svn commit: r603323 [2/3] - in /ofbiz/trunk/specialpurpose/ebay: ./ build/ config/ data/ servicedef/ src/ src/org/ src/org/ofbiz/ src/org/ofbiz/ebay/ webapp/ webapp/ebay/ webapp/ebay/WEB-INF/ webapp/ebay/WEB-INF/actions/ webapp/ebay/WEB-INF/actions/fin...

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svn commit: r603323 [2/3] - in /ofbiz/trunk/specialpurpose/ebay: ./ build/ config/ data/ servicedef/ src/ src/org/ src/org/ofbiz/ src/org/ofbiz/ebay/ webapp/ webapp/ebay/ webapp/ebay/WEB-INF/ webapp/ebay/WEB-INF/actions/ webapp/ebay/WEB-INF/actions/fin...

Added: ofbiz/trunk/specialpurpose/ebay/src/org/ofbiz/ebay/
--- ofbiz/trunk/specialpurpose/ebay/src/org/ofbiz/ebay/ (added)
+++ ofbiz/trunk/specialpurpose/ebay/src/org/ofbiz/ebay/ Tue Dec 11 10:31:25 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,1392 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ *******************************************************************************/
+package org.ofbiz.ebay;
+import java.sql.Timestamp;
+import java.text.ParsePosition;
+import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.Date;
+import java.util.Iterator;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.Locale;
+import java.util.Map;
+import java.util.Collection;
+import javolution.util.FastMap;
+import org.ofbiz.base.util.Debug;
+import org.ofbiz.base.util.UtilDateTime;
+import org.ofbiz.base.util.UtilMisc;
+import org.ofbiz.base.util.UtilProperties;
+import org.ofbiz.base.util.UtilValidate;
+import org.ofbiz.base.util.UtilXml;
+import org.ofbiz.entity.GenericDelegator;
+import org.ofbiz.entity.GenericEntityException;
+import org.ofbiz.entity.GenericValue;
+import org.ofbiz.entity.util.EntityUtil;
+import org.ofbiz.order.order.OrderChangeHelper;
+import org.ofbiz.order.shoppingcart.CheckOutHelper;
+import org.ofbiz.order.shoppingcart.ShoppingCart;
+import org.ofbiz.service.DispatchContext;
+import org.ofbiz.service.GenericServiceException;
+import org.ofbiz.service.LocalDispatcher;
+import org.ofbiz.service.ModelService;
+import org.ofbiz.service.ServiceUtil;
+import org.w3c.dom.Document;
+import org.w3c.dom.Element;
+public class ImportOrdersFromEbay {
+    private static final String resource = "EbayUiLabels";
+    private static final String module = ImportOrdersFromEbay.class.getName();
+    public static Map importOrdersSearchFromEbay(DispatchContext dctx, Map context) {
+        GenericDelegator delegator = dctx.getDelegator();
+        LocalDispatcher dispatcher = dctx.getDispatcher();
+        Locale locale = (Locale) context.get("locale");
+        Map result = FastMap.newInstance();
+        try {
+            String configString = "";
+            // get the Developer Key
+            String devID = UtilProperties.getPropertyValue(configString, "eBayExport.devID");
+            // get the Application Key
+            String appID = UtilProperties.getPropertyValue(configString, "eBayExport.appID");
+            // get the Certifcate Key
+            String certID = UtilProperties.getPropertyValue(configString, "eBayExport.certID");
+            // get the Token
+            String token = UtilProperties.getPropertyValue(configString, "eBayExport.token");
+            // get the Compatibility Level
+            String compatibilityLevel = UtilProperties.getPropertyValue(configString, "eBayExport.compatibilityLevel");
+            // get the Site ID
+            String siteID = UtilProperties.getPropertyValue(configString, "eBayExport.siteID");
+            // get the xmlGatewayUri
+            String xmlGatewayUri = UtilProperties.getPropertyValue(configString, "eBayExport.xmlGatewayUri");
+            StringBuffer sellerTransactionsItemsXml = new StringBuffer();
+            if (!ServiceUtil.isFailure(buildGetSellerTransactionsRequest(context, sellerTransactionsItemsXml, token))) {
+                result = postItem(xmlGatewayUri, sellerTransactionsItemsXml, devID, appID, certID, "GetSellerTransactions", compatibilityLevel, siteID);
+                String success = (String)result.get(ModelService.SUCCESS_MESSAGE);
+                if (success != null) {
+                    result = checkOrders(delegator, dispatcher, locale, context, success);
+                }
+            }
+        } catch (Exception e) {        
+            Debug.logError("Exception in importOrdersSearchFromEbay " + e, module);
+            return ServiceUtil.returnFailure(UtilProperties.getMessage(resource, "ordersImportFromEbay.exceptionInImportOrdersSearchFromEbay", locale));
+        }
+        return result;
+    }
+    public static Map importOrderFromEbay(DispatchContext dctx, Map context) {
+        GenericDelegator delegator = dctx.getDelegator();
+        LocalDispatcher dispatcher = dctx.getDispatcher();
+        Locale locale = (Locale) context.get("locale");
+        Map order = FastMap.newInstance();
+        Map result = FastMap.newInstance();
+        try {
+            order.put("productStoreId", (String) context.get("productStoreId"));
+            order.put("userLogin", (GenericValue) context.get("userLogin"));
+            order.put("externalId", (String) context.get("externalId"));
+            order.put("transactionId", (String) context.get("transactionId"));
+            order.put("createdDate", (String) context.get("createdDate"));
+            order.put("productId", (String) context.get("productId"));
+            order.put("quantityPurchased", (String) context.get("quantityPurchased"));
+            order.put("transactionPrice", (String) context.get("transactionPrice"));
+            order.put("shippingService", (String) context.get("shippingService"));
+            order.put("shippingServiceCost", (String) context.get("shippingServiceCost"));
+            order.put("shippingTotalAdditionalCost", (String) context.get("shippingTotalAdditionalCost"));
+            order.put("salesTaxAmount", (String) context.get("salesTaxAmount"));
+            order.put("salesTaxPercent", (String) context.get("salesTaxPercent"));
+            order.put("amountPaid", (String) context.get("amountPaid"));
+            order.put("paidTime", (String) context.get("paidTime"));
+            order.put("shippedTime", (String) context.get("shippedTime"));
+            order.put("buyerName", (String) context.get("buyerName"));
+            order.put("emailBuyer", (String) context.get("emailBuyer"));
+            order.put("shippingAddressPhone", (String) context.get("shippingAddressPhone"));
+            order.put("shippingAddressStreet", (String) context.get("shippingAddressStreet"));
+            order.put("shippingAddressStreet1", (String) context.get("shippingAddressStreet1"));
+            order.put("shippingAddressStreet2", (String) context.get("shippingAddressStreet2"));
+            order.put("shippingAddressPostalCode", (String) context.get("shippingAddressPostalCode"));
+            order.put("shippingAddressCountry", (String) context.get("shippingAddressCountry"));
+            order.put("shippingAddressStateOrProvince", (String) context.get("shippingAddressStateOrProvince"));
+            order.put("shippingAddressCityName", (String) context.get("shippingAddressCityName"));
+            result = createShoppingCart(delegator, dispatcher, locale, order, true);
+        } catch (Exception e) {        
+            Debug.logError("Exception in importOrderFromEbay " + e, module);
+            return ServiceUtil.returnFailure(UtilProperties.getMessage(resource, "ordersImportFromEbay.exceptionInImportOrderFromEbay", locale));
+        }
+        return result;
+    }
+    public static Map setEbayOrderToComplete(DispatchContext dctx, Map context) {
+        GenericDelegator delegator = dctx.getDelegator();
+        Locale locale = (Locale) context.get("locale");
+        String orderId = (String) context.get("orderId");
+        String externalId = (String) context.get("externalId");
+        String transactionId = (String) context.get("transactionId");
+        Map result = FastMap.newInstance();
+        try {
+            if (orderId == null && externalId == null) {
+                Debug.logError("orderId or externalId must be filled", module);
+                return ServiceUtil.returnFailure(UtilProperties.getMessage(resource, "ordersImportFromEbay.orderIdOrExternalIdAreMandatory", locale));            
+            }
+            GenericValue orderHeader = null;
+            if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(orderId)) {
+                // Get the order header and verify if this order has been imported
+                // from eBay (i.e. sales channel = EBAY_CHANNEL and externalId is set)
+                orderHeader = delegator.findByPrimaryKey("OrderHeader", UtilMisc.toMap("orderId", orderId));
+                if (orderHeader == null) {
+                    Debug.logError("Cannot find order with orderId [" + orderId + "]", module);
+                    return ServiceUtil.returnFailure(UtilProperties.getMessage(resource, "ordersImportFromEbay.errorRetrievingOrderFromOrderId", locale));            
+                }
+                if (!"EBAY_SALES_CHANNEL".equals(orderHeader.getString("salesChannelEnumId")) || orderHeader.getString("externalId") == null) {
+                    // This order was not imported from eBay: there is nothing to do.
