svn commit: r553909 [2/3] - in /ofbiz/trunk/specialpurpose/oagis: servicedef/secas.xml servicedef/services.xml src/org/ofbiz/oagis/ src/org/ofbiz/oagis/ src/org/ofbiz/oagis/

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svn commit: r553909 [2/3] - in /ofbiz/trunk/specialpurpose/oagis: servicedef/secas.xml servicedef/services.xml src/org/ofbiz/oagis/ src/org/ofbiz/oagis/ src/org/ofbiz/oagis/

Modified: ofbiz/trunk/specialpurpose/oagis/src/org/ofbiz/oagis/
--- ofbiz/trunk/specialpurpose/oagis/src/org/ofbiz/oagis/ (original)
+++ ofbiz/trunk/specialpurpose/oagis/src/org/ofbiz/oagis/ Fri Jul  6 07:46:27 2007
@@ -1,656 +1,682 @@
-package org.ofbiz.oagis;
-Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-distributed with this work for additional information
-regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-specific language governing permissions and limitations
-under the License.
-import java.text.DateFormat;
-import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
-import java.util.HashMap;
-import java.util.Map;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Iterator;
-import java.util.Date;
-import java.text.DateFormat;
-import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
-import java.text.ParseException;
-import javolution.util.FastList;
-import javolution.util.FastMap;
-import java.sql.Timestamp;
-import org.ofbiz.entity.GenericEntityException;
-import org.ofbiz.entity.util.EntityUtil;
-import org.ofbiz.base.util.Debug;
-import org.ofbiz.base.util.UtilDateTime;
-import org.ofbiz.base.util.UtilMisc;
-import org.ofbiz.base.util.UtilXml;
-import org.ofbiz.entity.GenericDelegator;
-import org.ofbiz.entity.GenericValue;
-import org.ofbiz.service.DispatchContext;
-import org.ofbiz.service.GenericServiceException;
-import org.ofbiz.service.LocalDispatcher;
-import org.ofbiz.service.ServiceUtil;
-import org.w3c.dom.Document;
-import org.w3c.dom.Element;
-public class OagisInventoryServices {
-    public static final String module = OagisInventoryServices.class.getName();
-    public static Map syncInventory(DispatchContext ctx, Map context) {
-        InputStream in = (InputStream) context.get("inputStream");
-        OutputStream out = (OutputStream) context.get("outputStream");
-        GenericDelegator delegator = ctx.getDelegator();
-        LocalDispatcher dispatcher = ctx.getDispatcher();
-        //create a List for Storing  error Information
-        List errorList = FastList.newInstance();
-        // create Map for service sendConfirmBod
-        Map sendConfirmBodCtx = FastMap.newInstance();
-        GenericValue contactMech = null;
-        GenericValue facilityContactMech=null;
-        GenericValue  userLogin = null ;
-        String contactMechId = null;
-        String emailString = null;
-        String contactMechTypeId = null;
-        String errMsg = null;
-        try {
-            userLogin = delegator.findByPrimaryKey("UserLogin",UtilMisc.toMap("userLoginId","admin"));
-            Document doc = UtilXml.readXmlDocument(in, true, "SyncInventory");
-            Element receiveInventoryElement = doc.getDocumentElement();
-            receiveInventoryElement.normalize();
-            Element docCtrlAreaElement = UtilXml.firstChildElement(receiveInventoryElement, "N1:CNTROLAREA");
-            Element docSenderElement = UtilXml.firstChildElement(docCtrlAreaElement, "N1:SENDER");
-            Element docBsrElement = UtilXml.firstChildElement(docCtrlAreaElement, "N1:BSR");
-            String bsrVerb = UtilXml.childElementValue(docBsrElement, "N2:VERB");
-            String bsrNoun = UtilXml.childElementValue(docBsrElement, "N2:NOUN");
-            String bsrRevision = UtilXml.childElementValue(docBsrElement, "N2:REVISION");
-            String logicalId = UtilXml.childElementValue(docSenderElement, "N2:LOGICALID");
-            String component = UtilXml.childElementValue(docSenderElement, "N2:COMPONENT");
-            String task = UtilXml.childElementValue(docSenderElement, "N2:TASK");
-            String referenceId = UtilXml.childElementValue(docSenderElement, "N2:REFERENCEID");
-            String confirmation = UtilXml.childElementValue(docSenderElement, "N2:CONFIRMATION");
-//            String language = UtilXml.childElementValue(docSenderElement, "N2:LANGUAGE");
-//            String codePage = UtilXml.childElementValue(docSenderElement, "N2:CODEPAGE");
-            String authId = UtilXml.childElementValue(docSenderElement, "N2:AUTHID");
-            Element dataAreaElement = UtilXml.firstChildElement(receiveInventoryElement, "n:DATAAREA");
-            Element dataAreaSyncInventoryElement = UtilXml.firstChildElement(dataAreaElement, "n:SYNC_INVENTORY");
-            Element dataAreaInventoryElement = UtilXml.firstChildElement(dataAreaSyncInventoryElement, "n:INVENTORY");
-            String receivedDate = UtilXml.childElementValue(dataAreaInventoryElement, "N1:DATETIMEANY");
-            Element dataAreaQuantityElement = UtilXml.firstChildElement(dataAreaInventoryElement, "N1:QUANTITY");
-            String value = UtilXml.childElementValue(dataAreaQuantityElement, "N2:VALUE");
-//            String numOfDec = UtilXml.childElementValue(dataAreaQuantityElement, "N2:NUMOFDEC");
-            String sign = UtilXml.childElementValue(dataAreaQuantityElement, "N2:SIGN");
-            String uom = UtilXml.childElementValue(dataAreaQuantityElement, "N2:UOM");
-            String item = UtilXml.childElementValue(dataAreaQuantityElement, "N2:ITEM");
-            String itemStatus = UtilXml.childElementValue(dataAreaQuantityElement, "N2:ITEMSTATUS");
-            double quantityAccepted ;
-            double quantityRejected ;
-            if ( sign.equals("+")) {
-                quantityAccepted = Double.parseDouble(value);
-                quantityRejected =0.0 ;
-            } else {
-                quantityRejected = Double.parseDouble(value);
-                quantityAccepted = 0.0;
-            }
-            //create Map for service receiveInventoryProduct                        
-            Map receiveInventoryCtx = FastMap.newInstance();
-            receiveInventoryCtx.put("userLogin",userLogin);
-            receiveInventoryCtx.put("statusId",itemStatus);
-            receiveInventoryCtx.put("productId",item);
-            receiveInventoryCtx.put("inventoryItemTypeId","NON_SERIAL_INV_ITEM");
-            receiveInventoryCtx.put("facilityId","WebStoreWarehouse");
-            receiveInventoryCtx.put("quantityAccepted",new Double(quantityAccepted));
-            receiveInventoryCtx.put("quantityRejected",new Double(quantityRejected));
-            receiveInventoryCtx.put("userLogin",userLogin);
-            //receiveInventoryCtx.put("uomId",uom);
-            Timestamp timestamp = null;
-            timestamp = UtilDateTime.nowTimestamp();
-            //create Map for service createOagisMessageInfo
-            Map oagisMessageInfoCtx= FastMap.newInstance();
-            oagisMessageInfoCtx.put("logicalId",logicalId);
-            oagisMessageInfoCtx.put("component",component);
-            oagisMessageInfoCtx.put("task",task);
-            oagisMessageInfoCtx.put("referenceId",referenceId);
-            oagisMessageInfoCtx.put("confirmation",confirmation);
-            oagisMessageInfoCtx.put("userLogin",userLogin);
-            oagisMessageInfoCtx.put("authId",authId);
-            oagisMessageInfoCtx.put("bsrVerb",bsrVerb);
-            oagisMessageInfoCtx.put("bsrNoun",bsrNoun);
-            oagisMessageInfoCtx.put("bsrRevision",bsrRevision);
-            oagisMessageInfoCtx.put("receivedDate",timestamp);
-            oagisMessageInfoCtx.put("outgoingMessage","N");
-           //create Map for service sendConfirmBod
-            sendConfirmBodCtx.put("logicalId",logicalId);
-            sendConfirmBodCtx.put("component",component);
-            sendConfirmBodCtx.put("task",task);
-            sendConfirmBodCtx.put("referenceId",referenceId);
-            sendConfirmBodCtx.put("userLogin",userLogin);
-            //create a Map for getting result of service getProductInventoryAvailable
-            Map gpiaResult = FastMap.newInstance();
-            try {
-                gpiaResult = dispatcher.runSync("getProductInventoryAvailable",UtilMisc.toMap("productId",item) );
-                Debug.logInfo("==============gpiaResult===== "+gpiaResult, module);            
-            } catch(GenericServiceException gse) {
-                errorList.add("Error Running Service createOagisMessageInfo");
-                String errMessageForgetProductInventoryAvailable = gse.getMessage();
-                Debug.logError(gse, errMessageForgetProductInventoryAvailable, module);
-            }
-            String availableToPromiseTotal = gpiaResult.get("availableToPromiseTotal").toString();
-            // create a Map for getting result of service receiveInventoryProduct
-            Map receiveInventoryProductResult = FastMap.newInstance();
