svn commit: r600055 - in /ofbiz/trunk/specialpurpose/projectmgr/webapp/projectmgr/js: data.xml gantt.js

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svn commit: r600055 - in /ofbiz/trunk/specialpurpose/projectmgr/webapp/projectmgr/js: data.xml gantt.js

Author: hansbak
Date: Sat Dec  1 00:06:14 2007
New Revision: 600055

experimental dojo gantt files can be activated in the projectView screen

    ofbiz/trunk/specialpurpose/projectmgr/webapp/projectmgr/js/data.xml   (with props)
    ofbiz/trunk/specialpurpose/projectmgr/webapp/projectmgr/js/gantt.js   (with props)

Added: ofbiz/trunk/specialpurpose/projectmgr/webapp/projectmgr/js/data.xml
--- ofbiz/trunk/specialpurpose/projectmgr/webapp/projectmgr/js/data.xml (added)
+++ ofbiz/trunk/specialpurpose/projectmgr/webapp/projectmgr/js/data.xml Sat Dec  1 00:06:14 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+    <task start="10/27/2006" end="11/03/2006" label="planning">
+        <task start="10/27/2006" end="10/29/2006" label="Task 1" type="t"/>
+        <task start="10/29/2006" end="10/30/2006" label="Task 2" type="t"/>
+        <task start="10/30/2006" end="11/02/2006" label="Task 3" type="t"/>
+        <task start="10/31/2006" end="11/03/2006" label="Task 4" type="t"/>
+    </task>
+    <task start="11/02/2006" end="11/02/2006" label="Milestone 1" type="j"/>
+    <task start="11/03/2006" end="11/08/2006" label="Task 6" type="t"/>
+    <task start="11/08/2006" end="11/10/2006" label="Task 7" type="t"/>
+    <task start="11/10/2006" end="11/15/2006" label="Task 8" type="t"/>
\ No newline at end of file

Propchange: ofbiz/trunk/specialpurpose/projectmgr/webapp/projectmgr/js/data.xml
    svn:eol-style = native