+                    return ServiceUtil.returnSuccess();
+                }
+                // get externalId and transactionId from OrderHeader
+                externalId = (String)orderHeader.get("externalId");
+                transactionId = (String)orderHeader.get("transactionId");
+            }
+            String configString = "";
+            // get the Developer Key
+            String devID = UtilProperties.getPropertyValue(configString, "eBayExport.devID");
+            // get the Application Key
+            String appID = UtilProperties.getPropertyValue(configString, "eBayExport.appID");
+            // get the Certifcate Key
+            String certID = UtilProperties.getPropertyValue(configString, "eBayExport.certID");
+            // get the Token
+            String token = UtilProperties.getPropertyValue(configString, "eBayExport.token");
+            // get the Compatibility Level
+            String compatibilityLevel = UtilProperties.getPropertyValue(configString, "eBayExport.compatibilityLevel");
+            // get the Site ID
+            String siteID = UtilProperties.getPropertyValue(configString, "eBayExport.siteID");
+            // get the xmlGatewayUri
+            String xmlGatewayUri = UtilProperties.getPropertyValue(configString, "eBayExport.xmlGatewayUri");
+            StringBuffer completeSaleXml = new StringBuffer();
+            if (!ServiceUtil.isFailure(buildCompleteSaleRequest(delegator, locale, externalId, transactionId, context, completeSaleXml, token))) {
+                result = postItem(xmlGatewayUri, completeSaleXml, devID, appID, certID, "CompleteSale", compatibilityLevel, siteID);
+                String successMessage = (String)result.get("successMessage");
+                if (successMessage != null) {
+                    return readCompleteSaleResponse(successMessage, locale);
+                } else{
+                    ServiceUtil.returnFailure(UtilProperties.getMessage(resource, "ordersImportFromEbay.errorDuringPostCompleteSaleRequest", locale));
+                }                
+            }
+        } catch (Exception e) {        
+            Debug.logError("Exception in setEbayOrderToComplete " + e, module);
+            return ServiceUtil.returnFailure(UtilProperties.getMessage(resource, "ordersImportFromEbay.exceptionInSetEbayOrderToComplete", locale));
+        }
+        return ServiceUtil.returnSuccess();
+    }
+    private static String toString(InputStream inputStream) throws IOException {
+        String string;
+        StringBuilder outputBuilder = new StringBuilder();
+        if (inputStream != null) {
+            BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(inputStream));
+            while (null != (string = reader.readLine())) {
+                outputBuilder.append(string).append('\n');
+            }
+        }
+        return outputBuilder.toString();
+    }
+    private static Map postItem(String postItemsUrl, StringBuffer dataItems, String devID, String appID, String certID,
+                                String callName, String compatibilityLevel, String siteID) throws IOException {
+        if (Debug.verboseOn()) {
+            Debug.logVerbose("Request of " + callName + " To eBay:\n" + dataItems.toString(), module);
+        }
+        HttpURLConnection connection = (HttpURLConnection)(new URL(postItemsUrl)).openConnection();
+        connection.setDoInput(true);
+        connection.setDoOutput(true);
+        connection.setRequestMethod("POST");
+        connection.setRequestProperty("X-EBAY-API-COMPATIBILITY-LEVEL", compatibilityLevel);
+        connection.setRequestProperty("X-EBAY-API-DEV-NAME", devID);
+        connection.setRequestProperty("X-EBAY-API-APP-NAME", appID);
+        connection.setRequestProperty("X-EBAY-API-CERT-NAME", certID);
+        connection.setRequestProperty("X-EBAY-API-CALL-NAME", callName);
+        connection.setRequestProperty("X-EBAY-API-SITEID", siteID);
+        connection.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "text/xml");
+        OutputStream outputStream = connection.getOutputStream();
+        outputStream.write(dataItems.toString().getBytes());
+        outputStream.close();
+        int responseCode = connection.getResponseCode();
+        InputStream inputStream = null;
+        Map result = FastMap.newInstance();
+        String response = null;
+        if (responseCode == HttpURLConnection.HTTP_CREATED ||
+            responseCode == HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK) {
+            inputStream = connection.getInputStream();
+            response = toString(inputStream);
+            result = ServiceUtil.returnSuccess(response);
+        } else {
+            inputStream = connection.getErrorStream();
+            result = ServiceUtil.returnFailure(toString(inputStream));
+        }
+        if (Debug.verboseOn()) {
+            Debug.logVerbose("Response of " + callName + " From eBay:\n" + response, module);
+        }
+        return result;
+    }
+    private static Map checkOrders(GenericDelegator delegator, LocalDispatcher dispatcher, Locale locale, Map context, String response) {
+        StringBuffer errorMessage = new StringBuffer();
+        List orders = readResponseFromEbay(response, locale, (String)context.get("productStoreId"), delegator, errorMessage);
+        if (orders == null) {
+            Debug.logError("Error :" + errorMessage.toString(), module);
+            return ServiceUtil.returnFailure(errorMessage.toString());
+        } else if (orders.size() == 0) {
+            Debug.logError("No orders found", module);
+            return ServiceUtil.returnFailure(UtilProperties.getMessage(resource, "ordersImportFromEbay.noOrdersFound", locale));
+        } else {
+            Iterator orderIter = orders.iterator();
+            while (orderIter.hasNext()) {
+                Map order = (Map);
+                order.put("productStoreId", (String) context.get("productStoreId"));
+                order.put("userLogin", (GenericValue) context.get("userLogin"));
+                Map error = createShoppingCart(delegator, dispatcher, locale, order, false);
+                String errorMsg = ServiceUtil.getErrorMessage(error);
+                if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(errorMsg)) {
+                    order.put("errorMessage", errorMsg);
+                } else {
+                    order.put("errorMessage", "");
+                }
+            }
+            Map result = FastMap.newInstance();
+            result.put("responseMessage", ModelService.RESPOND_SUCCESS);
+            result.put("orderList", orders);
+            return result;
+        }
+    }
+    private static Map buildGetSellerTransactionsRequest(Map context, StringBuffer dataItemsXml, String token) {
+        Locale locale = (Locale)context.get("locale");
+        String fromDate = (String)context.get("fromDate");
+        String thruDate = (String)context.get("thruDate");
+        try {
+             Document transDoc = UtilXml.makeEmptyXmlDocument("GetSellerTransactionsRequest");
+             Element transElem = transDoc.getDocumentElement();
+             transElem.setAttribute("xmlns", "urn:ebay:apis:eBLBaseComponents");
+             appendRequesterCredentials(transElem, transDoc, token);
+             UtilXml.addChildElementValue(transElem, "DetailLevel", "ReturnAll", transDoc);
+             String fromDateOut = convertDate(fromDate, "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS", "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS'Z'");
+             if (fromDateOut != null) {
+                 UtilXml.addChildElementValue(transElem, "ModTimeFrom", fromDateOut, transDoc);
+             } else {
+                 Debug.logError("Cannot convert from date from yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS date format to yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS'Z' date format", module);
+                 return ServiceUtil.returnFailure(UtilProperties.getMessage(resource, "ordersImportFromEbay.cannotConvertFromDate", locale));
+             }
+             fromDateOut = convertDate(thruDate, "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS", "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS'Z'");
+             if (fromDateOut != null) {
+                 UtilXml.addChildElementValue(transElem, "ModTimeTo", fromDateOut, transDoc);
+             } else {
+                 Debug.logError("Cannot convert thru date from yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS date format to yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS'Z' date format", module);
+                 return ServiceUtil.returnFailure(UtilProperties.getMessage(resource, "ordersImportFromEbay.cannotConvertThruDate", locale));
+             }
+             dataItemsXml.append(UtilXml.writeXmlDocument(transDoc));
+         } catch (Exception e) {
+             Debug.logError("Exception during building get seller transactions request", module);
+             return ServiceUtil.returnFailure(UtilProperties.getMessage(resource, "ordersImportFromEbay.exceptionDuringBuildingGetSellerTransactionRequest", locale));
+         }
+         return ServiceUtil.returnSuccess();
+    }
+    private static Map buildGetEbayDetailsRequest(Map context, StringBuffer dataItemsXml, String token) {
+        Locale locale = (Locale)context.get("locale");
+        try {
+             Document transDoc = UtilXml.makeEmptyXmlDocument("GeteBayDetailsRequest");
+             Element transElem = transDoc.getDocumentElement();
+             transElem.setAttribute("xmlns", "urn:ebay:apis:eBLBaseComponents");
+             appendRequesterCredentials(transElem, transDoc, token);
+             UtilXml.addChildElementValue(transElem, "DetailName", "ShippingServiceDetails", transDoc);
+             UtilXml.addChildElementValue(transElem, "DetailName", "TaxJurisdiction", transDoc);
+             dataItemsXml.append(UtilXml.writeXmlDocument(transDoc));
+         } catch (Exception e) {
+             Debug.logError("Exception during building get eBay details request", module);