-            try {
-                if (value.equals(availableToPromiseTotal) ) {  
-                    Debug.logInfo("==========Both Values are same  =====",module);
-                } else {
-                    //sevice for receiveInventoryProduct in InventoryItem
-                    receiveInventoryProductResult = dispatcher.runSync("receiveInventoryProduct",receiveInventoryCtx );
-                    Debug.logInfo("==============receiveInventoryProductResult===== "+receiveInventoryProductResult, module);
-                }
-            } catch(GenericServiceException gse) {
-                errorList.add("Error Running Service receiveInventoryProduct");
-                String errMessageForreceiveInventoryProduct = gse.getMessage();
-                Debug.logError(gse, errMessageForreceiveInventoryProduct, module);
-            }
-            // create a Map for getting result of service createOagisMessageInfo
-            Map oagisMessageInfoResult = FastMap.newInstance();
-            try {
-                //service for creating OagisMessageInfo  
-                oagisMessageInfoResult = dispatcher.runSync("createOagisMessageInfo", oagisMessageInfoCtx);
-                Debug.logInfo("==============oagisMessageInfoResult===== "+oagisMessageInfoResult, module);
-            } catch(GenericServiceException gse) {
-                errorList.add("Error Running Service createOagisMessageInfo");
-                String errMessageForcreateOagisMessageInfo = gse.getMessage();
-                Debug.logError(gse, errMessageForcreateOagisMessageInfo, module);
-            }
-            //create List for Getting FacilityContactMech
-            List facilityContactMechs = FastList.newInstance();
-            facilityContactMechs = delegator.findByAnd("FacilityContactMech", UtilMisc.toMap("facilityId", "WebStoreWarehouse"));
-            Iterator fcmIter  = facilityContactMechs.iterator();
-            while(fcmIter.hasNext()) {
-                facilityContactMech = (GenericValue);
-                contactMechId = facilityContactMech.getString("contactMechId");
-                contactMech = delegator.findByPrimaryKey("ContactMech", UtilMisc.toMap("contactMechId", contactMechId));
-                contactMechTypeId = contactMech.getString("contactMechTypeId");
-                if (contactMechTypeId.equals("EMAIL_ADDRESS")) {
-                    emailString = contactMech.getString("infoString");
-                }
-            }
-            //create Map for availableToPromiseTotal
-            Map atptMap = FastMap.newInstance();
-            atptMap.put("qoh", availableToPromiseTotal);
-            //create Map for getting value of ProductStoreEmailSetting
-            GenericValue psesMap = null;
-            psesMap  =   delegator.findByPrimaryKey("ProductStoreEmailSetting", UtilMisc.toMap("productStoreId", "9001", "emailType", "PRDS_OAGIS_CONFIRM"));
-            if(psesMap.get("bodyScreenLocation") != null) {
-                //create a Map for services sendMailFromScreen
-                Map notifyCtx = FastMap.newInstance();
-                String fromAddress = psesMap.getString("fromAddress");
-                notifyCtx.put("sendFrom", fromAddress);
-                String ccAddress = psesMap.getString("ccAddress");
-                notifyCtx.put("sendCc", ccAddress);
-                String bccAddress = psesMap.getString("bccAddress");
-                notifyCtx.put("sendBcc", bccAddress);
-                String contentType = psesMap.getString("contentType");
-                notifyCtx.put("contentType", contentType);
-                String subject = psesMap.getString("subject");
-                notifyCtx.put("subject", subject);
-                String bodyScreenUri = psesMap.getString("bodyScreenLocation");
-                notifyCtx.put("bodyScreenUri", bodyScreenUri);
-                Map bodyParameters = FastMap.newInstance();
-                bodyParameters.put("atptMap", atptMap);
-                notifyCtx.put("bodyParameters", bodyParameters);
-                notifyCtx.put("sendTo", emailString);
-                //service for sending emailNotification
-                dispatcher.runSync("sendMailFromScreen", notifyCtx);
-            }
-        } catch (Exception e) {
-            String errMessageReceiveInventoryProduct = "Error During Entity Interaction   ";
-            Debug.logError(e, errMessageReceiveInventoryProduct, module);
-            errorList.add("Error During Entity Interaction");
-        }
-        StringBuffer successString = new StringBuffer();
-        if (errorList.size() > 0) {
-            Iterator errorListIter = errorList.iterator();
-            while (errorListIter.hasNext()) {
-                String errorMsg = (String);
-                successString.append(errorMsg);
-                if (errorListIter.hasNext()) {
-                    successString.append(", ");
-                }
-            }
-            try {
-                 if(successString.length() > 0){
-                    //send confirm bod
-                    Map scbCtx = FastMap.newInstance();
-                    scbCtx = dispatcher.runSync("sendConfirmBod",sendConfirmBodCtx );
-                    Debug.logInfo("==========scbCtx======"+ scbCtx,module);
-                 }
-            } catch(GenericServiceException gse) {    
-                String errMessageForsendConfirmBod = gse.getMessage();
-                Debug.logError(gse, errMessageForsendConfirmBod, module);
-            }    
-        }
-        Map result = ServiceUtil.returnSuccess("Action Performed Successfully");
-        result.put("contentType", "text/plain");
-        return result;
-    }
-    public static Map receivePoAcknowledge(DispatchContext ctx, Map context) {
-        InputStream in = (InputStream) context.get("inputStream");
-        OutputStream out = (OutputStream) context.get("outputStream");
-        LocalDispatcher dispatcher = ctx.getDispatcher();
-        GenericDelegator delegator = ctx.getDelegator();
-       // GenericValue userLogin = (GenericValue) context.get("userLogin");
-        List errorList = FastList.newInstance();
-        Map sendConfirmBodCtx = FastMap.newInstance();
-        try {
-            GenericValue userLogin = delegator.findByPrimaryKey("UserLogin", UtilMisc.toMap("userLoginId", "admin"));
-            // parse the message
-            Document doc = UtilXml.readXmlDocument(in, true, "ReceivePoAcknowledge");
-            Element receivePoElement = doc.getDocumentElement();
-            receivePoElement.normalize();
-            Element docCtrlAreaElement = UtilXml.firstChildElement(receivePoElement, "N1:CNTROLAREA");
-            Element docSenderElement = UtilXml.firstChildElement(docCtrlAreaElement, "N1:SENDER");
-            Element docBsrElement = UtilXml.firstChildElement(docCtrlAreaElement, "N1:BSR");
-            String bsrVerb = UtilXml.childElementValue(docBsrElement, "N2:VERB");
-            String bsrNoun = UtilXml.childElementValue(docBsrElement, "N2:NOUN");
-            String bsrRevision = UtilXml.childElementValue(docBsrElement, "N2:REVISION");
-            String logicalId = UtilXml.childElementValue(docSenderElement, "N2:LOGICALID");
-            String component = UtilXml.childElementValue(docSenderElement, "N2:COMPONENT");
-            String task = UtilXml.childElementValue(docSenderElement, "N2:TASK");
-            String referenceId = UtilXml.childElementValue(docSenderElement, "N2:REFERENCEID");
-            String confirmation = UtilXml.childElementValue(docSenderElement, "N2:CONFIRMATION");
-//            String language = UtilXml.childElementValue(docSenderElement, "N2:LANGUAGE");
-//            String codePage = UtilXml.childElementValue(docSenderElement, "N2:CODEPAGE");
-            String authId = UtilXml.childElementValue(docSenderElement, "N2:AUTHID");
-            Element dataAreaElement = UtilXml.firstChildElement(receivePoElement, "n:DATAAREA");
-            Element acknowledgeDeliveryElement = UtilXml.firstChildElement(dataAreaElement, "n:ACKNOWLEDGE_DELIVERY");
-            Element receiptHdrElement = UtilXml.firstChildElement(acknowledgeDeliveryElement, "n:RECEIPTHDR");
-            Element qtyElement = UtilXml.firstChildElement(receiptHdrElement, "N1:QUANTITY");
-            String itemQty = UtilXml.childElementValue(qtyElement, "N2:VALUE");
-            String sign = UtilXml.childElementValue(qtyElement, "N2:SIGN");
-            String productId = UtilXml.childElementValue(receiptHdrElement, "N2:ITEM");
-//            String receivedDate = UtilXml.childElementValue(receiptHdrElement, "N1:DATETIME");
-            Element invDetailElement = UtilXml.firstChildElement(receiptHdrElement, "n:INVDETAIL");
-            String serialNumber = UtilXml.childElementValue(invDetailElement, "N2:SERIALNUM");
-            Element documentRefElement = UtilXml.firstChildElement(receiptHdrElement, "N1:DOCUMNTREF");
