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Author: jleroux
Date: Sun Sep 30 14:45:59 2007 New Revision: 580795 URL: http://svn.apache.org/viewvc?rev=580795&view=rev Log: Removed file because doubt on merge. Replace with this new version Added: ofbiz/trunk/framework/images/webapp/images/htmledit/whizzywig.js (with props) Added: ofbiz/trunk/framework/images/webapp/images/htmledit/whizzywig.js URL: http://svn.apache.org/viewvc/ofbiz/trunk/framework/images/webapp/images/htmledit/whizzywig.js?rev=580795&view=auto ============================================================================== --- ofbiz/trunk/framework/images/webapp/images/htmledit/whizzywig.js (added) +++ ofbiz/trunk/framework/images/webapp/images/htmledit/whizzywig.js Sun Sep 30 14:45:59 2007 @@ -0,0 +1,488 @@ +var whizzywig_version = 'Whizzywig v55i'; //IE color palette bug; idTa!=TA?x HTML + hidden; row/col bug; link form bugs;Enter = <P>; fix user but bug; +//Copyright © 2005-2007 John Goodman - john.goodman(at)unverse.net *date 070324 +//Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: +//The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. +//THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. +var buttonPath; //path to toolbar button images; unset or "textbuttons" means don't use images +var buttonStrip=[]; //object containing button strip information (optional) +var cssFile; //url of CSS stylesheet to attach to edit area +var imageBrowse; //path to page for image browser +var linkBrowse; //path to page for link browser +var idTa; //id of the textarea to whizzywig (param to makeWhizzyWig) +var gentleClean = "true"; //true: cleanUp preserves spans, inline styles and classes; false: deletes same; ask: asks. +//OTHER GLOBALS +var oW, sel, rng, papa, trail, ppw; //Whizzy contentWindow, current sel, range, parent, DOM path, popwindow; +var sels = ''; +var buts = ''; +var vals = new Array(); +var opts = new Array(); +var dobut = new Array(); +var whizzies = new Array(); + +function makeWhizzyWig(txtArea, controls){ // make a WhizzyWig from the textarea + idTa = txtArea; + whizzies[whizzies.length]=idTa; + if (!document.designMode) {// (Safari ???) + if (idTa.nodeName=="TEXTAREA") tagButs(); + alert("Whizzywig "+t("editor not available for your browser")); + return; + } + var taContent = o(idTa).defaultValue ? o(idTa).defaultValue : o(idTa).innerHTML ? o(idTa).innerHTML: ''; //anything in the textarea? + if (!o(idTa).rows < 5) o(idTa).rows='15';//IE won't use % from style + taWidth = o(idTa).style.width ? o(idTa).style.width : o(idTa).cols + "ex"; //grab the width and... + taHeight = o(idTa).style.height ? o(idTa).style.height : o(idTa).rows + "em"; //...height from the textarea + if (o(idTa).nodeName=="TEXTAREA"){ + o(idTa).style.color = '#060'; + o(idTa).style.zIndex = '2'; + } else w('<input type="hidden" id="wzhid_'+idTa+'" name="'+idTa+'" />'); + h(idTa); + var frm=o(idTa).parentNode; + while (frm.nodeName != 'FORM') frm=frm.parentNode;//if not form, keep trying + addEvt(frm,"submit",syncTextarea); + w('<style type="text/css">button {vertical-align:middle;padding:0;margin:1px 0} button img{vertical-align:middle;margin:-1px} select{vertical-align:middle;margin:1px} .wzCtrl {background:ButtonFace; border:2px outset ButtonShadow; padding:5px;} #sourceTa{color:#060;font-family:mono;} #whizzyWig {border-width:1px}</style>'); + var dsels = 'fontname fontsize formatblock'; + var dbuts = ' bold italic underline | left center right | number bullet indent outdent | undo redo | color hilite rule | link image