+             return ServiceUtil.returnFailure(UtilProperties.getMessage(resource, "ordersImportFromEbay.exceptionDuringBuildingGetEbayDetailsRequest", locale));
+         }
+         return ServiceUtil.returnSuccess();
+    }
+    public static Map buildCompleteSaleRequest(GenericDelegator delegator, Locale locale, String itemId, String transactionId, Map context, StringBuffer dataItemsXml, String token) {
+        String paid = (String)context.get("paid");
+        String shipped = (String)context.get("shipped");
+        try {
+            if (itemId == null || transactionId == null) {
+                Debug.logError("Cannot be retrieve itemId and transactionId from externalId", module);
+                return ServiceUtil.returnFailure(UtilProperties.getMessage(resource, "ordersImportFromEbay.errorDuringBuildItemAndTransactionIdFromExternalId", locale));
+            }
+            Document transDoc = UtilXml.makeEmptyXmlDocument("CompleteSaleRequest");
+            Element transElem = transDoc.getDocumentElement();
+            transElem.setAttribute("xmlns", "urn:ebay:apis:eBLBaseComponents");
+            appendRequesterCredentials(transElem, transDoc, token);
+            UtilXml.addChildElementValue(transElem, "ItemID", itemId, transDoc);
+            // default shipped = Y (call from eca during order completed)
+            if (paid == null && shipped == null) {
+                shipped = "Y";
+            }
+            // Set item id to paid or not paid            
+            if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(paid)) {
+                if ("Y".equals(paid)) {
+                    paid = "true";
+                } else {
+                    paid = "false";
+                }
+                UtilXml.addChildElementValue(transElem, "Paid", paid, transDoc);
+            }
+            // Set item id to shipped or not shipped            
+            if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(shipped)) {
+                if ("Y".equals(shipped)) {
+                    shipped = "true";
+                } else {
+                    shipped = "false";
+                }
+                UtilXml.addChildElementValue(transElem, "Shipped", shipped, transDoc);
+            }
+            UtilXml.addChildElementValue(transElem, "TransactionID", transactionId, transDoc);
+            dataItemsXml.append(UtilXml.writeXmlDocument(transDoc));
+        } catch (Exception e) {
+            Debug.logError("Exception during building complete sale request", module);
+            return ServiceUtil.returnFailure(UtilProperties.getMessage(resource, "ordersImportFromEbay.exceptionDuringBuildingCompleteSaleRequest", locale));
+        }
+        return ServiceUtil.returnSuccess();
+    }
+    private static void appendRequesterCredentials(Element elem, Document doc, String token) {
+        Element requesterCredentialsElem = UtilXml.addChildElement(elem, "RequesterCredentials", doc);
+        UtilXml.addChildElementValue(requesterCredentialsElem, "eBayAuthToken", token, doc);
+    }
+    private static Map readCompleteSaleResponse(String msg, Locale locale) {
+        try {
+            Document docResponse = UtilXml.readXmlDocument(msg, true);
+            Element elemResponse = docResponse.getDocumentElement();
+            String ack = UtilXml.childElementValue(elemResponse, "Ack", "Failure");
+            if (ack != null && "Failure".equals(ack)) {
+                String errorMessage = "";
+                List errorList = UtilXml.childElementList(elemResponse, "Errors");
+                Iterator errorElemIter = errorList.iterator();
+                while (errorElemIter.hasNext()) {
+                    Element errorElement = (Element);
+                    errorMessage = UtilXml.childElementValue(errorElement, "ShortMessage", "");
+                }
+                return ServiceUtil.returnFailure(errorMessage);
+            }
+        } catch (Exception e) {
+            return ServiceUtil.returnFailure();
+        }
+        return ServiceUtil.returnSuccess();
+    }
+    private static List readResponseFromEbay(String msg, Locale locale, String productStoreId, GenericDelegator delegator, StringBuffer errorMessage) {
+        List orders = null;
+        try {
+            Document docResponse = UtilXml.readXmlDocument(msg, true);
+            Element elemResponse = docResponse.getDocumentElement();
+            String ack = UtilXml.childElementValue(elemResponse, "Ack", "Failure");
+            List paginationList = UtilXml.childElementList(elemResponse, "PaginationResult");
+            int totalOrders = 0;
+            Iterator paginationElemIter = paginationList.iterator();
+            while (paginationElemIter.hasNext()) {
+                Element paginationElement = (Element);
+                String totalNumberOfEntries = UtilXml.childElementValue(paginationElement, "TotalNumberOfEntries", "0");
+                totalOrders = new Integer(totalNumberOfEntries).intValue();
+            }
+            if (ack != null && "Success".equals(ack)) {
+                orders = new ArrayList();
+                if (totalOrders > 0) {
+                    // retrieve transaction array
+                    List transactions = UtilXml.childElementList(elemResponse, "TransactionArray");
+                    Iterator transactionsElemIter = transactions.iterator();
+                    while (transactionsElemIter.hasNext()) {
+                        Element transactionsElement = (Element);
+                        // retrieve transaction
+                        List transaction = UtilXml.childElementList(transactionsElement, "Transaction");
+                        Iterator transactionElemIter = transaction.iterator();
+                        while (transactionElemIter.hasNext()) {
+                            Map order = FastMap.newInstance();
+                            String itemId = "";
+                            Element transactionElement = (Element);
+                            order.put("amountPaid", UtilXml.childElementValue(transactionElement, "AmountPaid", "0"));
+                            // retrieve buyer
+                            List buyer = UtilXml.childElementList(transactionElement, "Buyer");
+                            Iterator buyerElemIter = buyer.iterator();
+                            while (buyerElemIter.hasNext()) {
+                                Element buyerElement = (Element);
+                                order.put("emailBuyer", UtilXml.childElementValue(buyerElement, "Email", ""));
+                                order.put("eiasTokenBuyer", UtilXml.childElementValue(buyerElement, "EIASToken", ""));
+                                order.put("ebayUserIdBuyer", UtilXml.childElementValue(buyerElement, "UserID", ""));
+                                // retrieve buyer information
+                                List buyerInfo = UtilXml.childElementList(buyerElement, "BuyerInfo");
+                                Iterator buyerInfoElemIter = buyerInfo.iterator();
+                                while (buyerInfoElemIter.hasNext()) {
+                                    Element buyerInfoElement = (Element);
+                                    // retrieve shipping address
+                                    List shippingAddressInfo = UtilXml.childElementList(buyerInfoElement, "ShippingAddress");
+                                    Iterator shippingAddressElemIter = shippingAddressInfo.iterator();
+                                    while (shippingAddressElemIter.hasNext()) {
+                                        Element shippingAddressElement = (Element);
+                                        order.put("buyerName", UtilXml.childElementValue(shippingAddressElement, "Name", ""));
+                                        order.put("shippingAddressStreet", UtilXml.childElementValue(shippingAddressElement, "Street", ""));
+                                        order.put("shippingAddressStreet1", UtilXml.childElementValue(shippingAddressElement, "Street1", ""));
+                                        order.put("shippingAddressStreet2", UtilXml.childElementValue(shippingAddressElement, "Street2", ""));
+                                        order.put("shippingAddressCityName", UtilXml.childElementValue(shippingAddressElement, "CityName", ""));
+                                        order.put("shippingAddressStateOrProvince", UtilXml.childElementValue(shippingAddressElement, "StateOrProvince", ""));
+                                        order.put("shippingAddressCountry", UtilXml.childElementValue(shippingAddressElement, "Country", ""));
+                                        order.put("shippingAddressCountryName", UtilXml.childElementValue(shippingAddressElement, "CountryName", ""));
+                                        order.put("shippingAddressPhone", UtilXml.childElementValue(shippingAddressElement, "Phone", ""));
+                                        order.put("shippingAddressPostalCode", UtilXml.childElementValue(shippingAddressElement, "PostalCode", ""));
+                                    }
+                                }
+                            }
+                            // retrieve shipping details
+                            List shippingDetails = UtilXml.childElementList(transactionElement, "ShippingDetails");
+                            Iterator shippingDetailsElemIter = shippingDetails.iterator();
+                            while (shippingDetailsElemIter.hasNext()) {
+                                Element shippingDetailsElement = (Element);
+                                order.put("insuranceFee", UtilXml.childElementValue(shippingDetailsElement, "InsuranceFee", "0"));
+                                order.put("insuranceOption", UtilXml.childElementValue(shippingDetailsElement, "InsuranceOption", ""));
+                                order.put("insuranceWanted", UtilXml.childElementValue(shippingDetailsElement, "InsuranceWanted", "false"));