-            String orderTypeId = UtilXml.childElementValue(documentRefElement, "N2:DOCTYPE");
-            String orderId = UtilXml.childElementValue(documentRefElement, "N2:DOCUMENTID");
-//            String lineNum = UtilXml.childElementValue(documentRefElement, "N2:LINENUM");
-            // prepare map to create inventory against PO
-            Map cipCtx = new HashMap();
-            String inventoryItemTypeId = null;
-            if (serialNumber == null) {
-                inventoryItemTypeId = "NON_SERIAL_INV_ITEM";
-                Debug.logInfo("=========inventoryItemTypeId======="+ inventoryItemTypeId ,module);
-            }
-            else {
-                inventoryItemTypeId = "SERIALIZED_INV_ITEM";
-                Debug.logInfo("=========inventoryItemTypeId======="+ inventoryItemTypeId ,module);
-                cipCtx.put("serialNumber", serialNumber);
-            }
-            // sign handling for items
-            double quantityAccepted = 0.0;
-            double quantityRejected = 0.0;
-            if (sign.equals("+")) {
-                quantityAccepted = Double.parseDouble(itemQty);
-                Debug.logInfo("=========quantityAccepted======="+ quantityAccepted ,module);
-                quantityRejected= 0.0;
-            } else {
-                  quantityRejected = Double.parseDouble(itemQty);
-                  quantityAccepted = 0.0;
-            }
-            //prepare Map for receiveInventoryProduct
-            cipCtx.put("facilityId", "WebStoreWarehouse");
-            cipCtx.put("productId", productId);
-            cipCtx.put("inventoryItemTypeId", inventoryItemTypeId);
-            cipCtx.put("quantityAccepted", new Double(quantityAccepted));
-            cipCtx.put("quantityRejected", new Double(quantityRejected));
-            cipCtx.put("userLogin", userLogin);
-            cipCtx.put("orderId", orderId);
-            Debug.logInfo("=========cipCtx======="+ cipCtx ,module);
-            Map riResult = null;
-            Map comiResult = null;
-            try {
-                riResult = dispatcher.runSync("receiveInventoryProduct", cipCtx);
-                Debug.logInfo("==========riResult======"+ riResult ,module);
-            } catch (GenericServiceException gse) {
-                Debug.logInfo("==========riResult===2==="+ riResult ,module);
-                Debug.logInfo("==========riResult====3=="+ riResult ,module);
-                errorList.add("Error running method receiveInventoryProduct");
-                String errMessageForreceiveInventoryProduct = gse.getMessage();
-                Debug.logError(gse, errMessageForreceiveInventoryProduct, module);
-            }
-            //prepare Map for ConfirmBod Service
-            sendConfirmBodCtx.put("logicalId",logicalId);
-            sendConfirmBodCtx.put("component",component);
-            sendConfirmBodCtx.put("task",task);
-            sendConfirmBodCtx.put("referenceId",referenceId);
-            sendConfirmBodCtx.put("userLogin",userLogin);
-            sendConfirmBodCtx.put("confirmation", confirmation);
-            sendConfirmBodCtx.put("orderId", orderId);
-            // prepare map to store BOD information
-            Map comiCtx = new HashMap();
-            Timestamp timestamp = null;
-            timestamp = UtilDateTime.nowTimestamp();
-            comiCtx.put("logicalId", logicalId);
-            comiCtx.put("authId", authId);
-            comiCtx.put("referenceId", referenceId);
-            comiCtx.put("receivedDate", timestamp);
-            comiCtx.put("component", component);
-            comiCtx.put("task", task);  
-            comiCtx.put("outgoingMessage", "N");
-            comiCtx.put("confirmation", confirmation);
-            comiCtx.put("bsrVerb", bsrVerb);
-            comiCtx.put("bsrNoun", bsrNoun);
-            comiCtx.put("bsrRevision", bsrRevision);
-            comiCtx.put("orderId", orderId);
-            comiCtx.put("userLogin", userLogin);
-            try {
-                comiResult = dispatcher.runSync("createOagisMessageInfo", comiCtx);
-                Debug.logInfo("==========comiResult======"+ comiResult ,module);
-            } catch (GenericServiceException gse) {
-                Debug.logInfo("==========comiResult===2==="+ comiResult ,module);
-                errorList.add("Error running method createOagisMessageInfo");
-                String errMessageForcreateOagisMessageInfo = gse.getMessage();
-                Debug.logError(gse, errMessageForcreateOagisMessageInfo, module);
-            }
-        } catch (Exception e) {
-            String errMessageReceiveInventoryProduct = e.getMessage();
-            Debug.logError(e, errMessageReceiveInventoryProduct, module);
-            errorList.add("Error During Entity Interaction");
-        }
-        StringBuffer successString = new StringBuffer();
-        if (errorList.size() > 0) {
-            Iterator errorListIter = errorList.iterator();
-            while (errorListIter.hasNext()) {
-                String errorMsg = (String);
-                successString.append(errorMsg);
-                if (errorListIter.hasNext()) {
-                    successString.append(", ");
-                }
-            }
-            try {
-                 if(successString.length() > 0){
-                    //send confirm bod
-                    Map scbCtx = FastMap.newInstance();
-                    Debug.logInfo("==========scbCtx======",module);
-                    scbCtx = dispatcher.runSync("sendConfirmBod",sendConfirmBodCtx );
-                 }
-            } catch(GenericServiceException gse) {    
-                String errMessageForsendConfirmBod = gse.getMessage();
-                Debug.logError(gse, errMessageForsendConfirmBod, module);
-            }    
-        }
-        Map result = ServiceUtil.returnSuccess("Action Performed Successfully");
-        result.put("contentType", "text/plain");
-        return result;
-    }
-    public static Map receiveRmaAcknowledge(DispatchContext ctx, Map context) {
-        InputStream in = (InputStream) context.get("inputStream");
-        OutputStream out = (OutputStream) context.get("outputStream");
-        LocalDispatcher dispatcher = ctx.getDispatcher();
-        GenericDelegator delegator = ctx.getDelegator();
-       // GenericValue userLogin = (GenericValue) context.get("userLogin");
-        List errorList = FastList.newInstance();
-        //Map for confirmBod service
-        Map sendConfirmBodCtx = FastMap.newInstance();
-        try {
-            GenericValue userLogin = delegator.findByPrimaryKey("UserLogin", UtilMisc.toMap("userLoginId", "admin"));
-            // parse the message
-            Document doc = UtilXml.readXmlDocument(in, true, "receiveRmaAcknowledge");
-            Element receivePoElement = doc.getDocumentElement();
-            receivePoElement.normalize();
-            Element docCtrlAreaElement = UtilXml.firstChildElement(receivePoElement, "N1:CNTROLAREA");
-            Element docSenderElement = UtilXml.firstChildElement(docCtrlAreaElement, "N1:SENDER");
-            Element docBsrElement = UtilXml.firstChildElement(docCtrlAreaElement, "N1:BSR");
-            String bsrVerb = UtilXml.childElementValue(docBsrElement, "N2:VERB");
-            String bsrNoun = UtilXml.childElementValue(docBsrElement, "N2:NOUN");
-            String bsrRevision = UtilXml.childElementValue(docBsrElement, "N2:REVISION");
-            String logicalId = UtilXml.childElementValue(docSenderElement, "N2:LOGICALID");
-            String component = UtilXml.childElementValue(docSenderElement, "N2:COMPONENT");
-            String task = UtilXml.childElementValue(docSenderElement, "N2:TASK");
-            String referenceId = UtilXml.childElementValue(docSenderElement, "N2:REFERENCEID");
-            String confirmation = UtilXml.childElementValue(docSenderElement, "N2:CONFIRMATION");
-//            String language = UtilXml.childElementValue(docSenderElement, "N2:LANGUAGE");
-//            String codePage = UtilXml.childElementValue(docSenderElement, "N2:CODEPAGE");
-            String authId = UtilXml.childElementValue(docSenderElement, "N2:AUTHID");
-            Element dataAreaElement = UtilXml.firstChildElement(receivePoElement, "n:DATAAREA");
-            Element acknowledgeDeliveryElement = UtilXml.firstChildElement(dataAreaElement, "n:ACKNOWLEDGE_DELIVERY");
-            Element receiptHdrElement = UtilXml.firstChildElement(acknowledgeDeliveryElement, "n:RECEIPTHDR");
-            Element qtyElement = UtilXml.firstChildElement(receiptHdrElement, "N1:QUANTITY");
-            String itemQty = UtilXml.childElementValue(qtyElement, "N2:VALUE");
-            String sign = UtilXml.childElementValue(qtyElement, "N2:SIGN");
-            String sku = UtilXml.childElementValue(receiptHdrElement, "N2:ITEM");
-            String receivedDate = UtilXml.childElementValue(receiptHdrElement, "N1:DATETIME");