table | word clean html spellcheck '; + var tbuts = ' tstart add_row_above add_row_below delete_row | add_column_before add_column_after delete_column | table_in_cell'; + var t_end = ''; //table controls end, if needed + controls = controls ? controls.toLowerCase() : "all"; + if (controls=="all") controls = dsels +' newline '+ dbuts + tbuts; + else controls += tbuts; + w('<div style="width:'+taWidth+'" onmouseover="c(\''+idTa+'\')"><div id="CONTROLS'+idTa+'" class="wzCtrl" unselectable="on">'); + gizmos = controls.split(' '); + for (var i = 0; i < gizmos.length; i++) { + if (gizmos[i]){ //make buttons and selects for toolbar, in order requested + if (gizmos[i] == 'tstart') { + w('<div id="TABLE_CONTROLS'+idTa+'" style="display:none" unselectable="on">'); + t_end = '</div>'; + } + else if (gizmos[i] == '|') w(' <big style="padding-bottom:2em">|</big> '); + else if (gizmos[i] == 'newline') w('<br>'); + else if ((dsels+sels).indexOf(gizmos[i]) != -1) makeSelect(gizmos[i]) + else if ((dbuts+buts+tbuts).indexOf(gizmos[i]) != -1) makeButton(gizmos[i]); + } + } + w(t_end) //table controls end + w('<a href="http://www.unverse.net" style="color:buttonface" title="'+whizzywig_version+'">.</a> '); + w(fGo('LINK')); + if (linkBrowse) w('<input type="button" onclick=doWin("'+linkBrowse+'"); value="'+t("Browse")+'"> '); + w(t('Link address (URL)')+': <input type="text" id="lf_url'+idTa+'" size="60"><br><input type="button" value="http://" onclick="o(\'lf_url'+idTa+'\').value=\'http://\'+o(\'lf_url'+idTa+'\').value"> <input type="button" value="mailto:" onclick="o(\'lf_url'+idTa+'\').value=\'mailto:\'+o(\'lf_url'+idTa+'\').value"><input type="checkbox" id="lf_new'+idTa+'">'+t("Open link in new window")+fNo(t("OK"),"insertLink()"));//LINK_FORM end + w(fGo('IMAGE')); + if (imageBrowse) w('<input type="button" onclick=doWin("'+imageBrowse+'"); value="'+t("Browse")+'"> '); + w(t('Image address (URL)')+': <input type="text" id="if_url'+idTa+'" size="50"> <label title='+t("to display if image unavailable")+'><br>'+t("Alternate text")+':<input id="if_alt'+idTa+'" type="text" size="50"></label><br>'+t("Align")+':<select id="if_side'+idTa+'"><option value="none">_♥_ '+t("normal")+'</option><option value="left">♥= '+t("left")+'</option><option value="right">=♥ '+t("right")+'</option></select> '+t("Border")+':<input type="text" id="if_border'+idTa+'" size="20" value="0" title="'+t("number or CSS e.g. 3px maroon outset")+'"> '+t("Margin")+':<input type="text" id="if_margin'+idTa+'" size="20" value="0" title="'+t("number or CSS e.g. 5px 1em")+'">'+fNo(t("Insert Image"),"insertImage()"));//IMAGE_FORM end + w(fGo('TABLE')+t("Rows")+':<input type="text" id="tf_rows'+idTa+'" size="2" value="3"> <select id="tf_head'+idTa+'"><option value="0">'+t("No header row")+'</option><option value="1">'+t("Include header row")+'</option></select> '+t("Columns")+':<input type="text" id="tf_cols'+idTa+'" size="2" value="3"> '+t("Border width")+':<input type="text" id="tf_border'+idTa+'" size="2" value="1"> '+fNo(t("Insert Table"),"makeTable()"));//TABLE_FORM end + w(fGo('COLOR')+'<input type="hidden" id="cf_cmd'+idTa+'"><div style="background:#000;padding:1px;height:22px;width:125px;float:left"><div id="cPrvw'+idTa+'" style="background-color:red; height:100%; width:100%"></div></div> <input type=text id="cf_color'+idTa+'" value="red" size=17 onpaste=vC(value) onblur=vC(value)> <input type="button" onmouseover=vC() onclick=sC() value="'+t("OK")+'"> <input type="button" onclick="hideDialogs();" value="'+t("Cancel")+'"><br> '+t("click