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Re: [OFBiz] Users - Multiple Companies?

Posted by Si Chen-2 on Aug 30, 2005; 9:31pm
URL: http://ofbiz.116.s1.nabble.com/OFBiz-Users-Multiple-Companies-tp135739p135744.html

Andrew - That's impressive.  I've always thought that could be done but
never tried it.

Did you have to create different dispatchers as well?  What about the
catalog and order manager?  Did you have to create multiple instances of
those and link them each to their own delegator and dispatcher?

Rohit - No, I've never installed OFBiz inside another app server.

Andrew Sykes wrote:

>You can run multiple instances of everything, i.e. completely separate
>installations on the same server by simply creating additional
>delegators for each. Then associate the webapp with the relavant
>delegator (in web.xml)
>We have an install with 8 delegators running in the one OfBiz.
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