-            Element invDetailElement = UtilXml.firstChildElement(receiptHdrElement, "n:INVDETAIL");
-            String serialNumber = UtilXml.childElementValue(invDetailElement, "N2:SERIALNUM");
-            String invItemStatus = UtilXml.childElementValue(receiptHdrElement, "N2:DISPOSITN");
-            Element documentRefElement = UtilXml.firstChildElement(receiptHdrElement, "N1:DOCUMNTREF");
-            String orderTypeId = UtilXml.childElementValue(documentRefElement, "N2:DOCTYPE");
-            String returnId = UtilXml.childElementValue(documentRefElement, "N2:DOCUMENTID");
-            // String lineNum = UtilXml.childElementValue(documentRefElement, "N2:LINENUM");
-            GenericValue returnHeader = null;
-            //Map Declaration
-            Map urhCtx = new HashMap();
-            Map comiCtx = new HashMap();
-            Map cipCtx = new HashMap();
-            Map urhResult = null;
-            String orderId = null;
-            if (returnId != null) {
-                returnHeader = delegator.findByPrimaryKey("ReturnHeader", UtilMisc.toMap("returnId", returnId));
-                if (returnHeader.getString("statusId").equals("RETURN_REQUESTED")) {
-                    urhCtx.put("returnId", returnId);
-                    urhCtx.put("statusId", "RETURN_COMPLETED");
-                    urhCtx.put("userLogin", userLogin);
-                    try {
-                      urhResult = dispatcher.runSync("updateReturnHeader", urhCtx);
-                      Debug.logInfo("==============urhResult===== " + urhResult, module);
-                    } catch (GenericServiceException gse) {
-                        errorList.add("Error running method receiveInventoryProduct");
-                        Debug.logInfo("==========urhResult======"+ urhResult, module);
-                        String errMessageForcreateOagisMessageInfo = "Error Running Service sendConfirmBod";
-                        Debug.logError(gse, errMessageForcreateOagisMessageInfo, module);  
-                    }
-                    GenericValue returnItem = EntityUtil.getFirst(delegator.findByAnd("ReturnItem", UtilMisc.toMap("returnId", returnId)));
-                    orderId = returnItem.getString("orderId");
-                }
-            }
-            Debug.logInfo("==========orderId======"+ orderId, module);
-            String inventoryItemTypeId = null;
-            if (serialNumber == null) {
-                inventoryItemTypeId = "NON_SERIAL_INV_ITEM";
-            }
-            else {
-                inventoryItemTypeId = "SERIALIZED_INV_ITEM";
-                cipCtx.put("serialNumber", serialNumber);
-            }
-            // sign handling for items
-            double quantityAccepted = 0.0;
-            double quantityRejected = 0.0;
-            if (sign.equals("+")) {
-                quantityAccepted = Double.parseDouble(itemQty);
-                quantityRejected= 0.0;
-            } else {
-                  quantityRejected = Double.parseDouble(itemQty);
-                  quantityAccepted = 0.0;
-            }
-            GenericValue inventoryItem = null;
-            inventoryItem = EntityUtil.getFirst(delegator.findByAnd("InventoryItem", UtilMisc.toMap("serialNumber", serialNumber)));
-            Debug.logInfo("==============inventoryItem===== " + inventoryItem , module);
-            String productId = inventoryItem.getString("productId");
-            if (productId.compareTo(sku) != 0) {
-                productId = sku;
-            }
-            if ( invItemStatus.equals("ReceivedTOAvailable") || invItemStatus.equals("NotAvailableTOAvailable")) {
-                cipCtx.put("statusId", "INV_AVAILABLE");    
-            } else if ( invItemStatus.equals("ReceivedTONotAvailable") || invItemStatus.equals("AvailableTONotAvailable") ) {
-                cipCtx.put("statusId", "INV_ON_HOLD");
-            }
-            Debug.logInfo("==========cipCtx======"+ cipCtx, module);
-            // prepare Map for ConfirmBod Service
-            sendConfirmBodCtx.put("logicalId",logicalId);
-            sendConfirmBodCtx.put("component",component);
-            sendConfirmBodCtx.put("task",task);
-            sendConfirmBodCtx.put("referenceId",referenceId);
-            sendConfirmBodCtx.put("userLogin",userLogin);
-            sendConfirmBodCtx.put("returnId",returnId);
-            Debug.logInfo("==========sendConfirmBodCtx======"+ sendConfirmBodCtx, module);
-            //prepare MAp for receiveInventoryProduct service
-            String facilityId = "WebStoreWarehouse";
-            String locationSeqId = "FAC_AVNET_AZ";
-            cipCtx.put("facilityId", facilityId);
-            cipCtx.put("locationSeqId", locationSeqId);
-            cipCtx.put("productId", productId);
-            cipCtx.put("inventoryItemTypeId", inventoryItemTypeId);
-            cipCtx.put("quantityAccepted", new Double(quantityAccepted));
-            cipCtx.put("quantityRejected", new Double(quantityRejected));
-            cipCtx.put("userLogin", userLogin);
-            cipCtx.put("ownerPartyId", "DemoCustomer");
-            cipCtx.put("orderId", orderId);
-            Map riResult = null;
-            Map comiResult = null;
-            try {
-                Debug.logInfo("==========cipCtx======"+ cipCtx, module);
-                riResult = dispatcher.runSync("receiveInventoryProduct", cipCtx);
-                Debug.logInfo("==========riResult======"+ riResult, module);
-            } catch (GenericServiceException gse) {
-                errorList.add("Error running method receiveInventoryProduct");
-                String errMessageForreceiveInventoryProduct = gse.getMessage();
-                Debug.logInfo("==========errorList======"+ errorList, module);
-                Debug.logError(gse, errMessageForreceiveInventoryProduct, module);
-            }
-            // prepare map to store BOD informatio  
-            Timestamp timestamp = null;
-            timestamp = UtilDateTime.nowTimestamp();
-            comiCtx.put("logicalId", logicalId);
-            comiCtx.put("authId", authId);
-            comiCtx.put("referenceId", referenceId);
-            comiCtx.put("receivedDate", timestamp);
-            comiCtx.put("component", component);
-            comiCtx.put("task", task);  
-            comiCtx.put("outgoingMessage", "N");
-            comiCtx.put("confirmation", confirmation);
-            comiCtx.put("bsrVerb", bsrVerb);
-            comiCtx.put("bsrNoun", bsrNoun);
-            comiCtx.put("bsrRevision", bsrRevision);
-            comiCtx.put("processingStatusId", "RETURN_COMPLETED");        
-            comiCtx.put("returnId", returnId);
-            comiCtx.put("orderId", orderId);
-            comiCtx.put("userLogin", userLogin);
-            try {
-                comiResult = dispatcher.runSync("createOagisMessageInfo", comiCtx);
-                    Debug.logInfo("==========result======"+ comiResult, module);
-            } catch (GenericServiceException gse) {
-                errorList.add("Error running method createOagisMessageInfo");
-                String errMessageForcreateOagisMessageInfo = gse.getMessage();
-                Debug.logError(gse, errMessageForcreateOagisMessageInfo, module);
-            }
-        } catch (Exception e) {
-            String errMessage = e.getMessage();
-            Debug.logError(e, errMessage, module);
-            errorList.add("Error During Entity Interaction");
-        }
-        StringBuffer successString = new StringBuffer();
-        if (errorList.size() > 0) {
-            Iterator errorListIter = errorList.iterator();
-            while (errorListIter.hasNext()) {
-                String errorMsg = (String);
-                successString.append(errorMsg);
-                if (errorListIter.hasNext()) {
-                    successString.append(", ");
-                }
-            }
-            try {
-                 if(successString.length() > 0){
-                    //send confirm bod
-                    Map scbCtx = FastMap.newInstance();
-                    Debug.logInfo("==========scbCtx======"+ scbCtx,module);
-                    scbCtx = dispatcher.runSync("sendConfirmBod",sendConfirmBodCtx );
-                 }
-            } catch(GenericServiceException gse) {    
-                String errMessageForsendConfirmBod = gse.getMessage();
-                Debug.logError(gse, errMessageForsendConfirmBod, module);
-            }    
-        }
-        Map result = ServiceUtil.returnSuccess("Action Performed Successfully");
-        result.put("contentType", "text/plain");
-        return result;
-    }
+package org.ofbiz.oagis;
+Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+distributed with this work for additional information
+regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+specific language governing permissions and limitations
+under the License.