Added: ofbiz/trunk/specialpurpose/projectmgr/webapp/projectmgr/js/gantt.js
--- ofbiz/trunk/specialpurpose/projectmgr/webapp/projectmgr/js/gantt.js (added)
+++ ofbiz/trunk/specialpurpose/projectmgr/webapp/projectmgr/js/gantt.js Sat Dec  1 00:06:14 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,324 @@
+            dojo.require("dojo.collections.Store");
+            dojo.require("dojo.charting.Chart");
+            dojo.require('dojo.json');
+            dojo.require("");
+            dojo.require("dojo.event.*");
+            dojo.require("*");
+            var interv =;
+            //  our sample data for our gantt chart.
+        var docData = null;
+        var xml = {
+            url: "/projectmgr/js/data.xml",
+            mimetype: "text/xml",
+            load: callBack,
+            error: function(type, error){
+                dojo.debug("type: " + type);
+                dojo.debug("error: " + error.message);
+            }
+        }
+    function xml2json(dataNode, json){
+        var taskNodes = dataNode.getDocumentElement();
+        // Convert the xml data to json
+        for(var i = 0; i < taskNodes.length; i++){
+            var taskNode = taskNodes.item(i);
+            if(taskNode.childNodes.length){
+                json.push({high: taskNode.attributes["end"], low: taskNode.attributes["start"], task: taskNode.attribute["label"], type: "p"});
+                //Recursive call to crawl the dom
+                xml2json(taskNode);
+            }else{
+                var dtStart = new Date(taskNode.attributes["start"]);
+                var dtEnd = new Date(taskNode.attributes["end"]);
+                json.push({high: dtEnd.getTime(), low: dtStart.getTime(), task: taskNode.attributes["label"], type: taskNode.attributes["type"]});
+            }
+        }
+        return json;
+    }
+    function callBack(type, xmlDom, httpreq){
+        var taskNodes = xmlDom.getElementsByTagName("task");
+        var json = [];
+        // Convert the xml data to json
+        for(var i = 0; i < taskNodes.length; i++){
+            var taskNode = taskNodes.item(i);
+            var dtStart = new Date(taskNode.getAttribute("start"));
+            var dtEnd = new Date(taskNode.getAttribute("end"));
+            if(taskNode.childNodes.length){
+                json.push({high: dtEnd.getTime(), low: dtStart.getTime(), task: taskNode.getAttribute("label"), type: "p"});
+            }else{
+                json.push({high: dtEnd.getTime(), low: dtStart.getTime(), task: taskNode.getAttribute("label"), type: taskNode.getAttribute("type")});
+            }
+        }
+            //Parameters
+            var chartStart = new Date(taskNodes.item(0).getAttribute("start")); //Origin of the chart
+            var dtEnd = new Date(taskNodes.item(taskNodes.length - 1).getAttribute("end")); //End of the chart
+//          var duration = 14;      //Duration of the chart
+            //Calculated parameters
+            var nbDays =, dtEnd, interv);
+            var store = new dojo.collections.Store();
+            store.setData(json);
+            //  define the chart.
+            var s1 = new dojo.charting.Series({
+                dataSource:store,
+                bindings:{ id:"id", high:"high", low:"low", label:"task", type:"type" },
+                label:"Project tasks"
+            });
+            //  test the evaluate
+            var data = s1.evaluate();
+            var a=[];
+            for(var i=0; i<data.length; i++){
+                a.push("{ high:"+data[i].high +", low:"+data[i].low + ", label:"+data[i].label + "}");
+            }
+            alert("Data evaluation:\n"+a.join("\n"));
+            //////////////////////
+            var data = s1.evaluate();
+            //create the y-axis with task labels
+            var yB2 = new dojo.charting.Axis();
+            //Range is calculated to nbTasks * 10
+            yB2.range={upper:parseInt(data.length * 30),lower:0};
+            yB2.origin="min";
+            yB2.showTicks = true;
+            yB2.showLines = true;
+            for(var i=data.length-1; i>=0; i--){
+                yB2.labels.push({ label: data[i].label, value: parseInt((data.length - i)*30) });
+            }
+            //create the first x-axis (day-based)
+            var xB = new dojo.charting.Axis();
+            xB.range={upper:dtEnd.getTime(), lower:chartStart.getTime()};
+            //setting the origin to more than y-axis.upper cause it to appear above the chart
+            xB.origin = parseInt(yB2.range.upper + 30);
+            xB.showTicks = true;
+            xB.showLines = false;
+            var dtStart = chartStart;
+            for(var i = 0; i < nbDays; i++){
+                xB.labels.push({ label: dateFormat(dtStart, '!ddd'), value: dtStart.getTime() });
+                dtStart =, interv, 1);
+            }
+            //create the second x-axis (week-based)
+            var xB2 = new dojo.charting.Axis();
+            //use the same range as first axis
+            xB2.range = xB.range;
+            xB2.origin="min";
+            xB2.showTicks = true;
+            xB2.showLines = true;
+            dtStart = chartStart;
+            for(var i = 0; i < nbDays; i++){
+                if(dateFormat(dtStart, '!ddd') == "Mon"){
+                    xB2.labels.push({ label: dateFormat(dtStart, '!dd/!mm'), value: dtStart.getTime() });
+                }
+                dtStart =, interv, 1);
+            }
+//gantt series
+            //to display second axis and labels on same chart, we need a first Plot object
+            var p2 = new dojo.charting.Plot(xB2, yB2);
+            //The second Plot object hold the data Series
+            var p3 = new dojo.charting.Plot(xB, yB2);
+            p3.renderType = dojo.charting.RenderPlotSeries.Grouped;
+            p3.addSeries({ data:s1, plotter: dojo.charting.Plotters.Gantt });
+            var pa2 = new dojo.charting.PlotArea();
+            //Add the 2 Plot to the PlotArea
+            pa2.plots.push(p2);
+            pa2.plots.push(p3);
+            //Calculate chart height & width
+            var chartH = data.length * 30;
+            var chartW = nbDays * 50;
+            pa2.size={width:chartW, height:chartH};
+            pa2.padding={top:30, right:30, bottom:30, left:60 };
+            //  auto assign colors, and increase the step
+            s1.color = pa2.nextColor();
+            // Create the Chart and add the PlotArea
+            var chart = new dojo.charting.Chart(null, "Test chart", "This is a potential description");
