Posted by
Jacopo Cappellato on
Aug 11, 2005; 6:12am
the patch is attached.
September 2004... a lot is changed since then in the order entry: good
luck! Probably you'll need to apply all the mods to the showcart.bsh: if
I well remember it was there that all the init was done.
Kyle Tippetts wrote:
> That's great. Can you tell me which files were involved with the patch?
> I'll download the latest SVN snapshot, but I'm going to need to try and
> patch my September 2004 production version as well, and I think it'd be
> better for me to just patch the specific class methods or whatever.
> Thanks for all your work on this. I really appreciate it.
> --Kyle
> On Wed, 2005-08-10 at 18:24 +0200, Jacopo Cappellato wrote:
>>Hi Kyle,
>>I've committed a patch (rev 5499) that should fix the bug: please, could
>>you do a few tests and let me know if everything is ok?
>>Kyle Tippetts wrote:
>>>I'm preparing to enter this as an issue in JIRA, since it appears that
>>>this doesn't work in the latest SVN version either. I just want to make
>>>sure that the behaviour I expect from the Order Entry Website is what's
>>>really supposed to happen.
>>>If I select a product store from the drop-down list on the first Order
>>>Entry page, I expect that the Browse Categories box should only show the
>>>Catalog Categories for the selected product store, and whatever order
>>>number is generated, it should include any Order Number Prefix that's
>>>been set up for the selected product store.
Author: jacopo
Date: 2005-08-10 11:21:02 -0500 (Wed, 10 Aug 2005)
New Revision: 5499
This patch will manage properly the session variables "productStoreId" and "CURRENT_CATALOG_ID" to avoid problems
in order entry when you switch from a product store to another. Thanks to Si Chen and David Jones for the help.
This will fix Jira issue OFBIZ-417.
Modified: trunk/applications/order/src/org/ofbiz/order/shoppingcart/
--- trunk/applications/order/src/org/ofbiz/order/shoppingcart/ 2005-08-10 13:58:49 UTC (rev 5498)
+++ trunk/applications/order/src/org/ofbiz/order/shoppingcart/ 2005-08-10 16:21:02 UTC (rev 5499)
@@ -526,6 +526,8 @@
+ session.removeAttribute("productStoreId");
+ session.removeAttribute("CURRENT_CATALOG_ID");
return "success";
@@ -873,6 +875,11 @@
String finalizeMode = (String)session.getAttribute("finalizeMode");
Locale locale = UtilHttp.getLocale(request);
+ String productStoreId = request.getParameter("productStoreId");
+ if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(productStoreId)) {
+ session.setAttribute("productStoreId", productStoreId);
+ }
ShoppingCart cart = getCartObject(request);
String orderMode = request.getParameter("orderMode");
@@ -885,7 +892,6 @@
// check the selected product store
- String productStoreId = request.getParameter("productStoreId");
GenericValue productStore = null;
if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(productStoreId)) {
productStore = ProductStoreWorker.getProductStore(productStoreId, delegator);
@@ -917,7 +923,7 @@
if (hasPermission) {
cart = ShoppingCartEvents.getCartObject(request, null, productStore.getString("defaultCurrencyUomId"));
} else {
- request.setAttribute("_ERROR_MESSAGE_", UtilProperties.getMessage(resource_error,"OrderYouDoNotHavePermissionToTakeOrdersForThisStore", locale));
+ request.setAttribute("_ERROR_MESSAGE_", UtilProperties.getMessage(resource_error,"OrderYouDoNotHavePermissionToTakeOrdersForThisStore", locale));
return "error";
@@ -929,7 +935,7 @@
if ("SALES_ORDER".equals(cart.getOrderType()) && UtilValidate.isEmpty(cart.getProductStoreId())) {
- request.setAttribute("_ERROR_MESSAGE_", UtilProperties.getMessage(resource_error,"OrderAProductStoreMustBeSelectedForASalesOrder", locale));
+ request.setAttribute("_ERROR_MESSAGE_", UtilProperties.getMessage(resource_error,"OrderAProductStoreMustBeSelectedForASalesOrder", locale));
return "error";
Modified: trunk/applications/order/webapp/ordermgr/WEB-INF/actions/entry/showcart.bsh
--- trunk/applications/order/webapp/ordermgr/WEB-INF/actions/entry/showcart.bsh 2005-08-10 13:58:49 UTC (rev 5498)
+++ trunk/applications/order/webapp/ordermgr/WEB-INF/actions/entry/showcart.bsh 2005-08-10 16:21:02 UTC (rev 5499)
@@ -37,6 +37,10 @@
+// Just in case we are here from the choosecatalog form, the
+// following call will save in the session the new catalogId
// Get the Cart and Prepare Size
shoppingCart = ShoppingCartEvents.getCartObject(request);
context.put("shoppingCartSize", shoppingCart.size());
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