+                                // retrieve sales Tax
+                                List salesTax = UtilXml.childElementList(shippingDetailsElement, "SalesTax");
+                                Iterator salesTaxElemIter = salesTax.iterator();
+                                while (salesTaxElemIter.hasNext()) {
+                                    Element salesTaxElement = (Element);
+                                    order.put("salesTaxAmount", UtilXml.childElementValue(salesTaxElement, "SalesTaxAmount", "0"));
+                                    order.put("salesTaxPercent", UtilXml.childElementValue(salesTaxElement, "SalesTaxPercent", "0"));
+                                    order.put("salesTaxState", UtilXml.childElementValue(salesTaxElement, "SalesTaxState", "0"));
+                                    order.put("shippingIncludedInTax", UtilXml.childElementValue(salesTaxElement, "ShippingIncludedInTax", "false"));                                
+                                }
+                                // retrieve tax table
+                                List taxTable = UtilXml.childElementList(shippingDetailsElement, "TaxTable");
+                                Iterator taxTableElemIter = taxTable.iterator();
+                                while (taxTableElemIter.hasNext()) {
+                                    Element taxTableElement = (Element);
+                                    List taxJurisdiction = UtilXml.childElementList(taxTableElement, "TaxJurisdiction");
+                                    Iterator taxJurisdictionElemIter = taxJurisdiction.iterator();
+                                    while (taxJurisdictionElemIter.hasNext()) {
+                                        Element taxJurisdictionElement = (Element);
+                                        order.put("jurisdictionID", UtilXml.childElementValue(taxJurisdictionElement, "JurisdictionID", ""));
+                                        order.put("jurisdictionSalesTaxPercent", UtilXml.childElementValue(taxJurisdictionElement, "SalesTaxPercent", "0"));
+                                        order.put("jurisdictionShippingIncludedInTax", UtilXml.childElementValue(taxJurisdictionElement, "ShippingIncludedInTax", "0"));
+                                    }
+                                }
+                            }
+                            // retrieve created date
+                            order.put("createdDate", UtilXml.childElementValue(transactionElement, "CreatedDate", ""));
+                            // retrieve item
+                            List item = UtilXml.childElementList(transactionElement, "Item");
+                            Iterator itemElemIter = item.iterator();
+                            while (itemElemIter.hasNext()) {
+                                Element itemElement = (Element);
+                                itemId = UtilXml.childElementValue(itemElement, "ItemID", "");
+                                order.put("paymentMethods", UtilXml.childElementValue(itemElement, "PaymentMethods", ""));
+                                order.put("quantity", UtilXml.childElementValue(itemElement, "Quantity", "0"));
+                                order.put("startPrice", UtilXml.childElementValue(itemElement, "StartPrice", "0"));
+                                order.put("title", UtilXml.childElementValue(itemElement, "Title", ""));
+                                String productId = UtilXml.childElementValue(itemElement, "SKU", "");
+                                if (UtilValidate.isEmpty(productId)) {
+                                    productId = retrieveProductIdFromTitle(delegator, (String)order.get("title"));
+                                }
+                                order.put("productId", productId);
+                                // retrieve selling status
+                                List sellingStatus = UtilXml.childElementList(itemElement, "SellingStatus");
+                                Iterator sellingStatusitemElemIter = sellingStatus.iterator();
+                                while (sellingStatusitemElemIter.hasNext()) {
+                                    Element sellingStatusElement = (Element);
+                                    order.put("amount", UtilXml.childElementValue(sellingStatusElement, "CurrentPrice", "0"));
+                                    order.put("quantitySold", UtilXml.childElementValue(sellingStatusElement, "QuantitySold", "0"));
+                                    order.put("listingStatus", UtilXml.childElementValue(sellingStatusElement, "ListingStatus", ""));
+                                }
+                            }
+                            // retrieve quantity purchased
+                            order.put("quantityPurchased", UtilXml.childElementValue(transactionElement, "QuantityPurchased", "0"));
+                            // retrieve status
+                            List status = UtilXml.childElementList(transactionElement, "Status");
+                            Iterator statusElemIter = status.iterator();
+                            while (statusElemIter.hasNext()) {
+                                Element statusElement = (Element);
+                                order.put("eBayPaymentStatus", UtilXml.childElementValue(statusElement, "eBayPaymentStatus", ""));
+                                order.put("checkoutStatus", UtilXml.childElementValue(statusElement, "CheckoutStatus", ""));
+                                order.put("paymentMethodUsed", UtilXml.childElementValue(statusElement, "PaymentMethodUsed", ""));
+                                order.put("completeStatus", UtilXml.childElementValue(statusElement, "CompleteStatus", ""));
+                                order.put("buyerSelectedShipping", UtilXml.childElementValue(statusElement, "BuyerSelectedShipping", ""));
+                            }
+                            // retrieve transactionId
+                            String transactionId = UtilXml.childElementValue(transactionElement, "TransactionID", "");
+                            // set the externalId and transactionId
+                            order.put("externalId", itemId);
+                            order.put("transactionId", transactionId);
+                            GenericValue orderExist = externalOrderExists(delegator, itemId, transactionId);
+                            if (orderExist != null) {
+                                order.put("orderId", (String)orderExist.get("orderId"));  
+                            } else {
+                                order.put("orderId", "");
+                            }
+                            // retrieve transaction price
+                            order.put("transactionPrice", UtilXml.childElementValue(transactionElement, "TransactionPrice", "0"));
+                            // retrieve external transaction
+                            List externalTransaction = UtilXml.childElementList(transactionElement, "ExternalTransaction");
+                            Iterator externalTransactionElemIter = externalTransaction.iterator();
+                            while (externalTransactionElemIter.hasNext()) {
+                                Element externalTransactionElement = (Element);
+                                order.put("externalTransactionID", UtilXml.childElementValue(externalTransactionElement, "ExternalTransactionID", ""));
+                                order.put("externalTransactionTime", UtilXml.childElementValue(externalTransactionElement, "ExternalTransactionTime", ""));
+                                order.put("feeOrCreditAmount", UtilXml.childElementValue(externalTransactionElement, "FeeOrCreditAmount", "0"));
+                                order.put("paymentOrRefundAmount", UtilXml.childElementValue(externalTransactionElement, "PaymentOrRefundAmount", "0"));
+                            }
+                            // retrieve shipping service selected
+                            List shippingServiceSelected = UtilXml.childElementList(transactionElement, "ShippingServiceSelected");
+                            Iterator shippingServiceSelectedElemIter = shippingServiceSelected.iterator();
+                            while (shippingServiceSelectedElemIter.hasNext()) {
+                                Element shippingServiceSelectedElement = (Element);
+                                order.put("shippingService", UtilXml.childElementValue(shippingServiceSelectedElement, "ShippingService", ""));
+                                order.put("shippingServiceCost", UtilXml.childElementValue(shippingServiceSelectedElement, "ShippingServiceCost", "0"));
+                                String incuranceCost = UtilXml.childElementValue(shippingServiceSelectedElement, "ShippingInsuranceCost", "0");
+                                String additionalCost = UtilXml.childElementValue(shippingServiceSelectedElement, "ShippingServiceAdditionalCost", "0");
+                                String surchargeCost = UtilXml.childElementValue(shippingServiceSelectedElement, "ShippingSurcharge", "0");
+                                double shippingInsuranceCost = 0;
+                                double shippingServiceAdditionalCost = 0;
+                                double shippingSurcharge = 0;
+                                if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(incuranceCost)) {
+                                    shippingInsuranceCost = new Double(incuranceCost).doubleValue();
+                                }
+                                if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(additionalCost)) {
+                                    shippingServiceAdditionalCost = new Double(additionalCost).doubleValue();
+                                }
+                                if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(surchargeCost)) {
+                                    shippingSurcharge = new Double(surchargeCost).doubleValue();
+                                }