+            chart.addPlotArea({ x:0,y:0, plotArea:pa2 });
+            dojo.addOnLoad(function(){
+                chart.node = dojo.byId("chartTest1");
+                chart.render();
+                document.getElementById("chartTest1").setAttribute("style", "width:" + chartW + "; height:" + chartH + ";");
+                document.getElementById("plotLabels1").setAttribute("style", "width:" + chartW + "; height:" + chartH + ";");
+                //Call PlotArea.render with the custom function
+                pa2.render(s1, customPlot);
+            });
+            dojo.debug("--end callBack");
+    }          
+//          dojo.event.connect(dojo, "loaded", "init")
+    function loadData(){
+        var xml = {
+            url: "/projectmgr/js/data.xml",
+            mimetype: "text/xml",
+            load: function(type, xmlDom, httpreq){
+                docData = xmlDom;
+                dojo.debug("load " + docData);
+//              var params = new Array();
+//              var content = navTreeProc.getResultString(xmlDom, params, document);
+            },
+            error: function(type, error){
+                dojo.debug("type: " + type);
+                dojo.debug("error: " + error);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    function customPlot(node, srcObject){
+            //First solution for custom labels
+            //Display labels in a div elt overlapping the graph
+            var x = parseInt(node.getAttribute("x"));
+            var y = parseInt(node.getAttribute("y"));
+            var width = parseInt(node.getAttribute("width")) - 10;
+            if(srcObject.type == "p"){
+                node.setAttribute("y", y + 15);
+                node.setAttribute("rx", "10");
+                node.setAttribute("ry", "10");
+                node.setAttribute("height", "5");
+                node.setAttribute("type", "arc");
+                node.setAttribute("style", "fill:#000000;fill-opacity:0.75000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:1.0000000px;stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-opacity:1.0000000");
+//              dojo.debug(srcObject.type);
+            }else if(srcObject.type == "j"){
+                node.setAttribute("x", x + 15);
+                node.setAttribute("y", y + 10);
+                node.setAttribute("rx", "10");
+                node.setAttribute("ry", "10");
+                node.setAttribute("width", "10");
+                node.setAttribute("height", "10");
+                node.setAttribute("type", "arc");
+                node.setAttribute("style", "fill:#00FF00;fill-opacity:0.75000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:1.0000000px;stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-opacity:1.0000000");
+//              dojo.debug(srcObject.type);
+            }else{
+                node.setAttribute("height", "20");
+            }
+            var div = document.createElement("div");
+            if(srcObject.type != "p"){
+                if(srcObject.type == "j"){
+                    div.setAttribute("class", "milestone-label");
+                    x += 15;
+                }else{
+                    div.setAttribute("class", "bar-label");
+                }
+                div.setAttribute("style", "top:" + parseInt(y + 4) + "px; left:" + parseInt(x + 5) + "px; width:" + width + "px");
+                div.appendChild(document.createTextNode(srcObject.task));
+                document.getElementById("plotLabels1").appendChild(div);
+            }
+            //connect the mouseover event to the task label
+            dojo.event.connect(div, "onmouseover", dj_global, "onMouseOver");
+    }
+    function onMouseOver(evt){
+        logMe(evt);
+    }  
+    function logMe(evt){
+        // FIXME: it appears that we're not actually getting this passed from IE!?!
+        //if(!evt){ evt = window.event; }
+        dojo.debug(evt.type + ' was fired');
+        lastEvt = dump(evt);
+        for(var x in evt){
+            dojo.debug(x+": "+evt[x]);
+        }
+        dojo.debug("some event was fired");
+    }
+function dateFormat(aDate, displayPat){
+    /********************************************************
+    *   Valid Masks:
+    *   !mmmm = Long month (eg. January)
+    *   !mmm = Short month (eg. Jan)
+    *   !mm = Numeric date (eg. 07)
+    *   !m = Numeric date (eg. 7)
+    *   !dddd = Long day (eg. Monday)
+    *   !ddd = Short day (eg. Mon)
+    *   !dd = Numeric day (eg. 07)
+    *   !d = Numeric day (eg. 7)
+    *   !yyyy = Year (eg. 1999)
+    *   !yy = Year (eg. 99)
+   ********************************************************/
+    intMonth = aDate.getMonth();
+    intDate = aDate.getDate();
+    intDay = aDate.getDay();
+    intYear = aDate.getFullYear();
+    var months_long =  new Array ('January','February','March','April',
+       'May','June','July','August','September','October','November','December')
+    var months_short = new Array('Jan','Feb','Mar','Apr','May','Jun',
+       'Jul','Aug','Sep','Oct','Nov','Dec')
+    var days_long = new Array('Sunday','Monday','Tuesday','Wednesday',
+       'Thursday','Friday','Saturday')
+    var days_short = new Array('Sun','Mon','Tue','Wed','Thu','Fri','Sat')
+    var mmmm = months_long[intMonth]
+    var mmm = months_short[intMonth]
+    var mm = intMonth < 9?'0'+ (1 + intMonth) + '':(1+intMonth)+'';
+    var m = 1+intMonth+'';
+    var dddd = days_long[intDay];
+    var ddd = days_short[intDay];
+    var dd = intDate<10?'0'+intDate+'':intDate+'';
+    var d = intDate+'';
+    var yyyy = intYear;
+    century = 0;
+    while((intYear-century)>=100)
+        century = century + 100;
+    var yy = intYear - century
+    if(yy<10)
+        yy = '0' + yy + '';
+    displayDate = new String(displayPat);
+    displayDate = displayDate.replace(/!mmmm/i,mmmm);
+    displayDate = displayDate.replace(/!mmm/i,mmm);
+    displayDate = displayDate.replace(/!mm/i,mm);
+    displayDate = displayDate.replace(/!m/i,m);
+    displayDate = displayDate.replace(/!dddd/i,dddd);
+    displayDate = displayDate.replace(/!ddd/i,ddd);
+    displayDate = displayDate.replace(/!dd/i,dd);
+    displayDate = displayDate.replace(/!d/i,d);
+    displayDate = displayDate.replace(/!yyyy/i,yyyy);
+    displayDate = displayDate.replace(/!yy/i,yy);
+    return displayDate;
\ No newline at end of file

Propchange: ofbiz/trunk/specialpurpose/projectmgr/webapp/projectmgr/js/gantt.js
    svn:eol-style = native