+import java.text.DateFormat;
+import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
+import java.util.HashMap;
+import java.util.Map;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.Iterator;
+import java.util.Date;
+import java.text.DateFormat;
+import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
+import java.text.ParseException;
+import javolution.util.FastList;
+import javolution.util.FastMap;
+import java.sql.Timestamp;
+import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException;
+import org.ofbiz.entity.GenericEntityException;
+import org.ofbiz.entity.transaction.GenericTransactionException;
+import org.ofbiz.entity.util.EntityUtil;
+import org.ofbiz.base.util.Debug;
+import org.ofbiz.base.util.UtilDateTime;
+import org.ofbiz.base.util.UtilMisc;
+import org.ofbiz.base.util.UtilXml;
+import org.ofbiz.entity.GenericDelegator;
+import org.ofbiz.entity.GenericValue;
+import org.ofbiz.service.DispatchContext;
+import org.ofbiz.service.GenericServiceException;
+import org.ofbiz.service.LocalDispatcher;
+import org.ofbiz.service.ServiceUtil;
+import org.w3c.dom.Document;
+import org.w3c.dom.Element;
+import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
+public class OagisInventoryServices {
+    public static final String module = OagisInventoryServices.class.getName();
+    public static Map syncInventory(DispatchContext ctx, Map context) {
+        InputStream in = (InputStream) context.get("inputStream");
+        GenericValue userLogin = (GenericValue) context.get("userLogin");
+        GenericDelegator delegator = ctx.getDelegator();
+        LocalDispatcher dispatcher = ctx.getDispatcher();
+        //create a List for Storing  error Information
+        List errorList = FastList.newInstance();
+        if (userLogin == null) {
+            try {
+                userLogin = delegator.findByPrimaryKey("UserLogin", UtilMisc.toMap("userLoginId", "admin"));
+            } catch (GenericEntityException e){
+                String errMsg = "Error Getting UserLogin with userLoginId 'admin'";
+                Debug.logError(e, errMsg, module);
+            }
+        }
+        Document doc = null;
+        try {
+            doc = UtilXml.readXmlDocument(in, true, "SyncInventory");
+        } catch (SAXException e) {
+            String errMsg = "Error parsing the SyncInventoryResponse";
+            errorList.add(errMsg);
+            Debug.logError(e, errMsg, module);
+        } catch (ParserConfigurationException e) {
+            String errMsg = "Error parsing the SyncInventoryResponse";
+            errorList.add(errMsg);
+            Debug.logError(e, errMsg, module);
+        } catch (IOException e) {
+            String errMsg = "Error parsing the SyncInventoryResponse";
+            errorList.add(errMsg);
+            Debug.logError(e, errMsg, module);
+        }
+        Element receiveInventoryElement = doc.getDocumentElement();
+        receiveInventoryElement.normalize();
+        Element docCtrlAreaElement = UtilXml.firstChildElement(receiveInventoryElement, "N1:CNTROLAREA");
+        Element docSenderElement = UtilXml.firstChildElement(docCtrlAreaElement, "N1:SENDER");
+        Element docBsrElement = UtilXml.firstChildElement(docCtrlAreaElement, "N1:BSR");
+        String bsrVerb = UtilXml.childElementValue(docBsrElement, "N2:VERB");
+        String bsrNoun = UtilXml.childElementValue(docBsrElement, "N2:NOUN");
+        String bsrRevision = UtilXml.childElementValue(docBsrElement, "N2:REVISION");
+        String logicalId = UtilXml.childElementValue(docSenderElement, "N2:LOGICALID");
+        String component = UtilXml.childElementValue(docSenderElement, "N2:COMPONENT");
+        String task = UtilXml.childElementValue(docSenderElement, "N2:TASK");
+        String referenceId = UtilXml.childElementValue(docSenderElement, "N2:REFERENCEID");
+        String confirmation = UtilXml.childElementValue(docSenderElement, "N2:CONFIRMATION");
+        String authId = UtilXml.childElementValue(docSenderElement, "N2:AUTHID");
+        Element dataAreaElement = UtilXml.firstChildElement(receiveInventoryElement, "n:DATAAREA");
+        Element dataAreaSyncInventoryElement = UtilXml.firstChildElement(dataAreaElement, "n:SYNC_INVENTORY");
+        Element dataAreaInventoryElement = UtilXml.firstChildElement(dataAreaSyncInventoryElement, "n:INVENTORY");
+        Element dataAreaQuantityElement = UtilXml.firstChildElement(dataAreaInventoryElement, "N1:QUANTITY");
+        String value = UtilXml.childElementValue(dataAreaQuantityElement, "N2:VALUE");
+        String sign = UtilXml.childElementValue(dataAreaQuantityElement, "N2:SIGN");
+        String uom = UtilXml.childElementValue(dataAreaQuantityElement, "N2:UOM");
+        String item = UtilXml.childElementValue(dataAreaQuantityElement, "N2:ITEM");
+        String itemStatus = UtilXml.childElementValue(dataAreaQuantityElement, "N2:ITEMSTATUS");
+        double quantityAccepted ;
+        double quantityRejected ;
+        if ( sign.equals("+")) {
+            quantityAccepted = Double.parseDouble(value);
+            quantityRejected = 0.0 ;
+        } else {
+            quantityRejected = Double.parseDouble(value);
+            quantityAccepted = 0.0;
+        }
+        //create Map for service receiveInventoryProduct                        
+        Map receiveInventoryCtx = FastMap.newInstance();
+        receiveInventoryCtx.put("userLogin",userLogin);
+        receiveInventoryCtx.put("statusId",itemStatus);
+        receiveInventoryCtx.put("productId",item);
+        receiveInventoryCtx.put("inventoryItemTypeId","NON_SERIAL_INV_ITEM");
+        receiveInventoryCtx.put("facilityId","WebStoreWarehouse");
+        receiveInventoryCtx.put("quantityAccepted",new Double(quantityAccepted));
+        receiveInventoryCtx.put("quantityRejected",new Double(quantityRejected));
+        //receiveInventoryCtx.put("uomId",uom);
+        Timestamp timestamp = null;
+        timestamp = UtilDateTime.nowTimestamp();
+        //create Map for service createOagisMessageInfo
+        Map oagisMessageInfoCtx= FastMap.newInstance();
+        oagisMessageInfoCtx.put("logicalId",logicalId);
+        oagisMessageInfoCtx.put("component",component);
+        oagisMessageInfoCtx.put("task",task);
+        oagisMessageInfoCtx.put("referenceId",referenceId);
+        oagisMessageInfoCtx.put("confirmation",confirmation);
+        oagisMessageInfoCtx.put("userLogin",userLogin);
+        oagisMessageInfoCtx.put("authId",authId);
+        oagisMessageInfoCtx.put("bsrVerb",bsrVerb);
+        oagisMessageInfoCtx.put("bsrNoun",bsrNoun);
+        oagisMessageInfoCtx.put("bsrRevision",bsrRevision);
+        oagisMessageInfoCtx.put("receivedDate",timestamp);
+        oagisMessageInfoCtx.put("outgoingMessage","N");
+        // create a Map for getting result of service createOagisMessageInfo
+        try {
+            //service for creating OagisMessageInfo  
+            Map oagisMessageInfoResult = dispatcher.runSync("createOagisMessageInfo", oagisMessageInfoCtx);
+            if (ServiceUtil.isError(oagisMessageInfoResult)){
+                String errMsg = "Error creating OagisMessageInfo";
+                errorList.add(errMsg);
+                Debug.logError(errMsg, module);
+            }
+        } catch(GenericServiceException gse) {
+            errorList.add("Error Running Service createOagisMessageInfo");
+            String errMsg = gse.getMessage();
+            Debug.logError(gse, errMsg, module);
+        }
+        //create a Map for getting result of service getProductInventoryAvailable
+        Map gpiaResult = FastMap.newInstance();
+        try {
+            gpiaResult = dispatcher.runSync("getProductInventoryAvailable", UtilMisc.toMap("productId", item) );
+            if (ServiceUtil.isError(gpiaResult)){