+                                double shippingTotalAdditionalCost = shippingInsuranceCost + shippingServiceAdditionalCost + shippingSurcharge;
+                                String totalAdditionalCost = new Double(shippingTotalAdditionalCost).toString();
+                                order.put("shippingTotalAdditionalCost", totalAdditionalCost);
+                            }
+                            // retrieve paid time
+                            order.put("paidTime", UtilXml.childElementValue(transactionElement, "PaidTime", ""));
+                            // retrieve shipped time
+                            order.put("shippedTime", UtilXml.childElementValue(transactionElement, "ShippedTime", ""));
+                            order.put("productStoreId", productStoreId);
+                            orders.add(order);
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+            } else {
+                List errorList = UtilXml.childElementList(elemResponse, "Errors");
+                Iterator errorElemIter = errorList.iterator();
+                while (errorElemIter.hasNext()) {
+                    Element errorElement = (Element);
+                    errorMessage.append(UtilXml.childElementValue(errorElement, "ShortMessage", ""));
+                }
+            }
+        } catch (Exception e) {
+            Debug.logError("Exception during read response from Ebay", module);
+        }
+        return orders;
+    }
+    private static Map createShoppingCart(GenericDelegator delegator, LocalDispatcher dispatcher, Locale locale, Map parameters, boolean create) {
+        try {
+            String productStoreId = (String) parameters.get("productStoreId");
+            GenericValue userLogin = (GenericValue) parameters.get("userLogin");
+            String defaultCurrencyUomId = "";
+            String payToPartyId = "";
+            String facilityId = "";
+            // Product Store is mandatory
+            if (productStoreId == null) {
+                return ServiceUtil.returnFailure(UtilProperties.getMessage(resource, "ordersImportFromEbay.productStoreIdIsMandatory", locale));  
+            } else {
+                GenericValue productStore = delegator.findByPrimaryKey("ProductStore", UtilMisc.toMap("productStoreId", productStoreId));
+                if (productStore != null) {
+                    defaultCurrencyUomId = productStore.getString("defaultCurrencyUomId");
+                    payToPartyId = productStore.getString("payToPartyId");
+                    facilityId = productStore.getString("inventoryFacilityId");
+                } else {
+                    return ServiceUtil.returnFailure(UtilProperties.getMessage(resource, "ordersImportFromEbay.productStoreIdIsMandatory", locale));
+                }
+            }
+            // create a new shopping cart
+            ShoppingCart cart = new ShoppingCart(delegator, productStoreId, locale, defaultCurrencyUomId);
+            // set the external id with the eBay Item Id
+            String externalId = (String) parameters.get("externalId");
+            // set the transaction id with the eBay Transacation Id
+            String transactionId = (String) parameters.get("transactionId");
+            if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(externalId)) {
+                if (externalOrderExists(delegator, externalId, transactionId) != null && create) {
+                    return ServiceUtil.returnFailure(UtilProperties.getMessage(resource, "ordersImportFromEbay.externalIdAlreadyExist", locale));  
+                }
+                cart.setExternalId(externalId);
+                cart.setTransactionId(transactionId);
+            } else {
+                return ServiceUtil.returnFailure(UtilProperties.getMessage(resource, "ordersImportFromEbay.externalIdNotAvailable", locale));
+            }
+            cart.setOrderType("SALES_ORDER");
+            cart.setChannelType("EBAY_SALES_CHANNEL");
+            cart.setUserLogin(userLogin, dispatcher);
+            cart.setProductStoreId(productStoreId);
+            if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(facilityId)) {
+                cart.setFacilityId(facilityId);
+            }
+            String amountStr = (String) parameters.get("amountPaid");
+            Double amountPaid = new Double(0);
+            if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(amountStr)) {
+                amountPaid = new Double(amountStr);
+            }
+            // add the payment EXT_BAY for the paid amount
+            cart.addPaymentAmount("EXT_EBAY", amountPaid, externalId, null, true, false, false);
+            // set the order date with the eBay created date
+            Timestamp orderDate = UtilDateTime.nowTimestamp();
+            if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty((String) parameters.get("createdDate"))) {
+                SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS'Z'");
+                Date createdDate = sdf.parse((String) parameters.get("createdDate"));
+                orderDate = new Timestamp(createdDate.getTime());
+            }
+            cart.setOrderDate(orderDate);
+            // check if the producId exists and it is valid
+            String productId = (String) parameters.get("productId");
+            if (UtilValidate.isEmpty(productId)) {
+                return ServiceUtil.returnFailure(UtilProperties.getMessage(resource, "ordersImportFromEbay.productIdNotAvailable", locale));
+            } else {
+                GenericValue product = delegator.findByPrimaryKey("Product", UtilMisc.toMap("productId", productId));
+                if (UtilValidate.isEmpty(product)) {
+                    return ServiceUtil.returnFailure(UtilProperties.getMessage(resource, "ordersImportFromEbay.productIdDoesNotExist", locale));
+                }
+            }
+            // Before import the order from eBay to OFBiz is mandatory that the payment has be received
+            String paidTime = (String) parameters.get("paidTime");
+            if (UtilValidate.isEmpty(paidTime)) {
+                return ServiceUtil.returnFailure(UtilProperties.getMessage(resource, "ordersImportFromEbay.paymentIsStillNotReceived", locale));
+            }
+            Double unitPrice = new Double((String) parameters.get("transactionPrice"));
+            double quantity = new Double((String) parameters.get("quantityPurchased")).doubleValue();
+            cart.addItemToEnd(productId, null, quantity, unitPrice, null, null, null, "PRODUCT_ORDER_ITEM", dispatcher, Boolean.FALSE, Boolean.FALSE);
+            // set partyId from
+            if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(payToPartyId)) {
+                cart.setBillFromVendorPartyId(payToPartyId);
+            }
+            // Apply shipping costs as order adjustment
+            String shippingCost = (String) parameters.get("shippingServiceCost");
+            if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(shippingCost)) {
+                double shippingAmount = new Double(shippingCost).doubleValue();
+                if (shippingAmount > 0) {
+                    GenericValue shippingAdjustment = makeOrderAdjustment(delegator, "SHIPPING_CHARGES", cart.getOrderId(), null, null, shippingAmount, 0.0);      
+                    if (shippingAdjustment != null) {
+                        cart.addAdjustment(shippingAdjustment);
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            // Apply additional shipping costs as order adjustment
+            String shippingTotalAdditionalCost = (String) parameters.get("shippingTotalAdditionalCost");
+            if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(shippingTotalAdditionalCost)) {
+                double shippingAdditionalCost = new Double(shippingTotalAdditionalCost).doubleValue();
+                if (shippingAdditionalCost > 0) {
+                    GenericValue shippingAdjustment = makeOrderAdjustment(delegator, "MISCELLANEOUS_CHARGE", cart.getOrderId(), null, null, shippingAdditionalCost, 0.0);      
+                    if (shippingAdjustment != null) {
+                        cart.addAdjustment(shippingAdjustment);
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            // Apply sales tax as order adjustment
+            String salesTaxAmount = (String) parameters.get("salesTaxAmount");
+            String salesTaxPercent = (String) parameters.get("salesTaxPercent");
+            if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(salesTaxAmount)) {
+                double salesTaxAmountTotal = new Double(salesTaxAmount).doubleValue();
+                if (salesTaxAmountTotal > 0) {
+                    double salesPercent = 0.0;
+                    if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(salesTaxPercent)) {
+                        salesPercent = new Double(salesTaxPercent).doubleValue();
+                    }
+                    GenericValue salesTaxAdjustment = makeOrderAdjustment(delegator, "SALES_TAX", cart.getOrderId(), null, null, salesTaxAmountTotal, salesPercent);
+                    if (salesTaxAdjustment != null) {
+                        cart.addAdjustment(salesTaxAdjustment);
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            // order has to be created ?
+            if (create) {
+                Debug.logInfo("Importing new order from eBay", module);
+                // set partyId to
+                String partyId = null;
+                String contactMechId = "";
+                String emailContactMechId = null;
+                String phoneContactMechId = null;
+                GenericValue partyAttribute = null;
+                if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty((String)parameters.get("eiasTokenBuyer"))) {
+                    partyAttribute = EntityUtil.getFirst(delegator.findByAnd("PartyAttribute", UtilMisc.toMap("attrValue", (String)parameters.get("eiasTokenBuyer"))));
+                }
+                // if we get a party, check its contact information.
