Author: jonesde
Date: Mon May 25 03:57:57 2009
New Revision: 778272
Changed dimension fields to have a prefix of box so that they do not conflict with reserved words; I could not find anything directly referring to these, so just updating the field names; also added a comment that these should override the similar fields on the ShipmentBoxType entity if that is referred to from the ShipmentPackage; as a future note all new data model changes should be checked by starting ofbiz and looking at the data model check messages, there are a few that have issues right now
Modified: ofbiz/trunk/applications/product/entitydef/entitymodel_shipment.xml
--- ofbiz/trunk/applications/product/entitydef/entitymodel_shipment.xml (original)
+++ ofbiz/trunk/applications/product/entitydef/entitymodel_shipment.xml Mon May 25 03:57:57 2009
@@ -1019,9 +1019,9 @@
<field name="shipmentPackageSeqId" type="id-ne"></field>
<field name="shipmentBoxTypeId" type="id"></field>
<field name="dateCreated" type="date-time"></field>
- <field name="length" type="fixed-point"><description>This field store the length of package</description></field>
- <field name="height" type="fixed-point"><description>This field store the height of package</description></field>
- <field name="width" type="fixed-point"><description>This field store the width of package</description></field>
+ <field name="boxLength" type="fixed-point"><description>This field store the length of package; if a shipmentBoxTypeId is specified then this overrides the dimension specified there; this field is meant to be used when there is no applicable ShipmentBoxType</description></field>
+ <field name="boxHeight" type="fixed-point"><description>This field store the height of package; if a shipmentBoxTypeId is specified then this overrides the dimension specified there; this field is meant to be used when there is no applicable ShipmentBoxType</description></field>
+ <field name="boxWidth" type="fixed-point"><description>This field store the width of package; if a shipmentBoxTypeId is specified then this overrides the dimension specified there; this field is meant to be used when there is no applicable ShipmentBoxType</description></field>
<field name="dimensionUomId" type="id"><description>This field store the unit of measurement of dimension (length, width and height)</description></field>
<field name="weight" type="fixed-point"></field>
<field name="weightUomId" type="id"></field>