defaultButton: "",
+    postCreate: function() {
+        for (var i = 0; i < this.children.length; i++) {
+            this._injectChild(this.children[i]);
+        }
+    },
+ addChild: function(item, pos, props) {
+ var widget = dojo.widget.ToolbarItem.make(item, null, dojo.lang.mixin(props||{}, {toggleItem:true}));
+ var ret =, widget, null, pos, null);
+        this._injectChild(widget);
+        return ret;
+    },
+    _injectChild: function(widget) {
+        dojo.event.connect(widget, "onSelect", this, "onChildSelected");
+        dojo.event.connect(widget, "onDeselect", this, "onChildDeSelected");
+        if(widget._name == this.defaultButton
+ || (typeof this.defaultButton == "number"
+ && this.children.length-1 == this.defaultButton)) {
+, true);
+ }
+ },
+ getItem: function(name) {
+ if(name instanceof dojo.widget.ToolbarItem) { return name; }
+ for(var i = 0; i < this.children.length; i++) {
+ var child = this.children[i];
+ if(child instanceof dojo.widget.ToolbarItem
+ && child._name == name) { return child; }
+ }
+ return null;
+ },
+ getItems: function() {
+ var items = [];
+ for(var i = 0; i < this.children.length; i++) {
+ var child = this.children[i];
+ if(child instanceof dojo.widget.ToolbarItem) {
+ items.push(child);
+ }
+ }
+ return items;
+ },
+ onChildSelected: function(e) {
+ },
+ onChildDeSelected: function(e) {
+ this._fireEvent("onChangeSelect", this._value);
+ },
+ enable: function(force, preventEvent) {
+ for(var i = 0; i < this.children.length; i++) {
+ var child = this.children[i];
+ if(child instanceof dojo.widget.ToolbarItem) {
+ child.enable(force, preventEvent);
+ if(child._name == this._value) {
+, preventEvent);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ disable: function(force, preventEvent) {
+ for(var i = 0; i < this.children.length; i++) {
+ var child = this.children[i];
+ if(child instanceof dojo.widget.ToolbarItem) {
+ child.disable(force, preventEvent);
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ _value: "",
+ getValue: function() { return this._value; },
+ select: function(name, force, preventEvent) {
+ for(var i = 0; i < this.children.length; i++) {
+ var child = this.children[i];
+ if(child instanceof dojo.widget.ToolbarItem) {
+ if(child._name == name) {
+, preventEvent);
+ this._value = name;
+ } else {
+ child.deselect(true, true);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(!preventEvent) {
+ this._fireEvent("onSelect", this._value);
+ this._fireEvent("onChangeSelect", this._value);
+ }
+ },
+ setValue:,
+ preventDeselect: false // if true, once you select one, you can't have none selected
+/* ToolbarButton
+ ***********************/
+ "dojo.widget.ToolbarButton",
+ dojo.widget.ToolbarItem,
+ fillInTemplate: function(args, frag) {
+, args, frag);
+ dojo.html.addClass(this.domNode, "toolbarButton");
+ if(this._icon) {
+ this.setIcon(this._icon);
+ }
+ if(this._label) {
+ this.setLabel(this._label);
+ }
+ if(!this._name) {
+ if(this._label) {
+ this.setName(this._label);
+ } else if(this._icon) {
+ var src = this._icon.getSrc("enabled").match(/[\/^]([^\.\/]+)\.(gif|jpg|jpeg|png)$/i);
+ if(src) { this.setName(src[1]); }
+ } else {
+ this._name = this._widgetId;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+/* ToolbarDialog
+ **********************/
+ "dojo.widget.ToolbarDialog",
+ dojo.widget.ToolbarButton,
+ fillInTemplate: function (args, frag) {
+, args, frag);
+ dojo.event.connect(this, "onSelect", this, "showDialog");
+ dojo.event.connect(this, "onDeselect", this, "hideDialog");
+ },
+ showDialog: function (e) {
+ dojo.lang.setTimeout(dojo.event.connect, 1, document, "onmousedown", this, "deselect");
+ },
+ hideDialog: function (e) {
+ dojo.event.disconnect(document, "onmousedown", this, "deselect");
+ }
+/* ToolbarMenu
+ **********************/
+ "dojo.widget.ToolbarMenu",
+ dojo.widget.ToolbarDialog,
+ {}
+/* ToolbarMenuItem
+ ******************/
+dojo.widget.ToolbarMenuItem = function() {
+/* ToolbarSeparator
+ **********************/
+ "dojo.widget.ToolbarSeparator",
+ dojo.widget.ToolbarItem,
+ templateString: '<span unselectable="on" class="toolbarItem toolbarSeparator"></span>',
+ defaultIconPath: new dojo.uri.dojoUri("src/widget/templates/buttons/sep.gif"),
+ fillInTemplate: function(args, frag, skip) {
+, args, frag);
+ this._name = this.widgetId;
+ if(!skip) {
+ if(!this._icon) {
+ this.setIcon(this.defaultIconPath);
+ }
+ this.domNode.appendChild(this._icon.getNode());
+ }
+ },
+ // don't want events!
