Author: jleroux
Date: Fri Apr 16 20:38:53 2010
New Revision: 935075
Change the lookups in example to better demonstrate the differences between popup and layer
Modified: ofbiz/trunk/framework/example/widget/example/FormWidgetExampleForms.xml
--- ofbiz/trunk/framework/example/widget/example/FormWidgetExampleForms.xml (original)
+++ ofbiz/trunk/framework/example/widget/example/FormWidgetExampleForms.xml Fri Apr 16 20:38:53 2010
@@ -282,14 +282,15 @@ under the License.
<!-- Lookup Layer Example -->
<form name="ExampleLookupFields" type="single" title="">
- <!-- Standard LookupLayer using separated labels is not recommended but here we use only Common labels to avoid dependencies from application to framework-->
+ <!-- Lookup (in a popup windows, old style) -->
+ <!-- Using separated labels is not recommended (it's better using sentences than words for translation) but here we use only Common labels to avoid dependencies from application to framework -->
<field name="partyIdFrom" title="${uiLabelMap.CommonPartyID} ${uiLabelMap.CommonFrom}">
- <lookup target-form-name="LookupPartyExamplePopup" presentation="layer" fade-background="false"/>
+ <lookup target-form-name="LookupPartyExamplePopup" presentation="window"/>
+ <!-- Standard Lookup in a layer (new style)-->
<!-- passes the name in one and the id in another field, the layer is centered -->
<field name="partyName" title="${uiLabelMap.CommonName}">
- <lookup target-form-name="LookupPartyExamplePopupByName" description-field-name="partyIdTo"
- presentation="layer" position="center" height="500px" width="600px"/>
+ <lookup target-form-name="LookupPartyExamplePopupByName" description-field-name="partyIdTo" presentation="layer"/>
<!-- This field may be hidden and the name rendered in partyName using default-value if partyIdTo exists-->
<field name="partyIdTo" title="${uiLabelMap.CommonPartyID} ${uiLabelMap.CommonTo}"><text/></field><!-- the text field is only used for rendering -->