Author: jacopoc
Date: Sat Jan 31 14:34:40 2009 New Revision: 739563 URL: Log: Three new ant targets defined: * run-install-readers to pass the comma separated list of data readers (IMO this task should be named "run-install" and the existing one should be renamed "run-install-demo") * run-install-file to pass a file name to load data from * create-admin-user-login that prompts for a user login, then creates it with admin privileges and a temporary password equal to 'ofbiz' The last task is useful to build and setup a framework only distribution; the steps to get, build and run the OFBiz framework with seed data only are: 1) checkout OFBiz 2) remove the applications and specialpurpose folders 3) ant run-install-extseed 4) ant create-admin-user-login (and enter a user login id when prompted) 5) start ofbiz and login with the user login id created in step 4 (use the password 'ofbiz') 6) change the password when prompted Modified: ofbiz/trunk/build.xml Modified: ofbiz/trunk/build.xml URL: ============================================================================== --- ofbiz/trunk/build.xml (original) +++ ofbiz/trunk/build.xml Sat Jan 31 14:34:40 2009 @@ -296,6 +296,40 @@ <arg value="readers=seed,seed-initial,ext,ext-test"/> </java> </target> + <target name="run-install-readers" depends="build" + description="This loads data using the command line argument 'readers' that takes a comma separated list of readers (seed, seed-initial, demo, ext, ext-test, ext-demo)"> + <java jar="ofbiz.jar" fork="true" > + <jvmarg value="${memory.initial.param}"/> + <jvmarg value="${memory.max.param}"/> + <arg value="install"/> + <arg value="readers=${data-readers}"/> + </java> + </target> + <target name="run-install-file" depends="build" + description="This loads data using the command line argument 'file' to load data from a given file"> + <java jar="ofbiz.jar" fork="true"> + <jvmarg value="${memory.initial.param}"/> + <jvmarg value="${memory.max.param}"/> + <arg value="install"/> + <arg value="delegator=default"/> + <arg value="file=${data-file}"/> + </java> + </target> + <target name="create-admin-user-login" + description="Prompts for a user name, then creates a user login with admin privileges and a temporary password equal to 'ofbiz'; after a succesful login the user will be prompted for a new password."> + <input addproperty="userLoginId" message="Enter user name (log in with the temporary password 'ofbiz'):"/> + <echoxml file="runtime/tmp/tmpUserLogin.xml"> + <entity-engine-xml> + <UserLogin userLoginId="${userLoginId}" currentPassword="{SHA}47ca69ebb4bdc9ae0adec130880165d2cc05db1a" requirePasswordChange="Y"/> + <UserLoginSecurityGroup groupId="FULLADMIN" userLoginId="${userLoginId}" fromDate="2001-01-01 12:00:00.0"/> + </entity-engine-xml> + </echoxml> + <antcall target="run-install-file"> + <param name="data-file" value="runtime/tmp/tmpUserLogin.xml"/> + </antcall> + <delete file="runtime/tmp/tmpUserLogin.xml"/> + </target> + <target name="run-debug" depends="build"> <java jar="ofbiz.jar" fork="true"> <jvmarg value="${memory.initial.param}"/> |
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