> David,
> I finally did it.Here are the links :
> As I said it's an old machine (PIII 500MHz, 384Mo of RAM) and it's
> running 2
> instances of OFBiz (indeed 1 OFBiz and 1 Neogia) but it's OK for
> tests I
> believe.
> It is based on trunk (currently svn 5818), I might update it on a
> regular
> basis (daily I think).
> Tell me If you wish to use it, otherwise I will stop it.
> Jacques
>> Check out the Basic Production Setup Guide. This really should be one
>> of the first documents ALL OFBiz users should read...
>> -David
> On Jul 25, 2005, at 12:24 AM, Jacques Le Roux wrote:
>> David,
>> OK, I will try as soon as possible (I hope before end of august) to
>> have 2
>> OFBiz running on the same machine and after that I will let you
>> know about
>> it. It's an old machine (2000) but for some tests it's ok. This
>> OFBiz server
>> will be updated regularly. Please, is there somewhere a document
>> explaining
>> which ports must be changed on one of the 2 OFBiz for having 2
>> OFBiz running
>> on the same machine ?
>> Jacques
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "David E. Jones" <
[hidden email]>
>> To: "OFBiz Users / Usage Discussion" <
[hidden email]>
>> Sent: Monday, July 25, 2005 4:07 AM
>> Subject: Re: [OFBiz] Users - OFBiz (demo reference)
>>> The main OFBiz demo server is no longer available because I changed
>>> office space and in my new office I only have a single IP address
>>> available until the ISP decides to provide more options...
>>> If anyone is interested in hosting a demo server you are of course
>>> free to do so at any time, just let me know where it is running and
>>> I'll throw a link and credit on the ofbiz.org site.
>>> -David
>>> On Jul 24, 2005, at 10:59 AM, Jacques Le Roux wrote:
>>>> Hi all,
>>>> I think it was easier when we had 2 demo reference sites from
>>>> For at least 2 reasons :
>>>> 1) If a server was down the other was there
>>>> 2) The David's server was updated frequently (perhaps at each
>>>> commit ?)
>>>> I use sometimes demo reference servers to quickly verify a point
>>>> without having to update or when I am off of my office.
>>>> So my question : why only one server now ? If needed I can think
>>>> about offering an OFBiz demo server to the community...
>>>> Jacques
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