Author: jleroux
Date: Sun Aug 15 19:21:15 2010
New Revision: 985738
Better UI
Modified: ofbiz/branches/release4.0/mergefromtrunk.bat
--- ofbiz/branches/release4.0/mergefromtrunk.bat (original)
+++ ofbiz/branches/release4.0/mergefromtrunk.bat Sun Aug 15 19:21:15 2010
@@ -37,23 +37,28 @@ rem keep the comment.tmp file svn ignore
rem commit the backport to release with comment fom file
echo on
svn merge -r %prevRev%:%version%
+echo off
echo y) tests
echo n) exit
-choice /c:yn Do you want to run tests (else the commit will be done automatically using the comment grabed from trunk by the merge)?
+echo Do you want to run tests (else the commit will be done automatically using the comment grabed from trunk by the merge)?
+choice /c:yn
if errorlevel = 2 goto commit
if errorlevel = 1 goto tests
+echo on
svn commit -F comment.tmp
goto exit
+echo on
ant clean-all
ant run-install
ant run-tests
+echo off
echo You can now do the commit by hand if all is OK. The comment grabed from trunk by the merge is in the file comment.tmp at root