+ _onmouseover: null,
+    _onmouseout: null,
+    _onclick: null,
+    _onmousedown: null,
+    _onmouseup: null
+/* ToolbarSpace
+ **********************/
+ "dojo.widget.ToolbarSpace",
+ dojo.widget.ToolbarSeparator,
+ fillInTemplate: function(args, frag, skip) {
+, args, frag, true);
+ if(!skip) {
+ dojo.html.addClass(this.domNode, "toolbarSpace");
+ }
+ }
+/* ToolbarSelect
+ ******************/
+ "dojo.widget.ToolbarSelect",
+ dojo.widget.ToolbarItem,
+ templateString: '<span class="toolbarItem toolbarSelect" unselectable="on"><select dojoAttachPoint="selectBox" dojoOnChange="changed"></select></span>',
+ fillInTemplate: function(args, frag) {
+, args, frag, true);
+ var keys = args.values;
+ var i = 0;
+ for(var val in keys) {
+ var opt = document.createElement("option");
+ opt.setAttribute("value", keys[val]);
+ opt.innerHTML = val;
+ this.selectBox.appendChild(opt);
+ }
+ },
+ changed: function(e) {
+ this._fireEvent("onSetValue", this.selectBox.value);
+ },
+ setEnabled: function(is, force, preventEvent) {
+ var ret =, is, force, preventEvent);
+ this.selectBox.disabled = this.disabled;
+ return ret;
+ },
+ // don't want events!
+ _onmouseover: null,
+    _onmouseout: null,
+    _onclick: null,
+    _onmousedown: null,
+    _onmouseup: null
+/* Icon
+ *********/
+// arguments can be IMG nodes, Image() instances or URLs -- enabled is the only one required
+dojo.widget.Icon = function(enabled, disabled, hovered, selected){
+ if(!arguments.length){
+ // FIXME: should this be dojo.raise?
+ throw new Error("Icon must have at least an enabled state");
+ }
+ var states = ["enabled", "disabled", "hovered", "selected"];
+ var currentState = "enabled";
+ var domNode = document.createElement("img");
+ this.getState = function(){ return currentState; }
+ this.setState = function(value){
+ if(dojo.lang.inArray(states, value)){
+ if(this[value]){
+ currentState = value;
+ var img = this[currentState];
+ if ((dojo.render.html.ie55 || dojo.render.html.ie60) && img.src && img.src.match(/[.]png$/i) ) {
+ domNode.width = img.width||img.offsetWidth;
+ domNode.height = img.height||img.offsetHeight;
+ domNode.setAttribute("src", dojo.uri.dojoUri("src/widget/templates/images/blank.gif").uri);
+ } else {
+ domNode.setAttribute("src", img.src);
+ }
+ }
+ }else{
+ throw new Error("Invalid state set on Icon (state: " + value + ")");
+ }
+ }
+ this.setSrc = function(state, value){
+ if(/^img$/i.test(value.tagName)){
+ this[state] = value;
+ }else if(typeof value == "string" || value instanceof String
+ || value instanceof dojo.uri.Uri){
+ this[state] = new Image();
+ this[state].src = value.toString();
+ }
+ return this[state];
+ }
+ this.setIcon = function(icon){
+ for(var i = 0; i < states.length; i++){
+ if(icon[states[i]]){
+ this.setSrc(states[i], icon[states[i]]);
+ }
+ }
+ this.update();
+ }
+ this.enable = function(){ this.setState("enabled"); }
+ this.disable = function(){ this.setState("disabled"); }
+ this.hover = function(){ this.setState("hovered"); }
+ = function(){ this.setState("selected"); }
+ this.getSize = function(){
+ return {
+ width: domNode.width||domNode.offsetWidth,
