svn propchange: r1033976 - svn:log

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svn propchange: r1033976 - svn:log
Author: jleroux
Revision: 1033976
Modified property: svn:log

Modified: svn:log at Thu Nov 11 16:15:37 2010
--- svn:log (original)
+++ svn:log Thu Nov 11 16:15:37 2010
@@ -1,3 +1,6 @@
-Updated correctly jQuery UI to 1.8.6 (from 1.8.2). I removed the development-bundle part when it's needed for the datepicker
+Updated correctly jQuery UI to 1.8.6 (from 1.8.2). I removed the development-bundle part when it's needed for the datepicker.
-I also changed my mind about the demo and doc stuff. I will re-add all of them as they can prove useful while working without Internet connection.
+I have also created a jquery.ui.datepicker-fr_FR.js (copied on jquery.ui.datepicker-fr.js). Chrome was keeping to ask for it.
+Not sure if it's needed, but I also created a jquery.ui.datepicker-fr-FR.js on the same scheme than others previously there (like jquery.ui.datepicker-fr-CH.js or jquery.ui.datepicker-en-GB.js)
+I also changed my mind about the demo and doc stuff. I will re-add all of them as they can prove useful while working without Internet connection. They have no footprint memory impact, only a bit harder to maintain when updating versions.