Hey Jacques you may wish to subscribe to
the RSS feed. That is how I learn of all the page changes on the site.
The feed is available is at http://ofbizwiki1.go-integral.com/rss.rdf
Hope that helps.
Steve Hawkins
Project Manager
Integral Business Solutions
651-631-3144 -
651-631-2544 - Fax
651-259-1010 - Direct
612-817-3584 - Cell
[hidden email] [mailto:[hidden email]] On Behalf Of Jacques Le Roux
Sent: Sunday, August 28, 2005
12:57 AM
To: [hidden email]
Subject: [OFBiz] Users - Wiki
Something is really missing in the wiki. You can't be be
told that a page you are interested on has changed...
For example here is a (real) message to Ray (it's also on
the wiki)
>Ray Barlow 13/07/05
>Attached is the document we have written for users of the POS system (Till
Manual_V1_7). It may be a little bit specific to us in areas and it does have a
little customisation i.e. we have added two functional >buttons that we
thought useful, you can see them on the screenshots.\\
>2) - (minus) : We use this for quantity corrections, price mods
>Happy to provide a patch for those two buttons if others
are interested, although may wait until other i18n changes have gone through
Great Ray,
I will have a look at Till manual. Maybe you can submit your
patch in Jira and I will see for i18n interactions or problem, etc. I will look
this week for the Enter key problem on Windows...
Jacques Le Roux 28/8/5
Is there a hope that the wiki may enhanced to add this
feature (send an email when the page changes) ?
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