+ height: domNode.height||domNode.offsetHeight
+ };
+ }
+ this.setSize = function(w, h){
+ domNode.width = w;
+ domNode.height = h;
+ return { width: w, height: h };
+ }
+ this.getNode = function(){
+ return domNode;
+ }
+ this.getSrc = function(state){
+ if(state){ return this[state].src; }
+ return domNode.src||"";
+ }
+ this.update = function(){
+ this.setState(currentState);
+ }
+ for(var i = 0; i < states.length; i++){
+ var arg = arguments[i];
+ var state = states[i];
+ this[state] = null;
+ if(!arg){ continue; }
+ this.setSrc(state, arg);
+ }
+ this.enable();
+dojo.widget.Icon.make = function(a,b,c,d){
+ for(var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++){
+ if(arguments[i] instanceof dojo.widget.Icon){
+ return arguments[i];
+ }
+ }
+ return new dojo.widget.Icon(a,b,c,d);
+/* ToolbarColorDialog
+ ******************/
+ "dojo.widget.ToolbarColorDialog",
+ dojo.widget.ToolbarDialog,
+ palette: "7x10",
+ fillInTemplate: function (args, frag) {
+, args, frag);
+ this.dialog = dojo.widget.createWidget("ColorPalette", {palette: this.palette});
+ = "absolute";
+ dojo.event.connect(this.dialog, "onColorSelect", this, "_setValue");
+ },
+ _setValue: function(color) {
+ this._value = color;
+ this._fireEvent("onSetValue", color);
+ },
+ showDialog: function (e) {
+, e);
+ var abs = dojo.html.getAbsolutePosition(this.domNode, true);
+ var y = abs.y + dojo.html.getBorderBox(this.domNode).height;
+ this.dialog.showAt(abs.x, y);
+ },
+ hideDialog: function (e) {
+, e);
+ this.dialog.hide();
+ }
\ No newline at end of file

Propchange: ofbiz/trunk/framework/images/webapp/images/dojo/src/widget/Toolbar.js
    svn:eol-style = native

Propchange: ofbiz/trunk/framework/images/webapp/images/dojo/src/widget/Toolbar.js
    svn:keywords = "Date Rev Author URL Id"

Propchange: ofbiz/trunk/framework/images/webapp/images/dojo/src/widget/Toolbar.js
    svn:mime-type = text/plain

Added: ofbiz/trunk/framework/images/webapp/images/dojo/src/widget/Tooltip.js
--- ofbiz/trunk/framework/images/webapp/images/dojo/src/widget/Tooltip.js (added)
+++ ofbiz/trunk/framework/images/webapp/images/dojo/src/widget/Tooltip.js Mon Feb 19 09:56:06 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
+ Copyright (c) 2004-2006, The Dojo Foundation
+ All Rights Reserved.
+ Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1 or above OR the
+ modified BSD license. For more information on Dojo licensing, see:
+ "dojo.widget.Tooltip",
+ [dojo.widget.ContentPane, dojo.widget.PopupContainerBase],
+ {
+ // summary
+ // Pops up a tooltip (a help message) when you hover over a node
+ // caption: String
+ // Text to display in the tooltip.
+ // Can also be specified as innerHTML (when creating the widget from markup).
+ caption: "",
+ // showDelay: Integer
+ // Number of milliseconds to wait after hovering over the object, before
+ // the tooltip is displayed.
+ showDelay: 500,
+ // hideDelay: Integer
+ // Number of milliseconds to wait after moving mouse off of the object (or
+ // off of the tooltip itself), before erasing the tooltip
+ hideDelay: 100,
+ // connectId: String
+ // Id of domNode to attach the tooltip to.