+                String errMsg = "Error running service getProductInventoryAvailable";
+                errorList.add(errMsg);
+                Debug.logError(errMsg, module);
+            }
+        } catch(GenericServiceException gse) {
+            errorList.add("Error Running Service getProductInventoryAvailable");
+            String errMsg = gse.getMessage();
+            Debug.logError(gse, errMsg, module);
+        }
+        String availableToPromiseTotal = gpiaResult.get("availableToPromiseTotal").toString();
+        // create a Map for getting result of service receiveInventoryProduct
+        try {
+            if (value.equals(availableToPromiseTotal) ) {  
+                Debug.logInfo("==========Both Values are same  =====",module);
+            } else {
+                //sevice for receiveInventoryProduct in InventoryItem
+                Map receiveInventoryProductResult = dispatcher.runSync("receiveInventoryProduct",receiveInventoryCtx );
+                if (ServiceUtil.isError(receiveInventoryProductResult)){
+                    String errMsg = "Error running service receiveInventoryProduct";
+                    errorList.add(errMsg);
+                    Debug.logError(errMsg, module);
+                }
+            }
+        } catch(GenericServiceException gse) {
+            errorList.add("Error Running Service receiveInventoryProduct");
+            String errMsg = gse.getMessage();
+            Debug.logError(gse, errMsg, module);
+        }
+        //create List for Getting FacilityContactMech
+        String contactMechId = null;
+        String emailString = null;
+        String contactMechTypeId = null;
+        GenericValue contactMech = null;
+        GenericValue facilityContactMech=null;
+        List facilityContactMechs = FastList.newInstance();
+        try {
+            facilityContactMechs = delegator.findByAnd("FacilityContactMech", UtilMisc.toMap("facilityId", "WebStoreWarehouse"));    
+        } catch (GenericEntityException e){
+            String errMsg = "Error Getting FacilityContactMech ";
+            Debug.logError(e, errMsg, module);
+        }
+        Iterator fcmIter  = facilityContactMechs.iterator();
+        while(fcmIter.hasNext()) {
+            facilityContactMech = (GenericValue);
+            contactMechId = facilityContactMech.getString("contactMechId");
+            try {
+                contactMech = delegator.findByPrimaryKey("ContactMech", UtilMisc.toMap("contactMechId", contactMechId));
+            } catch (GenericEntityException e){
+                String errMsg = "Error Getting ContactMech ";
+                Debug.logError(e, errMsg, module);
+            }
+            contactMechTypeId = contactMech.getString("contactMechTypeId");
+            if (contactMechTypeId.equals("EMAIL_ADDRESS")) {
+                emailString = contactMech.getString("infoString");
+            }
+        }
+        //create Map for availableToPromiseTotal
+        Map atptMap = FastMap.newInstance();
+        atptMap.put("qoh", availableToPromiseTotal);
+        //create Map for getting value of ProductStoreEmailSetting
+        GenericValue psesMap = null;
+        try {
+            psesMap  =   delegator.findByPrimaryKey("ProductStoreEmailSetting", UtilMisc.toMap("productStoreId", "9001", "emailType", "PRDS_OAGIS_CONFIRM"));
+        } catch (GenericEntityException e){
+            String errMsg = "Error Getting Entity ProductStoreEmailSetting";
+            errorList.add(errMsg);
+            Debug.logError(e, errMsg, module);
+        }
+        if(psesMap.get("bodyScreenLocation") != null) {
+            //create a Map for services sendMailFromScreen
+            Map notifyCtx = FastMap.newInstance();
+            String fromAddress = psesMap.getString("fromAddress");
+            notifyCtx.put("sendFrom", fromAddress);
+            String ccAddress = psesMap.getString("ccAddress");
+            notifyCtx.put("sendCc", ccAddress);
+            String bccAddress = psesMap.getString("bccAddress");
+            notifyCtx.put("sendBcc", bccAddress);
+            String contentType = psesMap.getString("contentType");
+            notifyCtx.put("contentType", contentType);
+            String subject = psesMap.getString("subject");
+            notifyCtx.put("subject", subject);
+            String bodyScreenUri = psesMap.getString("bodyScreenLocation");
+            notifyCtx.put("bodyScreenUri", bodyScreenUri);
+            Map bodyParameters = FastMap.newInstance();
+            bodyParameters.put("atptMap", atptMap);
+            notifyCtx.put("bodyParameters", bodyParameters);
+            notifyCtx.put("sendTo", "[hidden email]" );
+            try {
+                //service for sending emailNotification
+                Map smfsResult = dispatcher.runSync("sendMailFromScreen", notifyCtx);
+                if (ServiceUtil.isError(smfsResult)){
+                    String errMsg = "Error running service sendMailFromScreen";
+                    errorList.add(errMsg);
+                    Debug.logError(errMsg, module);
+                }
+            } catch(GenericServiceException gse) {
+                errorList.add("Error Running Service sendMailFromScreen");
+                String errMsg = gse.getMessage();
+                Debug.logError(gse, errMsg, module);
+            }
+        }
+        Map result = new HashMap();
+        result.put("contentType", "text/plain");
+        if (errorList.size() > 0) {
+                result.putAll(oagisMessageInfoCtx);
+                String errMsg = "Error Processing Received Messages";
+                result.put("reasonCode", "1000");
+                result.put("description", errMsg);
+                //result.putAll(ServiceUtil.returnError(errMsg));
+                return result;
+        }
+        result.putAll(ServiceUtil.returnSuccess("Action Performed Successfully"));
+        return result;
+    }
+    public static Map receivePoAcknowledge(DispatchContext ctx, Map context) {
+        InputStream in = (InputStream) context.get("inputStream");
+        GenericValue userLogin = (GenericValue) context.get("userLogin");
+        LocalDispatcher dispatcher = ctx.getDispatcher();
+        GenericDelegator delegator = ctx.getDelegator();
+        List errorList = FastList.newInstance();
+        if (userLogin == null) {
+            try {
+                userLogin = delegator.findByPrimaryKey("UserLogin", UtilMisc.toMap("userLoginId", "admin"));
+            } catch (GenericEntityException e) {
+                Debug.logError(e, "Error getting userLogin", module);
+            }
+        }
+        Document doc = null;
+        try {
+            doc = UtilXml.readXmlDocument(in, true, "ReceivePoAcknowledge");
+        } catch (SAXException e) {
+            String errMsg = "Error parsing the ReceivePoAcknowledgeResponse";
+            errorList.add(errMsg);
+            Debug.logError(e, errMsg, module);
+        } catch (ParserConfigurationException e) {
+            String errMsg = "Error parsing the ReceivePoAcknowledgeResponse";
+            errorList.add(errMsg);
+            Debug.logError(e, errMsg, module);
+        } catch (IOException e) {
+            String errMsg = "Error parsing the ReceivePoAcknowledgeResponse";
+            errorList.add(errMsg);
+            Debug.logError(e, errMsg, module);
+        }
+        // parse the message
+        Element receivePoElement = doc.getDocumentElement();
+        receivePoElement.normalize();
+        Element docCtrlAreaElement = UtilXml.firstChildElement(receivePoElement, "N1:CNTROLAREA");
+        Element docSenderElement = UtilXml.firstChildElement(docCtrlAreaElement, "N1:SENDER");
+        Element docBsrElement = UtilXml.firstChildElement(docCtrlAreaElement, "N1:BSR");
