Posted by
David E. Jones on
Aug 26, 2005; 7:37pm
You can run both in the same instance. The easiest way to do this is
to add the POS UI container (copied from pos-containers.xml) to the
default container file, ofbiz-containers.xml.
That way you have a single Java instance. Running it in 2 Java
instances is fine too, just not as efficient because (depending on
your JVM) Java won't be able to share resources that are sharable,
like jar file in memory and such.
On Aug 26, 2005, at 12:29 PM, Jacques Le Roux wrote:
> From the wiki (
> page=PointOfSaleSystem)
> I read
> How to run the POS terminal at the same time as an instance of
> OFBiz on the same machine? It's a real pain shuting down POS and
> starting OFBiz and vice-versa to make changes!
> You must launch 2 instances with differents port numbers. I did not
> did it yet but I think it's the only way. Jacques Le Roux 18/5/5
> Success, just needed to turn off the BeanShell ports in the ofbiz-
> containers.xml file. I haven't tried but you might be able to
> overide this port on the command line, in which case you should be
> able to continue to run the BeanShell access on different ports.
> Ray Barlow 25/05/05
> I just tried Ray advice and yes it works !
> My answer (18/5/5) was founded upon answers I had from David Andy
> and a document written by Yannick Thebault
> idNameArticle=deployLiPo&idNameSubHeading=technicsInfra&idNameHeading=
> technicsM (see Change ofbiz admin port)
> So my question : it works but is it safe ? No problem with DB
> access (I personnaly use PostGres) ?, etc.
> This is very interesting because I want to use this feature (both
> running on same DB) as a marketing argument with retailers, you see ?
> Jacques
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