Author: jacopoc
Date: Tue Feb 3 08:11:55 2009
New Revision: 740241
Improved create-admin-user-login target so that now it is also possible to run it by passing the login name as an argument (no prompt will appear).
You can now build a seed data only OFBiz with an admin account with the following line:
ant run-install-extseed create-admin-user-login -DuserLoginId=<ENTER USERNAME HERE>
Modified: ofbiz/trunk/build.xml
--- ofbiz/trunk/build.xml (original)
+++ ofbiz/trunk/build.xml Tue Feb 3 08:11:55 2009
@@ -324,7 +324,10 @@
<target name="create-admin-user-login"
description="Prompts for a user name, then creates a user login with admin privileges and a temporary password equal to 'ofbiz'; after a succesful login the user will be prompted for a new password.">
- <input addproperty="userLoginId" message="Enter user name (log in with the temporary password 'ofbiz'):"/>
+ <condition property="userLoginId.notSet">
+ <not><isset property="userLoginId"/></not>
+ </condition>
+ <antcall target="prompt-user-login-name"/>
<echoxml file="runtime/tmp/tmpUserLogin.xml">
<UserLogin userLoginId="${userLoginId}" currentPassword="{SHA}47ca69ebb4bdc9ae0adec130880165d2cc05db1a" requirePasswordChange="Y"/>
@@ -336,6 +339,11 @@
<delete file="runtime/tmp/tmpUserLogin.xml"/>
+ <target name="prompt-user-login-name" if="userLoginId.notSet"
+ description="Prompts for a user name.">
+ <input addproperty="userLoginId" message="Enter user name (log in with the temporary password 'ofbiz'):"/>
+ <antcall target="create-admin-user-login"/>
+ </target>
<target name="run-debug" depends="build">
<java jar="ofbiz.jar" fork="true">