Author: jleroux
Revision: 1099388
Modified property: svn:log
Modified: svn:log at Wed May 4 10:09:10 2011
--- svn:log (original)
+++ svn:log Wed May 4 10:09:10 2011
@@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
-Fixes a data type issue introduced recently (works in R10.04 and R9.04). I did not take the time to analysis the problem further, but I expect the same issue may appear with the same condition: ie a DB field type NUMERIC and an entity.field of type Integer used in a service, switching to Long lazily solves the issue
+Fixes a data type issue introduced recently (works in R10.04 and R9.04). I did not take the time to analysis the problem further, but I expect the same issue may appear with the same condition: ie a DB field type NUMERIC and an entity.field of type Integer used in a service, switching to Long lazily solves the issue.
+Actually in R10.04 the problem is reported as a warning but the service is not rolled back. Not sure if it's a desired change (then how to use Integer as field type in an entity also used by a service?)
GenericEntity.java:426:WARN ]
---- exception report ----------------------------------------------------------