+ // (When user hovers over specified dom node, the tooltip will appear.)
+ connectId: "",
+ templateCssPath: dojo.uri.dojoUri("src/widget/templates/TooltipTemplate.css"),
+ fillInTemplate: function(args, frag){
+ if(this.caption != ""){
+ this.domNode.appendChild(document.createTextNode(this.caption));
+ }
+ this._connectNode = dojo.byId(this.connectId);
+, args, frag);
+ this.addOnLoad(this, "_loadedContent");
+ dojo.html.addClass(this.domNode, "dojoTooltip");
+ //copy style from input node to output node
+ var source = this.getFragNodeRef(frag);
+ dojo.html.copyStyle(this.domNode, source);
+ //apply the necessary css rules to the node so that it can popup
+ this.applyPopupBasicStyle();
+ },
+ postCreate: function(args, frag){
+ dojo.event.connect(this._connectNode, "onmouseover", this, "_onMouseOver");
+, args, frag);
+ },
+ _onMouseOver: function(e){
+ this._mouse = {x: e.pageX, y: e.pageY};
+ // Start tracking mouse movements, so we know when to cancel timers or erase the tooltip
+ if(!this._tracking){
+ dojo.event.connect(document.documentElement, "onmousemove", this, "_onMouseMove");
+ this._tracking=true;
+ }
+ this._onHover(e);
+ },
+ _onMouseMove: function(e) {
+ this._mouse = {x: e.pageX, y: e.pageY};
+ if(dojo.html.overElement(this._connectNode, e) || dojo.html.overElement(this.domNode, e)){
+ this._onHover(e);
+ } else {
+ // mouse has been moved off the element/tooltip
+ // note: can't use onMouseOut to detect this because the "explode" effect causes
+ // spurious onMouseOut events (due to interference from outline), w/out corresponding _onMouseOver
+ this._onUnHover(e);
+ }
+ },
+ _onHover: function(e) {
+ if(this._hover){ return; }
+ this._hover=true;
+ // If the tooltip has been scheduled to be erased, cancel that timer
+ // since we are hovering over element/tooltip again
+ if(this._hideTimer) {
+ clearTimeout(this._hideTimer);
+ delete this._hideTimer;
+ }
+ // If tooltip not showing yet then set a timer to show it shortly
+ if(!this.isShowingNow && !this._showTimer){
+ this._showTimer = setTimeout(dojo.lang.hitch(this, "open"), this.showDelay);
+ }
+ },
+ _onUnHover: function(e){
+ if(!this._hover){ return; }
+ this._hover=false;
+ if(this._showTimer){
+ clearTimeout(this._showTimer);
+ delete this._showTimer;
+ }
+ if(this.isShowingNow && !this._hideTimer){
+ this._hideTimer = setTimeout(dojo.lang.hitch(this, "close"), this.hideDelay);
+ }
+ // If we aren't showing the tooltip, then we can stop tracking the mouse now;
+ // otherwise must track the mouse until tooltip disappears
+ if(!this.isShowingNow){
+ dojo.event.disconnect(document.documentElement, "onmousemove", this, "_onMouseMove");
+ this._tracking=false;
+ }
+ },
+ open: function() {
+ // summary: display the tooltip; usually not called directly.
+ if (this.isShowingNow) { return; }
+, this._mouse.x, this._mouse.y, null, [this._mouse.x, this._mouse.y], "TL,TR,BL,BR", [10,15]);
+ },
+ close: function() {
+ // summary: hide the tooltip; usually not called directly.
+ if (this.isShowingNow) {
+ if ( this._showTimer ) {
+ clearTimeout(this._showTimer);
+ delete this._showTimer;
+ }
+ if ( this._hideTimer ) {
+ clearTimeout(this._hideTimer);
+ delete this._hideTimer;
+ }
+ dojo.event.disconnect(document.documentElement, "onmousemove", this, "_onMouseMove");
+ this._tracking=false;
+ }
+ },
+ _position: function(){
+ this.move(this._mouse.x, this._mouse.y, [10,15], "TL,TR,BL,BR");
+ },
+ _loadedContent: function(){
+ if(this.isShowingNow){
+ // the tooltip has changed size due to downloaded contents, so reposition it
+ this._position();
+ }
+ },
+ checkSize: function(){
+ // Override checkSize() in HtmlWidget.