+                if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(partyAttribute)) {
+                    partyId = (String) partyAttribute.get("partyId");
+                    Debug.logInfo("Found existing party associated to the eBay buyer: " + partyId, module);
+                    GenericValue party = delegator.findByPrimaryKey("Party", UtilMisc.toMap("partyId", partyId));
+                    contactMechId = setShippingAddressContactMech(dispatcher, delegator, party, userLogin, parameters);
+                    String emailBuyer = (String) parameters.get("emailBuyer");
+                    if (!(emailBuyer.equals("") || emailBuyer.equalsIgnoreCase("Invalid Request"))) {
+                        String emailContactMech = setEmailContactMech(dispatcher, delegator, party, userLogin, parameters);
+                    }
+                    String phoneContactMech = setPhoneContactMech(dispatcher, delegator, party, userLogin, parameters);
+                }
+                // create party if none exists already
+                if (UtilValidate.isEmpty(partyId)) {
+                    Debug.logInfo("Creating new party for the eBay buyer.", module);
+                    partyId = createCustomerParty(dispatcher, (String) parameters.get("buyerName"), userLogin);          
+                    if (UtilValidate.isEmpty(partyId)) {
+                        Debug.logWarning("Using admin party for the eBay buyer.", module);
+                        partyId = "admin";
+                    }    
+                }  
+                // create new party's contact information
+                if (UtilValidate.isEmpty(contactMechId)) {
+                    Debug.logInfo("Creating new postal address for party: " + partyId, module);
+                    contactMechId = createAddress(dispatcher, partyId, userLogin, "SHIPPING_LOCATION", parameters);
+                    if (UtilValidate.isEmpty(contactMechId)) {
+                        return ServiceUtil.returnFailure("Unable to create postalAddress with input map: " + parameters);
+                    }
+                    Debug.logInfo("Created postal address: " + contactMechId, module);
+                    Debug.logInfo("Creating new phone number for party: " + partyId, module);
+                    createPartyPhone(dispatcher, partyId, (String) parameters.get("shippingAddressPhone"), userLogin);
+                    Debug.logInfo("Creating association to eBay buyer for party: " + partyId, module);
+                    createEbayCustomer(dispatcher, partyId, (String) parameters.get("ebayUserIdBuyer"), (String) parameters.get("eiasTokenBuyer"), userLogin);
+                    String emailBuyer = (String) parameters.get("emailBuyer");
+                    if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(emailBuyer) && !emailBuyer.equalsIgnoreCase("Invalid Request")) {
+                        Debug.logInfo("Creating new email for party: " + partyId, module);
+                        createPartyEmail(dispatcher, partyId, emailBuyer, userLogin);
+                    }                        
+                }
+                Debug.logInfo("Setting cart roles for party: " + partyId, module);
+                cart.setBillToCustomerPartyId(partyId);
+                cart.setPlacingCustomerPartyId(partyId);
+                cart.setShipToCustomerPartyId(partyId);
+                cart.setEndUserCustomerPartyId(partyId);
+                Debug.logInfo("Setting contact mech in cart: " + contactMechId, module);
+                cart.setShippingContactMechId(contactMechId);
+                cart.setMaySplit(Boolean.FALSE);
+                Debug.logInfo("Setting shipment method: " + (String) parameters.get("shippingService"), module);
+                setShipmentMethodType(cart, (String) parameters.get("shippingService"));
+                cart.makeAllShipGroupInfos();
+                // create the order
+                Debug.logInfo("Creating CheckOutHelper.", module);
+                CheckOutHelper checkout = new CheckOutHelper(dispatcher, delegator, cart);
+                Debug.logInfo("Creating order.", module);
+                Map orderCreate = checkout.createOrder(userLogin);
+                String orderId = (String)orderCreate.get("orderId");
+                Debug.logInfo("Created order with id: " + orderId, module);
+                // approve the order
+                if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(orderId)) {
+                    Debug.logInfo("Approving order with id: " + orderId, module);
+                    boolean approved = OrderChangeHelper.approveOrder(dispatcher, userLogin, orderId);
+                    Debug.logInfo("Order approved with result: " + approved, module);
+                    // create the payment from the preference
+                    if (approved) {
+                        Debug.logInfo("Creating payment for approved order.", module);
+                        createPaymentFromPaymentPreferences(delegator, dispatcher, userLogin, orderId, externalId, cart.getOrderDate(), partyId);
+                        Debug.logInfo("Payment created.", module);
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        } catch (Exception e) {
+            Debug.logError("Exception in createShoppingCart: " + e.getMessage(), module);
+            return ServiceUtil.returnFailure(UtilProperties.getMessage(resource, "ordersImportFromEbay.exceptionInCreateShoppingCart", locale) + ": " + e.getMessage());
+        }
+        return ServiceUtil.returnSuccess();
+    }
+    private static boolean createPaymentFromPaymentPreferences(GenericDelegator delegator, LocalDispatcher dispatcher, GenericValue userLogin,
+                                                               String orderId, String externalId, Timestamp orderDate, String partyIdFrom) {
+        List paymentPreferences = null;
+        try {
+            Map paymentFields = UtilMisc.toMap("orderId", orderId, "statusId", "PAYMENT_RECEIVED", "paymentMethodTypeId", "EXT_EBAY");
+            paymentPreferences = delegator.findByAnd("OrderPaymentPreference", paymentFields);
+            if (paymentPreferences != null && paymentPreferences.size() > 0) {
+                Iterator i = paymentPreferences.iterator();
+                while (i.hasNext()) {
+                    GenericValue pref = (GenericValue);
+                    boolean okay = createPayment(dispatcher, userLogin, pref, orderId, externalId, orderDate, partyIdFrom);
+                    if (!okay)
+                        return false;
+                }
+            }
+        } catch (Exception e) {
+            Debug.logError(e, "Cannot get payment preferences for order #" + orderId, module);
+            return false;
+        }
+        return true;
+    }  
+    private static boolean createPayment(LocalDispatcher dispatcher, GenericValue userLogin, GenericValue paymentPreference,
+                                         String orderId, String externalId, Timestamp orderDate, String partyIdFrom) {
+        try {
+            GenericDelegator delegator = paymentPreference.getDelegator();
+            // create the PaymentGatewayResponse
+            String responseId = delegator.getNextSeqId("PaymentGatewayResponse");
+            GenericValue response = delegator.makeValue("PaymentGatewayResponse");
+            response.set("paymentGatewayResponseId", responseId);
+            response.set("paymentServiceTypeEnumId", "PRDS_PAY_EXTERNAL");
+            response.set("orderPaymentPreferenceId", paymentPreference.get("orderPaymentPreferenceId"));
+            response.set("paymentMethodTypeId", paymentPreference.get("paymentMethodTypeId"));
+            response.set("paymentMethodId", paymentPreference.get("paymentMethodId"));
+            response.set("amount", paymentPreference.get("maxAmount"));
+            response.set("referenceNum", externalId);
+            response.set("transactionDate", orderDate);
+            delegator.createOrStore(response);
+            // create the payment
+            Map results = dispatcher.runSync("createPaymentFromPreference", UtilMisc.toMap("userLogin", userLogin,
+                                             "orderPaymentPreferenceId", paymentPreference.get("orderPaymentPreferenceId"),
+                                             "paymentFromId", partyIdFrom,
+                                             "paymentRefNum", externalId,
+                                             "comments", "Payment receive via eBay"));
+            if ((results == null) || (results.get(ModelService.RESPONSE_MESSAGE).equals(ModelService.RESPOND_ERROR))) {
+                Debug.logError((String) results.get(ModelService.ERROR_MESSAGE), module);
+                return false;
+            }
+            return true;    
+        } catch (Exception e) {
+            Debug.logError(e, "Failed to create the payment for order " + orderId, module);
+            return false;
+        }
+    }
+    private static GenericValue makeOrderAdjustment(GenericDelegator delegator, String orderAdjustmentTypeId, String orderId,
+                                                    String orderItemSeqId, String shipGroupSeqId, double amount, double sourcePercentage) {
+        GenericValue orderAdjustment  = null;
+        try {
+            if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(orderItemSeqId)) {
+                orderItemSeqId = "_NA_";
+            }
+            if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(shipGroupSeqId)) {
+                shipGroupSeqId = "_NA_";    
+            }
+            Map inputMap = UtilMisc.toMap("orderAdjustmentTypeId", orderAdjustmentTypeId,  "orderId", orderId, "orderItemSeqId", orderItemSeqId,
+                                          "shipGroupSeqId", shipGroupSeqId, "amount", new Double(amount));
+            if (sourcePercentage != 0) {
+                inputMap.put("sourcePercentage", new Double(sourcePercentage));
+            }
+            orderAdjustment = delegator.makeValue("OrderAdjustment", inputMap);
+        } catch (Exception e) {
+            Debug.logError(e, "Failed to made order adjustment for order " + orderId, module);
+        }
+        return orderAdjustment;
+    }
+    private static String createCustomerParty(LocalDispatcher dispatcher, String name, GenericValue userLogin) {
+        String partyId = null;
+        try {
+            if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(name) && UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(userLogin)) {
+                Debug.logVerbose("Creating Customer Party: "+name, module);
+                // Try to split the lastname from the firstname
+                String firstName = "";
+                String lastName = "";
+                int pos = name.indexOf(" ");
+                if (pos >= 0) {
+                    firstName = name.substring(0, pos);
+                    lastName = name.substring(pos+1);
+                } else {
+                    lastName = name;    
+                }
+                Map summaryResult = dispatcher.runSync("createPerson", UtilMisc.<String, Object>toMap("description", name, "firstName", firstName, "lastName", lastName,
+                                                                                      "userLogin", userLogin, "comments", "Created via eBay"));                                        
+                partyId = (String) summaryResult.get("partyId");  
+                Debug.logVerbose("Created Customer Party: "+partyId, module);
