Author: jonesde
Date: Thu Sep 3 03:41:21 2009
New Revision: 810772
Small changes to logic about Product and ProductStore requirementMethodEnumId fields for the PRODRQM_ATP setting; this should maybe be more centralized logic than split in a service for each value, but on the other hand being split out means more flexibility so it's probably good; these address Scott's comments on the mailing list to make the logic more readable, and also to handle the case where a Product may have a setting that overrides the ProductStore setting, which is not what it was doing before
Modified: ofbiz/trunk/applications/order/src/org/ofbiz/order/requirement/
--- ofbiz/trunk/applications/order/src/org/ofbiz/order/requirement/ (original)
+++ ofbiz/trunk/applications/order/src/org/ofbiz/order/requirement/ Thu Sep 3 03:41:21 2009
@@ -270,7 +270,8 @@
GenericValue product = item.getRelatedOne("Product");
if (product == null) continue;
- if (!"PRODRQM_ATP".equals(product.get("requirementMethodEnumId")) && !"PRODRQM_ATP".equals(productStore.get("requirementMethodEnumId"))) continue;
+ if (!("PRODRQM_ATP".equals(product.get("requirementMethodEnumId")) ||
+ ("PRODRQM_ATP".equals(productStore.get("requirementMethodEnumId")) && product.get("requirementMethodEnumId") == null))) continue;
BigDecimal quantity = item.getBigDecimal("quantity");
BigDecimal cancelQuantity = item.getBigDecimal("cancelQuantity");