+ // checkSize() is called when the user has resized the browser window,
+ // but that doesn't affect this widget (or this widget's children)
+ // so it can be safely ignored
+ },
+ uninitialize: function(){
+ this.close();
+ dojo.event.disconnect(this._connectNode, "onmouseover", this, "_onMouseOver");
+ }
+ }

Propchange: ofbiz/trunk/framework/images/webapp/images/dojo/src/widget/Tooltip.js
    svn:eol-style = native

Propchange: ofbiz/trunk/framework/images/webapp/images/dojo/src/widget/Tooltip.js
    svn:keywords = "Date Rev Author URL Id"

Propchange: ofbiz/trunk/framework/images/webapp/images/dojo/src/widget/Tooltip.js
    svn:mime-type = text/plain

Added: ofbiz/trunk/framework/images/webapp/images/dojo/src/widget/Tree.js
--- ofbiz/trunk/framework/images/webapp/images/dojo/src/widget/Tree.js (added)
+++ ofbiz/trunk/framework/images/webapp/images/dojo/src/widget/Tree.js Mon Feb 19 09:56:06 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,563 @@
+ Copyright (c) 2004-2006, The Dojo Foundation
+ All Rights Reserved.
+ Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1 or above OR the
+ modified BSD license. For more information on Dojo licensing, see:
+ * Tree model does all the drawing, visual node management etc.
+ * Throws events about clicks on it, so someone may catch them and process
+ * Tree knows nothing about DnD stuff, covered in TreeDragAndDrop and (if enabled) attached by controller
+ * TODO: use domNode.cloneNode instead of createElement for grid
+ * Should be faster (lyxsus)
+ */
+dojo.widget.defineWidget("dojo.widget.Tree", dojo.widget.HtmlWidget, function() {
+ this.eventNames = {};
+ this.tree = this;
+ this.DNDAcceptTypes = [];
+ this.actionsDisabled = [];
+ widgetType: "Tree",
+ eventNamesDefault: {
+ // new child does not get domNode filled in (only template draft)
+ // until addChild->createDOMNode is called(program way) OR createDOMNode (html-way)
+ // hook events to operate on new DOMNode, create dropTargets etc
+ createDOMNode: "createDOMNode",
+ // tree created.. Perform tree-wide actions if needed
+ treeCreate: "treeCreate",
+ treeDestroy: "treeDestroy",
+ // expand icon clicked
+ treeClick: "treeClick",
+ // node icon clicked
+ iconClick: "iconClick",
+ // node title clicked
+ titleClick: "titleClick",
+ moveFrom: "moveFrom",
+ moveTo: "moveTo",
+ addChild: "addChild",
+ removeNode: "removeNode",
+ expand: "expand",
+ collapse: "collapse"
+ },
+ isContainer: true,
+ DNDMode: "off",
+ lockLevel: 0, // lock ++ unlock --, so nested locking works fine
+ strictFolders: true,
+ DNDModes: {
+ ONTO: 2
+ },
+ DNDAcceptTypes: "",
+ templateCssPath: dojo.uri.dojoUri("src/widget/templates/images/Tree/Tree.css"),
+ templateString: '<div class="dojoTree"></div>',
+ isExpanded: true, // consider this "root node" to be always expanded
+ isTree: true,
+ objectId: "",
+ // autoCreate if not "off"
+ // used to get the autocreated controller ONLY.
+ // generally, tree DOES NOT KNOW about its CONTROLLER, it just doesn't care
+ // controller gets messages via dojo.event
+ controller: "",
+ // autoCreate if not "off"
+ // used to get the autocreated selector ONLY.
