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[OFBiz] Users - need your help

Posted by Arash Kaffamanesh on Aug 30, 2005; 5:33pm
URL: http://ofbiz.116.s1.nabble.com/OFBiz-Users-need-your-help-tp135713.html

Hi all,
for one of the prospective clients of OFbiz Paltform I have to meet some basic decisions before I go on with the deployment and Installation of the staging / prototyping platform.
Here are some of my questions:
1. First of all I have to know if some production installations are running on ORACLE 9.2 / 10g?
2. Is Tomcat 5.5 and Java 5 allready supported?
3. Is there any other Solution Providers in Germany / Switzerland, Austria or UK, which support OFBiz Development, beside those listed on http://www.ofbiz.de/?
4. Does any company offer OFBiz ASP service (Deployment, Administration and Maintanance)?
5. are any clustered tomcat installations with loadbalancing and failover technic in production use?
Thanks for possible hints.
Kind Regards,

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