+            }
+        } catch (Exception e) {
+            Debug.logError(e, "Failed to createPerson", module);
+        }
+        return partyId;
+    }
+    private static String createAddress(LocalDispatcher dispatcher, String partyId, GenericValue userLogin,
+                                       String contactMechPurposeTypeId, Map address) {
+        Debug.logInfo("Creating postal address with input map: " + address, module);
+        String contactMechId = null;
+        try {
+            Map context = FastMap.newInstance();
+            context.put("partyId", partyId);
+            context.put("address1", (String)address.get("shippingAddressStreet1"));
+            context.put("address2", (String)address.get("shippingAddressStreet2"));
+            context.put("postalCode", (String)address.get("shippingAddressPostalCode"));
+            context.put("userLogin", userLogin);
+            context.put("contactMechPurposeTypeId", contactMechPurposeTypeId);      
+            String country = (String)address.get("shippingAddressCountry");
+            String state = (String)address.get("shippingAddressStateOrProvince");
+            String city = (String)address.get("shippingAddressCityName");
+            correctCityStateCountry(dispatcher, context, city, state, country);
+            Map summaryResult = dispatcher.runSync("createPartyPostalAddress",context);
+            contactMechId = (String)summaryResult.get("contactMechId");
+        } catch (GenericServiceException e) {
+            Debug.logError(e, "Failed to createAddress", module);
+        }
+        return contactMechId;
+    }
+    private static void correctCityStateCountry(LocalDispatcher dispatcher, Map map, String city, String state, String country) {
+        try {
+            Debug.logInfo("correctCityStateCountry params: " + city + ", " + state + ", " + country, module);
+            if (UtilValidate.isEmpty(country)) {
+                country = "US";
+            }
+            country = country.toUpperCase();
+            if (country.indexOf("UNITED STATES") > -1 || country.indexOf("USA") > -1) {
+                country = "US";
+            }
+            Debug.logInfo("GeoCode: " + country, module);
+            Map outMap = getCountryGeoId(dispatcher.getDelegator(), country);
+            String geoId = (String)outMap.get("geoId");
+            if (UtilValidate.isEmpty(geoId)) {
+                geoId = "USA";
+            }
+            map.put("countryGeoId", geoId);
+            Debug.logInfo("Country geoid: " + geoId, module);
+            if (geoId.equals("USA") || geoId.equals("CAN")) {
+                if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(state)) {
+                    map.put("stateProvinceGeoId", state.toUpperCase());
+                }
+                map.put("city", city);
+            } else {
+                map.put("city", city + ", " + state);
+            }
+            Debug.logInfo("State geoid: " + state, module);
+        } catch (Exception e) {
+            Debug.logError(e, "Failed to correctCityStateCountry", module);
+        }
+    }
+    private static String createPartyPhone(LocalDispatcher dispatcher, String partyId, String phoneNumber, GenericValue userLogin) {
+        Map summaryResult = FastMap.newInstance();
+        Map context = FastMap.newInstance();
+        String phoneContactMechId = null;
+        try {
+            context.put("contactNumber", phoneNumber);                  
+            context.put("partyId", partyId);
+            context.put("userLogin", userLogin);
+            context.put("contactMechPurposeTypeId", "PHONE_SHIPPING");        
+            summaryResult = dispatcher.runSync("createPartyTelecomNumber", context);
+            phoneContactMechId = (String)summaryResult.get("contactMechId");
+        } catch (Exception e) {
+            Debug.logError(e, "Failed to createPartyPhone", module);
+        }
+        return phoneContactMechId;
+    }
+    private static String createPartyEmail(LocalDispatcher dispatcher, String partyId, String email, GenericValue userLogin) {
+        Map context = FastMap.newInstance();
+        Map summaryResult = FastMap.newInstance();
+        String emailContactMechId = null;
+        try {
+            if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(email)) {
+                context.clear();
+                context.put("emailAddress", email);
+                context.put("userLogin", userLogin);
+                context.put("contactMechTypeId", "EMAIL_ADDRESS");                                      
+                summaryResult = dispatcher.runSync("createEmailAddress", context);
+                emailContactMechId = (String) summaryResult.get("contactMechId");
+                context.clear();
+                context.put("partyId", partyId);
+                context.put("contactMechId", emailContactMechId);
+                context.put("contactMechPurposeTypeId", "OTHER_EMAIL");                
+                context.put("userLogin", userLogin);                
+                summaryResult = dispatcher.runSync("createPartyContactMech", context);
+            }
+        } catch (Exception e) {
+            Debug.logError(e, "Failed to createPartyEmail", module);
+        }
+        return emailContactMechId;
+    }
+    public static void createEbayCustomer(LocalDispatcher dispatcher, String partyId, String ebayUserIdBuyer, String eias, GenericValue userLogin) {
+        Map context = FastMap.newInstance();
+        Map summaryResult = FastMap.newInstance();
+        if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(eias)) {
+            try {
+                context.put("partyId", partyId);
+                context.put("attrName", "EBAY_BUYER_EIAS");
+                context.put("attrValue", eias);
+                context.put("userLogin", userLogin);
+                summaryResult = dispatcher.runSync("createPartyAttribute", context);
+            } catch (Exception e) {
+                Debug.logError(e, "Failed to create eBay EIAS party attribute");            
+            }
+            context.clear();
+            summaryResult.clear();
+        }
+        if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(ebayUserIdBuyer)) {
+            try {
+                context.put("partyId", partyId);
+                context.put("attrName", "EBAY_BUYER_USER_ID");
+                context.put("attrValue", ebayUserIdBuyer);
+                context.put("userLogin", userLogin);
+                summaryResult = dispatcher.runSync("createPartyAttribute", context);
+            } catch (Exception e) {
+                Debug.logError(e, "Failed to create eBay userId party attribute");            
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    private static Map getCountryGeoId(GenericDelegator delegator, String geoCode) {
+        GenericValue geo = null;
+        try {
+            Debug.logInfo("geocode: " + geoCode, module);
+            geo = EntityUtil.getFirst(delegator.findByAnd("Geo", UtilMisc.toMap("geoCode", geoCode.toUpperCase(), "geoTypeId", "COUNTRY")));
+            Debug.logInfo("Found a geo entity " + geo, module);
+            if (UtilValidate.isEmpty(geo)) {
+                geo = delegator.makeValue("Geo");
+                geo.set("geoId", geoCode + "_IMPORTED");
+                geo.set("geoTypeId", "COUNTRY");
+                geo.set("geoName", geoCode + "_IMPORTED");
+                geo.set("geoCode", geoCode + "_IMPORTED");
+                geo.set("abbreviation", geoCode + "_IMPORTED");
+                delegator.create(geo);
+                Debug.logInfo("Creating new geo entity: " + geo, module);
+            }
+        } catch (Exception e) {
+            String errMsg = "Failed to find/setup geo id";
+            Debug.logError(e, errMsg, module);
+            return ServiceUtil.returnError(errMsg);
+        }
+        Map result = ServiceUtil.returnSuccess();
+        result.put("geoId", (String)geo.get("geoId"));
+        return result;
+    }
+    private static GenericValue externalOrderExists(GenericDelegator delegator, String externalId, String transactionId) throws GenericEntityException {
+        Debug.logInfo("Checking for existing externalId: " + externalId +" and transactionId: " + transactionId, module);
+        GenericValue orderHeader = null;
+        List entities = delegator.findByAnd("OrderHeader", UtilMisc.toMap("externalId", externalId, "transactionId", transactionId));
+        if (entities != null && entities.size() > 0) {
+            orderHeader = EntityUtil.getFirst(entities);
+        }
+        return orderHeader;
+    }
+    private static String convertDate(String dateIn, String fromDateFormat, String toDateFormat) {
+        String dateOut;
+        try {
+            SimpleDateFormat formatIn = new SimpleDateFormat(fromDateFormat);
+            SimpleDateFormat formatOut= new SimpleDateFormat(toDateFormat);
+            Date data = formatIn.parse(dateIn, new ParsePosition(0));
+            dateOut = formatOut.format(data);
+        } catch (Exception e) {
+            dateOut = null;
+        }
+        return dateOut;
+    }
+    private static void setShipmentMethodType(ShoppingCart cart, String shippingService) {
+        String partyId = "_NA_";
+        String shipmentMethodTypeId = "NO_SHIPPING";
+        if (shippingService != null) {
+            if ("USPSPriority".equals(shippingService)) {
+                partyId = "USPS";
+                shipmentMethodTypeId = "PRIORITY";
+            } else if ("UPSGround".equals(shippingService)) {
+                partyId = "UPS";
+                shipmentMethodTypeId = "GROUND";
+            } else if ("UPS3rdDay".equals(shippingService)) {
+                partyId = "UPS";
+                shipmentMethodTypeId = "3DAY";
+            } else if ("UPS2ndDay".equals(shippingService)) {
+                partyId = "UPS";
+                shipmentMethodTypeId = "2DAY";
+            } else if ("UPS2ndDay".equals(shippingService)) {
+                partyId = "UPS";
+                shipmentMethodTypeId = "2DAY";
+            } else if ("USPSExpressMailInternational".equals(shippingService)) {
+                partyId = "USPS";
+                shipmentMethodTypeId = "INT_EXPRESS";
+            } else if ("UPSNextDay".equals(shippingService)) {
+                partyId = "UPS";
+                shipmentMethodTypeId = "1DAY_SAVER";
+            } else if ("UPSNextDayAir".equals(shippingService)) {
+                partyId = "UPS";
+                shipmentMethodTypeId = "1DAY";
+            } else if ("ShippingMethodStandard".equals(shippingService)) {
+                partyId = "UPS";
+                shipmentMethodTypeId = "GROUND";
+            } else if ("StandardInternational".equals(shippingService)) {
+                partyId = "USPS";
+                shipmentMethodTypeId = "INT_EXPRESS";
+            } else if ("LocalDelivery".equals(shippingService)) {
+                partyId = "_NA_";
+                shipmentMethodTypeId = "PICK_UP";
+            }
+        }
+        cart.setCarrierPartyId(partyId);
+        cart.setShipmentMethodTypeId(shipmentMethodTypeId);    
+    }    
+    private static String setShippingAddressContactMech (LocalDispatcher dispatcher, GenericDelegator delegator, GenericValue party, GenericValue userLogin, Map parameters) {
+        String contactMechId = null;
+        String partyId = (String) party.get("partyId");
+        // find all contact mechs for this party with a shipping location purpose.