+ // generally, tree DOES NOT KNOW its SELECTOR
+ // binding is made with dojo.event
+ selector: "",
+ // used ONLY at initialization time
+ menu: "", // autobind menu if menu's widgetId is set here
+ expandLevel: "", // expand to level automatically
+ //
+ // these icons control the grid and expando buttons for the whole tree
+ //
+ blankIconSrc: dojo.uri.dojoUri("src/widget/templates/images/Tree/treenode_blank.gif"),
+ gridIconSrcT: dojo.uri.dojoUri("src/widget/templates/images/Tree/treenode_grid_t.gif"), // for non-last child grid
+ gridIconSrcL: dojo.uri.dojoUri("src/widget/templates/images/Tree/treenode_grid_l.gif"), // for last child grid
+ gridIconSrcV: dojo.uri.dojoUri("src/widget/templates/images/Tree/treenode_grid_v.gif"), // vertical line
+ gridIconSrcP: dojo.uri.dojoUri("src/widget/templates/images/Tree/treenode_grid_p.gif"), // for under parent item child icons
+ gridIconSrcC: dojo.uri.dojoUri("src/widget/templates/images/Tree/treenode_grid_c.gif"), // for under child item child icons
+ gridIconSrcX: dojo.uri.dojoUri("src/widget/templates/images/Tree/treenode_grid_x.gif"), // grid for sole root item
+ gridIconSrcY: dojo.uri.dojoUri("src/widget/templates/images/Tree/treenode_grid_y.gif"), // grid for last rrot item
+ gridIconSrcZ: dojo.uri.dojoUri("src/widget/templates/images/Tree/treenode_grid_z.gif"), // for under root parent item child icon
+ expandIconSrcPlus: dojo.uri.dojoUri("src/widget/templates/images/Tree/treenode_expand_plus.gif"),
+ expandIconSrcMinus: dojo.uri.dojoUri("src/widget/templates/images/Tree/treenode_expand_minus.gif"),
+ expandIconSrcLoading: dojo.uri.dojoUri("src/widget/templates/images/Tree/treenode_loading.gif"),
+ iconWidth: 18,
+ iconHeight: 18,
+ //
+ // tree options
+ //
+ showGrid: true,
+ showRootGrid: true,
+ actionIsDisabled: function(action) {
+ var _this = this;
+ return dojo.lang.inArray(_this.actionsDisabled, action)
+ },
+ actions: {
+ },
+ getInfo: function() {
+ var info = {
+ widgetId: this.widgetId,
+ objectId: this.objectId
+ }
+ return info;
+ },
+ initializeController: function() {
+ if (this.controller != "off") {
+ if (this.controller) {
+ this.controller = dojo.widget.byId(this.controller);
+ }
+ else {
+ // create default controller here
+ dojo.require("dojo.widget.TreeBasicController");
+ this.controller = dojo.widget.createWidget("TreeBasicController",
+ { DNDController: (this.DNDMode ? "create" : ""), dieWithTree: true }
+ );
+ }
+ this.controller.listenTree(this); // controller listens to my events
+ } else {
+ this.controller = null;
+ }
+ },
+ initializeSelector: function() {
+ if (this.selector != "off") {
+ if (this.selector) {
+ this.selector = dojo.widget.byId(this.selector);
+ }
+ else {
+ // create default controller here
+ dojo.require("dojo.widget.TreeSelector");
+ this.selector = dojo.widget.createWidget("TreeSelector", {dieWithTree: true});
+ }
+ this.selector.listenTree(this);
+ } else {
+ this.selector = null;
+ }
+ },
+ initialize: function(args, frag){
+ var _this = this;
+ for(name in this.eventNamesDefault) {
+ if (dojo.lang.isUndefined(this.eventNames[name])) {
+ this.eventNames[name] = this.widgetId+"/"+this.eventNamesDefault[name];
+ }
+ }
+ for(var i=0; i<this.actionsDisabled.length; i++) {
+ this.actionsDisabled[i] = this.actionsDisabled[i].toUpperCase();
+ }
+ if (this.DNDMode == "off") {
+ this.DNDMode = 0;
+ } else if (this.DNDMode == "between") {
+ this.DNDMode = this.DNDModes.ONTO | this.DNDModes.BETWEEN;
+ } else if (this.DNDMode == "onto") {