below or enter a")+' <a href="http://www.unverse.net/colortable.htm" target="_blank">'+t("color name")+'</a><br clear=all> <table border=0 cellspacing=1 cellpadding=0 width=480 bgcolor="#000000">'+"\n"); + var wC = new Array("00","33","66","99","CC","FF") //color table + for (i=0; i<wC.length; i++){ + w("<tr>"); + for (j=0; j<wC.length; j++){ + for (k=0; k<wC.length; k++){ + var clr = wC[i]+wC[j]+wC[k]; + w(' <td style="background:#'+clr+';height:12px;width:12px" onmouseover=vC("#'+clr+'") onclick=sC("#'+clr+'")></td>'+"\n"); + } + } + w('</tr>'); + } + w("</table></div>\n"); //end color table,COLOR_FORM + w("</div>\n"); //controls end + w('<div class="wzCtrl" id="showWYSIWYG'+idTa+'" style="display:none"><input type="button" onclick="showDesign();" value="'+t("Hide HTML")+'">'); + tagButs(); + w('</div>'+"\n"); + + w('<iframe style="border:1px inset ButtonShadow;width:100%;height:'+taHeight+'" src="javascript:;" id="whizzy'+idTa+'"></iframe></div>'+"\n"); + + var startHTML = "<html>\n<head>\n"; + if (cssFile) startHTML += '<link media="all" type="text/css" href="'+cssFile+'" rel="stylesheet">\n'; + startHTML += '</head>\n<body id="'+idTa+'">\n'+tidyD(taContent)+'</body>\n</html>'; + oW = o("whizzy"+idTa).contentWindow; + + var d=oW.document; + try{d.designMode = "on";} catch(e){ setTimeout('oW.designMode = "on";', 100);} + d.open(); + d.write(startHTML); + d.close(); + if (oW.addEventListener) oW.addEventListener("keypress", kb_handler, true); //keyboard shortcuts for Moz + else {d.body.attachEvent("onpaste",function(){setTimeout('cleanUp()',10);});} + addEvt(d,"mouseup", whereAmI); + addEvt(d,"keyup", whereAmI); + addEvt(d,"dblclick", doDbl); + idTa=null; +} //end makeWhizzyWig +function addEvt(o,e,f){ if(window.addEventListener) o.addEventListener(e, f, false); else o.attachEvent("on"+e,f);} +function doDbl(){if (papa.nodeName == 'IMG') doImage(); else if (papa.nodeName == 'A') doLink();} +function makeButton(button){ // assemble the button requested + var butHTML, ucBut = button.substring(0,1).toUpperCase(); + ucBut += button.substring(1); + ucBut = t(ucBut.replace(/_/g,' ')); + if (!document.frames && (button=="word" ||button=="spellcheck")) return; //Not allowed from Firefox + if (o(idTa).nodeName!="TEXTAREA" && button=="html") return; + if (!buttonPath || buttonPath == "textbuttons") + butHTML = '<button type=button onClick=makeSo("'+button+'")>'+ucBut+"</button>\n"; + else butHTML = '<button title="'+ucBut+'" type=button onClick=makeSo("'+button+'")>'+(buttonStrip[button]!=undefined?'<div style="width:'+buttonStrip._w+'px;height:'+buttonStrip._h+'px;background-image:url('+buttonStrip._f+');background-position:'+buttonStrip[button]+'px 0px"></div>':'<img src="'+buttonPath+button+'.gif" alt="'+ucBut+'" onError="this.parentNode.innerHTML=this.alt">')+'</button>'; + //if space in name include text as well + w(butHTML); +} +function fGo(id){ return '<div id="'+id+'_FORM'+idTa+'" unselectable="on" style="display:none" onkeypress="if(event.keyCode==13) {return false;}"><hr>'+"\n"; }//new form +function fNo(txt,go){ //form do it/cancel buttons + return ' <input type="button" onclick="'+go+'" value="'+txt+'"> <input type="button" onclick="hideDialogs();" value='+t("Cancel")+"></div>\n"; +} +function makeSelect(select){ // assemble the <select> requested + if (select == 'formatblock') { + var h = "Heading"; + var values = ["<p>", "<p>", "<h1>", "<h2>", "<h3>", "<h4>", "<h5>", "<h6>", "<address>", "<pre>"]; + var options = [t("Choose style")+":", t("Paragraph"), t(h)+" 1 ", t(h)+" 2 ", t(h)+" 3 ", t(h)+" 4 ", t(h)+" 5 ", t(h)+" 6", t("Address"), t("Fixed width<pre>")]; + } else if (select == 'fontname') { +var values = ["Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif", "Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif","'Arial Black', Helvetica, sans-serif", "'Comic Sans MS' fantasy", "Courier New, Courier, monospace", "Georgia, serif", "Impact,sans-serif","'Times New Roman', Times, serif", "'Trebuchet MS',sans-serif", "Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"]; + var options = [t("Font")+":", "Arial","Arial Black", "Comic", "Courier", "Georgia", "Impact","Times New Roman", "Trebuchet","Verdana"]; + } else if (select == 'fontsize') { + var values = ["3", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7"]; + var options = [t("Font size")+":", "1 "+t("Small"), "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7 "+t("Big")]; + } else { + var values = vals[select]; + var options = opts[select]; + } + w('<select id="'+select+idTa+'" onchange="doSelect(this.id);">'+"\n"); + for (var i = 0; i < values.length; i++) { + w(' <option value="' + values[i] + '">' + options[i] + "</option>\n"); + } + w("</select>\n"); +} +function tagButs() { + w('<input type="button" onclick=\'doTag("<h1>")\' value="H1" title="<H1>"><input type="button" onclick=\'doTag("<h2>")\' value="H2" title="<H2>"><input type="button" onclick=\'doTag("<h3>")\' value="H3" title="<H3>"><input type="button" onclick=\'doTag("<h4>")\' value="H4" title="<H4>"><input type="button" onclick=\'doTag("<p>")\' value="P" title="<P>"><input type="button" onclick=\'doTag("<strong>")\' value="S" title="<STRONG>" style="font-weight:bold"><input type="button" onclick=\'doTag("<em>")\' value="E" title="<EM>" style="font-style:italic;"><input type="button" onclick=\'doTag("<li>")\' value="•—" title="<LI>"><input type="button" onclick=\'doTag("<a>")\' value="@" title="<A HREF= >"><input type="button" onclick=\'doTag("<img>")\' value="[♥]" title="<IMG SRC= >"><input type="button" onclick=\'doTag("<br />")\' value="←" title="<BR />">'); +} +function makeSo(command, option) { //format selected text or line in the whizzy + hideDialogs(); + if (buts.indexOf(command)!=-1) {insHTML(dobut[command]); return;} //user button + if (!document.all) oW.document.execCommand('useCSS',false, true); //no spans for bold, italic + if ("leftrightcenterjustify".indexOf(command) !=-1) command = "justify" + command; + else if (command == "number") command = "insertorderedlist"; + else if (command == "bullet") command = "insertunorderedlist"; + else if (command == "rule") command = "inserthorizontalrule"; + switch (command) { + case "color": o('cf_cmd'+idTa).value="forecolor"; if (textSel()) s('COLOR_FORM'+idTa); break; + case "hilite" : o('cf_cmd'+idTa).value="backcolor"; if (textSel()) s('COLOR_FORM'+idTa); break; + case "image" : doImage(); break; + case "link" : doLink(); break; + case "html" : showHTML(); break; + case "table" : doTable(); break; + case "delete_row" : doRow('delete','0'); break; + case "add_row_above" : doRow('add','0'); break; + case "add_row_below" : doRow('add','1'); break; + case "delete_column" : doCol('delete','0'); break; + case "add_column_before" : doCol('add','0'); break; + case "add_column_after" : doCol('add','1'); break; + case "table_in_cell" : hideDialogs(); s('TABLE_FORM'+idTa); break; + case "clean" : cleanUp(); break; + case "word" : oW.document.execCommand("paste", false, false); gentleClean=false; cleanUp(); break; + case "spellcheck" : spellCheck(); break; + default: oW.document.execCommand(command, false, option); + } +} +function doSelect(selectname) { //select on toolbar used - do it + var idx = o(selectname).selectedIndex; + var selected = o(selectname).options[idx].value; + o(selectname).selectedIndex = 0; + selectname=selectname.replace(idTa,""); + if (" _formatblock_fontname_fontsize".indexOf('_'+selectname) > 0) { + var cmd = selectname; + oW.document.execCommand(cmd, false, selected); + } else { + insHTML(selected); + } + oW.focus(); +} +function vC(colour) { // view Color + if (!colour) colour = o('cf_color'+idTa).value; + o('cPrvw'+idTa).style.backgroundColor = colour; + o('cf_color'+idTa).value = colour; +} +function sC(color) { //set Color + hideDialogs(); + var cmd = o('cf_cmd'+idTa).value; + if (!color) color = o('cf_color'+idTa).value; + if (rng) rng.select(); + oW.document.execCommand(cmd, false, color); + oW.focus(); +} +function doLink(){ + if (textSel()) { + if (papa.nodeName == 'A') o("lf_url"+idTa).value = papa.href; + s('LINK_FORM'+idTa); + } +} +function insertLink() { + if (rng) rng.select(); + URL = o("lf_url"+idTa).value; + if (URL.replace(/ /g,"") == "") oW.document.execCommand('Unlink',false,null); + else if (o("lf_new"+idTa).checked) insHTML('<a href="'+URL+'" target="_blank">'); + else oW.document.execCommand('CreateLink',false,URL); + hideDialogs(); +} +function doImage(){ + if (papa && papa.nodeName == 'IMG'){ + o("if_url"+idTa).value = papa.src; + o("if_alt"+idTa).value=papa.alt; + o("if_side"+idTa).selectedIndex=(papa.align=="left")?1:(papa.align=="right")?2:0; + o("if_border"+idTa).value=papa.style.border?papa.style.border:papa.border>0?papa.border:0; + o("if_margin"+idTa).value=papa.style.margin?papa.style.margin:papa.hspace>0?papa.hspace:0; + } + s('IMAGE_FORM'+idTa); +} +function insertImage(URL, side, border, margin, alt) { // insert image as specified + hideDialogs(); + if (!URL) URL=o("if_url"+idTa).value; + if (URL) { + if (!alt) alt=o("if_alt"+idTa).value ? o("if_alt"+idTa).value: URL.replace(/.*\/(.+)\..*/,"$1"); + img='<img alt="' + alt + '" src="' + URL +'" '; + if (!side) side=o("if_side"+idTa).value; + if ((side == "left") || (side == "right")) img += 'align="' + side + '"'; + if (!border) border=o("if_border"+idTa).value; + if (border.match(/^\d+$/)) border+='px solid'; + if (!margin) margin=o("if_margin"+idTa).value; + if (margin.match(/^\d+$/)) margin+='px'; + if (border || margin) img += ' style="border:' + border + ';margin:' + margin + ';"'; + img += '/>'; + insHTML(img); + } +} +function doTable(){ //show table controls if in a table, else make table + if (trail && trail.indexOf('TABLE') > 0) s('TABLE_CONTROLS'+idTa); + else s('TABLE_FORM'+idTa); +} +function doRow(toDo,below) { //insert or delete a table row + var paNode=papa; + while (paNode.tagName != "TR") paNode=paNode.parentNode; + var tRow=paNode.rowIndex; + var tCols=paNode.cells.length; + while (paNode.tagName != "TABLE") paNode=paNode.parentNode; + if (toDo == "delete") paNode.deleteRow(tRow); + else { + var newRow=paNode.insertRow(tRow+parseInt(below)); //1=below 0=above + for (i=0; i < tCols; i++){ + var newCell=newRow.insertCell(i); + newCell.innerHTML="#"; + } + } +} +function doCol(toDo,after) { //insert or delete a column + var paNode=papa; + while (paNode.tagName != 'TD') paNode=paNode.parentNode; + var tCol=paNode.cellIndex; + while (paNode.tagName != "TABLE") paNode=paNode.parentNode; + var tRows=paNode.rows.length; + for (i=0; i < tRows; i++){ + if (toDo == "delete") paNode.rows[i].deleteCell(tCol); + else { + var