+        String bsrVerb = UtilXml.childElementValue(docBsrElement, "N2:VERB");
+        String bsrNoun = UtilXml.childElementValue(docBsrElement, "N2:NOUN");
+        String bsrRevision = UtilXml.childElementValue(docBsrElement, "N2:REVISION");
+        String logicalId = UtilXml.childElementValue(docSenderElement, "N2:LOGICALID");
+        String component = UtilXml.childElementValue(docSenderElement, "N2:COMPONENT");
+        String task = UtilXml.childElementValue(docSenderElement, "N2:TASK");
+        String referenceId = UtilXml.childElementValue(docSenderElement, "N2:REFERENCEID");
+        String confirmation = UtilXml.childElementValue(docSenderElement, "N2:CONFIRMATION");
+        String authId = UtilXml.childElementValue(docSenderElement, "N2:AUTHID");
+        Element dataAreaElement = UtilXml.firstChildElement(receivePoElement, "n:DATAAREA");
+        Element acknowledgeDeliveryElement = UtilXml.firstChildElement(dataAreaElement, "n:ACKNOWLEDGE_DELIVERY");
+        Element receiptHdrElement = UtilXml.firstChildElement(acknowledgeDeliveryElement, "n:RECEIPTHDR");
+        Element qtyElement = UtilXml.firstChildElement(receiptHdrElement, "N1:QUANTITY");
+        String itemQty = UtilXml.childElementValue(qtyElement, "N2:VALUE");
+        String sign = UtilXml.childElementValue(qtyElement, "N2:SIGN");
+        String productId = UtilXml.childElementValue(receiptHdrElement, "N2:ITEM");
+        Element invDetailElement = UtilXml.firstChildElement(receiptHdrElement, "n:INVDETAIL");
+        String serialNumber = UtilXml.childElementValue(invDetailElement, "N2:SERIALNUM");
+        Element documentRefElement = UtilXml.firstChildElement(receiptHdrElement, "N1:DOCUMNTREF");
+        String orderId = UtilXml.childElementValue(documentRefElement, "N2:DOCUMENTID");
+        // prepare map to create inventory against PO
+        Map cipCtx = new HashMap();
+        String inventoryItemTypeId = null;
+        if (serialNumber == null) {
+            inventoryItemTypeId = "NON_SERIAL_INV_ITEM";
+        }
+        else {
+            inventoryItemTypeId = "SERIALIZED_INV_ITEM";
+            cipCtx.put("serialNumber", serialNumber);
+        }
+            // sign handling for items
+        double quantityAccepted = 0.0;
+        double quantityRejected = 0.0;
+        if (sign.equals("+")) {
+            quantityAccepted = Double.parseDouble(itemQty);
+            quantityRejected= 0.0;
+        } else {
+            quantityRejected = Double.parseDouble(itemQty);
+            quantityAccepted = 0.0;
+        }
+        //prepare Map for receiveInventoryProduct
+        cipCtx.put("facilityId", "WebStoreWarehouse");
+        cipCtx.put("productId", productId);
+        cipCtx.put("inventoryItemTypeId", inventoryItemTypeId);
+        cipCtx.put("quantityAccepted", new Double(quantityAccepted));
+        cipCtx.put("quantityRejected", new Double(quantityRejected));
+        cipCtx.put("userLogin", userLogin);
+        cipCtx.put("orderId", orderId);
+        try {
+            Map riResult = dispatcher.runSync("receiveInventoryProduct", cipCtx);
+            if (ServiceUtil.isError(riResult)){
+                String errMsg = "Error running service receiveInventoryProduct";
+                errorList.add(errMsg);
+                Debug.logError(errMsg, module);
+            }
+        } catch (GenericServiceException gse) {
+            errorList.add("Error running service receiveInventoryProduct");
+            String errMsg = gse.getMessage();
+            Debug.logError(gse, errMsg, module);
+        }
+        //prepare result Map for createOagisMessageinfo
+        Timestamp timestamp = null;
+        timestamp = UtilDateTime.nowTimestamp();
+        Map comiCtx = new HashMap();
+        comiCtx.put("logicalId", logicalId);
+        comiCtx.put("authId", authId);
+        comiCtx.put("referenceId", referenceId);
+        comiCtx.put("receivedDate", timestamp);
+        comiCtx.put("component", component);
+        comiCtx.put("task", task);  
+        comiCtx.put("outgoingMessage", "N");
+        comiCtx.put("confirmation", confirmation);
+        comiCtx.put("bsrVerb", bsrVerb);
+        comiCtx.put("bsrNoun", bsrNoun);
+        comiCtx.put("bsrRevision", bsrRevision);
+        comiCtx.put("orderId", orderId);
+        comiCtx.put("userLogin", userLogin);
+        try {
+            Map comiResult = dispatcher.runSync("createOagisMessageInfo", comiCtx);
+            if (ServiceUtil.isError(comiResult)){
+                String errMsg = "Error creating OagisMessageInfo for the Incoming Message";
+                errorList.add(errMsg);
+                Debug.logError(errMsg, module);
+            }
+        } catch (GenericServiceException gse) {
+            errorList.add("Error running method createOagisMessageInfo");
+            String errMsg = gse.getMessage();
+            Debug.logError(gse, errMsg, module);
+        }
+        Map result = new HashMap();
+        result.put("contentType", "text/plain");
+        if (errorList.size() > 0) {
+            result.putAll(comiCtx);
+            String errMsg = "Error Processing Received Messages";
+            result.put("reasonCode", "1000");
+            result.put("description", errMsg);
+            //result.putAll(ServiceUtil.returnError(errMsg));
+            return result;
+        }
+        return result;
+    }
+    public static Map receiveRmaAcknowledge(DispatchContext ctx, Map context) {
+        InputStream in = (InputStream) context.get("inputStream");
+        GenericValue userLogin = (GenericValue) context.get("userLogin");
+        LocalDispatcher dispatcher = ctx.getDispatcher();
+        GenericDelegator delegator = ctx.getDelegator();
+        List errorList = FastList.newInstance();
+        if (userLogin == null) {
+            try {
+                userLogin = delegator.findByPrimaryKey("UserLogin", UtilMisc.toMap("userLoginId", "admin"));
+            } catch (GenericEntityException e) {
+                Debug.logError(e, "Error getting userLogin", module);
+            }
+        }
+        Document doc = null;
+        try {
+            doc = UtilXml.readXmlDocument(in, true, "ReceiveRmaAcknowledge");
+        } catch (SAXException e) {
+            String errMsg = "Error parsing the ReceiveRmaAcknowledgeResponse";
+            errorList.add(errMsg);
+            Debug.logError(e, errMsg, module);
+        } catch (ParserConfigurationException e) {
+            String errMsg = "Error parsing the ReceiveRmaAcknowledgeResponse";
+            errorList.add(errMsg);
+            Debug.logError(e, errMsg, module);
+        } catch (IOException e) {
+            String errMsg = "Error parsing the ReceiveRmaAcknowledgeResponse";
+            errorList.add(errMsg);
+            Debug.logError(e, errMsg, module);
+        }
+        // parse the message
+        Element receiveRmaElement = doc.getDocumentElement();
+        receiveRmaElement.normalize();
+        Element docCtrlAreaElement = UtilXml.firstChildElement(receiveRmaElement, "N1:CNTROLAREA");
+        Element docSenderElement = UtilXml.firstChildElement(docCtrlAreaElement, "N1:SENDER");
+        Element docBsrElement = UtilXml.firstChildElement(docCtrlAreaElement, "N1:BSR");
+        String bsrVerb = UtilXml.childElementValue(docBsrElement, "N2:VERB");
+        String bsrNoun = UtilXml.childElementValue(docBsrElement, "N2:NOUN");
+        String bsrRevision = UtilXml.childElementValue(docBsrElement, "N2:REVISION");
+        String logicalId = UtilXml.childElementValue(docSenderElement, "N2:LOGICALID");
+        String component = UtilXml.childElementValue(docSenderElement, "N2:COMPONENT");
+        String task = UtilXml.childElementValue(docSenderElement, "N2:TASK");
+        String referenceId = UtilXml.childElementValue(docSenderElement, "N2:REFERENCEID");