+ this.DNDMode = this.DNDModes.ONTO;
+ }
+ this.expandLevel = parseInt(this.expandLevel);
+ this.initializeSelector();
+ this.initializeController();
+ if ( {
+ = dojo.widget.byId(;
+ }
+ this.containerNode = this.domNode;
+ },
+ postCreate: function() {
+ this.createDOMNode();
+ },
+ createDOMNode: function() {
+ dojo.html.disableSelection(this.domNode);
+ for(var i=0; i<this.children.length; i++){
+ this.children[i].parent = this; // root nodes have tree as parent
+ var node = this.children[i].createDOMNode(this, 0);
+ this.domNode.appendChild(node);
+ }
+ if (!this.showRootGrid){
+ for(var i=0; i<this.children.length; i++){
+ this.children[i].expand();
+ }
+ }
+ dojo.event.topic.publish(this.eventNames.treeCreate, { source: this } );
+ },
+ destroy: function() {
+ dojo.event.topic.publish(this.tree.eventNames.treeDestroy, { source: this } );
+ return dojo.widget.HtmlWidget.prototype.destroy.apply(this, arguments);
+ },
+ addChild: function(child, index) {
+// dojo.debug("doAddChild "+index+" called for "+child);
+ var message = {
+ child: child,
+ index: index,
+ parent: this,
+ // remember if dom was already initialized
+ // initialized => no createDOMNode => no createDOMNode event
+ domNodeInitialized: child.domNodeInitialized
+ }
+ this.doAddChild.apply(this, arguments);
+ dojo.event.topic.publish(this.tree.eventNames.addChild, message);
+ },
+ // not called for initial tree building. See createDOMNode instead.
+ // builds child html node if needed
+ // index is "last node" by default
+ /**
+ * FIXME: Is it possible that removeNode from the tree will cause leaks cause of attached events ?
+ * if yes, then only attach events in addChild and detach in remove.. Seems all ok yet.
+ */
+ doAddChild: function(child, index){
+ if (dojo.lang.isUndefined(index)) {
+ index = this.children.length;
+ }
+ if (!child.isTreeNode){
+ dojo.raise("You can only add TreeNode widgets to a "+this.widgetType+" widget!");
+ return;
+ }
+ // usually it is impossible to change "isFolder" state, but if anyone wants to add a child to leaf,
+ // it is possible program-way.
+ if (this.isTreeNode){
+ if (!this.isFolder) { // just became a folder.
+ //dojo.debug("becoming folder "+this);
+ this.setFolder();
+ }
+ }
+ // adjust tree
+ var _this = this;
+ dojo.lang.forEach(child.getDescendants(), function(elem) { elem.tree = _this.tree; });
+ // fix parent
+ child.parent = this;
+ // no dynamic loading for those who become parents
+ if (this.isTreeNode) {
+ this.state = this.loadStates.LOADED;
+ }
+ // add new child into DOM after it was added into children
+ if (index < this.children.length) { // children[] already has child
+ //dojo.debug("Inserting before "+this.children[index].title);
+ dojo.html.insertBefore(child.domNode, this.children[index].domNode);
+ } else {
+ this.containerNode.appendChild(child.domNode);
+ if (this.isExpanded && this.isTreeNode) {
+ /* When I add children to hidden containerNode => show container w/ them */
+ this.showChildren();
+ }
+ }
+ this.children.splice(index, 0, child);
+ //dojo.debugShallow(this.children);
+ // if node exists - adjust its depth, otherwise build it
+ if (child.domNodeInitialized) {
+ var d = this.isTreeNode ? this.depth : -1;
+ child.adjustDepth( d - child.depth + 1 );
+ // update icons to link generated dom with Tree => updateParentGrid
+ // if I moved child from LastNode inside the tree => need to link it up'n'down =>
+ // updateExpandGridColumn
+ // if I change depth => need to update all grid..
