Author: jleroux
Date: Fri Sep 10 09:22:31 2010
New Revision: 995711
Fix a bug introduced by r966202 and merged at r987348.
The bug appears when in Webtools/Data maintenance you want to edit an entity: it's on Stamp fields. It's not reproducible in trunk, because there the renderDateTimeField macro is not used
Modified: ofbiz/branches/jquery/framework/widget/templates/htmlFormMacroLibrary.ftl
--- ofbiz/branches/jquery/framework/widget/templates/htmlFormMacroLibrary.ftl (original)
+++ ofbiz/branches/jquery/framework/widget/templates/htmlFormMacroLibrary.ftl Fri Sep 10 09:22:31 2010
@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ under the License.
-<#macro renderDateTimeField name className alert title value size maxlength id event action dateType shortDateInput timeDropdownParamName defaultDateTimeString localizedIconTitle timeDropdown timeHourName classString hour1 hour2 timeMinutesName minutes isTwelveHour ampmName amSelected pmSelected compositeType formName>
+<#macro renderDateTimeField name className alert title value size maxlength id dateType shortDateInput timeDropdownParamName defaultDateTimeString localizedIconTitle timeDropdown timeHourName classString hour1 hour2 timeMinutesName minutes isTwelveHour ampmName amSelected pmSelected compositeType formName event="" action="">
<span class="view-calendar">
<input type="text" name="${name}" <#if event?has_content && action?has_content> ${event}="${action}"</#if> <@renderClass className alert /><#rt/>
<#if title?has_content> title="${title}"</#if>