+        String confirmation = UtilXml.childElementValue(docSenderElement, "N2:CONFIRMATION");
+        String authId = UtilXml.childElementValue(docSenderElement, "N2:AUTHID");
+        Element dataAreaElement = UtilXml.firstChildElement(receiveRmaElement, "n:DATAAREA");
+        Element acknowledgeDeliveryElement = UtilXml.firstChildElement(dataAreaElement, "n:ACKNOWLEDGE_DELIVERY");
+        Element receiptHdrElement = UtilXml.firstChildElement(acknowledgeDeliveryElement, "n:RECEIPTHDR");
+        Element qtyElement = UtilXml.firstChildElement(receiptHdrElement, "N1:QUANTITY");
+        String itemQty = UtilXml.childElementValue(qtyElement, "N2:VALUE");
+        String sign = UtilXml.childElementValue(qtyElement, "N2:SIGN");
+        String sku = UtilXml.childElementValue(receiptHdrElement, "N2:ITEM");
+        Element invDetailElement = UtilXml.firstChildElement(receiptHdrElement, "n:INVDETAIL");
+        String serialNumber = UtilXml.childElementValue(invDetailElement, "N2:SERIALNUM");
+        String invItemStatus = UtilXml.childElementValue(receiptHdrElement, "N2:DISPOSITN");
+        Element documentRefElement = UtilXml.firstChildElement(receiptHdrElement, "N1:DOCUMNTREF");
+        //String orderTypeId = UtilXml.childElementValue(documentRefElement, "N2:DOCTYPE");
+        String returnId = UtilXml.childElementValue(documentRefElement, "N2:DOCUMENTID");
+        //Map Declaration
+        Map urhCtx = new HashMap();
+        String orderId = null;
+        if (returnId != null) {
+            GenericValue returnHeader = null;
+            try {
+                returnHeader = delegator.findByPrimaryKey("ReturnHeader", UtilMisc.toMap("returnId", returnId));
+            } catch (GenericEntityException e){
+                String errMsg = "Error Getting ReturnHeader ";
+                Debug.logError(e, errMsg, module);
+            }
+            if (returnHeader.getString("statusId").equals("RETURN_ACCEPTED")) {
+                urhCtx.put("returnId", returnId);
+                urhCtx.put("statusId", "RETURN_COMPLETED");
+                urhCtx.put("userLogin", userLogin);
+                try {
+                      Map urhResult = dispatcher.runSync("updateReturnHeader", urhCtx);
+                      if (ServiceUtil.isError(urhResult)){
+                          String errMsg = "Error running service updateReturnHeader";
+                          errorList.add(errMsg);
+                          Debug.logError(errMsg, module);
+                      }
+                } catch (GenericServiceException gse) {
+                    String errMsg = "Error running service updateReturnHeader";
+                    errorList.add(errMsg);
+                    Debug.logError(gse, errMsg, module);  
+                }
+                try {
+                    GenericValue returnItem = EntityUtil.getFirst(delegator.findByAnd("ReturnItem", UtilMisc.toMap("returnId", returnId)));
+                    orderId = returnItem.getString("orderId");
+                } catch (GenericEntityException e){
+                    String errMsg = "Error Getting Entity ReturnItem";
+                    Debug.logError(e, errMsg, module);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        String inventoryItemTypeId = null;
+        Map cipCtx = new HashMap();
+        if (serialNumber == null) {
+            inventoryItemTypeId = "NON_SERIAL_INV_ITEM";
+        }
+        else {
+            inventoryItemTypeId = "SERIALIZED_INV_ITEM";
+            cipCtx.put("serialNumber", serialNumber);
+        }
+        // sign handling for items
+        double quantityAccepted = 0.0;
+        double quantityRejected = 0.0;
+        if (sign.equals("+")) {
+            quantityAccepted = Double.parseDouble(itemQty);
+            quantityRejected= 0.0;
+        } else {
+            quantityRejected = Double.parseDouble(itemQty);
+            quantityAccepted = 0.0;
+        }
+        GenericValue inventoryItem = null;
+        try {
+            inventoryItem = EntityUtil.getFirst(delegator.findByAnd("InventoryItem", UtilMisc.toMap("serialNumber", serialNumber)));
+        } catch (GenericEntityException e){
+            String errMsg = "Error Getting Entity InventoryItem";
+            Debug.logError(e, errMsg, module);
+        }
+        String productId = inventoryItem.getString("productId");
+        if (productId.compareTo(sku) != 0) {
+            productId = sku;
+        }
+        if(serialNumber == null) {
+            productId = sku;
+        }
+        if ( invItemStatus.equals("ReceivedTOAvailable") || invItemStatus.equals("NotAvailableTOAvailable")) {
+            cipCtx.put("statusId", "INV_AVAILABLE");    
+        } else if ( invItemStatus.equals("ReceivedTONotAvailable") || invItemStatus.equals("AvailableTONotAvailable") ) {
+            cipCtx.put("statusId", "INV_ON_HOLD");
+        }
+        //prepare MAp for receiveInventoryProduct service
+        String facilityId = "WebStoreWarehouse";
+        String locationSeqId = "FAC_AVNET_AZ";
+        cipCtx.put("facilityId", facilityId);
+        cipCtx.put("locationSeqId", locationSeqId);
+        cipCtx.put("productId", productId);
+        cipCtx.put("inventoryItemTypeId", inventoryItemTypeId);
+        cipCtx.put("quantityAccepted", new Double(quantityAccepted));
+        cipCtx.put("quantityRejected", new Double(quantityRejected));
+        cipCtx.put("userLogin", userLogin);
+        try {
+            Map riResult = dispatcher.runSync("receiveInventoryProduct", cipCtx);
+            if (ServiceUtil.isError(riResult)){
+                String errMsg = "Error running service receiveInventoryProduct";
+                errorList.add(errMsg);
+                Debug.logError(errMsg, module);
+            }
+        } catch (GenericServiceException gse) {
+            errorList.add("Error running service receiveInventoryProduct");
+            String errMsg = gse.getMessage();
+            Debug.logError(gse, errMsg, module);
+        }
+            //prepare result Map for createOagisMessageinfo
+        Timestamp timestamp = null;
+        timestamp = UtilDateTime.nowTimestamp();
+        Map comiCtx = new HashMap();
+        comiCtx.put("logicalId", logicalId);
+        comiCtx.put("authId", authId);
+        comiCtx.put("referenceId", referenceId);
+        comiCtx.put("receivedDate", timestamp);
+        comiCtx.put("component", component);
+        comiCtx.put("task", task);  
+        comiCtx.put("outgoingMessage", "N");
+        comiCtx.put("confirmation", confirmation);
+        comiCtx.put("bsrVerb", bsrVerb);
+        comiCtx.put("bsrNoun", bsrNoun);
+        comiCtx.put("bsrRevision", bsrRevision);
+        comiCtx.put("orderId", orderId);
+        comiCtx.put("userLogin", userLogin);
+        try {
+            Map comiResult = dispatcher.runSync("createOagisMessageInfo", comiCtx);
+            if (ServiceUtil.isError(comiResult)){
+                String errMsg = "Error creating OagisMessageInfo for the Incoming Message";
+                errorList.add(errMsg);
+                Debug.logError(errMsg, module);
+            }
+        } catch (GenericServiceException gse) {
+            errorList.add("Error running method createOagisMessageInfo");
+            String errMsg = gse.getMessage();
+            Debug.logError(gse, errMsg, module);
+        }
+        Map result = new HashMap();
+        result.put("contentType", "text/plain");
+        if (errorList.size() > 0) {
+            result.putAll(comiCtx);
+            String errMsg = "Error Processing Received Messages";
+            result.put("reasonCode", "1000");
+            result.put("description", errMsg);
+            //result.putAll(ServiceUtil.returnError(errMsg));
+            return result;
+        }
+        return result;
+    }