Author: jleroux
Revision: 830112
Modified property: svn:log
Modified: svn:log at Tue Oct 27 10:15:40 2009
--- svn:log (original)
+++ svn:log Tue Oct 27 10:15:40 2009
@@ -5,10 +5,3 @@
* The other one is activated on mousemove, click or keypress events and removes the message in 2-3 seconds.
My patch comments out both timer and removes the message with 0.5s delay if the user clicks on the message box.
-[ Afficher ยป ]
-Bilgin Ibryam added a comment - 26/oct./09 12:09 PM Currently I see two timers for hiding the message:
- * One that is automatically started and removes the message in 7 seconds.
- * The other one is activated on mousemove, click or keypress events and removes the message in 2-3 seconds.
-My patch comments out both timer and removes the message with 0.5s delay if the user clicks on the message box.