+        Collection shippingLocations = ContactHelper.getContactMechByPurpose(party, "SHIPPING_LOCATION", false);
+        // check them to see if one matches
+        Iterator shippingLocationsIterator = shippingLocations.iterator();
+        while (shippingLocationsIterator.hasNext()) {
+            GenericValue shippingLocation = (GenericValue);
+            contactMechId = shippingLocation.getString("contactMechId");
+            GenericValue postalAddress;
+            try {
+                // get the postal address for this contact mech
+                postalAddress = delegator.findByPrimaryKey("PostalAddress", UtilMisc.toMap("contactMechId", contactMechId));
+                //  match values to compare by modifying them the same way they were when they were created
+                String country = ((String)parameters.get("shippingAddressCountry")).toUpperCase();
+                String state = ((String)parameters.get("shippingAddressStateOrProvince")).toUpperCase();
+                String city = (String)parameters.get("shippingAddressCityName");
+                correctCityStateCountry(dispatcher, parameters, city, state, country);
+                // TODO:  The following comparison does not consider the To Name or Attn: lines of the address.
+                //
+                // now compare values.  If all fields match, that's our shipping address.  Return the related contact mech id.
+                if (    parameters.get("shippingAddressStreet1").toString().equals((postalAddress.get("address1").toString())) &&
+                        parameters.get("shippingAddressStreet2").toString().equals((postalAddress.get("address2").toString())) &&
+                        parameters.get("city").toString().equals((postalAddress.get("city").toString())) &&
+                        parameters.get("stateProvinceGeoId").toString().equals((postalAddress.get("stateProvinceGeoId").toString())) &&
+                        parameters.get("countryGeoId").toString().equals((postalAddress.get("countryGeoId").toString())) &&
+                        parameters.get("shippingAddressPostalCode").toString().equals((postalAddress.get("postalCode").toString()))
+                        ) { // this is an exact address match!!
+                    return contactMechId;
+                }
+            } catch (Exception e) {
+                Debug.logError(e, "Problem with verifying postal addresses for contactMechId " + contactMechId + ".", module);
+            }
+        }
+        // none of the existing contact mechs/postal addresses match (or none were found).  Create a new one and return the related contact mech id.
+        Debug.logInfo("Unable to find matching postal address for partyId " + partyId + ". Creating a new one.", module);
+        return createAddress(dispatcher, partyId, userLogin, "SHIPPING_LOCATION", parameters);
+    }
+    private static String setEmailContactMech (LocalDispatcher dispatcher, GenericDelegator delegator, GenericValue party, GenericValue userLogin, Map parameters) {
+        String contactMechId = null;
+        String partyId = (String) party.get("partyId");
+        // find all contact mechs for this party with a email address purpose.
+        Collection emailAddressContactMechs = ContactHelper.getContactMechByPurpose(party, "OTHER_EMAIL", false);
+        // check them to see if one matches
+        Iterator emailAddressesContactMechsIterator = emailAddressContactMechs.iterator();
+        while (emailAddressesContactMechsIterator.hasNext()) {
+            GenericValue emailAddressContactMech = (GenericValue);
+            contactMechId = emailAddressContactMech.getString("contactMechId");
+            // now compare values.  If one matches, that's our email address.  Return the related contact mech id.
+            if (parameters.get("emailBuyer").toString().equals((emailAddressContactMech.get("infoString").toString()))) {
+                 return contactMechId;
+            }
+        }
+        // none of the existing contact mechs/email addresses match (or none were found).  Create a new one and return the related contact mech id.
+        Debug.logInfo("Unable to find matching postal address for partyId " + partyId + ". Creating a new one.", module);
+        return createPartyEmail(dispatcher, partyId, (String) parameters.get("emailBuyer"), userLogin);
+    }
+    private static String setPhoneContactMech (LocalDispatcher dispatcher, GenericDelegator delegator, GenericValue party, GenericValue userLogin, Map parameters) {
+        String contactMechId = null;
+        String partyId = (String) party.get("partyId");
+        // find all contact mechs for this party with a telecom number purpose.
+        Collection phoneNumbers = ContactHelper.getContactMechByPurpose(party, "PHONE_SHIPPING", false);
+        // check them to see if one matches
+        Iterator phoneNumbersIterator = phoneNumbers.iterator();
+        while (phoneNumbersIterator.hasNext()) {
+            GenericValue phoneNumberContactMech = (GenericValue);
+            contactMechId = phoneNumberContactMech.getString("contactMechId");
+            GenericValue phoneNumber;
+            try {
+                // get the phone number for this contact mech
+                phoneNumber = delegator.findByPrimaryKey("TelecomNumber", UtilMisc.toMap("contactMechId", contactMechId));
+                // now compare values.  If one matches, that's our phone number.  Return the related contact mech id.
+                if (parameters.get("shippingAddressPhone").toString().equals((phoneNumber.get("contactNumber").toString()))) {
+                    return contactMechId;
+                }
+            } catch (Exception e) {
+                Debug.logError("Problem with verifying phone number for contactMechId " + contactMechId + ".", module);
+            }
+        }
+        // none of the existing contact mechs/email addresses match (or none were found).  Create a new one and return the related contact mech id.
+        Debug.logInfo("Unable to find matching postal address for partyId " + partyId + ". Creating a new one.", module);
+        return createPartyPhone(dispatcher, partyId, (String) parameters.get("shippingAddressPhone"), userLogin);
+    }
+    private static String retrieveProductIdFromTitle(GenericDelegator delegator, String title) {
+        String productId = "";
+        try {
+            // First try to get an exact match: title == internalName
+            List products = delegator.findByAnd("Product", UtilMisc.toMap("internalName", title));
+            if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(products) && products.size() == 1) {
+                productId = (String) ((GenericValue)products.get(0)).get("productId");
+            }
+            // If it fails, attempt to get the product id from the first word of the title
+            if (UtilValidate.isEmpty(productId)) {
+                String titleFirstWord = null;
+                if (title != null && title.indexOf(' ') != -1) {
+                    titleFirstWord = title.substring(0, title.indexOf(' '));
+                }
+                if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(titleFirstWord)) {
+                    GenericValue product = delegator.findByPrimaryKey("Product", UtilMisc.toMap("productId", titleFirstWord));
+                    if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(product)) {
+                        productId = product.getString("productId");
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        } catch (GenericEntityException e) {
+            productId = "";
+        }
+        return productId;
+    }
\ No newline at end of file

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