[OFBiz] Users - OrderEntry Website and Multiple Product Stores
Posted by
Kyle Tippetts on
Aug 08, 2005; 9:21pm
URL: http://ofbiz.116.s1.nabble.com/OFBiz-Users-OrderEntry-Website-and-Multiple-Product-Stores-tp135368.html
I just ran across something that's confusing me a bit; is it true that
the OrderEntry website can only be assigned to one Product Store? It
appears that this is the case -- here's what I've got. I'm running two
product stores out of a single OFBiz instance. I've got the OrderEntry
website assigned to the first product store. When I try to assign it to
the second Product Store, the original assignment to the first product
store disappears.
So, is the solution to this to create another OrderEntry website, and is
that simply a matter of creating a website definition and then assigning
it to the second product store? If not, what else do I need to do? I
apologize for the inane-sounding question, but I'm encountering this on
a production system, and I want to make sure I solve this quickly and
correctly the first time without any hiccups.
--Kyle Tippetts
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