+ child.updateIconTree();
+ } else {
+ //dojo.debug("Create domnode ");
+ child.depth = this.isTreeNode ? this.depth+1 : 0;
+ child.createDOMNode(child.tree, child.depth);
+ }
+ // Use-case:
+ // When previous sibling was created => it was last, no children after it
+ // so it did not create link down => let's add it for all descendants
+ // Use-case:
+ // a child was moved down under the last node so last node should be updated
+ var prevSibling = child.getPreviousSibling();
+ if (child.isLastChild() && prevSibling) {
+ prevSibling.updateExpandGridColumn();
+ }
+ //dojo.debug("Added child "+child);
+ },
+ makeBlankImg: function() {
+ var img = document.createElement('img');
+ = this.iconWidth + 'px';
+ = this.iconHeight + 'px';
+ img.src = this.blankIconSrc;
+ = 'middle';
+ return img;
+ },
+ updateIconTree: function(){
+ //dojo.debug("Update icons for "+this)
+ if (!this.isTree) {
+ this.updateIcons();
+ }
+ for(var i=0; i<this.children.length; i++){
+ this.children[i].updateIconTree();
+ }
+ },
+ toString: function() {
+ return "["+this.widgetType+" ID:"+this.widgetId+"]"
+ },
+ /**
+ * Move child to newParent as last child
+ * redraw tree and update icons.
+ *
+ * Called by target, saves source in event.
+ * events are published for BOTH trees AFTER update.
+ */
+ move: function(child, newParent, index) {
+ //dojo.debug(child+" "+newParent+" at "+index);
+ var oldParent = child.parent;
+ var oldTree = child.tree;
+ this.doMove.apply(this, arguments);
+ var newParent = child.parent;
+ var newTree = child.tree;
+ var message = {
+ oldParent: oldParent, oldTree: oldTree,
+ newParent: newParent, newTree: newTree,
+ child: child
+ };
+ /* publish events here about structural changes for both source and target trees */
+ dojo.event.topic.publish(oldTree.eventNames.moveFrom, message);
+ dojo.event.topic.publish(newTree.eventNames.moveTo, message);
+ },
+ /* do actual parent change here. Write remove child first */
+ doMove: function(child, newParent, index) {
+ //var parent = child.parent;
+ child.parent.doRemoveNode(child);
+ newParent.doAddChild(child, index);
+ },
+// ================================ removeNode ===================================
+ removeNode: function(child) {
+ if (!child.parent) return;
+ var oldTree = child.tree;
+ var oldParent = child.parent;
+ var removedChild = this.doRemoveNode.apply(this, arguments);
+ dojo.event.topic.publish(this.tree.eventNames.removeNode,
+ { child: removedChild, tree: oldTree, parent: oldParent }
+ );
+ return removedChild;
+ },
+ doRemoveNode: function(child) {
+ if (!child.parent) return;
+ var parent = child.parent;
+ var children = parent.children;
+ var index = child.getParentIndex();
+ if (index < 0) {
+ dojo.raise("Couldn't find node "+child+" for removal");
+ }
+ children.splice(index,1);
+ dojo.html.removeNode(child.domNode);
+ if (parent.children.length == 0 && !parent.isTree) {
+ = "none";
+ }
+ // if WAS last node (children.length decreased already) and has prevSibling
+ if (index == children.length && index>0) {
+ children[index-1].updateExpandGridColumn();
+ }
+ // if it WAS first node in WHOLE TREE -
+ // update link up of its former lower neighbour(if exists still)
+ if (parent instanceof dojo.widget.Tree && index == 0 && children.length>0) {
+ children[0].updateExpandGrid();
+ }
+ //parent.updateIconTree();
+ child.parent = child.tree = null;
+ return child;
+ },
+ markLoading: function() {
+ // no way to mark tree loading
+ },
+ unMarkLoading: function() {
+ // no way to show that tree finished loading
+ },
+ lock: function() {
+ !this.lockLevel && this.markLoading();
+ this.lockLevel++;
+ },
+ unlock: function() {
+ if (!this.lockLevel) {
+ dojo.raise("unlock: not locked");
+ }
+ this.lockLevel--;
+ !this.lockLevel && this.unMarkLoading();
+ },
+ isLocked: function() {
+ var node = this;
+ while (true) {
+ if (node.lockLevel) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (node instanceof dojo.widget.Tree) {
+ break;
+ }
+ node = node.parent;
+ }
+ return false;
+ },
+ flushLock: function() {
+ this.lockLevel = 0;
+ this.unMarkLoading();
+ }

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