newCell=paNode.rows[i].insertCell(tCol+parseInt(after)); //if after=0 then before + newCell.innerHTML="#"; + } + } +} +function makeTable() { //insert a table + hideDialogs(); + var rows=o('tf_rows'+idTa).value; + var cols=o('tf_cols'+idTa).value; + var border=o('tf_border'+idTa).value; + var head=o('tf_head'+idTa).value; + if ((rows > 0) && (cols > 0)) { + var table='<table border="' + border + '">'; + for (var i=1; i <= rows; i++) { + table=table + "<tr>"; + for (var j=1; j <= cols; j++) { + if (i==1) { + if (head=="1") table += "<th>Title"+j+"</th>"; //Title1 Title2 etc. + else table += "<td>"+j+"</td>"; + } + else if (j==1) table += "<td>"+i+"</td>"; + else table += "<td>#</td>"; + } + table += "</tr>"; + } + table += " </table>"; + insHTML(table); + } +} +function doWin(URL) { //popup for browse function + ppw=window.open(URL,'popWhizz','toolbar=no,location=no,status=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,width=640,height=480,top=100'); + ppw.focus(); +} +function spellCheck() { //check spelling with ieSpell if available + try { + var axo=new ActiveXObject("ieSpell.ieSpellExtension"); + axo.CheckAllLinkedDocuments(document); + } catch(e) { + if(e.number==-2146827859) { + if (confirm("ieSpell is not installed on your computer. \n Click [OK] to go to download page.")) + window.open("http://www.iespell.com/download.php","DownLoad"); + } else { + alert("Error Loading ieSpell: Exception " + e.number); + } + } +} +function cleanUp(){ //clean up crud inserted by Micro$oft Orifice + oW.document.execCommand("removeformat",false,null); + var h=oW.document.body.innerHTML; + var vicious=false; + if (gentleClean=="ask") vicious=confirm(t('Remove all styles and classes?')); + if (!gentleClean || vicious){ + h=h.replace(/<\/?(SPAN|DEL|INS|U|DIR)[^>]*>/gi, "") + .replace(/\b(CLASS|STYLE)=\"[^\"]*\"/gi, "") + .replace(/\b(CLASS|STYLE)=\w+/gi, ""); + } + if(!o('fontname'+idTa) || !o('fontsize'+idTa)) h=h.replace(/<\?FONT[^>]*>/gi, ""); + h=h.replace(/<\/?(FONT|SPAN|COL|XML|ST1|SHAPE|V:|O:|F:|F |PATH|LOCK|IMAGEDATA|STROKE|FORMULAS)[^>]*>/gi, "") + .replace(/\bCLASS=\"?MSO\w*\"?/gi, "") + .replace(/[]/g,'-') //long + .replace(/[]/g, "'") //single smartquotes + .replace(/[]/g, '"') //double smartquotes + .replace(/align="?justify"?/gi, "") //justify sends some browsers mad + .replace(/<(TABLE|TD|TH|COL)(.*)(WIDTH|HEIGHT)=["'0-9A-Z]*/gi, "<$1$2") //no fixed size tables (%OK) [^A-Za-z>] + .replace(/<([^>]+)>\s*<\/\1>/gi, ""); //empty tag + oW.document.body.innerHTML=h; +} +function hideDialogs() { + h('LINK_FORM'+idTa); + h('IMAGE_FORM'+idTa); + h('COLOR_FORM'+idTa); + h('TABLE_FORM'+idTa); + h('TABLE_CONTROLS'+idTa); +} +function showDesign() { + oW.document.body.innerHTML=tidyD(o(idTa).value); + h(idTa); + h('showWYSIWYG'+idTa); + s('CONTROLS'+idTa); + s('whizzy'+idTa); + if(o("whizzy"+idTa).contentDocument) o("whizzy"+idTa).contentDocument.designMode="on"; //FF loses it on hide + oW.focus(); +} +function showHTML() { + var t=(window.get_xhtml) ? get_xhtml(oW.document.body) : oW.document.body.innerHTML; + o(idTa).value=tidyH(t); + h('CONTROLS'+idTa); + h('whizzy'+idTa); + s(idTa); + s('showWYSIWYG'+idTa); + o(idTa).focus(); +} + +function syncTextarea() { //tidy up before we go-go + for (var i=0;i<whizzies.length;i++){ + var t=whizzies[i]; + var b=o("whizzy"+t).contentWindow.document.body; + if (o(t).style.display == 'block') b.innerHTML=o(t).value; + b.innerHTML=tidyH(b.innerHTML); + var r=(o(t).nodeName!="TEXTAREA") ? o('wzhid_'+o(t).id) : o(t); 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